Rumors concerning the legitimacy of Barack Obama’s U.S. birth certificate have refused to go away. In 2017 a five-year study resulted in forensic researchers claiming there are “10 features” that prove Obama’s Hawaiian document is a forgery.
Now Malik Obama is dropping truth bombs and documents proving his younger brother Barack Obama was born in Nairobi, Kenya and was thus a fake and illegitimate president.

Malik says everybody in the Obama family calls Barack “Fake ass” and has a major truth bomb to drop about Michelle Obama too. Malik’s revelations come at the same time as Columbia University graduates, who were supposedly in the same class as Barack Obama, admit they have no memory of him at all.
At this point we have to ask, is there anything real about America’s first black president – or is he a total fraud? Are Barack and Michelle Obama the biggest con jobs in history?
Before we dive in, make sure you subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already, and join the People’s Voice Locals community to support the channel and gain access to uncensored videos.
Malik Obama has a history of dropping truth bombs about his family on Twitter. On Tuesday he posted a few highly incriminating documents from his brother’s Kenyan history, proving that the history we have been told about Obama is a total lie.
These are documents taken from the Obama family home in Kenya that the CIA agents who carefully crafted Obama’s identity are desperate for you not to see.
Malik Obama, who announced his support for Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election, is estranged from his younger brother, complaining the he distanced himself from his family during his second term in office.
Since then Malik has used Twitter to support Trump and release embarrassing information about his younger brother, however the publication of Barack Obama’s alleged Kenyan birth certificate is by far the most damaging to date.
The birth certificate, issued by the British Protectorate of Kenya, states that Barack Hussein Obama II was born on the 4th of August 1961 in the Coast Province General Hospital in Mombassa, Kenya.
The revelation threatens to delegitimize his brother’s presidency and expose the greatest lie of our era.
But it gets even worse for the Obamas. Malik is also determined to reveal the truth about his sister-in-law, the Democrat darling Michelle Obama, whom Malik claims is not really his sister-in-law at all. According to Malik, Michelle Obama is a man, and she has political ambitions that he is determined to blow up by revealing the truth about her.

Malik’s claims are supported by official government documents.
Former First Lady Michelle Obama was registered to vote as a man from 1994 until 2008, according to official documents obtained from the Illinois State Board of Elections. The official documents also reveal Obama officially changed her Sex to female in 2008, the same year her husband was running for the presidency.
We made a whole video about these damning records which were obtained by FOIA request.
The official documents were obtained from the state of Illinois by documentary filmmaker Joel Gilbert who explains that he decided to “take a serious approach” to learning about Michelle Obama’s background because the mainstream media refuses to touch the topic.
But he didn’t expect to find proof that she registered to vote as a man for fourteen years.
Gilbert was stunned when he received Michelle Obama’s official voter registration cards from 1994 and 2008. Describing the process of unraveling Michelle Obama’s “changing sexual identity,” Gilbert writes:
“Having recently obtained official documents from the state of Illinois, here is what I can say with assurance: I found proof in official documents that Michelle Obama registered to vote as a man in 1994. I also have official proof that, after 14 years of voting as a man, Michelle Obama changed her sex in 2008 from male to female. This is not more social media silliness, this is fact. I obtained the documents from the Illinois State Board of Elections only last week. Here is Michelle Obama’s official voter registration card from 1994 when she registered to vote as a man. The letter M is circled under Sex.“

“Then, on July 14, 2008, with her husband about to be nominated by the Democrats for the presidency, she changed her sex from male to female.“

Since the early days of the Obama administration, citizens across the board have studied videos and photos of Michelle Obama and said that she is a man.
In 2014, comedienne Joan Rivers fueled both rumors in responding to a TMZ reporter who innocently asked her whether the U.S. would ever elect a gay president.
“We already have it with Obama, so let’s just calm down,” said Rivers, before adding, “You know Michelle is a tranny.” When asked to clarify her remark, she articulated slowly, “A trans-gen-der. We all know.”
Rivers’ comments fuelled social media postings of photos suggesting Michelle is really a man, and close-up slow-motion videos of her dancing on The Ellen DeGeneres Show purporting to show something lurking in her pants.
Less than two months later, Rivers died as a result of what was supposed to be a minor throat procedure.
Who is Barack Obama?
