Joachim Hagopian, Ceasefire in the Middle East? Or Armageddon?

Joachim Hagopian A Wall Street Journal article back in April 2022 called US aircraft carriers “sitting duck” targets, adding: The inconvenient truth is that our Navy has 12 carrier groups and all are now obsolete. The fact is that modern warfare has passed the US Navy by, with old conventional hunks of steel that cost so much and take so long to make are now relics of last century warfare. Painful proof in point is last weekend’s alleged attacks of the USS Eisenhower in the Red Sea when the Houthis in Yemen claimed they damaged…

Joachim Hagopian, Latest Bloodbath Breaking: Israel Shutting Down and Firing on Gaza Hospitals 

Joachim Hagopian The US backing Israel committing genocide against the Palestinians is quickly rendering both the Jewish State and America in the eyes of the rest of the world, two rogue state pariahs. Since October 7th when the staged Hamas attack inside southern Israel claimed “around 1,200” Israeli lives, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s regime has murdered in cold blood over 12,000 Palestinians, mostly all civilians and a majority being women and children. The death toll ratio is one Israeli victim for every 10 dead Palestinians butchered by Bibi. And with hundreds…

Mazin Qumsiyeh, Are we Being Duped to Focus Only on Gaza Suffering?

Mazin Qumsiyeh Israel’s genocide of Gaza is intentional, planned and ongoing with no sign of slowing down. The contrary, with no water, food and medicine it is accelerating. Israel leaders boast openly that they do not care about what the UN says or what world leaders say. Israeli fascist leaders say they do not care what statements are issued by governments of Muslim and Arab countries. Nor do they care if public pressure causes some western leaders to moderate their language from unconditional support for Israel to show concern for…


Joachim Hagopian At dawn on October 7th, the official story goes that Hamas invaded Israel allegedly killing over 1,300 Jews, reportedly the deadliest day in Jewish history since the Holocaust. That same day Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a formal declaration of war, the first time since 1973’s Yom Kippur War – exactly a half century ago. With the 200 plus Israeli hostage situation holding Tel Aviv back, Israel currently has more than 100,000 troops assembled at the Israeli-Gaza southern border with miles of tank convoys lined up awaiting the greenlight for Israel’s imminent…

Chris Hedges, Israel’s Culture of Deceit

CHRIS HEDGES Israel, which always seeks to blame Palestinians for the atrocities it carries out, is the least trustworthy source about the bombing of the hospital in Gaza. Israel was founded on lies. The lie that Palestinian land was largely unoccupied. The lie that 750,000 Palestinians fled their homes and villages during their ethnic cleansing by Zionist militias in 1948 because they were told to do so by Arab leaders. The lie that it was Arab armies that started the 1948 war that saw Israel seize 78 percent of historic Palestine. The lie that Israel faced annihilation in…

Russian report on the first 48 hours of the war: “Hamas expanded the Control Zone inside Israel – Its attack axes & targets”

WARNEWS24/7 [Editor’s note: This report (from Russian sources) has convinced me that the war between Hamas and Israel is real, even though many–including Miles Mathis, for example–are contending that it’s a “false flag”, a psyop and an illusion. While there are lots of reasons to think they could be right, in my opinion, the weight of the evidence suggests this is real–and historic!] Shocking data was released by Russian analysts emphasizing that Hamas, until last night, managed to expand the Control Zone in an attempt to reach Hebron. The maps…

Kevin Barrett, Gazans Break Out of World’s Biggest Concentration Camp

Kevin Barrett Video Link [Editor’s note: There are increasing reasons to believe this may be another “false flag” attack, where Israel itself created Hamas and where the IDF took six hours to respond, which is absurd. An Israeli blogger (and former IDF soldier) says that the Gaza fence is monitored so closely that even the presence of a cat sets off a response in force. SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG HERE. Here’s a detailed discussion of (what appear to be) good reasons to think that this is a staged event to…