James Perloff, Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt’s 9/11

James Perloff [Author’s note: For those who would prefer to read this post in hard copy, it is Chapter Four of my book Thirteen Pieces of the Jigsaw.] On the morning of December 7, 1941, Japanese planes, launched from aircraft carriers, attacked the American fleet at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, sinking or heavily damaging 18 ships (including eight battleships), destroying 188 planes, and leaving over 2,000 servicemen killed. The next day, President Franklin D. Roosevelt denounced this “day of infamy” before Congress, from whom he secured an avid declaration of…


James Perloff  As many of my readers know, In April 2020, I diverted from writing a major book on 9/11 to compose a long blog post on the COVID-19 crisis. September 11, 2001, remains a watershed event that redirected American foreign policy onto a deadly course of Middle East Wars that cost millions of lives and trillions of dollars, and domestically brought then-unprecedented intrusions on civil liberties in the name of security. However, in 2020 the international response to COVID-19 was clearly superseding 9/11 in urgency. It was a systemic event threatening…

James Perloff, COVID-19 RED-PILLED

JAMES PERLOFF Once again I depart from the book I’m writing on 9/11 due to a matter of greater urgency—the global response to COVID-19. Let me say at the outset that no one has all the answers on COVID-19, but we should have the will to look for them.I have been a journalist for 35 years (starting in 1985 as a writer for The New American) and a registered nurse for 45 years (retired last year). Neither of these backgrounds qualifies me as an “expert” on COVID-19; however, it does give…