Barack Obama’s birth certificate and the real nature of his marriage aren’t the only controversies threatening to blow up in the former president’s face and expose a lifetime of lies. Classmates of his Columbia ’83 Political Science graduating class are now admitting the former president did not attend the university, despite Obama’s official backstory stating that he earned his degree at the prestigious school.
Wayne Allyn Root, a Columbia graduate from that class, says he has asked his classmates if they have any memory of Barack, and none of them have a single memory of the future president during their four years at Columbia.
“I asked every classmate I met at our 30th reunion, many of them Political Science majors, if they ever met, or saw, or heard of Obama. The answer was a resounding NO from every one of them. I asked if they found this strange, or worried how this was possible? They all answered YES.
“I asked if they thought it was possible to be a Political Science major and never meet a fellow major in our small classes? They all gave me a very strange look and answered NO. So I asked, “How could this be possible? Can you explain this?” No one had an answer.”
Wayne Allyn Root describes himself as a Democrat who voted for the former President both times. He doesn’t have an axe to grind, and neither do his classmates, as he explains:
“Keep in mind these people I spoke to are all- to a man and woman- dedicated liberal Democrats who voted for Obama. I’m guessing 90% are major Democrat contributors. My Columbia classmates are the crème of the crop of American society. Lawyers, doctors, billionaire hedge fund members, stars of the media. They adore Obama. But they all admit they never met him in their four years at Columbia.”
“No one ever met him. Even worse, no one even remembers seeing that unique memorable face. Think about this for a minute. Our classmate is President of the United States. Shouldn’t someone remember him? Or at least claim to remember him?“
Fake News: Issues of Identity (2 August 2020): Short takes on Lee Oswald, Noah Pozner, Paul McCartney, Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama and (even) Kamala Harris
Columbia professors also have their doubts about Obama’s claims to have attended the Ivy League institution:
“One classmate told me he was present when one of the most honored professors in Columbia University history gave a speech to alumni a couple of years ago. The speech was followed by Q&A. This beloved professor was asked about Obama at Columbia. He said, ‘I have my doubts about the story.’ The crowd was stunned. He immediately went onto the next question and never elaborated.”
So who is Barack Obama? His older brother claims the president has been lying about everything including where he was born. His supposed former classmates claim he didn’t attend Columbia University. The man is a carefully constructed fake, designed to inflict maximum damage on America and the free world.
And according to Barack Obama’s own family, his wife, Michelle, is actually a man. Where does the deception end?
For years, we have been reporting on the gender-blurring agenda which is based on the assertion that genders are social constructs. That same agenda claims that toddlers can make the life-altering decision of switching genders while promoting the usage of extreme drugs such as hormone-blockers. That same agenda is also creeping into elementary school curricula because “they” know that indoctrination must happen at a young age to permanently affect the psyche.
Here at the People’s Voice we are determined to continue exposing the agenda of the globalist elite. Make sure to subscribe to the channel for more news the mainstream media deems unfit to print and join the People’s Voice Locals community to support the channel. We need your help to spread the message far and wide.
Dear Mr Bill,
Your ability to locate so quickly the most recent video by Ms Bella, after you take time and trouble to view her hypothesis and question, would you mind asking her if and when she intends to metamorphosize her striptease or exotic dancingtalent after running away from home at 14 due to abuse by enrolling in a school for Eurythmy, preferably in a German-speaking region (Stuttgart might be best for Ms Bella as it is ♍) which simultaneously would enhance her German language proficiency, and if she would please meditate on the copy of Prof Fetzer’s natal horoscope to advise our beloved patriot on his endangered health perhaps detrimentally influenced by psychic weight of debt of fine due to that court decision? Ms Bella needs to study both lecture cycles Eurythmy as visible speech/song.
I have no interest.
Dear Mr Bill,
I don’t think you could recommend yourself as somebody who knows to say anything deep about either?
Dear Mr Bill,
I forgot if a word is put between arrows here instead of quotation marks, both the arrows and the word disapper. So please correct
my reply to your comment about yourself that you have no interest by completion:
I doubt you can recommend yourself as somebody who knows anything deep to say concerning what interest is, either.
Blah, blah, blah.
Dear Mr Bill,
How old are you?
