How the Epstein Saga Connects to Almost Every Aspect of the Worldwide Conspiracy

Makia Freeman The Epstein Saga, like a giant spider web, connects to almost every aspect of the worldwide conspiracy, including pedophilila, blackmail, transhumanism and Israel. The Epstein saga continues, with new information arising weekly and even daily that keeps shining the light on the audacious pedophilia, sex-trafficking and blackmail operation run by the disappeared or suicided pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. The Epstein saga is astonishing; like an octopus or a giant squid, it has its tentacles in so many aspects of the worldwide conspiracy, including pedophilia, child sex trafficking, high finance,…

Ortaine Devian, What are the Sources of Madness? What is the Agenda?

Ortaine Devian To begin with; what is the agenda?   Here’s what he said about the United States – remember he was an historian and a philosopher to an extent, HEAVILY involved in the world government scenario and gave speeches across the planet back in the ‘30s and even before that – he was talking about how the U.S. was set up to take over from Britain as the policeman of the WORLD to bring in the world system, the world government – and he talked about how it would…