Donald Trump’s a stooge for the Greater Israel Project, owned and operated by the City of London Rothschild bloodline founder of Israel. His assembled Synagogue of Satan crew is the most pro-Israel cabinet in all of US history, and in the near two months since he’s taken office, he’s clearly demonstrated he’s Make Israel Great Again and as a fraud not a MAGA man at all. Look at his Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth, who was so emotionally moved when he visited the site in Jerusalem where today’s Al-Aqsa mosque stands, not in any deference whatsoever to Islam’s third holiest site, but only in his unholy Zionist resolve that there is only a one state solution – Israel, and that the present mosque holy site must be torn down, and the Third Jewish Temple built. After all, it’s not called the Jews’ Temple Mount for nothing. Hegseth sayeth:
If you walk the ground today, you understand there is no such thing as the outcome of a two-state solution. There is one state. And as you stand there, you can’t help but behold the miracle before you. And it got me thinking about another miracle that I hope all of you don’t see too far away. Because 1917 was a miracle. 1948 was a miracle. 1967 was a miracle. 2017, the declaration of Jerusalem as the capital, was a miracle. And there’s no reason why the miracle of the re-establishment of the temple on the Temple Mount is not possible.
In a December 2024 article called “The Real Jewish Problem: Khazarian Mafia Rule Earth through Deception & Destruction, Part 1,” I unmask this unholy agenda of building the Third Jewish Temple at Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, based on the fraud that it’s not even the original location of the first two temples. Zionists not only in Israel but around the globe, including the Zionist Christian majority in the United States, are all convinced that Middle East Armageddon, plotted and predicted by top Freemasons in 1871 as the coming Zionist versus Islam WWIII, will bring back the Messiah. To the Christian Zionist faithful they insist it will deliver the return of Jesus Christ, while the Jews having killed their own in Jesus, are banking on their Jewish Mashiach’s return, no doubt the same one that the Donald, his daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared all pray at – Lubivitcher Rebbe Menahem Mendel Schneesohn’s. Regardless of belief or which messiah allegedly returns, tearing down Aqsa mosque is their wet dream agenda come true as it is certain to trigger Armageddon, and that’s what they’re all salivating over.
The week after Trump’s November election victory, as he surrounded himself with Israel-approved Zionists one and all, I wrote an article entitled “Synagogue of Satan Owns Trump and his Administration,” exposing his Greater Israel Project dream team two days ahead of the ominous Al Jazeera Hegseth quote above cautioning America and world on Israeli Firster war hawk #1 Hegseth.
As a Fox News host, this same Zionist zealot Hegseth actually went on a dangerous rant singing the praises of Armageddon, fanatically urging and imploring the US to commit pre-emptive first strike attack against Israel’s archenemy Iran:
What better time than now to say ‘we’re starting the clock, you’ve got a week, you’ve got X amount of time before we start taking out your energy production facilities. We take out key infrastructure, we take out your missile sites, we take out nuclear developments, we take out port capabilities.
Trump and his fellow loose cannon fanatics saturating his cabinet like RFK Jr proclaiming last week the latest health crisis to be “antisemitism,” are taking us straight to World War III against Iran, the Middle East nation militarily and strategically aligned in unity with the two other Eastern global powers Russia and China. Responding to the three US Eastern adversaries’ “Security Belt-2025” as their joint military exercises kicking off this week at an Iranian port, the cocksure Trump beat his chest:
We’re stronger than all of them. We have more power than all of them.
With Trump’s “good cop” peace efforts to end the Ukraine war, now completely upended by Euro “bad cop” lunatics – the EU, NATO, UK, France, Italy and Germany, a Third World War in Europe appears imminent. Writing for Global Research 11 years ago, I saw this war eventually coming in an article titled “Global Militarization, the East-West Divide and the March towards World War III.” If it doesn’t go nuclear, the Eastern powers will decisively defeat the depleted West. But then tragically, that’s the bloodline gatekeepers’ evil endgame objective all along.
