Gordon Duff, The 19th Century Restorationalism — The Construction of Chaos through Malthusianism, Eugenics, and Imperial Geopolitics

By Gordon Duff for TID Iceland: Real History

Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction: The Threat of Class Consciousness
    • The rise of labor movements and Marxism
    • How elites feared workers uniting across racial and national lines
    • The need to redirect economic struggles into ethnic and religious conflict
  3. The Engineering of Racial and Ethnic Divisions to Prevent Marxist Solidarity
    • Malthusianism, eugenics, and manufactured racial hierarchy
    • The British “divide-and-conquer” strategy in India, Africa, and Ireland
    • Ethnic tensions in America: Nativism, Chinese exclusion, and anti-Black policies
  4. Zionism and the Reinvention of Jewish Identity as a Political Tool
    • The fabrication of the Rhineland Hypothesis to serve imperial strategy
    • Zionism as an Anglo-American geopolitical project, not a Jewish movement
    • The Khazar origins of Ashkenazi Jews and the suppression of historical truth
    • Jewish banking families: Financial empowerment and engineered scapegoating
  5. Financial Cartels and the Perpetuation of War
    • The role of banking dynasties (Rothschilds, Morgans, Warburgs) in funding wars
    • Napoleonic Wars, Franco-Prussian War, and the rise of perpetual debt slavery
    • Industrialized war as a new financial enterprise
  6. The Colonial Holocausts: Genocide as a Method of Control
    • The extermination of Native Americans and the parallels to Zionist expansion
    • British-engineered famines in India and economic destruction
    • The European carve-up of Africa and mass killings (Belgian Congo, Herero Genocide)
    • The dismantling of China and Southeast Asia through economic and military means
  7. The Engineered Collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the Birth of Modern Imperialism
    • The financial subjugation of the Ottomans by British and French bankers
    • The Young Turk movement and covert Zionist influence
    • The Sykes-Picot Agreement and the artificial fragmentation of the Middle East
  8. The Evolution of Imperial Tactics: From Military Conquest to Economic Enslavement
    • Bretton Woods, the IMF, and the transformation of empire into financial control
    • The role of economic warfare and debt in controlling newly independent nations
    • Color revolutions, regime change operations, and permanent destabilization strategies
  9. The Hijacking of Nationalism: How Elites Used Identity to Prevent Class Unity
    • The transition of nationalism from economic liberation to racial warfare
    • Zionism and European nationalism: Two sides of the same imperial strategy
    • Arab nationalism and the deliberate fostering of sectarian divisions
  10. From the 19th Century to the Present: The Unbroken Chain of Imperial Control
    • The continuity of financial oligarchy from empire to globalist governance
    • How racial division, economic warfare, and perpetual war remain central to control
    • The media’s role in sustaining the manufactured narratives of history
  11. The Weaponization of Religion to Justify Imperialism and Ethnic Cleansing
    • Christianity as a colonial weapon: From the Papal Crusades to Manifest Destiny
    • The British and French use of religion to pacify colonized populations
    • The repurposing of Jewish identity to justify Zionist expansion
  12. The Modern Legacy: Manufactured Chaos in the 20th and 21st Centuries
    • War as a financial racket, no longer about national interests
    • The destruction of class solidarity through identity politics and censorship
    • Economic collapses, pandemics, and manufactured crises as control mechanisms
  13. Conclusion: Restoring the Truth and Exposing the Lies
    • The 19th century as an engineered disaster, not an era of progress
    • Class unity, not nationalism, as the only path to dismantling elite rule
    • The need to reclaim historical truth to break free from perpetual servitude
  14. Bibliography
  1. Abstract
  2. The 19th century was not an era of enlightenment and progress but a meticulously engineered period of division, control, and manufactured chaos. This paper dismantles the mainstream historical narrative by exposing how imperial and financial elites weaponized Malthusianism, eugenics, nationalism, and religious dogma to prevent the rise of class consciousness and ensure their continued dominance. The greatest threat to the ruling order was not war or economic collapse but the possibility of workers uniting across racial, ethnic, and national lines to dismantle systems of exploitation.
  3. To neutralize this threat, elites manufactured racial hierarchies to fragment class solidarity, manipulated nationalism to replace economic liberation with ethnic conflict, and employed religious justification to rationalize conquest, genocide, and financial control. The rise of Zionism is examined as a colonial construct designed to serve Western imperialism rather than Jewish self-determination, while financial cartels ensured that wars were no longer fought for nations but for perpetual economic servitude.
  4. The colonial holocausts of the Americas, Africa, India, and China were not incidental byproducts of empire but deliberate campaigns of economic extraction and depopulation, ensuring that no independent economic or political structures could challenge Western supremacy. The destruction of the Ottoman Empire and the subsequent partitioning of the Middle East created permanent instability, serving as a blueprint for the regime change operations and manufactured crises of the 20th and 21st centuries.
  5. This study argues that the chaos of the 19th century was not an aberration but a carefully executed strategy that laid the foundation for the modern global order. The same mechanisms of control—financial dependency, racial division, perpetual war, and media manipulation—continue to define geopolitics today. Only by restoring historical truth and exposing the deliberate engineering of conflict can humanity dismantle the illusions of empire and reclaim the possibility of class unity and genuine self-determination.

II. Introduction: The Threat of Class Consciousness

By the mid-nineteenth century, the world stood at a crossroads. The Industrial Revolution had fundamentally transformed economies, creating an unprecedented concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few—banking elites, industrial magnates, and aristocratic rulers. As factories, railroads, and global trade networks expanded, so too did the scale of worker exploitation. Industrial laborers and colonized populations alike were subjected to brutal conditions, long hours, and subsistence wages, ensuring that wealth flowed upward while the foundations of empire were built on the backs of the oppressed.

Despite these conditions, a growing awareness emerged among the working classes that their struggles were not isolated, nor were they a natural consequence of progress. Across Europe, the Americas, and beyond, movements advocating for workers’ rights, political representation, and social protections began to take hold. The revolutions of 1848, often called the “Springtime of Nations,” erupted as a direct response to monarchical repression, demanding constitutional government, labor protections, and an end to aristocratic privilege. At the same time, the abolition of slavery across European colonies and the Americas threatened the economic structures that had depended on coerced labor. These upheavals signaled to the ruling classes that the old world order—where wealth and political power were preserved through inheritance, military force, and economic monopoly—was under direct threat.

The publication of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’ The Communist Manifesto in 1848 further crystallized this growing resistance into a coherent ideological movement. Marxism was not merely a critique of capitalism; it was a call for an end to economic exploitation, colonial plunder, and the use of war for private financial gain. At its core, Marxist theory rejected the divisions that had been artificially imposed by imperial rulers—those of race, ethnicity, and nationality. Instead, it identified a singular struggle: that between the working class and the elites who profited from their labor. If workers across Britain, France, Germany, and Russia could recognize their shared interests, the entire global system of exploitation could collapse overnight.

For financial elites and imperial administrators, the stakes could not have been higher. Class unity threatened the mechanisms of control that had allowed European empires to dominate vast swathes of the world. If workers, colonized subjects, and disenfranchised populations could unite against their common oppressors, the ruling class risked losing everything. Rather than address the root causes of discontent—poverty, inequality, and systemic disenfranchisement—elites moved swiftly to undermine the very idea of class solidarity. Their strategy was not to suppress Marxism through force alone but to dismantle the possibility of worker unity before it could take shape.