Peter…”how old are you”…..Answer: 78 soon….and old enough to respect and and not further engage with someone who has said they are “not interested” and also old enough and respectful enough to not engage that person with a “snarky” remark because they did not choose to engage in a subject in which they have no interest. Initially, I provided that link to Sloan Bella as a courtesy to my fellow bloggers. Again, beyond that, I have no interest in her ramblings or any subsequent links. Get it?
Btw, one might consider using the reply button correctly so any reply to a comment is conveniently placed under that comment and does not have to be searched for or discovered by accident. Toot-a-loo.
Dear Mr Bill,
You describe yourself as courteous since you provided a link to where Sloan Bella presented a hypothesis which correlates to a theme discussed here as well as a question to a possible implicit consequence of trangender surgery, Nobody asked for this link because if anybody wanted to find her You Tube video it would be easy. I’m sure you are a nice old gentleman but fear you are too old to learn Rudolf Steiner’s method of soul observation.
” I’m sure you are a nice old gentleman but fear you are too old to learn Rudolf Steiner’s method of soul observation.”
Patronize much?
Dear Mr Bill,
Here’s the completion:
Rudolf Steiner’s method of soul observation according to natural scientific method.
Good luck with the time on Earth which remains to you in this incarnation!
The whistleblower who calls herself Jessie Czebotar from Wisconsin and Chicagoland claims to somehow know Barack Obama has succeeded George Soros, the great Karl Popper “Open Society” advocate, as chief warlock of the Satanic Illuminati organization in North America. Ms Czebotar also claims to have visited a deep underground military base beneath Chicago, the same town where Harvard carpetbagger Barry met Michelle in the law firm whefe both worked, but also Barry was also hired to instruct constitutional law at the private elite university originally called Rockefeller after its East Coast founder by native Chicagoans, whose contemporaries immediately recognize her father’s job at the city waste water purification to require effective Democrat Party precinct captain status.
Why is the question of who remembers having encountered Barry Soetero or Obama at Columbia put but undiscussed if there existed any obligation to be present which depends on internal university rules.
For example at the University of Basel in humanities are many courses which require students to sign a list for each session which proves bis or her presence, whereas Albertus-Magnus-Universität in Freiburg i. Br. Germany has many courses in humanities without presence obligation, instead submission of written work is required. Both universities belong to Eucor and Erasmus.
Did this student not transfer from Occidental College to Columbia College and was accepted at Harvard Law where he held Review editorial office?
Why is it important if Barry was present at courses or not?
Why did Barry immatriculate at Columbia?
Because it all appears to be fake: ALL OF IT! I very much doubt that any of it is true. If anyone remembered him, that would suggest MAYBE that part might be true. We do have (what appears to be) a Columbia Student ID identifying him as a “Foreign Student”. Either way, it contradicts the DNC narrative.
Dear Jim,
If Andrew Basiago is right, the CIA arranged for Barry’s admission to Columbia. If Barry attended classes or not is only interesting for classmates who are sad they can’t brag about sitting next to him in class or drinking a Bud light with him in a nearby Upper West Side bar (in NY 18 years old suffices).
Otherwise only Harvard Law admissions prefers to admit successful students. Maybe Columbia looked better than Occidental on his application to Harvard?
PS: If the Democratic National Committee provides an Obama CV which includes study at Columbia, maybe you might ask them for their source? Why don’t you ask Harvard Law admissions for a copy of Barry’s application and Occidental College for a copy of the transcript of its student sent to Columbia?
Peter, the cover up regarding Obama is extensive and his records have been thoroughly burnished. Nothing in America is simple any more because most of our recent history is based upon deception and fraud. It’s disgusting!
Dear Jim,
I admire very much your achievement as researcher of evil and am convinced you are fulfilling your destiny as human being on Earth and shaping your own and mankind’s future by these efforts far more than you now imagine.
If you think the situation is disgusting now, you might consider how the future in this century will look, for instance with development of artificial intelligence and banning of individual thinking?
PS: In my own words Rudolf Steiner as spiritual scientist objects to Goethe’s Mephisto in “Faust” because Goethe failed to differentiate two supersensible entities from each other which Steiner refers to as “Lucifer” and “Ahriman”. Later Steiner spoke of a third group of entities he calls “Asuras”.
From the photos I’ve seen it appears that Michael is an intact male. Maybe he just wears a padded bra and a wig. Who knows really? I thought Michael’s doctor had something to say about it. There’s just a lot of things that don’t add up about Barry and his alleged family. As for Michael, I really don’t know, but there is a lot of reason for suspicion. Does the public really want a 4th Obama term?