Following the moneychanger masters, North America and Europe are doomed not only to be blown away by unprecedented world war against the militarily superior powers of the East, but internally blown away by decades of foreign invasion as well, covered in my latest March 7th piece unmasking the tyranny of anti-hate and antisemitism speech called “Pathway to Gulag Amerika Amidst Prison Planet Chaos.” The bloodline controllers that have ruled this earth for centuries through nonstop war, centralized usury banking and increasing bribery and pedophilic sexual blackmail over puppet governments, are bent on depopulating our planet by any and all means necessary to a meager half billion from the near 8 billion now. Trump’s promise to expose the Epstein client list was permanently derailed because it would expose Israel’s blackmail control over Trump and entire US government and entertainment industry. Since their AI robotics replacement plan is now in high gear, humans are viewed as a dead weight barrier to their dystopian nightmare extermination/wet dream “Great Reset” come true – technocratic totalitarian one world government.
Both the US and its longtime allied nations the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Canada, are now falling on hard times. In the West’s inevitably facing a major downturn, polarizing battering ram Trump wants out of NATO and is keen on forging rapprochement with Russia. But Zelensky and NATO Europe want the Ukraine war to continue. Royally knighted Sir Keir Starmer, the City of London’s first choice to plunder the UK off the map, struggles to avoid civil war attacking his own native citizens tired of the Muslim invaders’ rape and pillage of Britain and its women. With Starmer and Rothschild lackey Emmanuel Macron leading the “bad cop” charge for EU/NATO member boots on the ground in Ukraine against the “good cop” Trump team’s pathway to peace, the catastrophic drama is now in full swing.
But there’s more to this kabuki, end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it theater. There’s the brand-new German Chancellor-to-be come April in Friedrich Merz, after garnering just 30% of the vote last month, he can cobble together a coalition between his Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and CSU parties with center-left Social Democrats (SPD). As the first BlackRock implant to head a nation, for four years starting in 2016, Merz took over the Supervisory board of BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland. After spending his entire political career facilitating Germany’s takeover through America’s vulture capitalism, essentially deindustrializing his own country, the globalist Russophobe Fourth Reich Nazi, whose grandfather was active in the Third Reich, fits right in with the EU/NATO agenda, pledging to do “whatever it takes” to keep the war going in Ukraine at all cost, including a €3 or 3.5 billion in Kiev aid, along with G7’s plan to steal $50 billion in unfrozen Russian asset interest in European banks. Essentially, Merz is assigned the globalist job of Germany’s privatized selloff of his nation’s remaining assets. Europe’s once industrial powerhouse is to be gobbled up by BlackRock “for pfennigs on the German Deutsche Mark” dollar. Minus the genocidal war, the predatory fate of Germany is not unlike how City of London and BlackRock already converged to carve-up the Ukraine rump and entire Western bloc.
Meanwhile, Canada’s crocodile teared tissue dabber, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s 10-year puppet reign came to an end on Saturday March 9th after his failing criminal government fell apart with mass resignations. A pedo-globalist if there ever was one, just two days earlier Trump’s trade war tariffs had the crybaby again in tears. Over the weekend Trudeau handed Canada’s one world government torch off to another Rothschild central bankster gangster, fresh off running the Bank of England, the new Liberal Party Canadian Premier Mark Carney. Another globalist from way back, Carney has made the rounds, 13 years at Goldman Sachs, then positions at central Bank of Canada, more recently Bank of England and the United Nations.
These geopolitics developments are really all financial ala New World Order, as the whole world’s up for sale to the controllers, ushering in their Great Reset’s house of cards collapse of the global economy timed with igniting World War III. All of these freshly selected and stale Western politicians straight out of Bank of England BlackRock corporate controllers’ domain were not voted in by the people but simply handpicked by their puppet masters – as always. It couldn’t be more devastating for national sovereignty, world peace or financial prosperity for the people of Germany, Canada, or for that matter all of Europe and North America if not entire world.
Luciferian bliss now rings supreme for the World Economic Forum and City of London money masters. With compromised Trump’s unholy marriage to the Rothschilds, repeatedly bailing his lame real estate ass out, and his blackmailed beholding to Israel, the deck is now complete for the shuffling of the Titanic chairs, with all the technocrat billionaires lined up with the bloodlines as snake-in-the-grass co-overlords – Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Larry Ellison, Mark Zuckerberg, the one world technocrats’ wet dream dystopia is now virtually complete. The die has been cast and humanity’s fate appears doomed to gloom in the bloody genocidal tsunami cascading upon us.