The most effective tool at their disposal was the manipulation of identity. By reinforcing divisions based on race, nationality, and religion, ruling elites ensured that workers would remain fragmented, directing their anger at one another rather than at the financial institutions and imperial rulers who controlled them. Nationalism was cultivated to persuade workers that their struggles were not with their employers but with foreign nations and ethnic minorities. Pseudoscientific theories of racial superiority were promoted to convince laborers that their poverty was not the result of exploitation but of competition with “inferior” races. Religious conflicts were exacerbated to prevent cooperation between different ethnic and religious groups within the working class. Every effort was made to redirect revolutionary energy away from class consciousness and into controlled, factional conflicts that would serve the interests of imperial power.

The elites also relied on the financialization of conflict itself. War, historically a tool of territorial expansion, became a mechanism for economic control. By financing both sides of conflicts, banking cartels ensured that nations remained in perpetual debt, dependent on private financial institutions for survival. The Napoleonic Wars, the Franco-Prussian War, and even the American Civil War were shaped not only by political and territorial ambitions but by the interests of financial dynasties that profited from national debt, arms sales, and postwar reconstruction. War no longer needed a rational cause; it became a business model, sustained by perpetual crises.

This period laid the foundation for the world as it exists today. The manufactured divisions of the nineteenth century did not disappear with time; they evolved, becoming the dominant mode of control in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The systematic weaponization of identity, the financialization of war, and the erasure of class consciousness continue to serve as the cornerstones of global power. The legacy of the nineteenth century is not one of national awakening or scientific progress, as mainstream historiography often claims. It is a legacy of deception, division, and the calculated destruction of working-class unity.

This paper will examine the mechanisms by which ruling elites engineered chaos to suppress the rise of class consciousness. By exposing how these strategies were first deployed in the nineteenth century, it becomes possible to understand their continued application in modern geopolitics. The construction of racial hierarchies, the reinforcement of nationalist rivalries, and the orchestration of financial crises were not incidental byproducts of history; they were deliberate strategies of control. Recognizing these patterns is the first step toward dismantling them.

III. The Engineering of Racial and Ethnic Divisions to Prevent Marxist Solidarity

As working-class movements gained momentum in the nineteenth century, ruling elites across the Western world recognized that the most effective way to neutralize the threat of class solidarity was through the systematic weaponization of racial and ethnic divisions. Rather than allowing workers to unite against their common exploiters—industrialists, bankers, and imperial rulers—elites fostered sectarianism, nationalism, and racial animosity to ensure that the oppressed would turn against each other rather than against the structures that held them in subjugation. These divisions were manufactured through Malthusian economics, eugenicist racial science, and imperial nationalism, each serving as a tool to fracture worker unity and justify continued oppression.

Malthusianism, which framed poverty as an inevitable consequence of overpopulation rather than a result of economic exploitation, was used to normalize suffering and redirect blame away from ruling elites. The British government, for example, justified the Irish Famine of the 1840s by claiming that Ireland’s population had outgrown its resources, despite the fact that food continued to be exported to England throughout the crisis. This same logic was applied to colonial territories such as India and Africa, where famines were not seen as failures of governance but as “natural” checks on overpopulation. By promoting the belief that scarcity was unavoidable, ruling elites sought to divert working-class anger toward competition with other laboring groups rather than toward the landlords, financiers, and industrialists who controlled the economy.

Eugenics provided an even more explicit justification for racial and class stratification. By promoting pseudo-scientific theories of racial superiority, elites were able to reinforce the idea that certain groups were biologically destined for servitude while others were meant to rule. This doctrine was not confined to European empires; in the United States, it became a key pillar of American nativism, the exclusion of non-white immigrant laborers, and the continued suppression of Native American populations. The eugenics movement painted racial mixing as a threat to national stability, further discouraging unity between oppressed groups.

One of the most effective applications of divide-and-conquer strategies was the British Empire’s manipulation of ethnic and religious divisions to maintain control. In India, British administrators actively reinforced caste divisions and stoked Hindu-Muslim tensions to prevent the emergence of a unified anti-colonial movement. Colonial officials exploited longstanding religious and cultural differences, playing one group against another and ensuring that rebellion was always fragmented. In Africa, European powers systematically exacerbated tribal conflicts to justify continued imperial rule. By portraying African societies as inherently unstable, colonial authorities positioned themselves as the only force capable of maintaining order, even as they deliberately fomented discord.

The United States provides one of the clearest examples of how racial animosity was used to fracture class solidarity. The American ruling class pitted white workers against freed Black slaves and immigrant laborers to prevent the emergence of multiracial labor unions. After the abolition of slavery, instead of implementing economic policies that would benefit all workers, elites encouraged white laborers to see freed Black men and women as economic competitors rather than as fellow victims of the capitalist system. This racial division was legally codified through Jim Crow laws, voter suppression, and segregationist policies that kept the working class divided and politically powerless.

Anti-Irish nativism in the nineteenth century followed a similar pattern. Irish immigrants, fleeing famine and economic collapse, were met with violent hostility from Anglo-American elites, who portrayed them as a degenerate race unfit for self-governance. Political movements such as the Know-Nothing Party thrived on anti-Irish sentiment, arguing that Catholic immigrants were a threat to American democracy. This nativist backlash discouraged cross-ethnic labor alliances, forcing Irish workers to compete with other marginalized groups rather than recognizing their shared struggle against economic exploitation.

The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 marked another milestone in the elite strategy of racial scapegoating. The growing power of labor movements on the West Coast threatened the dominance of industrialists and railroad magnates, who sought to redirect working-class frustration by blaming Chinese immigrants for low wages and unemployment. Rather than allowing white and Chinese laborers to unite in their demands for better working conditions, corporate interests and government officials promoted anti-Chinese hysteria, culminating in the first major immigration ban in U.S. history. This legal precedent reinforced the idea that economic hardship was the fault of racial outsiders rather than systemic capitalist exploitation.

The same racialized economic warfare was applied to Native Americans, who were systematically removed from their lands through policies of forced displacement, extermination, and cultural erasure. While the official justification for Native American genocide was westward expansion and “Manifest Destiny,” the reality was that Indigenous land was a valuable commodity sought by railroad companies, mining corporations, and agricultural interests. By framing Native Americans as obstacles to progress, elites ensured that public support for their removal remained high. The destruction of Indigenous societies also removed a potential ally for other marginalized groups, further reinforcing racial and class divisions.

By the end of the nineteenth century, these engineered divisions had successfully prevented the emergence of a unified working-class movement. Across the Western world, workers remained locked in racial and nationalistic rivalries, unable to recognize their common oppression. Instead of challenging the economic structures that kept them in poverty, they were led to believe that their real enemies were freed slaves, immigrants, rival ethnic groups, and Indigenous populations. These manufactured conflicts ensured that labor movements remained fragmented and that economic power remained firmly in the hands of elites.

This paper will demonstrate that these racial divisions were not the result of natural animosities but were carefully cultivated through imperial policy, economic manipulation, and pseudoscientific justifications for inequality. The deliberate engineering of racial hostility was one of the most effective weapons ever deployed against class consciousness, and its consequences continue to shape the world today. Recognizing this strategy is the first step in dismantling the structures of exploitation that have governed global politics for over two centuries.

The Hijacking of Nationalism: How Elites Used Identity to Prevent Class Unity

As the nineteenth century gave way to the twentieth, the ruling elite recognized that nationalism could be both a threat and an opportunity. Genuine national liberation movements that sought to overthrow imperial rule were a danger to financial and corporate interests, but nationalism could also be hijacked, redirected, and used as a tool to maintain elite power. The transformation of nationalism from a force of resistance into a weapon of division was one of the greatest successes of modern imperial strategy.

