Jeff Thomas, Is Democracy the Ultimate Distraction?

Jeff Thomas In the days of yore, there were kings. Everybody could agree to hate the king because he was rich and well-fed, when most of his minions were not. Then, a more effective system was invented: democracy. Its originators had in mind a system whereby the populace could choose their leader from amongst themselves – thereby gaining a leader who understood them and represented them. In short order, those amongst the populace who wished to rule found a way to game the new system in a way that would allow them…

Princeton Study: The U.S. Is Not ‘Losing’ Its Democracy, It’s Already Long Gone

Richard Enos The notion that citizens of the United States don’t actually live in a democracy has been picking up steam for decades, with scars from economic, social and political decay inflicting themselves ever more deeply into our psyches as the years move on. You would think that, with the rise of science and technology, we would have been able to build a far more prosperous nation. Instead, we have seen a vast reduction in our standard of living, and are being forced to work longer and harder in increasingly menial…

John W. Whitehead, American Idiocracy: 50 Years Later, We’re Still Stranded in the Twilight Zone

By John W. Whitehead “We’re developing a new citizenry. One that will be very selective about cereals and automobiles, but won’t be able to think.”—Rod Serling Have you noticed how much life increasingly feels like an episode of The Twilight Zone? Only instead of Rod Serling’s imaginary “land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas,” we’re trapped in a topsy-turvy, all-too-real land of corruption, brutality and lies, where freedom, justice and integrity play second fiddle to political ambition, corporate greed, and bureaucratic tyranny. It’s not merely that life in the…