Here’s a self-acknowledged transperson:
NO. Michelle has BREAST IMPLANTS! How could you miss it? Obama was ECSTATIC at how great “she” looked with her breast implants. And I am struck how Don begs the question by claiming photos showing that Michelle has a package most women do not are “photoshopped”! I know of none. So, Don, what is your proof? Sorry to say, but that’s what I would expect of an Obama shill: ignore the evidence, attempt to discount it, and (when all else fails) claim it’s FAKE. (Of course, I am not suggesting you ARE an “Obama shill”, only that you any acting like one! So give us some proof you have.
ALL of Michelle’s doctors Internet writings have been scrubbed from the Internet. Plus, Michelle’s biobooks contain her many lies. I can’t stand either Michelle or Barack.
That naked photo of Michelle’s back shows it to be barely developed. To me it looks like a typical female back.
Astounding! You think “a typical female back” resembles that of Mike Tyson? I am dumbfounded. Your views on this issue baffle me. It is as though we were not even looking at the same evidence. You have watched “Fake News: Issues of Identity”, which I embedded in that article? and you still think this is a woman?
Michelle’s back show her shoulder blades which are very typical of all females. Tyson’s back ripples with muscles which do not appear on Michelle’s back. Yes, Michelle is female.
Don, I have no idea what females you are around, but in almost 78 years I have never seen a woman’s back showing that musculature unless they were a weightlifter or other extreme athlete.
Jim, I don’t question that there is evidence of Michelle Obama”s “maleness”. But there is also a lot of subterfuge out there. For example, I was curious about the Oregon State connection, but when examining the OSU roster for several years during the 1980’s (and especially 1982, when the alleged football participation occurred), I could not find any “Michael Robinson”. I did not pursue whether the name was scrubbed after-the-fact, but I welcome any proof positive of the Oregon State connection. (Potentially photo-shopped pictures are not enough.)
As to the voter registration form, we all make spelling errors; but, never in my lifetime have I printed my name wrong. It just doesn ‘t seem plausible that a person misspells one’s own name in a legal document.
There is no “misspelling”: Obama, Michelle. Where do you come up with that one? And setting Oregon State aside as perhaps mistaken, how do you account for “Michelle” having a package most women do not have and having let her beard grow when her husband was no longer President? Seriously?
Dear Mr de Berg,
If the voting record in Chicago is for Michelle, why do you look for Michael
in Oregon?
You have to wonder why the Democrats were pushing so hard for transgendered biological males to be allowed to use women’s restrooms during Barry’s term. It seems like a small number of people, and there were other more pressing national concerns.
Before any of this was known I found it strange the way Barry was lauding over Michael/Michelle at the Inaugural Ball. I didn’t think was normal for a husband to act that way toward his wife. It was if Barry was indicating that Michael look great as a woman, not that as a woman, she looked great in the gown she was wearing. Of course at the time I had no idea that “Michelle” was actually a biological male.
Barry’s birth certificate was always suspect. I was able to get a replacement birth certificate for my pass port application in about 20 minutes at the Colorado Bureau of Records. It certainly seems odd that the Governor of the State of Hawaii would have to intervene to help Barry with his “birth cerificate problem”
It ended up the Governor knew enough people in the state that he was able to provide Barry with an actual birth certificate that could be used for the forgery.
My believe is that Frank Marshall Davis is Barry’s biological father, and that Barack Obama the alleged Kenyan father was tricked into believing he was the father. Even Barry’s mother may not have known at the time as in all probability she was have sex with both men during the time period she became pregnant. I think Davis was smart enough to ditch himself out of the relationship, or maybe Barry’s mother simply preferred the Kenyan. What we do know is the facial resemblance of Obama the president to that of Davis is most remarkable whereas Obama the president bears no resemblance whatsoever to the Kenyan.
The author needs to be careful when making some of these claims. Wayne Madsen did an excellent job in his “Manufacturing of the President” to expose Obama’s family as CIA and conclude his real father was Franklin Marshall Davis. Because of that fact, Obama’s birth certificate may indeed by suspect, although Madsen accepts that Obama was born in the USA. As for Michelle Obama, there have been many suggestions over the years concerning her “maleness”, but the voter ID shown in the article actually misspells her legal maiden name (Michelle LaVaughn Robinson) as “Robison”. That’s a potential red flag.
