Kari Donovan, SCOTUS Second Amendment Ruling Puts All Types of Gun Control in the Crosshairs

Kari Donovan [Editor’s note: The Democrats have gone stark raving made over their gun control agenda, which is not going to save them from being wiped off the map during the midterms, assuming we are allowed to conduct them. Here’s a letter submitted to the Wisconsin State Journal, which I anticipated they would not publish–and have not: Democrats generally appear to be impervious to facts, where reason and evidence no longer matter. They never address the defensive use of guns but want to ban guns regardless of their benefits. As…

RSN Debate: Adam Serwer, Of Course Kyle Rittenhouse Was Acquitted

Adam Serwer/The Atlantic 20 november 21 [Editor’s note: When I ran across this on RSN (Reader Supported News, a familiar left-wing website), I thought it was poorly reasoned and seriously distorted with regard to the facts of the case, the applicable law, and the criteria for self-defense. So I thought I would engage. Not warmly received. Still going on.] It is one thing to argue that the jury reached a reasonable verdict based on the law, and another entirely to celebrate Rittenhouse’s actions. The United States is a nation awash…

FALSE FLAG MASS SHOOTING: Pittsburgh Synagogue Targeted by Deep State with Another White Male Patsy

Another White Male Patsy Set Up To Demonize the Right We will never know if this alleged shooting even took place because of the highly radioactive target and circumstances Recommended reading: Is the synagogue shooting yet another hoax where nobody died or just a false flag psyop? State of the Nation Remember, it’s still October so there’s plenty of time for more “October Surprises”.  Like today in Pittsburgh PA. What distinguishes this particular false flag mass shooting from all the others is that a synagogue was quite deliberately targeted. Make no…