In its original form, nationalism was an extension of class consciousness, a movement to break free from foreign rule and assert self-governance. However, the financial elites quickly realized that if they could redefine nationalism in racial and ethnic terms, they could turn working-class struggles into sectarian conflicts, preventing the formation of international solidarity.

Nowhere was this more evident than in Europe during the early twentieth centuryGermany, Britain, and France—nations whose working classes should have been aligned against the same banking elites that exploited them—were instead locked into manufactured conflicts, culminating in two world wars that benefited only the arms manufacturers, financiers, and corporate war profiteers. The workers of Europe, rather than rising against their common oppressors, were manipulated into killing each other in the trenches while their rulers accumulated wealth and power.

A similar strategy was deployed in the post-colonial world. As former colonies sought independence, Western intelligence agencies ensured that new nationalist leaders would be either co-opted or replaced with puppets who served corporate interests. The CIA, MI6, and French intelligence agencies undermined pan-Africanism, Arab nationalism, and socialist movements across the Global South, ensuring that nationalism would be defined not by economic independence but by ethnic and sectarian rivalry.

The Middle East became the most glaring example of this strategy. Instead of allowing Arab nationalism to flourish as a unifying force against Western economic control, the U.S. and Britain cultivated religious extremism, tribal divisions, and factionalism. The deliberate funding of Islamist groups in the 1980s, the artificial creation of national borders during the Sykes-Picot agreement, and the perpetual military interventions in the region all ensured that no stable, unified anti-imperialist movement could take hold.

Zionism, too, was a carefully engineered nationalist project, designed not as a legitimate Jewish liberation movement but as a tool of Western expansionism in the Middle East. Instead of allowing European Jewish populations to integrate into their home nations—where they had lived for centuries—Zionist elites worked with imperialists to manufacture a nationalist cause that served Western strategic interests. As a result, Israel became not a refuge for Jews but a militarized outpost of Anglo-American finance, designed to maintain perpetual instability in the region.

Nationalism was also used to justify economic warfare. The myth of “national competition” allowed Western financial interests to convince populations that economic crises, job losses, and inflation were the fault of foreign nations or ethnic minorities, rather than the direct result of banking manipulation and corporate exploitation. The 2008 financial collapse was blamed on bad loans rather than the systemic fraud of financial elites, just as economic crises in the nineteenth century were blamed on immigrants rather than capitalist greed.

By the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, nationalism had been entirely hijacked. It no longer served as a means for populations to assert independence from empire—it had become a carefully controlled narrative, designed to keep people fighting each other instead of the ruling class. Today, both left-wing and right-wing nationalist movements have been infiltrated, ensuring that any attempt to use nationalism for economic liberation is neutralized before it can take hold.

The only way forward is to restore nationalism to its original function: as a movement of political and economic independence, rather than racial and ethnic division. Until this transformation occurs, nationalism will remain nothing more than a tool of elite control, ensuring that working-class populations continue to fight fabricated enemies rather than the real architects of their oppression.

IV. Zionism and the Reinvention of Jewish Identity as a Political Tool

The modern political concept of “Jewish identity” as a singular, continuous people stretching back to the biblical Hebrews is a fabrication of the 19th century, constructed to serve the imperial interests of European banking elites and colonial strategists. Before this time, there were no “Jews” in the modern sense of the word. The term itself was largely invented in the 19th century to create the illusion of an unbroken ethnic and national lineage between biblical Hebrews and the European populations that practiced Judaism. In reality, the vast majority of those who today identify as Ashkenazi Jews descend from Khazars—a Germanic tribe with Turkic influences who converted to Judaism in the eighth century.

For centuries, Khazar-descended populations in Europe practiced Judaism as a religion but had no concept of themselves as a stateless nation or people in exile. The Khazars were a martial and trading society, blending influences from the Germanic world, the Turkic steppe, and the Slavic regions. After the fall of their empire in the 10th century, waves of Khazar elites and merchant classes migrated westward into Europe, where they integrated into emerging European economies. By the Middle Ages, Khazar-descended Jews dominated finance and trade in many parts of Europe, a reality that later fed into both antisemitic stereotypes and elite-controlled banking monopolies.

In stark contrast to the European Khazars, the actual biblical Hebrews of antiquity did not experience a grand “exile” or diaspora in the way that Zionist mythology suggests. The people of ancient Judea did not spread en masse into Europe but rather remained in the Middle East, living as first-century Christians and, later, as Palestinian Muslims under successive Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic rulers. These populations never accumulated wealth, engaged in large-scale trade, or became part of imperial elites. The true descendants of biblical Hebrews, by historical and genetic evidence, are the Palestinians of today, who have lived as occupied subjects under foreign rule for over two thousand years.

By the 19th century, European elites saw the growing threat of class consciousness, socialism, and nationalist uprisings. In response, they sought to manipulate identity politics as a means of control. Zionism was created not as a genuine Jewish movement but as an imperial project, designed to achieve multiple strategic objectives. First, it provided a justification for European control over the Middle East, creating a Western-backed settler colony that could serve as a permanent military foothold in a geopolitically vital region. Second, it helped consolidate Jewish financial and political influence under a nationalist framework, ensuring that the wealthiest Jewish elites remained useful political pawns for British and German imperial interests.

The fabrication of the Rhineland Hypothesis was central to this imperial strategy. This theory, which falsely claimed that Ashkenazi Jews descended from exiled Judeans who settled in the Rhineland during the Roman period, was deliberately promoted to erase the Khazar origins of European Jewry. The goal was to manufacture a historical justification for Zionist territorial claims in Palestine by creating the illusion that European Jews were simply “returning” to their ancestral homeland. However, modern genetic studies confirm that there is no meaningful link between Ashkenazi Jews and the ancient Hebrews of the Middle East. The dominant ancestry of Ashkenazi Jews is European, with clear traces of Khazar, Slavic, and Germanic origins—not Semitic.

To further solidify this deception, imperial strategists cultivated antisemitism as a political weapon. By reinforcing the idea that Jews were perpetual outsiders in European society, elites ensured that Jewish populations remained politically isolated and vulnerable to manipulation. The Dreyfus Affair in France (1894) was a prime example of this strategy, inflaming racial tensions and forcing the Jewish Question into public discourse. Jewish banking families were simultaneously empowered and scapegoated, ensuring that they could be both useful economic assets and convenient political targets whenever financial crises emerged.

Zionist leaders, rather than opposing antisemitism, actively collaborated with it. The Nazi-Zionist Haavara Agreement (1933) facilitated Jewish emigration from Germany to Palestine, demonstrating that early Zionist elites viewed antisemitism as a useful tool for their nationalist goals. Meanwhile, the Jewish bourgeoisie of Europe—descended from the first Khazar migration of 965 CE—looked down on the second wave of Jewish migration, which consisted of impoverished, downtrodden Soviet Jews who entered Western Europe as refugees after World War II. These “Eastern Jews” were an embarrassment to the Germanic “white” Jews who would come to dominate Israeli politics.

By 1948, when Israel was officially established, the Germanic Khazar elite took full control of the new state. The same class divisions that had shaped Jewish identity in Europe were replicated in Israel, where Ashkenazi elites treated Mizrahi (Middle Eastern and North African) Jews as inferior. Even today, Russian Jews, Ethiopian Jews, and Middle Eastern Jews are systematically discriminated against in Israeli society, reinforcing the notion that Israel was never intended to be a homeland for all Jews, but rather a project controlled by a specific imperial-aligned elite.

