Brandon Smith
The phrase “conspiracy theory” is often used by establishment agencies, the mainstream media and useful idiots as a tool to dismiss legitimate evidence or viewpoints that disagree with their predetermined version of events. This method of propaganda was not always as widespread as it is today. The phrase was not “created” by the CIA, but it was in fact weaponized by them in the 1960’s after the assassination of John F. Kennedy with the express purpose of shutting down rational debate.
CIA memo 1035-960, circulated within the CIA in 1967 and exposed through a freedom of information act request by the New York Times in 1976, outlines strategies the agency would use to shut down critics of the Warren Commission Report. Specifically, they suggested the accusation of “conspiracy” with negative connotations attached, predominantly in mainstream books and articles. This was indeed done through the CIA’s many puppets in the media, and the concept of “conspiracy theory” as a pejorative was born.
Through the use of strawman arguments, red herring fallacies and sophistry, the incredible scale of evidence (exposed by investigators like New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison) suggesting the Warren Commission was either corrupt or ignorant in its findings was buried in a flurry of hatchet jobs and hit pieces. And this was the goal, of course; to attack the messenger and silence the truth without having to go through the ugly process of directly confronting the truth.

Until recently, this strategy was highly effective. Attacking a person as a “conspiracy theorist” was the only tool critics really needed to keep a piece of evidence or a concrete viewpoint from going viral. Conspiracy theory is equated to insanity, or stupidity, or buffoonery. Everyone knows a conspiracy theorist is not to be taken seriously, so why waste time listening to what they have to say in the first place?
It should come as no surprise that conspiracy REALITY is not something these people want entertained by the public. Conspiracies are a fact of history. Governments lie, all the time, and they have been caught doing it. The media lies, constantly, and has been caught doing it. Yet, we are supposed to ignore this and assume that anyone daring to stand contrary to government and media claims is some kind of lunatic?
In the past 5-10 years, however, things have been changing.
Suddenly, anti-establishment views and investigations of corruption are bulldozing the mainstream scripted narrative, and the elites and the media are bewildered. They can see they are losing control of popular thought and they are disturbed, to say the least. A steady stream of articles and essays have been flooding the MSM recently lamenting the rise of “conspiracy culture” and warning of the “death of democracy” if this is allowed to continue.
They seem specifically angered by the idea that their “journalistic” and “professional” status no longer matters to most people. Not long ago, anyone wearing a suit, a uniform, a lab coat, a journalist’s badge or collecting a government paycheck was supposed to be immediately taken seriously as a designated “expert”. As Noam Chomsky describes them in his book ‘Manufacturing Consent’, they were the professional class, the top 10% or less of individuals with “all the answers”. These were the people the establishment sought to indoctrinate most of all, because these were the community leaders that many in the public listened to without question.
Now there is a growing movement of people who could not care less about what kind of degree someone’s parents purchased for them from an ivy league university. They don’t care about establishment designations and fake accolades and titles and credentials. What they care about are facts and evidence. What they care about are the arguments a person puts forth, rather than how important they purport to be. This is causing some consternation among the elites.

A key figure and gatekeeper in the propaganda war against the alternative media and conspiracy reality is Cass Sunstein, former “Information Czar” in the Obama Administration. Sunstein has written numerous books and articles lamenting the growing influence of the alternative media, including his book ‘Conspiracy Theories And Dangerous Ideas‘.
The main thrust of Sunstein’s position is that conspiracy theories isolate the populace into small groups of like-minded people perpetuating each others “misguided” views. He also suggests that these groups represent a concrete threat to the stability of government and of society by spreading wrong (or perhaps inconvenient) information and civil unrest. In other words, a few decades ago all information was centralized and filtered by the corporate media and government, and now the internet is decentralizing information flow thereby allowing people to think differently and break from the majority narrative, which is unacceptable by Sunstein’s standards.
Sunstein sees the creation of a public hive mind as the best outcome for social order. He suggests in his book ‘Nudge’ the concept of “Libertarian Paternalism” (which is neither libertarian or paternal). He advocates for the control of society through subversive means of influence (nudging) while allowing people to continue believing that their choices are actually their own.
