Alan Sabrosky, Deadly Delusions: When the Plans Work All Too Well

ALAN SABROSKY  Prelude The first week of June, I watched all thirteen episodes of a mini-series called Amerika (1987) I had briefly seen in part thirty-odd years before. Yes, I know it is a Hollywood production. Yes, I know it is fiction, just as I know that (e.g.) 1984 is fiction. Yes, I know many of the details re wrong for our time, most notably that the USSR is gone. Nonetheless, it shook me profoundly, and I could not understand why. Being a methodological Germanic scholar (perhaps a triple tautology?), I set out to understand…

IT’S ALL AN IQ TEST: Ten OBVIOUS lessons every intelligent person should have learned from COVID 1.0 (that can save you from what’s coming with COVID 2.0)

Mike Adams The great IQ test has commenced. COVID 1.0 was the training round, to present lessons in government tyranny and medical science fraud for all to witness. COVID 2.0 is the final exam to see who is stupid enough to still have not learned the lessons from the training round. However, this “final exam” is more like a final solution, and those who fail this round of the global IQ test will find their projected lifespan rapidly shrinking. The ramp-up to COVID 2.0 tyranny is already apparent. Joe Biden just…

Carl Herman, Where America stands for 2020 Independence 2.0

Carl Herman [Editor’s note: Carl Herman, who is a nationally recognized teacher of history, economics and mathematics (including statistics), was my guest on “The Fetz Presents” (7 July 2020) for an in-depth, two-hour interview about the state of the national and his expectations for the future. This presentation’s three talking points (full documentation at the links of the featured articles during the presentation, with usual documented context at the end of the article): 1. Scholars have already proven the existence and criminality of a US Deep State, that requires no further proof. That…

Caitlin Johnstone, Seven Reasons to be Highly Skeptical of The Gulf of Oman Incident

Caitlin Johnstone via In a move that surprised exactly zero people, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has wasted no time scrambling to blame Iran for damage done to two sea vessels in the Gulf of Oman on Thursday, citing exactly zero evidence. “This assessment is based on intelligence, the weapons used, the level of expertise needed to execute the operation, recent similar Iranian attacks on shipping, and the fact that no proxy group operating in the area has the resources and proficiency to act with such a high-degree of sophistication,” Pompeo told the press…