David Marcus
The Democrats and their media allies are trying to convince the American people that President Donald Trump is guilty of inciting an insurrection last week. In both legal terms and in terms of the plain meaning of the English language, their claim is absurd on its face. There are two fundamental reasons for this: Trump did not incite the riots at the Capitol, and the riots were not an insurrection.
The Standard for Incitement
Legally speaking, incitement has an incredibly high bar that none of Trump’s actions since the election come close to meeting. These standards were set by the Supreme Court in its landmark Brandenburg v. Ohio case. Among other things, the decision held that in order to constitute incitement to violence, speech must include intent and specific, not abstract, instructions to act. It also required that the speech in question would likely produce “imminent lawless action,” which went a step further than the previous legal tests for incitement. According to the ruling:
[T]he constitutional guarantees of free speech and free press do not permit a State to forbid or proscribe advocacy of the use of force or of law violation except where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.
So as a legal matter, this seems pretty clear. But what about more generally? In Salon, Amanda Marcotte attempts to make a case that Trump incited an insurrection. She starts with a big claim: “There is no doubt Donald Trump incited the insurrection on January 6. It happened largely in public and is recorded for posterity. Let’s review the record.” But only a paragraph later she writes, “[T]he people who stormed the U.S. Capitol armed with guns, pipe bombs and flex cuffs to take members of Congress and Vice President Mike Pence hostage understood Trump’s wink-and-nudge style loud and clear.”
One cannot incite with a wink and a nudge — not unless those gestures have already been specified to mean a call to violence. In this case, nothing Trump said at his speech before the violence broke out was a specific call for violence, much less insurrection. Part of how we know this is that the vast, vast majority of those who attended his speech (where he called literally for a peaceful protest at the Capitol) did not engage in any violence whatsoever.
What Trump asked his backers to do was to make their voices heard in support of the members of Congress who were working to ensure that the election was a fair one. What happened next was a chaotic mess caused by a small number of violent agitators, a complete and total breakdown of security at the Capitol, and a poor response once things began to get out of hand. Some of that poor response was owing to the fact that the events were surprising. If it was so bloody obvious that Trump was telling people to storm the Capitol, why were we all so shocked and caught off guard when some people did?
This Was No Insurrection
So much for incitement. As to insurrection, at no point was the overthrow of the government of the United States even a remotely possible outcome, not even close. Those cosplaying idiots taking selfies in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office and parading around with podiums had no intentions of forming a new government. This was an expression of anger, not a realistic, organized coup attempt. Anyone among the rioters who believed their actions would result in the overthrow of the government, if there were any, were delusional to the point of insanity.
So if it wasn’t incitement and it wasn’t insurrection, why do the Democrats, the corporate media, and the big tech tyrants want you to believe it was? That is quite simple, actually. The purpose is to create an atmosphere of crisis and emergency that gives cover to extreme and illiberal actions to punish and silence those with whom they disagree politically.
And that has worked. Trump is banned from Twitter, as are thousands of his supporters, and big tech has colluded to destroy its competitor, Parler. Democrats are moving forward with an absurd and pointless impeachment, Simon & Schuster has canceled Sen. Josh Hawley’s book that criticizes big tech, and people who merely attended the rally and never stormed the Capitol are being fired and abused.
None of the above actions are just. None of them can be justified. This is not some existential threat to the Republic, and it never was. This is now all about power, about those on the left milking a tragedy for all it’s worth in an attempt to destroy their political rivals. But Americans are a clear-eyed people with a healthy dose of skepticism about those in power. They see what’s going on here. They will not allow the bad actions of a tiny few to fundamentally change forever the country and its freedoms they love.
This is from Stone’s site…apparently it’s a tweet of her handlers instructions that were released accidentally. If authentic, one thing it does indicate is how detailed and organized this movement is….the right could take some lessons. It may be difficult to read, so enlarge it or go to jimstone.is
Greta Thunberg got busted as a total puppet troll by her own self
I missed this at first because Greta is so hated I figured someone was exaggerating. They were not exaggerating. As it turns out, she messed up and accidentally tweeted her handlers’ instructions and Breaking 911 found the tweet on time, before the documents got deleted.