The modern state of Israel is not the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy but the culmination of a colonial deception, designed to serve Western strategic interests while erasing the true history of Jewish identity. The biblical Hebrews never “returned” to Israel because they never left—Palestinians, not European Jews, are their true descendants. Meanwhile, the Khazar-descended Ashkenazi Jews who built the modern Zionist state did so not as a fulfillment of historical destiny, but as an instrument of imperial expansion, ensuring that the Middle East remained in a permanent state of war, instability, and financial dependency.

This paper will demonstrate that the Zionist project was never about Jewish survival—it was about empire, deception, and the exploitation of both Jewish and Arab populations to serve the interests of Western banking and military elites. Understanding this history is essential for dismantling the modern myths that continue to shape global conflict and geopolitical manipulation today.

V. Financial Cartels and the Perpetuation of War

By the nineteenth century, war had ceased to be an instrument of national survival and had instead become a financial racket, controlled and manipulated by a rising class of international banking dynasties. While traditional historical narratives present war as a consequence of geopolitical rivalries and national security concerns, the reality is that by the 1800s, armed conflicts had become a carefully managed business enterprise, designed to generate wealth for financial elites at the expense of entire populations. The emergence of industrialized warfare, combined with the expansion of global banking institutions, transformed war into a self-sustaining economic system—one that required perpetual conflict to maintain the financial dominance of a small, elite class.

This shift was largely orchestrated by a handful of banking families who positioned themselves as the ultimate arbiters of war and peace, ensuring that no nation could engage in military conflict without indebting itself to private financiers. The Rothschilds, Warburgs, Morgans, and other banking dynasties recognized early on that controlling a nation’s war finances meant controlling the nation itself. By funding both sides of conflicts, they not only guaranteed victory for no particular state but also ensured that both victors and vanquished alike remained financially dependent on private lenders. This strategy allowed private banks, rather than governments or monarchies, to dictate the course of European history.

One of the clearest examples of this system in operation was the Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815), in which the Rothschild banking network played a decisive role. As the war engulfed Europe, the Rothschilds established an unparalleled intelligence and financial network, using couriers and an early version of arbitrage trading to control war funding. While Britain relied on their banking system to finance the war against Napoleon, the same banking networks also facilitated the movement of French war funds. By the end of the war, the Rothschild family had accumulated immense power, effectively surpassing many national treasuries in financial strength. Britain, though victorious, emerged from the war deeply indebted to private financiers, solidifying the Rothschilds’ influence over European economic policy.

This model of war profiteering was further perfected in the Franco-Prussian War (1870–1871), a conflict that, on the surface, appeared to be a struggle for European supremacy between France and the rising German Empire. In reality, it was a war engineered to restructure the financial order of continental Europe. The war served to cripple France’s economy while positioning Prussia as a financial powerhouse, consolidating banking interests under German industrial and financial elites. The indemnity payments imposed on France following its defeat—five billion francs—were not only a means of punishment but a calculated method of forcing France into further debt servitude. French reliance on international loans from banking houses ensured that, despite its military defeat, the same financial interests continued to benefit from controlling France’s postwar reconstruction and monetary policy.

The financialization of war was not limited to Europe. The Scramble for Africa (1880s–1900s) marked the first large-scale application of private capital in colonial conquest. Contrary to the popular narrative that European empires engaged in African colonization solely for national prestige or territorial expansion, the real driving force behind imperialism was private investment and speculative capital seeking new markets, raw materials, and labor exploitation. European governments acted not as primary agents but as enforcers for banking and corporate interests, securing control over Africa’s vast resources while ensuring that colonial enterprises were financed through debt mechanisms controlled by European financial institutions. In many cases, colonial expeditions were not state-funded operations but joint ventures between European governments and private banks, ensuring that the costs and risks were shouldered by taxpayers while profits flowed directly into financial syndicates.

By the late nineteenth century, the model of permanent war-driven economic dependency had become fully entrenched. No nation could afford to engage in military action without borrowing from financial institutions, and no war could end without imposing massive financial obligations on the defeated party. This system ensured that the true winners of war were never nations or ideologies but the banking houses that financed both sides.

As industrialized warfare expanded into the twentieth century, the same banking interests that had profited from the wars of the nineteenth century would go on to finance World War I, manipulate the Great Depression, and ultimately shape the geopolitical landscape of the modern era. This paper will demonstrate that war, far from being the result of spontaneous national rivalries, was systematically transformed into a financial mechanism designed to enrich a small ruling elite while impoverishing entire populations, locking nations into cycles of debt and dependence that persist to this day. Understanding the financialization of war is essential to dismantling the illusions of modern geopolitics and recognizing the true forces that have shaped history.

From the Nineteenth Century to the Present: The Unbroken Chain of Imperial Control

The tactics developed in the nineteenth century were never abandoned—they simply evolved. Every tool of control perfected in that era—racial hierarchy, economic enslavement, financial manipulation, religious division, and controlled nationalism—continues to shape the modern world. The imperial powers of the past have been replaced by a globalized financial elite, but the mechanisms of control remain fundamentally unchanged.

Economic slavery, which once operated through colonial plantations and forced labor, now functions through debt dependency and financial blackmail. The same nations that were looted under European colonialism are now trapped in permanent debt cycles under the control of the IMF and World Bank. The financial elites of today no longer need to physically invade countries—they can simply manufacture economic crises, impose crushing debt conditions, and extract wealth without ever deploying troops.

Racial divisions, once enforced through eugenics and segregation, are now perpetuated through media manipulation, identity politics, and engineered social conflicts. Instead of uniting against economic oppression, populations are kept in a constant state of racial tension, ensuring that class consciousness never develops. Modern identity politics is a direct extension of nineteenth-century race science—both were designed to create artificial divisions that keep people fighting amongst themselves while the ruling elite profits.

Religious control, once exercised through the Catholic Church and the imperial “civilizing missions,” has now been replaced by weaponized evangelical movements, Wahhabi extremism, and Zionist expansionism. The same intelligence agencies that once infiltrated churches and manipulated Christian doctrine to serve empire now control radical Islamist groups, televangelist networks, and sectarian movements across the globe.

Wars, once fought over territory and raw materials, are now fought over economic influence, financial control, and the maintenance of geopolitical instability. The military-industrial complex, perfected in the nineteenth century, no longer serves national interests—it exists solely to sustain the profits of weapons manufacturers, defense contractors, and intelligence agencies. Every war today is a continuation of the nineteenth-century model: a financial racket disguised as geopolitical necessity.

Mass surveillance, propaganda, and censorship, once imposed through imperial police states, are now seamlessly integrated into digital life. In the past, dissenters were jailed, exiled, or assassinated. Today, they are deplatformed, financially blacklisted, or algorithmically erased from history. The internet, which once promised a revolution in free information, has become the most sophisticated tool of mass control in human history.

The entire world today is still shaped by the imperial policies of the nineteenth century. The global ruling class has no nationality, no ideology, and no loyalty to any people—only to power and wealth. They do not care about race, religion, or political parties except as tools to divide, distract, and control populations. Their greatest fear is not another world war or a financial collapse—it is that the people might finally recognize the true nature of their enslavement and unite against the system itself.

The fight against imperial control is not a struggle of left versus right, race versus race, or nation versus nation—it is a war between the people of the world and the financial aristocracy that has ruled them for centuries. Understanding the true history of the nineteenth century is the key to breaking free from this system.

The world will not change until the illusions of empire, capitalism, and manufactured history are fully dismantled. Until that day, the ruling elite will continue to use the same tactics, refined through centuries of manipulation, to maintain their power at the expense of the rest of humanity.