But how would Sunstein go about executing this influence? His solution to the threat of the alternative media was first made clear in his paper titled ‘Conspiracy Theories’, published in 2008. In it, he argues in favor of government interference or control of alternative media or “conspiracy theory” sources. His primary tactic was the infiltration of alternative media forums and sites by government agents or private actors paid by the government to disrupt discussion, derail activism and sow seeds of doubt or chaos. Effectively, Sunstein wanted the covert destruction of the liberty media by paid agitators.
So, the same man who accuses the alternative media of conspiracy mongering and the destruction of the western world is actively seeking to foment a conspiracy to undermine that movement. Is this irony, or hypocrisy or both? Doesn’t this mean that Sunstein is a part of one of the very conspiracies he criticizes people like me for being concerned about?
Sunstein and his elitist ilk want the power to erase or sabotage the alternative media. In fact, there are probably a few of their agent provocateurs attacking this article in the comments below right now. They would prefer that the government eventually take full control of the internet and dictate the terms of media participation directly. This gives rise to one of the most important questions that the establishment does not want to answer – Who gets to decide what is and what is not “dangerous conspiracy theory”?
If pressed, the elites will ultimately suggest that they are the best qualified. Sunstein describes the general public in his books as essentially lazy, unintelligent, impulsive and not to be trusted to make good decisions. He does not seem to include himself and his globalist comrades as being prone to the same weaknesses. They are apparently wise and benevolent enough to make the best decisions for all of us. Imagine that…

This elitism bias and Sunstein’s overall methodology for biting at the ankles of the liberty media is being carried over into a new wave of propaganda in the past couple of years, primarily coming from (though not limited to) the political left.
Sunstein’s gatekeeping has spawned a cancerous growth of copycats in progressive academics. This is going on everywhere, but one particular example I found recently was on Vox, a leftist rag which shamelessly flaunts its political bias and actively slanders conservatives. Vox‘s article ‘Conspiracy Theories Are Getting More Absurd And Harder To Refute’ promotes a new book which regurgitates Sunstein’s propaganda model. The article takes special time to reassert the old disinformation narrative by stating that:
“Democracy requires a minimum amount of mutual trust among citizens, and conspiracism destroys it.”
Are you getting the sense yet that there is a repetitive message coming from these people that they want you to embrace? Is there ANYTHING true about the statement above? The fundamental root of their argument is that conspiracy theories (viewpoints outside the mainstream) must be treated as existential threats to society. In other words, some ideas are so dangerous that they must be controlled or outlawed. The basis of this argument, though, is entirely fraudulent.
First, leftists incessantly refer to our society as a “democracy”, I think because they believe if they tell the lie enough it will become reality by default. The US was never intended to be a “democracy”, but a Republic, and with good reason. Democracy requires blind and often misplaced faith in the system. A Republic requires constant vigilance and healthy skepticism. In a Republic, we are not supposed to simply “trust” that our leaders are going to do the right thing. We are supposed to put them under a microscope, uncover criminality and corruption, and generally make them uncomfortable at all times. It is our civic duty to become “conspiracy theorists”.
The establishment prefers a democracy because in a democracy 51% of the population can dictate the individual liberties of the other 49%, and they are rightly convinced that they can influence the thinking and decisions of the larger half. Also, in a democracy, society revolves around moral relativism and the ever arbitrary “greater good for the greater number”, instead of governing according to individual liberty, inherent moral compass and human conscience.
The Vox article goes on to make the claim that while there are some correct conspiracy theories, they have all come from the left side of the political spectrum (which they call “progressive” conspiracy theories”). They then assert that there are no verifiable conspiracy theories coming from the political right. This is madness.
When Cass Sunstein describes the tribalist isolation and conspiracy delusions of certain groups, he was clearly trying to mislabel conservative activists and the alternative media, but the REAL conspiracy nutbags have actually been on the left this whole time.
A lot of young leftist millennials, professional (I say this with the utmost sarcasm) mainstream media personalities and celebrities foolishly bought into the Russiagate conspiracy theory; a theory based on ZERO concrete evidence and a garbage heap of empty conjecture. For example, how many sessions of Real Time With Bill Maher or Late Night With Stephen Colbert was the Russiagate fantasy propped up as verified fact by a screeching flock of leftist parrots, blanketed in the protective peanut-brained imbecility of the audiences in their Los Angeles and New York echo chambers?

