(Videos) 9II: 23 Years Later the Evidence Tells A Different Story | Stephanie Sledge

original Suitable to view 18 years or older. For Entertainment & Educational Purposes Warning: These videos may cause an emotional response to those who still do not want to beLIEve that 09-11-01 was a result of an inside job involving our government, Israel, the mainstream media, and many others. View at your own risk. Share with your friends and family. Keep the evidence of 9II flowing as over the years, the evidence on media platforms have been censored and destroyed. We must never forget the truth.

OPERATION GLADIO C: Government-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism Targets American Public Schools

How the CIA’s MKUltra Mind Control Program Creates ‘Mass Shooters’ and Turns ‘Lone Gunmen’ Into Patsies State of the Nation OPERATION GLADIO C “The United States has been under the complete control of the “Very Deep State” (much deeper than Deep State) for decades. The “Very Deep State” (VDS) uses the alphabet soup agencies of the U.S. Intelligence Community to monitor and police every sphere of life in American society.  Just like the Soviet Union of the last century, there are no secrets.  Only now there really are NO secrets anywhere…


by Vivian Lee The van supposedly belonging to “MAGAbomber” Cesar Altieri Sayoc. Image: Daily Mail. Image: @GeorgWebb. Internet researchers report that the van belonging to “Cesar Sayoc” – whose name is actually Cesar Altieri – was parked not far from the Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center in south Florida for more than a year. The rabbi of the Aventura TJC synagogue is Jonathan Berkun, who, perhaps not coincidentally, grew up in Pittsburgh and attended the Tree of Life Synagogue. He had his bar mitzvah at the Pittsburgh synagogue, and his sisters were…

BROWARD COUNTY: Operational Headquarters for Israeli Intelligence-Directed False Flag Operations and Mass Casualty Events in America

SOTN The Sayanim Must Be Exposed SOTN Editor’s Note: The individuals listed below have unfortunately become household names in America.  It’s quite telling, then, that they all share the same county of residence, yes?  How is that possible except by purposeful design? The latest terrorist crime spree to originate out of Broward County, Florida is alleged mega-bomber Cesar Sayoc.  His MSM story is so crazy and convoluted you’d think it was all made up by, say, a bunch of Hollywood screenplay writers! See: Desperate Deep State Democrats Orchestrate False Flag Bomb Scares Against…

Miles Mathis, Pittsburgh Shooting Hoax

Miles Mathis First published October 27, 2018 My readers are already intuiting this was a fake, and of course they are correct. It couldn’t be much more obvious, though I am sure it will get even more obvious as more information is released. We have seen that some in Government and the Jewish communities love nothing better than pretending to attack themselves. It has proved to be a fantastic way to generate sympathy. . . or it was in the past. I think a lot of people are starting to…

Thomas Muller, Observations on the Squirrel Hill Synagogue Shooting (Updated)

Thomas Müller At this stage of our national arrested development, if we can’t find an intrepid journalist(s) with a pair — like a Michael Hastings or Gary Webb, for example — to investigate the Squirrel Hill and other shootings and to corroborate the evidence and victims, then it will simply be one more nail in the already sealed “U.S. coffin.” One of the most startling elements of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting event is that nine of the 11 killed were seniors, and five could be classified as quite elderly. Average…

No surprise: Former DNC-Head Howard Dean trashes First Amendment

Joe Newly [Editor’s note: The First Amendment was not intended to protect popular speech, which requires no protection, but unpopular–even offensive–speech. That Howard Dean, the former head of the DNC, whom I once admired, should make such an absurd declaration in violation of the rights granted by the Constitution tells me that the Democratic Party in its current incarnation does not represent the public interest. While I voted twice for Bill and twice more for Barack, anyone who votes Democrat today will be trashing the precious heritage of our Bill…

Everything points to a synagogue massacre that DID NOT take place at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life

But there was this photo quite conveniently taken of a SWAT team member conspicuously carrying ‘the AR-15 assault rifle’ that was allegedly used in the mass shooting. State of the Nation SOTN challenges anyone on the Internet today to provide a single piece of evidence which proves conclusively that a mass shooting took place at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania on Saturday morning, October 27, 2017. No bodies, No injuries, No ambulances, No stretchers, No blood, No interviews with congregants or rabbis present, No photos of a…

Robert Steele: Synagogue False Flag — BULLSHIT — FEMA Legalized Lies

Hospital Says No Bodies; Patsy Joined Gab In January — Destruction of Gab Planned by ADL from January Robert David STEELE Vivas ORIGINAL POST I don’t believe it.  If it is a real shooter, he is programmed and most likely programmed by the Mossad on the orders of Benjamin Netanyahu.  As we now know from a review of all past false flags, the Zionists are more than happy to kill their own (Argentina, Jewish community center) as well as Americans (USS Cole, USS Liberty, 9/11). Their objective: to legalize the…

Pittsburgh synagogue shooting preceded by an active shooter drill; shooting used to silence AltMedia

Dr. Eowyn It is said that false-flag mass shootings share certain characteristics, one of which is that the shooting was preceded by an active shooter drill at the place of the subsequent mass shooting or a nearby place. And so it is with the mass shooting yesterday at the Tree of Life Synagogue in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood — a Jewish enclave — of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Eleven were shot dead, ranging in age from 54 to 97; the average age is 74. Note: The Tree of Life Synagogue is at…