IT’S ALL AN IQ TEST: Ten OBVIOUS lessons every intelligent person should have learned from COVID 1.0 (that can save you from what’s coming with COVID 2.0)

Mike Adams The great IQ test has commenced. COVID 1.0 was the training round, to present lessons in government tyranny and medical science fraud for all to witness. COVID 2.0 is the final exam to see who is stupid enough to still have not learned the lessons from the training round. However, this “final exam” is more like a final solution, and those who fail this round of the global IQ test will find their projected lifespan rapidly shrinking. The ramp-up to COVID 2.0 tyranny is already apparent. Joe Biden just…

GLOBAL ALERT: An estimated 10 million people PER DAY are set on irreversible countdown to vaccine death that could exterminate BILLIONS if not stopped in the next year

Mike Adams (Natural News) This is a red alert for humanity. We have less time remaining than you might think. I’ve done some rough math, and it’s beyond alarming. It spells the end of human civilization if we don’t stop the vaccine holocaust in the next 365 days. As estimates and projections show below, as long as “clot shot” covid vaccines are being administered around the world, about ten million people each day are being put on an irreversible countdown to vaccine death. For each day that these vaccine shots continue, in…