Kevin Barrett, Julag USA!

Kevin Barrett Anne Applebaum, a leading Jewish-American journalist, supports murdering Palestinian journalists. She doesn’t want the world to know the horrible facts about the genocide “Israel” has been committing since 1948. Her solution: Kill the messenger. And “Israel” has taken her advice. By the end of 2024, the Genocidal Zionist Entity or GZE (pronounced “jeeeeeez!”) had murdered at least 217 journalists since the beginning of the al-Aqsa Flood war in October 2023. You can see the names and faces of the martyred journalists at al-Jazeera’s memorial page. Since Applebaum thinks journalists she…

Philip Giraldi, Biden, Zelensky and the Neocons

Philip Giraldi  There are many backstories surfacing from what is going on in Ukraine and Washington that have been largely ignored amid the drumbeat of casualty counts combined with claims and counter-claims from the two sides. Two stories that I believe have received insufficient attention are the US government’s three decades long obsession with weakening and de facto destroying the Russian state and the dominant neocon plus associate liberal democracy promoter role in what has become American foreign policy. To be sure, anyone who doubts that the US is currently…