Joachim Hagopian, Israel’s Explosive Electronic Warfare: Genocidal Pariah Nation Is A Terrorist Organization

Joachim Haopian   What the world is witnessing this week through Israel’s terrorist crime network operating as a national government, is a new form of terrorism, utilizing weaponized electronics technologies specifically targeting Hezbollah fighters. Just after 3:30PM on Tuesday September 17th, Israel marked the first wave of its newly emerging terrorist technology warfare, detonating hidden installed explosives inside pagers against unsuspecting Lebanese people, loosely affiliated with the Hezbollah military organization. By remote control, Israel simultaneously exploded thousands of electronic pagers, killing at least a dozen including two children and injuring…

Joachim Hagopian, With Hamas Leader Assassinated, Israel’s War Against Iran about to Go Kinetic

Joachim Hagopian Just as tensions are growing for the WWIII front to open up in Europe, hostilities are likewise now surging in the Middle East with the latest developments in the past few days. And though Ukraine and collective West lie every time their puppet leaders open their mouths, psychopathic deception by Netanyahu pours out daily with even more outrageous, over-the-top lies. Since Bibi the Butcher’s nonstop false claims last Wednesday that captured 70 standing ovations from the enthralled, AIPAC owned Congress, and the death toll of Palestinians pushes near 40,000 after nearly 10…


Joachim Hagopian Less than two weeks ago Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico nearly lost his life in a multiple gunshot, failed assassination attempt. He strongly opposes the Ukraine war, is a friend to Russia, launched an investigation into Pfizer and its criminal influence over Slovakia’s previous administration, further blaming the lethal non-vaccines for killing over 21,000 Slovakians. Four days later the Iran President Ebrahim Raisi, his foreign minister and other high officials died suspiciously in a questionable helicopter accident, shrouded in anomalies suggesting foul play by archrival Israel, with a known…


By Joachim Hagopian On April 1st  when as Israeli airstrike took out half the Iran embassy compound in Damascus, Syria along with Iran’s top ranking generals and 5 other officers, Israel clearly violated international law (both UN Charter Article 51 and 1961’s Vienna Convention) that protects foreign nations’ embassies, consulates and staff around the world. The targeted slain victims were all invited military advisors stationed in Syria, unlike the illegal US military occupiers refusing to leave both Syria and Iraq. Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei responded by informing Israel and the world that it…

Joachim Hagopian, Israel’s Rafah Ground Invasion – Zionist War Against Islam Is about to Explode

Joachim Hagopian The deadliest ever Israeli bombardment by land, sea and air on Rafah, Gaza Strip’s southernmost border city, took place while America was sidetracked with Superbowl Sunday festivities. On Sunday Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went on ABC News “This Week” to announce: Victory is within reach. We’re going to do it. We’re going to get the remaining Hamas terrorist battalions in Rafah, which is the last bastion, but we’re going to do it. Then overnight on Monday February 12th, anywhere from over 100 to 164 Palestinians were reportedly murdered by Israeli attacks. International alarm and condemnation of…

Joachim Hagopian, Elite Demands World War III in Middle East

Joachim Hagopian Mainstream media outlets announced on Thursday February 1st that Washington officials confirmed the drone used in the deadly attack on January 28th in Jordan killing three US soldiers was made in Iran. The anonymous sources reported that in response to that attack, the US is launching daily airstrikes potentially for weeks to eradicate the Islamic Resistance groups I the Middle East financed and armed by Iran, including “Iranian personnel and facilities” operating outside Iran. A day later on Friday February 2nd, more than 85 sites including command control centers and arms depots…

Joachim Hagopian, Each Day the Armageddon Fuse Burns Shorter

Joachim Hagopian Right after last Sunday’s deadly attack on American soldiers in Jordan, killing three and injuring dozens more, the White House released this statement: [The US] will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner of our choosing. When a reporter asked Biden on Tuesday January 30th if he’d come up with a response yet, Braindead answered that he [his handlers] formulated a US response, but added he will not seek “a wider war in the Middle East,” choosing not to disclose further. On Sunday US Central Command…


Joachim Hagopian   [Editor’s note: Joachim Hagopian & Omar Khan on The Dean Mackin Show – 05 January 2024 | TNT Radio On today’s show, Joachim Hagopian discusses the release of Epstein documents. Later in the show, Omar Khan discusses the pandemic response in 30 days and revisits the topic of Epstein.] Back channels between Iran supporting the Shiite Houthis and Saudi Sunni supported puppet government in Yemen through the United Nations just revealed the 9-year Yemini “civil war” is coming to an end with a brokered peace plan. With reports that…

Paul Craig Roberts, The Israeli-Hamas Conflict is a Continuation of the 9/11 Plot

Paul Craig Roberts   This is not a conspiracy theory.  It is the most likely explanation we have of the information at this time. The Hamas October 7 attack on Israel was the opening gun of a plot devised by US neoconservatives and Netanyahu to renew the US attack on Hezbollah’s suppliers in behalf of Greater Israel.  Greater Israel is a Zionist belief that Israel comprises the territory from the Nile in Egypt to the Euphrates in Iraq. The purpose of 9/11 was to launch under the guise of a “war on…


Joachim Hagopian At dawn on October 7th, the official story goes that Hamas invaded Israel allegedly killing over 1,300 Jews, reportedly the deadliest day in Jewish history since the Holocaust. That same day Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a formal declaration of war, the first time since 1973’s Yom Kippur War – exactly a half century ago. With the 200 plus Israeli hostage situation holding Tel Aviv back, Israel currently has more than 100,000 troops assembled at the Israeli-Gaza southern border with miles of tank convoys lined up awaiting the greenlight for Israel’s imminent…