Even today, after the long anticipated Mueller Report led to no indictments, leftists continue to cling desperately like hemorrhoids to the anus that is Russiagate.
Leftists have to this point justified much of their schizophrenic and sometimes violent and criminal behavior on the lie that Donald Trump is a usurper put into office by Russian manipulation of US elections. Now isn’t this the epitome of a conspiracy theory that is destructive to society?
Not all conspiracy theories are started by the alternative media. Many are started by the establishment itself, and these are indeed designed to cause the destabilization of the nation.
At the same time, the fabricated Russiagate conspiracy has been very effective at leading the left away from the very real conspiracy of Trump’s saturation of his cabinet with banking elites and globalist think tank ghouls like John Bolton, Steven Mnuchin or Wilber Ross. Weren’t these the same elites that Trump was going to “drain from the swamp”? Why hasn’t the left talking about that for the past two years?
The article also makes no mention of the DNC rigging of the Democratic primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton and against Bernie Sanders. This was a conspiracy conservatives had to help expose, while the left sat idle and ignored it, hyperfocusing on their hatred of Trump while propping up Hillary Clinton, a repeat criminal offender. But, hey, conservative conspiracies are always wrong and leftist conspiracies are often correct according to Vox and friends…
And what about the verified fact of mass digital surveillance by government on the public? This was a conspiracy that conservative groups had been warning about for years. We were called kooks, because why would the government care about what the average person did in their day-to-day life? Our fears were verified by the exposure of classified data by people like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange (who is now facing extradition and prosecution for nothing more than publishing truths on the internet). Both the political left and political right are aggressively hostile to both these men, and are seeking to bury them.
My question is, what is really more dangerous? Conspiracy theories, or the actual conspiracies governments and elitists execute against the people?
The message here is not ambiguous at all. To summarize, the establishment wants control of internet media, by hook or by crook, in the name of protecting people from themselves and from ideas they consider unsettling to the world order. The political left is all on board with this as long as their conspiracy theories are treated with legitimacy; and they will be, because their conspiracy theories are the establishment’s conspiracy theories.
The only theories that are being threatened with subjugation are those of conservatives and the alternative media that are contrary to centralization and government power. Not because our theories are dangerous to the fabric of society, but because our theories are dangerous to the people who want to dictate the fabric of society. Our activism and journalism represents decentralized thought which could choke the engine of the globalist agenda. We aren’t tearing down the western world, we’re the only thing keeping it alive.
* * *
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Strangely enough no one ever wrote about this aspect of science history, European history and religion except me.The rabis like the pope are all full of shit and are going to take us all out along with themselves with their shitty Old Testament Torah that is s primitive it doesn’t even have four elements only fire and brimstone..I’d love to see Netanyahu and Trump and theoir ‘messianic’ jews’ and christians’ architectual design for their Temple Mount.It will probably look like that plastic cement and steelTrump Tower.Modern civilization can’t even compare to making structures like ancient advanced stone age people did even using all the oil and most modern construction techniques available.In fact if Isaeli jews ever rebuild their mythical Temple of Solomon or whatever it will probably look like Sandy Hook Elementary School.They couldn’t come close to an Al Aqsa Mosque.
Nonetheless the pope and all his rabbis are full of shit and the phosphate mined to maintain their shit is fast depleting.In my lifetime the U.S. HAS RAPED fLORIDA AND iDAHO TO MINE PHOSPHATES TO EXPORT WHEAT AND CORN AND WE ARE NOW IMPORTERS OF PHOSPHATES.We are all full of shit and living on the edge of the Late Classic Industrial era.
Those who live by fire and brimstone die by fire and brimstone…….And white people aint ‘Semites’ and in fact can’t even correctly be called Jews.But what idiot would want to be called a jew anyways or proudly and erroneously brag of being a proud decendent of a founder Abraham who was both a rapist and probable child molester like of his maid just like Arnie Schwarzenegger.In fact bif the white honky pseudo jews of hollywood ever get around to making a Abraham movie my votes for Arnie Schwarzenegger to play the leading man.
Pope’s Misconceptions about conception and science history
Tony Ryals | 29.10.2005 05:40 | Culture | Ecology | Gender
The pope’s apparent ignorance of science history and modern agricultural technology obscures from his vision the disastrous effects of his policy of unchecked population growth on future generations who will find “no food on the table” nor the resources with which to grow it. This ignorance also shows that the pope has no more expertise in the fields of agricultural science, population planning, or resoure management than the pope in Galileo’s time did in the area of astronomy.
