Joachim Hagopian, A Lawless World Driven to Brink of War and Political Assassinations

Joachim Hagopian On Monday May 20th with the UN’s International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor issuing arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Yoav Gallant along with three Hamas leaders for war crimes, and President Joe Biden again repeating, “What’s happening is not genocide. We reject that,” still insisting that Zionist Israel is not engaging in genocide against Palestinian people, we live in an increasingly dangerous world. This comes just days after a failed assassination attempt on an EU national leader, and then the sudden death of Iran’s president and…

Joachim Hagopian, Will America Survive Its Southern Border War? 

Joachim Hagopian [Editor’s note: Texas Governor Greg Abbott has declared an invasion of Texas and asserted the States’ Right to defend itself, which was supported by an extremely well-crafted statement that could serve as the basis for impeachment proceedings against Biden and which I have inserted (in 2 parts) below.] American citizens are viewed expendable according to the globalist agenda to replace us with foreign invaders. Whereas Americans are being evicted and rendered homeless at unprecedented rates, the invaders are given prioritized status and unlimited freebies galore staying in rent-free…