Going over what happened it is my impression that her tweeting the instructions was not really accidental, she meant to do it but did not think anyone would be watching to bust her.
There were two documents. The first one showed that American celebrities are involved in totally scripted social manipulation, with Rihanna being explicitly pointed out. Other than that, I did not see much on the first document. But in the second one, her marching orders were given to stir up a not grass roots “farmers march” in India, in an attempt to overthrow influential people in India and replace them with NWO stooges who will create a food situation that will lead to famine by banning modern agricultural practices. It does not directly say that, but it means that (for anyone who has any common sense) It is VERY bad. Here it is.
As a result of Breaking911 (on Twitter) posting this, an enormous pile of trolls are calling them trash and are saying “This is such trash I am unfollowing you” but the reality is that it’s a direct hit, and either AI or trolls are trying to smear breaking911 by posting that.
I don’t have a TV, so I am happy to listen to Tucker to bring me up to date on Biden’s “actions” and obsrervations
Troops to Syria
More troops to DC
Iran weeks away from a nuke
Yes, indeed……
Watch it until the end….unless you are afraid of your own emotional response….whether or not Trump returns, no one in their right mind can forget what Trump has left this country….a respect and hope for what this country once was and could be again…and an exposure of the dark forces and evil that is keeping away what the founders envisioned.
Until we rise as a People AND TAKE THIS GOVERNMENT BACK, we will never see this again….never, ever!
A great cause to support if you are a Floridian:
No, Trump did not incite violence at the Capitol … mainly because there was no violence except for that instigated and mostly executed by ANTIFA thugs, long before he even finished his speech. And even then there was no mass vandalism, no gunshots from the protesters, and no attempted siege. In fact, the protesters were wondering to police why they weren’t arresting the ANTIFA agitators, and they left when asked by police and even helped to clean up the ANTIFA mess. The statement that “[T]he people who stormed the U.S. Capitol armed with guns, pipe bombs and flex cuffs to take members of Congress and Vice President Mike Pence hostage” is totally ludricous and should have been labelled so by David Marcus. Only five people supposedly died–one protester by police bullet (maybe, maybe not according to the evidence), two people of medical causes, one policeman of a suicide, and one policeman following a hit by a fire extinguisher (maybe, maybe not since there are almost no details of the attack). So, where was the insurrection to begin with?
As noted by William de Berg, evidence of an insurrection is lacking. But does it matter? It is widely accepted, even by Trump enthusiasts, that Trump supporters rioted at the Capitol.
What do we do when the false narrative is already set and the facts are glossed over no matter how many times they are explained? Even people who are well-intentioned, and to whom the false narrative is most detrimental, accept the normalized story and repeat it others. They undermine their own arguments by using lies as a foundation.
I think the biggest stumbling block to truth is that people are willing to let socially-engineered convention construct their history, and thus their beliefs.
If by “socially engineered convention” you mean the MSM, I absolutely agree. It’s easier and more convenient to listen and follow than to listen, think and reason and come to ones own conclusions.
QAnon Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene reveals she had a ‘GREAT call’ with Donald Trump who ‘supports’ her as she vows to ‘never apologize’ after being slammed for calling Parkland and Sandy Hook school shootings hoaxes
”Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene announced on Twitter on Saturday morning that she had spoken to Donald Trump
She claimed they had a ‘great call’ and that she is ‘grateful for his support’
The QAnon-supporting congresswoman blasted Democrats throughout
She called Trump her ‘all-time favorite POTUS’ as she compared herself to him due the criticism she has received
It comes as she faces increased calls to resign over her past comments supporting conspiracy theories around school shootings
She has claimed that the Parkland and Sandy Hook shootings were a hoax
On Wednesday, a March 2019 video emerged of Greene stalking Parkland school shooting survivor David Hogg ”
Above is the Headline from Daily Mail.
Just as I have said…[judging from the Comments]…the people who still believe Sandy Hook are about 95+%. CIA Director Casey said that the goal of the CIA is what most all Americans believe will be totally false. I believe were there now. Americans are the most ignorant people on the planet….NO critical thinking.
Ans along with that absolute nonsense, we have this: (saying Trump’s presence on his OWN PROPERTY would decrease property values. What would one expect from NBC (Nothing But Crap!)