Pope John Paul II may be gone but Pope Benedict XVI maintains a tradition of ignorance and human materialism that has no justification even in a literal interpretation of the Bible and only insures perpetual human ignorance and misery.
And this statement goes double for the fundamentalist protestants such as America’s Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and their ilk, who have promoted human ignorance, hatred, and greed everyday of their worthless lives.
Pope’s Stances Lack Scientific Basis
by Tony Ryals
The Daily Californian September 22, 1987
On Nov. 10, 1979, a meeting was held in Rome by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in honor of the 100th year anniversary of the birth of Albert Einstein. The meeting marked the first time in the history of the church, since the formation of its own science academy, that any pope had presided over such a session.
This meeting of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences may well be more memorable for Pope John Paul II’s statements regarding science, Galileo, and the church than for the honoring of the centenary of the birth of Einstein himself.
In discussing the case of Galileo and the church, Pope John Paul II addressed the academy as follows:
“Mr.President, you said very rightly that Galileo and Einstein each characterized an era. The greatness of Galileo is recognized by all, as is that of Einstein, but while today we honor the latter before the College of Cardinals in the apostolic palace, the former had to suffer much – we cannot deny it – from men and orgainzations within the church. The Vatican Council has recognized and deplored unwarranted interferences…”
Approximately one year after his Pontifical Academy of Science speech on Galileo, the pope, in criticizing what he termed “artificial” methods birth control, made a notable statement on modern agriculture, simultaneously. The pope stated:
“There are attacks on fecundity itself with means that human and Christian ethics must consider illicit… Instead of increasing the amount of bread on the table of a hungry humanity as a modern means of production can do today, there are thoughts of diminishing the number of those at the table through methods that are contrary to honesty. This is not worthy of civilization.”
Now that the pope has pardoned Galileo for telling the church that the earth is in orbit around the sun, it is time to tell the pope that the other half of Aristotle’s church-approved cosmology has also come unglued. The “Four Element” concept (earth, air, fire and water) was the other half of the Aristotelian Earth-centered universe adopted by St.Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century.
Although the Renaissance astronomers successfully challenged Aristotle’s and the church’s geocentric universe several centuries later, atoms still had not been discovered. For this reason the Four Elements remained intact and unchallenged long after the death of Galileo in 1642.
The discovery of atoms in the last couple of centuries has totally transformed our concept of elements. The former “elements”, earth and air, are both composed of a variety of elements. We now know that even the ancient element “water” can be further divided into the elements of hydrogen and oxygen. And the element “fire” is now understood to be a form of radiation.
Justus Von Liebig, the 19th century father of agricultural chemistry, and other pioneering chemists did to Aristotle’s Four Elements what the Renaissance astronomers did to Aristotle’s concept of the Earth as the center of the universe – they overturned it!
Liebig first pointed out the for plants to utilize carbon dioxide in the air for growth, they must have adequate amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in their soil. Unfortunately, in popularizing the N,P,K concept of modern chemical agriculture, Liebig paved the way for overreliance upon energy-intensive fossil fuel consumption in the mining of phosphorus and potassium as well as in industrial production of nitrogen fertilizers.
We now know that for every orbit of the Earth around the sun – one year – the pope, each member of the Catholic Church, and everyone else on the planet consumes in their food and excretes from their bodies approximately two pounds of phosphorus and various quantities of nitrogen, calcium, potassium, iron, and other trace elements. All these elements generally go unrecycled, often into rivers and oceans or even municipal dumps, further enriching fertilizer industries (who will sell the farmers more for a price) at the expense of the Earth’s non-renewable mineral nutrient resources.
When the remaining fossil fuels, particularly natural gas, are exhausted, only bacteria and blue-green algae utilizing phosphorus, potassium, and trace elements in “soil-culture” and “aqua-culture” will be likely candidates to fix atmospheric nitrogen for agricultural fertilization.
Both the trade of grains and the direct trade of phosphates speed the depletion of our limited reserves of phosphate rock in the United States, which comes mainly from mining operations in Florida. Deposits in Idaho are also being mined, at present, and Armand Hammer of Occidental Petroleum has eyed public land near Ojai, Calif. to strip-mine for phosphates.