The choice is simple: continue living under a system built on lies, or restore the truth and reclaim the future.

VI. The Colonial Holocausts: The Use of Genocide to Maintain Power

The nineteenth century was not an era of progress and enlightenment but a period of unprecedented slaughter, economic sabotage, and racial engineering, where imperial powers systematically dismembered entire civilizations to maintain global control. The idea that European empires brought stability and development is a fabrication that masks the real history of genocide, forced starvation, economic parasitism, and perpetual war. No region was spared—from the Americas to Africa, from the Middle East to Asia, all were subjected to calculated dismemberment, ensuring that no independent economic or political systems could challenge Western supremacy.

The nineteenth century was not an era of enlightenment, progress, or human advancement—it was the century of imperial genocide, economic enslavement, and the mass destruction of civilizations. No continent was spared from Europe’s bloodstained march toward global supremacy. From the plains of North America to the jungles of Africa, from the deserts of North Africa to the mountains of Latin America, entire nations were exterminated, enslaved, or permanently weakened through engineered famines, economic sabotage, and racial extermination.

The great myth of European civilization was that it brought development and stability to the world. The reality was the most sustained campaign of racial extermination and economic looting ever seen in human history. The so-called “civilizing mission” of Western powers was a lie used to justify land theft, mass murder, and the wholesale destruction of native cultures and economies.

The Extermination of the American Indian Nations (1492–1890): A Blueprint for Zionism

The destruction of the Indigenous peoples of North America was the longest-running genocide in human history, spanning four centuries. The ideological foundation for this genocide was Manifest Destiny, the belief that white Americans had a divine right to seize the land, destroy its inhabitants, and settle it as their own. This was the American version of Zionism, where a religious pretext was used to justify mass displacement, ethnic cleansing, and extermination.

The scale of the genocide is staggering. At the time of European contact, there were an estimated 20 million Indigenous people in North America. By the late nineteenth century, fewer than 250,000 remained. This was not an accident—it was a deliberate campaign of extermination, forced relocation, and cultural destruction.

  • Biological warfare was used against Native populations, with smallpox-infected blankets distributed to tribes by the U.S. military, wiping out entire nations.
  • Systematic massacres were conducted against resisting tribes, including the Sand Creek Massacre (1864), the Wounded Knee Massacre (1890), and countless unrecorded slaughters by settler militias and the U.S. Army.
  • Forced removals like the Trail of Tears (1830s) saw entire nations uprooted, starved, and marched to death in barren territories, ensuring their cultures and traditions were obliterated.
  • The destruction of food sources was a calculated act of genocide—the U.S. government ordered the extermination of the bison, a primary food source for Plains tribes, to force them into starvation and submission.

Native children were ripped from their families and placed in “Indian boarding schools,” where they were subjected to cultural and psychological extermination—a strategy later mirrored in Israeli policies against Palestinian children.

Africa: The Largest and Most Violent Colonial Carve-Up (1884–1914)

By the late nineteenth century, Africa became the last major frontier for European genocide. At the Berlin Conference of 1884–1885, European nations divided the entire African continent among themselves without the consent of a single African leader. What followed was a century of systematic mass murder, forced labor, and economic looting.

The most infamous example of colonial genocide occurred in the Belgian Congo (1885–1908) under King Leopold II, where an estimated 10 million Congolese were exterminated through forced labor, starvation, and systematic terror campaigns. Africans were enslaved to extract rubber and ivory, and those who did not meet quotas were subjected to amputations, torture, and execution.

The German Empire followed suit in Namibia (1904–1908), conducting one of the first modern genocides against the Herero and Nama peoples. The Germans rounded up entire villages, forcing them into concentration camps where they were starved, shot, or subjected to medical experiments, prefiguring the Nazi Holocaust.

British colonial atrocities in South Africa during the Boer War (1899–1902) led to the first concentration camps in history, where over 26,000 Boer women and children were deliberately starved to death.

Throughout Africa, entire civilizations were wiped out, their economies destroyed, and their cultures suppressed. The aftermath of this genocide ensured that Africa would never be allowed to develop independently, as European banking and corporate interests installed puppet governments that ensured continued Western exploitation.

The Rape of North Africa: The Longest Colonial Wars

North Africa was subjected to some of the longest and bloodiest colonial wars in history, as France and Britain violently crushed all resistance to their rule. The French invasion of Algeria (1830–1962) resulted in over 1.5 million Algerians killed, with entire villages massacred, burned, or bombed into oblivion. The French used brutal counterinsurgency tactics, including torture, rape, and mass executions, to suppress the Algerian independence movement.

The British and French also divided the Middle East among themselves in the secret Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916), ensuring permanent division and conflict in the Arab world.

The systematic manipulation of Arab revolts and the installation of Western-backed puppet regimes ensured that the Middle East would never be allowed to govern itself freely. The same strategy was later replicated in Palestine, where Zionist expansion relied on Western financial and military backing to enforce colonial rule.

The Latin American Holocaust: The “Banana Republics” and Economic Slavery

Latin America, though freed from Spanish and Portuguese rule in the nineteenth century, was immediately brought under the control of British and American financial interests, ensuring that economic slavery replaced direct colonial rule.

  • Mexico was systematically looted by American and British financiers, its oil, minerals, and land placed under foreign ownership.
  • The United Fruit Company turned Central America into a collection of “banana republics,” where entire nations were enslaved to produce crops for Western markets.
  • The U.S. military invaded Latin America more than 30 times between 1850 and 1950, ensuring that any independent movement was crushed.
  • Indigenous civilizations, such as the Maya in Guatemala and the Mapuche in Chile, were subjected to extermination campaigns that lasted into the twentieth century.

By the twentieth century, Latin America had been turned into a permanent financial colony, where governments were forced to borrow from Western banks and remain dependent on American military intervention.

The Dismembering and Castration of China: The Great Looting of a Civilization

China, which for centuries had been the largest economy in the world, was systematically crippled, humiliated, and divided by Western powers throughout the nineteenth century. Under the guise of “free trade,” Britain, France, and later the United States waged drug wars, imposed unequal treaties, and carved out spheres of influence, ensuring that China remained in a permanent state of economic and political submission.

The Opium Wars (1839–1842, 1856–1860) epitomized the most cynical form of economic warfare. The British East India Company, backed by the Royal Navy, forced China to accept opium imports from British-controlled India, leading to mass addiction, social collapse, and economic ruin. When the Qing Dynasty resisted, Britain and France responded with overwhelming military force, looting Beijing, burning down the Summer Palace, and imposing the Treaty of Nanjing (1842) and the Treaty of Tianjin (1858), which stripped China of its sovereignty and handed over major ports like Hong Kong and Shanghai to Western control.

The so-called “Open Door Policy” (1899–1900), promoted by the United States, was a farce, designed not to protect China but to ensure that all Western powers had equal access to exploit it. The policy guaranteed that China would never be allowed to modernize or develop independently, ensuring that its markets and resources remained under Western financial control.

By the end of the century, China had been dismembered by Western and Japanese interests, with foreign powers controlling trade, tariffs, railways, and customs revenues. Hundreds of millions of Chinese were left impoverished and powerless, as European powers, the United States, and Japan feasted on the carcass of what was once the world’s most advanced civilization.

Japan: The One Nation That Resisted

Unlike India or China, Japan refused to be colonized. Recognizing the fate of their Asian neighbors, Japanese leaders undertook the Meiji Restoration (1868), which transformed Japan into a modern industrial power capable of resisting Western imperialism. Japan’s success was a direct threat to the racial hierarchies promoted by the Western world, proving that an Asian nation could modernize and militarize without European interference.