William, you are totally correct. points out that the photos of Michelle that make her look like a male are crude hit jobs of phoptoshop and are a complete fraud.
File: many photos of Michelle from google images….there are thousands more.
This is incredible. I have documented “Michelle” from her playing days as Michael Lavon Robinson at Oregon State to her appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres’ Show, where you can clearly see her “swinging dick”. I am flabbergasted that you would allow yourself to be played. Check out “Fake News: Issues of Identity” (2 August 2020),, and “Deception Galore”, False Flags & Conspiracies Conference 2020 (5 December 2020), which you can download to your own desktop here:
What’s amazing to me is that transgenderism is being pushed big time even into primary school, and the Democrats from Obama’s presidency are obsessed with promoting it as being something normal. There are many transpeople and queers within the undemocratic illegitimate Biden administration. Budweiser is pushing transbeer with Clydesdale gelding urine as a suspected dilute ingredient, mostly because of the taste. It’s more likely that Michael is male than Michelle is female.
So if I render the spelling “LaVon” rather than “LaVaughn” Robinson, that’s also “a red flag”? Look at the proof I have amassed and do your best to refute it. I am open on the question of Obama’s true father, but there’s no room for doubt that “Michelle” is a man.
Fact checkers (for example, “politifact”) are notoriously biased.
Jim, I don’t question that there is evidence of Michelle Obama”s “maleness”. But there is also a lot of subterfuge out there. For example, I was curious about the Oregon State connection, but when examining the OSU roster for several years during the 1980’s (and especially 1982, when the alleged football participation occurred), I could not find any “Michael Robinson”. I did not pursue whether the name was scrubbed after-the-fact, but I welcome any proof positive of the Oregon State connection. (Potentially photo-shopped pictures are not enough.)
As to the voter registration form, we all make spelling errors; but, never in my lifetime have I printed my name wrong. It just doesn ‘t seem plausible that a person misspells one’s own name in a legal document.
There is not the slightest doubt in my mind that the Obama birth certificate posted on is a forgery. There is also virtually no doubt that Barry is a homosexual just like Buttplug Pete.
Well Bill, that’s nothing, I’ve been called every name in the book from nut job, kook, goofy, idiot, dumbbell, uninformed freak to total jerk.
Have you ever been called any names?
“April 18, 2023 at 4:44 pm
Well Bill, that’s nothing, I’ve been called every name in the book from nut job, kook, goofy, idiot, dumbbell, uninformed freak to total jerk.
Have you ever been called any names?”
Don, I have no idea to what this comment refers…is it in the right place?
William de Berg makes some good arguments, but looking at the bigger picture of how dishonest the undemocratic Democrats are on many issues, things just don’t add up when it comes to Obama. It’s like demented Joe’s alleged 81.000,000 votes. My experience with Jim is that at outset of many issues I’ve thought he was somewhat of a loon, only to learn in the end that he is spot on. Democrats plan their psy-ops years in advance. If they want to put a transgender person into the presidency at some point in future they start working on it years in advance. First you make using the wrong public restroom acceptable. Then you place prominent transgenders and admitted homosexuals into high government positions. You start to groom little children into believing they were born the wrong sex. You allow men to compete as women in women’s sports. Finally you put a black transgender into the Whitehouse in yet another rigged election. There is so much gender confusion going on, it’s more logical to believe Michelle is a male than to believe Michael is a female. But like everything else, the average Joe will buy into and accept the obvious fraud. Black riots are peaceful protests, a demonstration against election fraud is an “insurrection”. War when waged by the US spreads democracy, but when Russia engages in a peace keeping mission and holds elections, the results are unacceptable. Diplomacy is ignored, and more weapons are seen as the only solution, particularly by anti-gun undemocratic Democrats. Jim taught critical thinking and logic. He can put two and tow together and come up with four.
C’mon, GRB, doncha know it’s now racist and white supremacy to say that 2 + 2 = 4….I’m reporting you to SLAM (Society to Lower the American Mind) Now get with it, please!
Bill not woke in Ebonic spellen. Don’t be tellin’ me dat I can’t talk good cuz I riten Ebonics.
…and here are some examples of all the damage those WHITE supremacists are doing:
There is simply no solid evidence that Michelle is a male. The people that believe she’s a tranny are deluded and believe that their fantasies are real.