We should realize the need to conserve our dwindling reserves of phosphates for future generations. The United States not long ago was a net exporter of petroleum, but now we are importers. The same situation could occur with phosphates if we refuse to learn from the past. Some researchers have suggested that we may become dependent upon yet a new OPEC (or Organization of Phosphate Exporting Countries), such as Morocco, with its relatively large rock phosphate reserves.
The U.S. General Accounting Office estimates that our reserves of phosphorus will be depleted some time in the next century. This will inevitably lead to a food and population crisis that will make our oil crisis seem minor by comparison.
The pope’s apparent ignorance of science history and modern agricultural technology obscures from his vision the disastrous effects of his policy of unchecked population growth on future generations who will find “no food on the table” nor the resources with which to grow it. This ignorance also shows that the pope has no more expertise in the fields of agricultural science, population planning, or resoure management than the pope in Galileo’s time did in the area of astronomy.
The nutrients that subsidize the life of the pope, and everyone on the planet, are a finite resource. Unless the pope realizes the seriousness of the linear flow of elements through himself and the rest of humanity, he shall be partly responsible for contributing to the collapse of modern agriculture.
To sum up, Pope John Paul II is as confused about the movement of atoms as the pope of Galileo’s time was about the movement of the Earth and celestial bodies. Based upon the rate of depletion of chemical fertilizers, the present pope does not have 300 years to re-evaluate his view on modern agriculture and birth control. The question still remains as to why the Pontifical Academy of Sciences has not made this disastrous movement of atoms clear to the pope.
Tony Ryals
Eisenhower warned of the Military ~ Industrial Complex,…..little did he know that almost 60+ years later, the Congress of the US and the 3 letter agencies would intrigue to ignore and nullify the Constitution. Thus making that speech practically moot.
The US Constitution is the highest Law of the land. Since it has been reduce to virtual ashes, the US is a mere shadow of its former resplendence.
OKC Anniversary 2019 > “The Nobel Lie” > RTR Truth Media
Science has always had some bulldust, just like anything. I remember reading how do called scientists wrote books on Mars and Venus. They had endless stories about the plant life etc. It was all just bulldust.
A monopole magnet can power motion and electricity seemling like magic, a better version shows you how to make the magnet and the motor it is on youtube.
In 1973 I had to university pshysics for a year in an engineering course. One day they showed us 3 gyros initially spun by compressed air. They were attached to a board and it lifted. The anguar momentum caused it. When you think about it angular momentum defies gravity eg. spinning top vertical until stops spinning.
In 1973 I had to university pshysics for a year in an engineering course. One day they showed us 3 gyros initially spun by compressed air. They were attached to a board and it lifted. The anguar momentum caused it. When you think about it angular momentum defies gravity eg. spinning top vertical until stops spinning.
In 1973 I had to university pshysics for a year in an engineering course. One day they showed us 3 gyros initially spun by compressed air. They were attached to a board and it lifted. The anguar momentum caused it. When you think about it angular momentum defies gravity eg. spinning top vertical until stops spinning. .t the end there are liks, eg free enery where a monopole magnet can power motion and electricity seemling like magic, a better version shows you how to make the magnet and the motor and .
Eisenhower warned of the military industrial complex, but he also warned of the scientic industrial complex. Science now is being controlled. It is now often a lie.
CO2 + H2O>phtosynthesis> sugar + O2 required for (most) life. As Patrick Moore (formerly of greenpeace) says man is putting CO2 back in the air, without the lack of CO2 might cause life to cease.The CO2 is being sequestered from the air into CaCO3 calcium carbonate and used in bones shells etc which also form limestone. Also CO2 cme from volcanoes which are less numerous now. Yet we are told CO2 is evil, it is good. The so heating of the earth does not always correlate with CO2 increase but with CO2 decrease. See Patrick Moore videos.
Bill- Yes, James McCanney agrees with you and says that science has been hijacked and much of what the public is given as science is a lie.
I think that the universe is infinitely large and infinitely small. Matter and energy are interchangeable e=mc2. So I think the particle sizes can be smaller and smaller for ever, the limit being energy.