As Japan expanded its military and economic power, it directly challenged Western dominance in Asia, culminating in its defeat of Russia in the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905)—the first time a non-European power had defeated a European empire in modern warfare. The West responded by demonizing Japan, laying the groundwork for the conflicts that would culminate in World War II. Japan’s expansionism in Korea and China, though brutal, was a mirror image of the European colonial project, yet it was uniquely condemned by the very same Western powers that had carved up Asia and Africa for centuries.

A powerful and symbolic image representing French colonialism in Southeast Asia. The image should depict the oppression, exploitation, and forced labor endured by the native populations. Symbolically, a towering colonial figure should be seen casting a shadow over a humble, exhausted worker in a rice field. The worker’s face shows determination despite the hardship. The background should include a distant French flag, barely visible behind a cloud of smoke and destruction. The colors should reflect the struggle of colonized people: muted tones with stark contrasts of dark shadows and faint light in the distance, symbolizing hope. A dramatic, intense atmosphere that encapsulates the oppression and the resilience of the colonized nations.

The Rape of Southeast Asia: France and the Dutch Empire

While Britain and the United States dominated China and Japan, France and the Netherlands turned Southeast Asia into a vast plantation for European profit, subjecting local populations to relentless forced labor, ethnic division, and economic strangulation.

Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos were transformed into “French Indochina” (1887–1954), where rice, rubber, and opium were extracted for export to European markets. The Vietnamese resistance was crushed through terror campaigns, including mass executions, torture, and starvation policies. The French banned Vietnamese-language education, ensuring that native populations remained uneducated and unable to resist.

Indonesia suffered a similar fate under the Dutch East India Company and later the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which massacred entire populations and kept Indonesia’s vast wealth—spices, oil, rubber, and tin—flowing exclusively to European markets. Resistance movements were violently crushed, with millions of Indonesians killed or enslaved under colonial rule.

The destruction of Southeast Asia ensured that by the time of decolonization in the mid-twentieth century, these nations were left crippled, impoverished, and politically fragmented, ripe for continued Western control through economic and military manipulation.

The Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire: The Birth of Permanent War in the Middle East

The Ottoman Empire, the last major power resisting full European control over the Middle East, was systematically dismantled through war, rebellion, and backroom diplomatic deals. The Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916), a secret pact between Britain and France, divided the Ottoman territories between the two powers before World War I had even ended, ensuring that the Arab world would never again be allowed to govern itself independently.

The British and French manipulated local nationalist movements, promising independence while secretly planning military occupations. The fall of the Ottomans meant that the Middle East would be permanently fragmented, with Western-controlled puppet states replacing a once-powerful empire.

The creation of artificial borders—cutting across ethnic, tribal, and religious lines—ensured that conflict would be permanent. The seeds of modern wars in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine were planted in these colonial backroom deals, guaranteeing that Western powers would always have a justification for military intervention.

The Engineered Collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the Birth of Modern Imperialism

The fall of the Ottoman Empire was not an inevitable historical event but a deliberate and systematic dismantling orchestrated by European powers. The empire, which had long served as a geopolitical counterweight to European expansion, was targeted for destruction through financial manipulation, internal sabotage, and military intervention. The goal was clear: to divide the Middle East into artificially constructed, permanently unstable states, ensuring that the region would never again pose a challenge to Western financial and military control.

By the late nineteenth century, European bankers had already infiltrated the Ottoman economy, trapping the empire in cycles of debt that made it dependent on foreign lenders. British and French financial interests ensured that the Ottoman administration was forced to sell off key infrastructure, including railways, ports, and natural resources, to Western investors. This economic strangulation was coupled with intelligence-backed efforts to fuel ethnic and sectarian divisions. The Young Turk Revolution of 1908, though often portrayed as a progressive uprising, was heavily influenced by British and Zionist financiers who sought to destabilize the Ottoman state from within.

The Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916, a secret deal between Britain and France, preemptively divided the Ottoman lands before the empire had even fallen, ensuring that its collapse would serve European imperial ambitions. The creation of artificial borders—carving up the Arab world into British and French-controlled zones of influence—was not merely an act of territorial division, but a long-term strategy to guarantee that ethnic and religious strife would prevent any unified

A World Enslaved by Imperial Holocausts

The nineteenth century was not an era of enlightenment but an era of unparalleled genocidal conquest, where the global order was shaped by systematic extermination, economic plunder, and racial engineering. No civilization, no people, and no land was safe from the machinery of Western empire, which sought to ensure that no independent powers could emerge, no economic competitors could rise, and no populations could resist the dictates of global finance and industry.

From the destruction of the Native American civilizations to the deliberate starvation of India, from the dismembering of China to the carving up of the Middle East, every act of empire was designed not just to extract wealth but to ensure permanent dependency and division. These crimes set the stage for the modern global system of economic control, perpetual war, and manufactured ethnic conflicts, ensuring that the ghosts of the nineteenth century continue to shape our world today.

Understanding these colonial holocausts is not just an academic exercise—it is essential to dismantling the myths of Western civilization and exposing the true mechanisms of global power that continue to dominate the twenty-first century.

VII. The Weaponization of Religion to Justify Imperialism and Ethnic Cleansing

Throughout history, empires have relied on religious justification to sanctify their conquests. No great imperial project has been carried out without invoking the will of God, the duty of the faithful, or the divine burden placed upon the conquerors to rule over the conquered. The nineteenth century, often framed as an era of scientific advancement and rationalism, saw the most systematic and far-reaching weaponization of religion as a tool of war, economic control, and mass slaughter. Christianity and later Zionism would serve as powerful instruments of imperial manipulation, offering moral pretexts for land theft, genocide, and ethnic cleansing. Religion was never merely a system of faith—it was a psychological weapon, convincing both the invaders and the invaded that imperial rule was predestined, resistance was blasphemy, and submission was the righteous path.

The Catholic Church had laid the foundation for this manipulation centuries earlier through the Crusades. Far from being a defensive war against Islamic aggression, the Crusades were a calculated campaign of land theft, resource extraction, and religious propaganda. The Vatican positioned the conflict as a holy war, granting absolution to those who slaughtered Muslims, Jews, and even fellow Christians in pursuit of territorial expansion. Later, the Doctrine of Discovery, formalized in 1493, provided European monarchs with theological justification to seize non-Christian lands. This doctrine would become the legal and moral basis for the European conquest of the Americas, Africa, and Asia, ensuring that indigenous populations could be classified as subhuman obstacles to divine will rather than sovereign peoples resisting foreign occupation.

This model of religiously sanctioned conquest was perfected in the nineteenth century by the British and French empires. With the Catholic Church no longer wielding the same centralized power, Protestant and secular imperialists repackaged the doctrine of divine right into a new ideology: the White Man’s Burden. This concept, popularized by Rudyard Kipling, framed colonial rule as a noble sacrifice, a selfless mission to civilize the “lesser races” of the world. British and French officials used this doctrine to justify the extermination of entire indigenous societies, the mass plunder of colonial economies, and the installation of puppet regimes that ensured the continued flow of wealth into European hands. In Africa, Christian missionaries were often the first wave of colonial invasion, preparing the ground for military expansion by undermining local traditions, replacing native governance structures, and enforcing European cultural superiority. The French campaign in Algeria, which spanned over a century, was marked by relentless massacres, forced conversions, and the wholesale destruction of local institutions, all under the pretext of bringing civilization to a supposedly lawless land.

