William de Berg, Why Are We So Sick?

William de Berg Until Robert Kennedy, Jr., raised the issue in his 2024 presidential campaign, lost in the morass of discussions on growing income inequality, endless wars, illegal immigration, educational decline, ever-mounting government debt, stagflation, rising crime, etc., was the question of “Why Are Americans So Sick?” While the answer to this question is not entirely self-evident, the fact that we are getting sicker by the decade cannot be denied.  Current life expectancy has remained basically stagnant since 2000, rising from 76.6 years in 2000 to 77.4 years in 2022…

Joachim Hagopian, Latest Bloodbath Breaking: Israel Shutting Down and Firing on Gaza Hospitals 

Joachim Hagopian The US backing Israel committing genocide against the Palestinians is quickly rendering both the Jewish State and America in the eyes of the rest of the world, two rogue state pariahs. Since October 7th when the staged Hamas attack inside southern Israel claimed “around 1,200” Israeli lives, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s regime has murdered in cold blood over 12,000 Palestinians, mostly all civilians and a majority being women and children. The death toll ratio is one Israeli victim for every 10 dead Palestinians butchered by Bibi. And with hundreds…