by Tyler Durden As Democrats seek to impeach President Trump over the “high crime” of asking Ukraine to investigate his political opponents, theories have emerged suggesting the whole thing is a ‘six ways from Sunday‘ operation by Intelligence Community holdovers and Establishment Democrats to remove a sitting President who started flying too close to the sun. After Trump asked his Ukrainian counterpart on July 25 to investigate pro-Clinton Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 US election, and allegations of corruption against Joe Biden and his son Hunter, a CIA officer who worked with the ‘DNC…
Tag: Joe Biden
Patrick J. McShay, Crooked Joe, Illegal Surveillance, and the FBI Cover-up
by Patrick J. McShay “Biden is finished but mark my word, Obama is in the middle of this, up to his neck in corruption and fraud, this is Obama’s scandal!” — Wayne Allen Root, Best Selling Author “Biden and his son are stone-cold crooked” — President Donald J.Trump, White House Press Conference, Oct 2nd, 2020 When Adam Schiff and the Democrat leadership made the decision to put their impeachment hopes on a 2nd-party, CIA-connected, Trump-hating whistleblower, they didn’t expect Trump to announce the release of the transcript before Nancy Pelosi…
Mike Adams, Pelosi’s surrender to the lunatic impeachment fringe of the Democrat party may push America to civil war
Mike Adams (Natural News) Nancy Pelosi just couldn’t resist the fringe lunatics any longer. Earlier today, she caved to the madness of the Democrat crowds and agreed to pursue an attempted impeachment of President Trump over yet another fabricated, media-hyped hoax. The “Russia collusion” hoax just won’t die, it seems, as long as the New York Times or Washington Post still has yet more fake “anonymous sources” to dream up. And while the fake news media is fabricating fake treason accusations against Trump, the lunatic fringe of the Democrat party…
Pat Buchanan, Biden and Other Democrats go “All In” on the Race Issue
Patrick Buchanan [Editor’s note: With the collapse of The Russia Hoax and with Mueller’s testimony to Congress a disaster for Democrats, they appear to be going all out for gun control (on the basis of staged shooting events (which are going to continue unabated) and racism by alleging that Donald Trump is a racist, for which there is massive contrary evidence from those who have worked for him over decades. With Pizzagate threatening to take down many prominent Democrats, a sense of panic appears to be enveloping the party, where…
Scott Bennett, Biden May Destroy Own Ability to be Appealing to Political Moderates
Scott Bennett/Sputnik News Former US Vice President Joe Biden said he would enter the 2020 US Presidential race becoming one of the 24 Democratic candidates who have enlisted to challenge Trump. Recently the former VP reversed his position on the so-called Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funds being used for abortions. Scott Bennett, a political analyst and former US Army officer said that Biden’s reversal on abortion will be viewed as a selfish political calculation rather than a honest meditative analysis of the issue. Sputnik: Former US vice president Joe Biden, a devout Catholic, has…
Rebecca Traister, Joe Biden Isn’t the Answer
By Rebecca Traister t’s still three months before the first Democratic debate, nearly a year before Super Tuesday, and he hasn’t even declared yet, but poll after presidential poll continues to show 76-year-old former vice-president Joe Biden leading an enormous, diverse, and talented Democratic field. It’s almost poetically appropriate. Biden carries himself with the confidence of a winner, despite not having won, or even come close to winning, either of the previous presidential primaries he’s entered. He is the guy whose self-assured conviction that his authority will protect him…
Patrick McShay, Can we trust Trump to save America? He may be our only hope
Patrick McShay Is it just me or is the timing of these so-called pipe bombs recently sent to leading Democrats including the Obama’s, the Clinton’s, John Brennan, George Soros, Mad Maxine Waters and the traitor who had a spy with ties to to the Muslim Brotherhood working as her IT guy, Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, awfully convenient with the election just two weeks away. The trolls at CNN and MSNBC are already blaming Trump and his supporters. Have they thought to question Sheila Jackson Lee and her staff? At first glance, this…
Dr. Eowyn, How we know the package bombs sent to Democrats are false flags
Dr. Eowyn Between last Monday and yesterday, “suspicious” packages said to contain “explosive devices” were sent to nine prominents Democrats/Progressives. The information below is from the Washington Examiner, unless otherwise noted. Here’s a list of the addressees/recipients of the packages: George Soros was the first to receive a package containing a pipe bomb, put in a mailbox of his home in Bedford, NY. See “Pipe bomb found in mailbox of George Soros’ Bedford, NY home“. Hillary Clinton, addressed to her home in Chappaqua, NY. Barack Obama, addressed to his home…