India, the crown jewel of the British Empire, experienced a different but equally brutal form of religious manipulation. British authorities played Hindu and Muslim communities against one another, inflaming sectarian divisions while presenting themselves as neutral arbiters of peace. Christian missionaries worked alongside colonial administrators to dismantle Indian social structures, weakening indigenous resistance and ensuring that British rule was framed not as economic parasitism but as divine stewardship. Meanwhile, in China, Christian missionaries became instruments of Western hegemony, helping enforce the unequal treaties that reduced China to a semi-colony under European control. The so-called Open Door Policy was a façade, designed to give all Western powers equal access to the plunder of Chinese resources, while Christian institutions provided the moral pretext for continued foreign interference.

While Christianity had long been wielded as a tool of empire, the late nineteenth century saw the emergence of a new, more sophisticated form of religious imperialism: Zionism. Unlike previous colonial ventures, which framed conquest as civilization’s burden, Zionism rebranded European settler colonialism as an act of liberation. It was not merely another expansionist project but a movement that weaponized religious history to justify modern geopolitical domination.

Zionism was never an organic Jewish movement. For centuries, Jewish communities in Europe had no national aspirations beyond their own cultural survival. It was only in the late nineteenth century, when European banking elites saw an opportunity to establish a Western-controlled outpost in the Middle East, that Zionism was manufactured into a political ideology. The movement’s leaders, backed by financial interests in Britain and Germany, sought to recast European Jews not as integrated members of their home nations but as an exiled people in need of repatriation. This historical fabrication was reinforced through the promotion of the Rhineland Hypothesis, which falsely claimed that Ashkenazi Jews were direct descendants of ancient Hebrews rather than the Khazar-Germanic converts they actually were. The purpose of this myth was clear: to provide a biblical justification for land theft and ethnic cleansing in Palestine.

Zionist leaders understood that religious rhetoric was necessary to achieve their geopolitical goals. By invoking biblical promises, they transformed what was in reality a European colonial project into a grand historical narrative of Jewish redemption. Just as Manifest Destiny had justified the extermination of Native Americans, Zionism justified the displacement of Palestinians. Just as American settlers portrayed indigenous resistance as savage terrorism, Zionists framed Palestinian opposition as irrational hatred rather than legitimate defense against foreign invasion. The displacement of entire villages, the destruction of centuries-old Palestinian communities, and the massacres of resistance fighters were all repackaged as necessary steps toward Jewish liberation.

The true power behind Zionism, however, was not faith but finance. It was the Rothschild banking dynasty, along with other European financial interests, that provided the funding, political backing, and military support necessary for Zionist expansion. The Balfour Declaration of 1917, which signaled British support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, was not issued out of sympathy for Jewish suffering but as a strategic move to secure British dominance in the Middle East. By placing a European-backed Jewish state in the heart of the Arab world, Britain ensured that the region would remain in perpetual conflict, unable to unite against Western control.

Zionist leaders, far from being protectors of Jewish interests, actively collaborated with antisemitic governments to force Jewish migration to Palestine. The Haavara Agreement of 1933, which facilitated cooperation between Nazi Germany and Zionist organizations, demonstrated that Zionists saw antisemitism not as a threat but as a useful tool for their nationalist ambitions. The majority of European Jews had no desire to move to Palestine, and it was only through the deliberate exacerbation of Jewish persecution that Zionist elites were able to manufacture a sense of urgency for mass migration.

The parallels between Zionism and earlier religiously justified genocides are undeniable. Like the Crusaders, Zionists sought to establish a religious state on occupied land, using biblical rhetoric to mask military aggression. Like the British and French imperialists, they framed their conquest as an act of moral duty, positioning themselves as enlightened saviors bringing order to an allegedly chaotic region. Like the architects of the American frontier, they employed scorched-earth tactics, ethnic cleansing, and demographic engineering to secure their territorial claims.

The weaponization of religion has always served the same purpose: to provide moral cover for theft, war, and genocide. The true function of religious imperialism was never spiritual salvation but material domination. Whether through Christian crusades, British colonial evangelism, or Zionist expansionism, the goal was always the consolidation of power under a divine pretext. The nineteenth century, far from being an age of secular enlightenment, was a period in which faith was re-engineered as the most effective tool of conquest.

Understanding this history is essential to dismantling the illusions that continue to shape modern geopolitics. The rhetoric of divine will still fuels wars, justifies occupations, and manipulates populations into compliance. From the evangelical crusades that underpinned American imperialism to the religious rhetoric that continues to drive Israeli expansion, the playbook remains unchanged. Until this weaponization of faith is exposed and dismantled, religion will continue to serve as the ideological arm of empire, perpetuating cycles of war, oppression, and deception under the guise of divine righteousness.

VIII. The Modern Legacy: Manufactured Chaos in the 20th and 21st Centuries

The nineteenth century was not an isolated moment in history but the blueprint for the world we live in today. The racial divisions, economic slavery, and fabricated histories that were systematically engineered by imperial and financial elites during this era laid the foundation for the conflicts, wars, and manufactured crises that define the modern world. The global order did not evolve organically but was carefully constructed to ensure that no genuine challenges to elite power would ever arise. The conquest of land has given way to the conquest of economies, and the old empires have been replaced by a transnational financial oligarchy. Wars are no longer fought between nations, but between financial cartels using ethnic and religious factions as pawns. The very idea of national sovereignty has become an illusion—governments exist only insofar as they serve the interests of the banking houses, multinational corporations, and intelligence agencies that truly control the world.

One of the most significant shifts of the twentieth century was the systematic destruction of Marxism, class consciousness, and all forms of genuine anti-imperialism. The ruling elites understood that the greatest threat to their power was a united, organized working class that transcended race, religion, and nationality. The nineteenth century had already shown them the dangers of revolutionary uprisings—from the Paris Commune of 1871 to the growing power of labor movements across Europe and the United States. The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, despite its later corruption under Stalinism, was proof that the working class could overthrow the financial aristocracy. This could not be allowed to happen again.

Rather than risk another wave of revolutions, the imperial powers took preemptive action. Fascism was cultivated and unleashed as a controlled opposition to socialism, ensuring that the ruling class would always have a violent, nationalist movement ready to crush working-class uprisings. Hitler’s rise was not an accident—his regime was funded by the same banking elites that had backed British and American imperialism. The Nazis were not revolutionaries; they were reactionaries, a last-ditch effort to redirect the rage of the working class away from the financial elites and toward fabricated enemies.

The destruction of World War II allowed the Anglo-American financial empire to rebuild the world in its image, ensuring that global finance, corporate power, and military domination would remain in their hands. The creation of the Bretton Woods system, the rise of the IMF and World Bank, and the establishment of NATO all ensured that no nation could escape financial and military subjugation. The Soviet Union, though presented as an ideological alternative, had long since become a bureaucratic police state that served as a convenient boogeyman to justify permanent war.

In the postwar period, the tactics of manufactured chaos evolved into more sophisticated forms of control. The old colonial empires may have collapsed, but their methods of control remained in place. Instead of direct military occupation, nations were kept in check through economic dependency, intelligence infiltration, and regime change operations disguised as democracy movements. The language of empire changed—”civilizing missions” became “humanitarian interventions,” and “gunboat diplomacy” became “economic sanctions.” But the goal remained the same: ensuring that no nation, no movement, and no ideology could threaten elite control.

