“‘It’s easier to fool a man than to convince him he’s been fooled”–attributed to Mark Twain
Dear Classmates,
Now that Drayton has presented his class lecture on the importance of character, “Character Matters”, I write to make a final plea as to whether the Class of ’62 has any character. The very idea that Tom Dunn, a real estate lawyer who appears to have no grasp of the principle, “Innocent until Proven Guilty” or of standards of proof (since I have refuted the claim that somebody died at Sandy Hook, including evidence from participants in the FEMA drill who were declared to be dead, “Emilie Parker” and “Victoria Soto”), I am at a loss as to where my own classmates stand. (Incidentally, not one of you has written back one way or the other and my request of Drayton to poll our members about this may have been missent. Please be sure that Drayton, the former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, receives this message.)
In case no one has noticed, none of my books in conspiracy research–4 on JFK, 2 on 9/11, 1 (co-authored) on Wellstone, and the rest on Sandy Hook, the Boston marathon bombing, Orlando and Dallas, Charlottesville, Parkland, and (even) the moon landing–were solely authored by me. On the contrary, I have pioneered collaborative research on the most complex and controversial events of our time by bringing together collections of experts to sort things out, which as the case of 9/11 so clearly illustrates, requires the expertise of civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, and (even) aeronautical engineers to get things straight. Some of our findings have been on the extraordinary side. Here I shall illustrate a few of our most striking discoveries:

With 11 contributors, we established that the 19 Islamic terrorists were patsies, that Osama bin Laden was an officer in the CIA (who died in 2001 in Afghanistan, by the way, only to be resurrected by Obama to die again in Pakistan), that two of the planes (Flights 11 and 77) were not even in the air that day, that the other two (Flights 93 and 175) were still in the air after having officially crashed in Shanksville or hit the South Tower), that the Twin Towers did not collapse but were destroyed by mini nukes in the sub basements (which destroyed the inner tube from the bottom up and the outer from the top down), and that it was an Israeli/Mossad op to create a pretext for the US to become militarily involved in the Middle East and take down the governments of 7 countries in the next 5 years–an agenda Israel currently seeks to complete.

With 12 contributors, we established that Lee Oswald was in the doorway of the Book Depository at the time the JFK motorcade passed by (and therefore not only cannot be “the lone demented gunman” but not even one of the 8 shooters there that day), that the backyard photos and other evidence implicating him was fabricated or faked, that the plot originated in Los Angeles when LBJ lost to JFK for the DNC nomination and forced himself on the ticket (to accede to the Presidency when Jack was taken out), that there are 15 indications of Secret
Service complicity in setting him up for the hit and covering it up, including forcibly removing the body from Parkland Hospital to put it under military control, that autopsy X-rays were altered, another man’s brain was substituted, and that the home movies were extensively edited to remove proof of the true causes of his death (hit 5 times, including 3 times in the head).

With 15 contributors, we established that the moon landings were faked, that we did not have the propulsion power to escape low Earth orbit, that the computer said to have navigated was not even functional, that it would have been impossible to transit the Van Allen Radiation Belt, and much more. Of the 6 books I’ve edited banned by
amazon.com–on Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing, Orlando and Dallas, Parkland, Charlottesville, and the Moon landing–5 appear to have been at the request of the US government (to suppress proof these were staged events) but the last because it has a section exposing the Holocaust as
a mass illusion rather than an historical fact at the behest of the ADL. One of the contributors, Nicholas Kollerstrom, Ph.D., has a book,
Breaking the Spell (2014), to which
I contributed the introduction. I liked his photo of the British soccer team at Auschwitz so much that I placed it on the back cover.

With 13 contributors, including 6 Ph.D.s, we established that the school had been closed by 2008, that there were no students or teachers there, and that it had been a FEMA drill presented as mass murder to promote gun control. Residents of Newtown who participated in the drill LOVE THE BOOK because it’s honest, unlike the hokum that has spread across the internet, most recently with the
reversal of the fake “auction” of Alex Jones’ Inforwars.com. Not to belabor the point, but the school was actually closed in 2006; it was not even an elementary school but a “special needs” school; and Eric Holder offered Newtown $114,000,000 to participate in an event intended to illustrate what could happen if we don’t take guns away from the American people, which I only learned from two of the crisis actors cast in the event (involuntarily by their mothers), and who, as a consequence, did not sign the non-disclosure agreements signed by the others. The scam continues to rake in donations to the order of around $1,000,000 per month and participants continue to receive fringe benefits, such as paying no taxes and free college tuition.
You can download
the redacted edition of Nobody Died at Sandy Hook: It was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control (2024) from my blog and check it out for yourselves. I must admit to being dumbfounded that my own classmates would support blackballing me from presenting a Class of ’62 Lecture on the basis of hearsay evidence that purportedly shows somebody died at Sandy Hook! HEARSAY! Just ask yourself, what is more likely? That Jim Fetzer and 5 other Ph.D.s together with 8 other experts could not establish that the school was closed by 2008 and that there were no students or teachers there–and publish their findings!–or that an anonymous source should contradict their research, especially when it has been
confirmed in spades by PARTICIPANTS IN THE EVENT THEMSELVES! Should this stand–especially when I have agreed to step aside should the anonymous allegation prove to be true–I would be forced to conclude that my own ’62 Classmates lack integrity or courage or the moral character to do the right thing. And that the very idea of “
Princeton in the
Service” turns out to be hollow with regard to members of my own class.
Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is Distinguished McKnight University Professor Emeritus on the Duluth Campus of the University of Minnesota.
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While I may disagree with you on a few points, Jim, you are overall spot on and your individual and collaborative works have been important testaments to historical truth and products of great courage.
Having graduated from an Ivy League university myself, I can attest that Ivy League grads are some of the least informed in society about the nefarious deeds of our elites. For one, they believe and work in the system, which in turn profits them, and many are actually key players in the misinformation campaigns of the Federal government and media. They also are taught by professors who nowadays promote the same woke agendas and societal divisions that the elites use to divide the common men and women of this nation in the means of controlling us. Finally, when over 95% of faculty and admnistrators are of the same political persuasion, groupthink begins to steamroll dissenting views, creating heretics out of truth-seekers. As a personal example, I offered to write a posthumous article for the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine on Gonzalo Lira, a Dartmouth graduate and hero to millions around the world for his journalism. He was shunned during and after his time at the university–in the latter case, merely for speaking truth to power on the subject of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict–and was disgracefully left by our government to rot and then die in a Ukrainian prison. In the end, the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine completely ignored my request to honor one of the university’s more famous alumni.