Joachim Hagopian, US Politics Kabuki Theater Has Never Sunk So Degradingly Low

Joachim Hagopian   It’s useless in our world today to allow ourselves to be deceived in this over-the-top politics game, played out worldwide this year with 2024’s most elections ever in all of world history. The geopolitics chessboard is all kabuki theater, bread and circus for the mind-controlled masses through misdirection on a grandest scale. Hence, the US presidential election is garnering the most wag-the-dog attention. As a journalist and author for more than a decade, I’ve focused exclusively on the power elites’ tightening stranglehold, increasing their power and control…

Fake President: Joe Biden Clone | Clones, Doubles, Actors, Transvestites Hiding in Plain Sight, Holographic or CGI (video)

GN-JOURNAL.COM Editor’s note: Notice in the featured image (above) that the center figure (who is now treated as though he were our President) appears to be wearing a (full-head) Biden mask. One candidate for playing “Joe Biden” was born in Manchester, UK, in 1945: It has become overwhelmingly clear to sane Americans that the president is not the person who the democrats thought they were voting for. At first, it was just little nuances, a slight tick or unusual gesture. Now, physical differences are becoming prevalent. The change in his…