Someone posted on this blog a photo that they say is a bearded Michelle that looks NOTHING like Michelle….not even slightly.
The Photos shown in the inserted video are photoshopped hit jobs. Here are actual photos of Michelle… fraud involved.
Do YOU have evidence of the pics in the video being photo-shopped? How would I know the pics YOU present are not photo-shopped? In any case, deep fake tech now pretty much voids any photo evidence for or against your idea. Much of Fetz’s evidence goes beyond photos and videos.
The several thousands of an obvious female appearing Michelle on google images vs. a small handful of proven photoshopped pictures of a bearded Michelle do not convince me Michelle is male. If there were thousands of images of even a slightly beardy Michelle, I might change my mind.
This is why I am tired of replying on this topic. Several medical doctors have posted that Michelle has extra DNA which is the reason for her broad shoulders and tall stature…these articles have all been scrubbed and no longer on the Internet.
YOU ARE TAKING THE CLAIM OF “EXTRA DNA” SERIOUSLY? I don’t want to insult you, Don, but that’s about as dumb as it gets.
They are doing their best to suppress this and yet you expect there to be “several thousand” photos of “Michelle” with a beard? Anyone who thinks that has lost their grasp on reality. This raises doubts about your reasoning ability. I am floored.
Kinda strange remark, Don…were you not the one who said Trump relies on doctors opinions too much…..yet here you are using them to “validate” your argument?
Jim posted a side by side photo of Michelle and Tyson. How/why these two people compare is a total mystery to me. One on the left looks like a female [Michelle] and the right one looks like a male [Tyson]. What’s the point of this photo? Please explain.
Ref: 4/19 at 10:37
Her back and build are as impressive as those of Mike Tyson! Are you being coy? I don’t think there’s much of a mystery here. Surprised you would ask.
Now I can add ”dumb” to the list of names I’ve been called.
I guess that now I can just forget the many Internet articles that have been scrubbed.
Don, maybe you can indicate where you were called “dumb”…I guess I missed it.
Don’t give up your day job for a place on the debate team….just some friendly advice.
OK, Don…now I see where you think you were being called dumb. BUT, it was really not a personal attack. I read it more as if Jim was calling that statement “dumb” and not YOU. In any case, don’t take it all too personal….it’s a debate and a blog. ….better to just let this stuff roll off your back.
Thanks for your reply Jim…always appreciated.
Tyson’s back is very developed….Michelle’s back is typical of females. I take the now scrubbed reports of Michelle’s extra DNA very seriously. Extra DNA for a female can be life changing for a female….it usually renders them infertile [unable to be pregnant.]
That’s why they have the two “borrowed” daughters. As we know, the two ”borrowed daughters” are the offspring of her female doctor [Blanchard] and her financial advisor husband [Nesbitt]….these ”daughters] even look like them.
[ Dr. Blanchard is an obstetrician and gynecologist who delivered the president’s daughters, Malia and Sasha. She is married to Marty Nesbitt who also is part of the Obamas’ inner circle.] that sentence is a piece of partial misinformation from the Hawaii Star Advertiser.
How do you know what is actual, and what isn’t? One of your pictures looks like Michael’s adult face pasted on a younger body and the other one looks like young Barry sporting an Afro.
If the article is about Barack Obama’s birthplace whilst certain comments here are presented as results of research about Barack Obama’s immatriculation at Columbia College, yet why is his transfer from Occidental College not considered? When at Occidental or Columbia did this student change his surname from Soetero back to Obama? After many years with only male members, Occidental instructor in German Virginia Sease was “co-opted” by the Board of Directors of the Anthroposophical Society, yet in 31 years this woman did nothing whatsoever to correct the incompetent English translations by fake “Anthroposophists” of Rudolf Steiner’s epistemological writings.
Andrew Basiago asserts CIA arranged Barry Soetoro’s Columbia College transfer from Occidental.
Sloan Bella at the conclusion of her You Tube video yesterday announced she is convinced the mainstream propaganda for transgender – such as so many contracts with Dylan who now appears as woman – is calculated preparation by the Powers-that-be of the U.S. population for Michelle Obama’s candidacy for President.
Sloan Bella also asks if such persons who undergo transgender surgery necessarily can no longer experience sexual orgasm?
Peter 1:46…4/21….here’s the link to that psychic Stella: