Joachim Hagopian, WWIII Pathway to War against Iran via More US State Sponsored False Flag Terrorism?

 Joachim Hagopian 2024 went out with a bang, literally with co-timed reported acts of terrorism vis-a-vis the Las Vegas Musk-owned Tesla made cybertruck going off injuring a half dozen bystanders, killing only the apparent suicide bomber parked in front of the Trump International Hotel. This location linking the richest man in the world to billionaire President Trump is certainly no accident, an ominous attack of things to come symbolically directed against the Trump-Musk alliance set to retake the White House in two and a half weeks. According to CNN, Vegas police…

Joachim Hagopian, The Sergey Lavrov Inspired Mini-History Deep Dive

Joachim Hagopian As we approach the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 disaster, a look back at the unprosecuted conspirators is a most worthwhile endeavour. In the name of national security and citizen safety, ever since 9/11, the US authoritarian government has been busily stripping away our stolen civil liberties, flagrantly violating our constitutional rule of law, deceptively deploying the dialectic M.O. “problem-reaction-solution,” repeatedly to erode and destroy our American way of life. While jointly partnering with Israel in America’s deadliest act of terrorism committed on US soil on 9/11, the Patriot…

Mike Stone, Gaslighting is the MSM’s Purpose

Mike Stone Everything you see or hear coming from the mainstream media is a lie.  Not some of it, not most of it, all of it.   To substantiate what I’ve just said, let’s look at some recent examples.   In October of 2023, the mainstream media told us that Israel was hit with a surprise attack by Hamas. So applying our rule of opposites, we knew right away that it wasn’t a surprise attack at all.   Sure enough, we now have confirmation that Israel had prior knowledge of the “surprise…

The Dreaded GOAT Predictions for 2024 Part I — Where Do We Go From Here?

Tom Luongo [Editor’s note: Fascinating projections about 2024, where I have added my “Top 10 Stories of 2023” to round out a dreadful year.] Where do we go from here Terror in Rue de St. Denis, murder on the periphery Someone else in someone else’s pocket Christ knows I don’t know how to stop it Poppies at the cenotaph, the cynics can’t afford to laugh I heard in on the telegraph there’s Uzis on a street corner — Marillion, White Russian Last year I finally gave in to the pressure and…

4th Annual False Flags & Conspiracies Conference 2023 (16-17 December 2023)

The 4th Annual False Flags & Conspiracies Conference will be held this coming 16-17 December 2023. Unlike past conferences, this will be FREE and broadcast LIVE. We will take questions from the audience following grouped presentations. SATURDAY (9 AM- 1 PM/CT) will feature Ace Baker, Brian Davidson, Fred Leuchter, and Jim Fetzer on false flags and their exposure, with important examples; (1-6 PM/CT) Donald Jeffries, Stephanie Sledge, and Meryl Nass on COVID, Trump, and biological warfare; (5-1` PM/CT) Giuseppe Vafangulo, Joachim Hagopian, Rima Laibow, and Jack Mullen on kill shots, genocide against the human race, questioning the WHO, and freedom & privacy. For background, download LAW ENFORCEMENT FALSE…

Joachim Hagopian, Are Courts Overturning Biden Regime Violating 1st, 2nd and Potential 14th Amendments?

Joachim Hagopian A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.                                                                                                                          …

Joachim Hagopian, Road to Destruction – 2019 Christchurch Mosque False Flag Shooting & New Zealand’s Strict Gun Control

Joachim Hagopian [Author’s note: Back in 2019 amidst busily writing the 5 Pedophila & Empire books, along came the New Zealand false flag shooting. I wrote about it at the time but never bothered sending it out. Mary Maxwell reminded me earlier today if I ever did anything on it, she would like to know. So I found it and came up with this revised updated edition to piggyback off my last article. Figured with so many US false flag shootings, it seems relevant today.] Recent mass killings in Texas since…

Mary Clare Jalonick, Colleen Long, and Lindsay Whitehurst, After Nashville, Congress confronts limits of new gun law

By MARY CLARE JALONICK, COLLEEN LONG and LINDSAY WHITEHURST [Editor’s note: Compare the sob story reported by the AP with the actual event, which was completely fake.] WASHINGTON (AP) — Nine months ago, President Joe Biden signed a sweeping bipartisan gun law, the most significant legislative response to gun violence in decades. “Lives will be saved,” he said at the White House. The law has already prevented some potentially dangerous people from owning guns. Yet since that signing last summer, the tally of mass shootings in the United States has only grown. Five…


LIVE Conference (3-4 December 2022) CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR TICKETS  Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Program Chair Welcome to the 3rd annual False Flags & Conspiracies Conference (2022), to be broadcast LIVE 3-4 December 2022. The nation has been gripped by conspiracies, including the theft of the 2020 election, the production of a (fake) pandemic and a real (but deadly) vax, sabotaging the nation’s energy independence by cancelling the XL pipeline, the transgender movement (where parents have no say over the sex of their child), Congressional funding of the most corrupt country…

UN Declares War on ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theories: ‘The World Is NOT Secretly Manipulated By Global Elite’

VIA : NEWSPUNCH.COM [Editor’s note: Bullshit is bullshit, even when it comes from a source such as the UN. For antidotes to nonsense, check out my publications (available on-line): “Thinking about ‘Conspiracy Theories’: 9/11 and JFK” and “What’s Wrong with Conspiracy Theories?”. Then watch “How to Spot a False Flag (Part 1)” and “How to Spot a. False Flag (Part 2)” and evaluate the evidence. This is an embarrassing development that all-but-discredits the UN as having a voice in international affairs. It has hereby discredited itself.] The United Nations has declared…