I also think the “light” side of the moon (opposite the dark side of the moon) is heavier, so that is why it always falls to/ faces the earth.
“I suppose you think the earth is flat, too?” is the new replacement for “conspiracy theory”. People know the earth is round, they knew before Columbus, who refused to listen to the King of Portugal and King&Queen of Spain who knew his size of the earth was half gthe ral, so hen he got o america he called the natives indians because he thought he was in india. The flat earth teory is to make truthers look stupid. Lately when I try to tell people about 911 etc, thay say “I suppose you think the earth is flat?” Some peiople believe it because they think all conspiracy theories must be right.
Eisenhower warned of the military industrial complex, but he also warned of the scientic industrial complex. Science now is being controlled. It is now often a lie.
CO2 + H2O>phtosynthesis> sugar + O2 required for (most) life. As Patrick Moore (formerly of greenpeace) says man is putting CO2 back in the air, without the lack of CO2 might cause life to cease.The CO2 is being sequestered from the air into CaCO3 calcium carbonate and used in bones shells etc which also form limestone. Also C)2 cme from volcanoes which are less numerous now. Yet we are told CO2 is evil, it is good. The so heating of the earth does not always correlate with CO2 increase but with CO2 decrease. See Patrick Moore videos.
In 1973 I had to university pshysics for a year in an engineering course. One day they showed us 3 gyros initially spun by compressed air. They were attached to a board and it lifted. The anguar momentum caused it. When you think about it angular momentum defies gravity eg. spinning top vertical until stops spinning. Ther is a youtube of it under gyro antigravity. The Royal Society refused to print Eric Laithwaites talk, the only time they refused. Eric was famous, he had invented the linear motor. Some suggested to him about the gyro antigravity, he never got it done fully, he only reduced the weight , got lift. Eric was riducled for the rest of his life. It had been done at the time he started. Ther even was a BBC youtube showing he was treated badly, but it is not on the internet now, but there are writings about it. I have done a job for a guy from CSIRO and he says they know about it, it is over the road from Monash University. Ther are patents for the antigrav gyro on the video of it, they exist,you can google them .t the end there are liks, eg free enery where a monopole magnet can power motion and electricity seemling like magic, a better version shows you how to make the magnet and the motor and . Normal science does not teach therse things.
Also I think that the universe is infinitely large and infinitely small. Matter and energy are interchangeable e=mc2. So I think the particle sizes can be smaller and smaller for ever, the limit being energy.
I also think the dark side of the moon is heavier so that is wht it always falls to/ faces the earth.
I also think the “light” side of the moon (opposite the dark side of the moon is heavier), so that is why it always falls to/ faces the earth.
Word Of Power is a youtube site where a Sri Lanka Zionist Christian march video originated from.Vincent Balanathan or Bala Nathan is the person who made the video or hosts it on his youtube site. The comment or bible quote below was posted on an israeltoday article titled ‘ Israeli Scientists Print First 3D Living Heart’ was posted after the bombings and yet he doesn’t even mention them in his comment posted on israeltoday. ! ‘Is his bible quote post really a message to someone about the unmentioned event or what ?
I think he must be at Zion Church in Batticaloa.You can use the time of his post to verify that he is posting after the event and yet he doesn’t even mention the bombings and as you can see is simply ecstatic about something..I guess he must have posted just before the Sri Lanka government cut off the internet .
By the way Trump is hosting a meeting for Jewish and Christian Zionists of his ilk at Mar Al Lago.
Word of Power • 7 hours ago
“Therefore be careful to observe them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes, and say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.” Deut 4: 6
May Elohim bless you Oh Israel! Blessings from Sri Lanka!
I believe this is important or I wouldn’t try and post it here a second time.Word Of Power is the youtube site where the Sri Lanka Zionist Christian march you posted originated from.Vincent Balanation or Bala Nation is person who made the video or hosts it on his youtube site. The comment r bible quote below posted to an israeltoday article titled ‘ Israeli Scientists Print First 3D Living Heart occured after the bombings and yet he doesn’t even mention them ! ‘Is his bible quote post really a message to someone about the unmentioned event or what ?
I think he must be at Zion Church in Batticaloa.You can use the time of his post to verify that he is posting his bible quote after the event and yet he doesn’t even mention the bombings and as you can see is simply ecstatic about something..I guess he must have posted just before the Sri Lanka government cut off the internet as wellHe may have a Goa,India connection as well.