The latter half of the twentieth century saw the rise of color revolutions and regime change operations as the preferred tools of imperial power. Rather than directly invade countries, intelligence agencies and financial institutions learned that it was far more effective to engineer uprisings from within, funding opposition groups, infiltrating media, and creating artificial economic crises to destabilize governments. The so-called Arab Spring, the Maidan coup in Ukraine, the destruction of Libya, and the ongoing war in Syria were all examples of this strategy in action. Nations that refused to align with the Western financial order were targeted for destabilization, their governments overthrown, their economies shattered, and their populations left in chaos.

Alongside these direct interventions, mass censorship and historical distortion have been weaponized to prevent restorationalist narratives from taking hold. The truth about the nineteenth century—how racial division, eugenics, imperialism, and financial control were deliberately constructed—has been systematically erased from mainstream education and media. Any attempt to challenge the official narratives is met with censorship, deplatforming, and outright criminalization. Historical revisionism has become a crime, but only when it threatens elite power. Governments and corporate media have declared themselves the sole arbiters of truth, ensuring that alternative perspectives—no matter how well-documented—are smeared as conspiracy theories.

The modern world is also governed by a constant cycle of artificial crises designed to keep populations in a perpetual state of fear and submission. Economic collapses, pandemics, and manufactured wars are not accidents—they are calculated tools of control. The 2008 financial crisis, far from being an unforeseen disaster, was engineered by the very banking institutions that profited from it. The COVID-19 pandemic saw the greatest transfer of wealth from the working class to the ruling elite in human history, as governments used the crisis to expand authoritarian control, eliminate small businesses, and consolidate corporate and financial power.

Wars today are not fought over territorial disputes or national security; they are manufactured conflicts designed to serve financial and military interests. The war on terror, which dominated the early twenty-first century, was a self-perpetuating racket, ensuring endless military spending while creating new enemies in a cycle that could never be resolved. The same intelligence agencies that claimed to fight terrorism were the very ones arming and funding terrorist groups to justify further intervention.

The entire modern global system—political, economic, and social—is the logical continuation of the manufactured chaos of the nineteenth century. The same ruling families, financial institutions, and imperial interests continue to dictate world affairs. The tactics have evolved, but the strategy remains unchanged: divide and rule, control through debt, manufacture history, and keep the masses in a permanent state of confusion, fear, and dependence.

This paper has sought to uncover the deliberate engineering of global power structures, tracing how the ruling class manipulated history, racial divisions, financial systems, and warfare to maintain control. Understanding this history is not just an academic exercise—it is a necessary step toward breaking free from the illusions that govern our world today. The struggle is not between nations, religions, or races, but between the people of the world and the financial and corporate aristocracy that profits from their enslavement. Until this reality is fully understood, the cycle of manufactured chaos will continue—wars will be fought for bankers, economies will collapse on schedule, and history will be rewritten to serve the interests of the few at the expense of the many.

DO IX. Conclusion: Restoring the Truth and Exposing the Lies

The nineteenth century was not an era of enlightenment, progress, or the natural evolution of civilization—it was an engineered disaster, a carefully designed system of control that laid the foundation for the global chaos that persists today. Every major development of the century—industrialization, imperial expansion, financial consolidation, racial hierarchies, and the weaponization of religion—was deliberately shaped to benefit an emerging ruling class while ensuring that the working masses remained divided, impoverished, and powerless. The historical narrative that portrays this period as one of innovation and national self-determination is a fabrication, a monumental lie constructed to justify the crimes of empire and finance.

From the earliest phases of industrialization, it was clear that the great powers had no intention of allowing wealth and progress to be shared. The promise of technological advancement was twisted into a tool of subjugation, where workers became disposable cogs in an expanding global economy controlled by banking elites. Malthusianism justified poverty, eugenics rationalized mass murder, and imperial wars were disguised as civilizing missions. Those who resisted were exterminated, their histories rewritten, their descendants left to inherit a world in which they were either enslaved by debt or drafted into wars fought for profits they would never see.

While the ruling class has long cultivated ethnic nationalism and racial supremacy as distractions, the true enemy has always been the financial and industrial aristocracy. Nationalism has never been about sovereignty—it has been the tool used to divide workers along artificial lines of race, religion, and geography, ensuring that they never recognize their common oppression. From the manufactured tensions of the nineteenth century to the fascist and Zionist projects of the twentieth, racial and ethnic conflict has been used not to preserve identity, but to shatter class solidarity.

The greatest threat to elite power has always been class unity across racial, national, and religious boundaries. This was the central fear that drove every imperial decision of the nineteenth century—the idea that the workers, soldiers, and peasants of the world might recognize that their suffering was not caused by rival nations or foreign races, but by the elite bankers, industrialists, and imperial strategists who saw them as nothing more than human capital to be exploited.

This fear led to the destruction of every genuine anti-imperialist, socialist, or labor movement that threatened to challenge elite control. Marxism, which at its core sought to unify workers against the ruling class, was demonized, infiltrated, and eventually twisted into controlled state bureaucracies that served empire rather than resisted it. Every movement that threatened to unite people against their true oppressors was either hijacked or exterminated. The Paris Commune was crushed, trade unions were infiltrated, anti-colonial movements were derailed, and the dream of a truly free and equitable society was buried under the weight of state propaganda and financial manipulation.

This pattern continues today, as the same forces that engineered the chaos of the nineteenth century remain in control of the world’s institutions, media, and historical narratives. Wars are still fought for the same banking dynasties, economies are still manipulated by the same financial institutions, and the populations of the world remain trapped in the same manufactured divisions that were created over a century ago. Censorship, mass propaganda, and historical distortion continue to serve the same function: to prevent the people from realizing that their suffering is not an accident, but a design.

Restoring historical truth is the only way to break free from the cycle of manufactured chaos. The lies of empire, finance, and racial division must be exposed, and the people must reclaim their stolen history. This is not a simple matter of academic correction—it is a necessary step toward rebuilding a world that is not governed by deception, division, and perpetual war.

The elite control mechanisms of the past must be recognized, understood, and dismantled. Class unity, not ethnic nationalism or religious supremacy, is the only path forward. The ruling class fears nothing more than a world where people refuse to be divided, where they see through the illusions of propaganda, and where they recognize that their power lies in solidarity, not subjugation.

The nineteenth century was not an era of progress—it was a crime scene, and its architects remain in power. Until these truths are fully acknowledged and acted upon, the chaos of empire will continue to shape the world, ensuring that humanity remains locked in a cycle of exploitation, war, and deception.

To restore truth is to reclaim power. To reclaim power is to end the rule of empire.

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Financial Cartels, Banking Dynasties, and War Profiteering

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  • Chernow, Ron. The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1990.
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  • Griffin, G. Edward. The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve. Appleton, WI: American Media, 1994.
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  • Mullins, Eustace. The Secrets of the Federal Reserve. Bridger House Publishers, 1993.
  • Rothbard, Murray N. A History of Money and Banking in the United States: The Colonial Era to World War II. Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2002.
  • Sutton, Antony C. Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution. Arlington House Publishers, 1974.

Zionism as an Imperial Project and Historical Distortions

  • Atzmon, Gilad. The Wandering Who? A Study of Jewish Identity Politics. Winchester: Zero Books, 2011.
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  • Pappé, Ilan. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. London: Oneworld Publications, 2006.
  • Shahak, Israel. Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years. Pluto Press, 1994.
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Colonial Holocausts, Genocides, and the Continuity of Ethnic Cleansing

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  • Tinker, George E. Missionary Conquest: The Gospel and Native American Cultural Genocide. Fortress Press, 1993.
  • Wolfe, Patrick. Settler Colonialism and the Elimination of the Native. Journal of Genocide Research, 2006.

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