Word of Power • 7 hours ago
“Therefore be careful to observe them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes, and say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.” Deut 4: 6
May Elohim bless you Oh Israel! Blessings from Sri Lanka!
Scott Creighton:
“Bill Hicks Teaches Us A Lesson About RussiaGate
Every physicist wears the badge of “Conspiracy Theorist” with honor.
The Scientific Method has resulted in great strides forward in the understanding of natural processes which are not visible to the naked eye, but can still be studied with carefully controlled experiments. Theories or mental images of possible scenarios are proposed. Some might call these “conspiracy theories”. Then, carefully designed experiments are conducted to understand if the theories are correct or not. If they conflict with the experimental facts, they are discarded. Only after very careful experiments repeated by many observers at different locations and times are performed, leading to consistency in the results, are the conclusions accepted as truth. This is a central part of the Scientific Method. For example one original mental picture of the atom was the so called “plum pudding model”:
Since the experimental results from this picture did not agree with the experiments and facts, it was discarded in favor of the so called “nuclear atom” where a tiny nuclear positive charge is surrounded by negative electrons moving in elliptical orbits outside the nucleus. After great experimentation and theoretical work by Bohr and Schrodinger mostly in the early part of the 20th Century, and others the current mental picture evolved to that generally held today. This is the Scientific Method in action. Another great experiment performed about 1909 by Robert Millikan showed that the electric charge exists only in integral multiples of the charge on an electron and in no other amounts. He was awarded the solo 1923 Nobel Prize for this discovery: Some arrogant mostly theoretical physicists love to sit around and speculate about how nature is made. One theory is to invent a common “particle” called a quark, named from a play they read called Finnegan’s Wake. They speculated this particle could have a fractional electric charge in contradiction with the above experiment by Robert Millikan. A great effort was made to search for such particles but none were ever found. They also speculated a proton could be made of three so called quarks but no one has ever calculated one. Also no one has ever observed any particles with fractional electric charge. Still some of these arrogant folks cling to this conspiracy theory and talk about it in textbooks often without a disclaimer that none of it has been verified experimentally at this point anyway. And if and when these ideas are verified, it won’t be easy to repeat them in different laboratories because of the great expense to construct particle accelerators.
One of the best statements on the Scientific Method can be found here: “Physics A Textbook for Colleges”, Oscar M. Stewart, Ginn & Co., 4th Ed., 1924-1944, pp. 756-760, “Notes on the Scientific Method”. The late Professor Stewart was a professor of physics at the University of Missouri. This is a perfect example illustrating why old books must not be sold by libraries. Sometimes older is better.
Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D., Physics
Agree Don.
All roads lead to the City of London.
Its my opinion that the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird [that controls the media] is what makes these hoaxes, frauds and FF possible.
When you control the press, you can control 99% of what the people think. The vast majority of the population of the US and elsewhere do not think for themselves….they are too lazy.
The US is in the top 5 of the most corrupt nations on the planet. Its all hidden in clever lies….starting at the top. The media is this week still reporting on the “tragedy of Sandy Hook” and all the other hoaxes. As long as this continues, the USA is a very sick non-nation.
JFK tried to ”break the CIA into a thousand pieces”, as he said. They taught him a lesson in Dallas that he will never forget.
The USA is one of the most ignominious nations on the planet. Allows an ineligible fraud to occupy the Oval Office for 8 years. Currently this person continues to pirouette around the world pretending they’re important. What a sick joke.
Allows the equivalent of the Storm troopers of Nazi Germany to virtually rule the nation from Langley Virginia and no does anything about it.
The brainless pathetic people of the USA for 60+ years have been paying for the rope to hang themselves via Black tax money secretly given to rogue alphabet agencies.
Collects billions of tax dollars and gives it to countries that openly defecate on the USA.
Thomas Jefferson was sadly correct in 1776 . He feared that INTERNAL enemies of the new nation would eventually destroy it. Benjamin Franklin declared to the Press that ” the new nation is a Republic, if you can keep it.”
All roads lead to the City of London.
“Fossil Fuel is Nuclear Waste” >
“Perplexing Apollo Questions for NASA” >
“Twin Towers Destroyed Using Clean Nukes”