Joachim Hagopian, 11th Hour 59th Minute Doomsday Countdown

Joachim Hagopian Observing disturbing violent events accelerate since January 1st, 2024, it’s obvious that the Rothschild City of London controllers have opted to escalate their global conflict now on steroids. The globalist endgame scheme appears to be plunging the planet into World War III darkness far sooner than later. With near 800 US military outposts covertly operating around the globe, three US soldiers stationed in Jordan near the Syrian border were reportedly killed by another drone attack that biased Western media outlets always insist is an Iran backed proxy militant group. 34 US Air Force and Army soldiers…

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., The Demolition of Justice in the USA

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. The latest affront to the administration of justice has come from the decision in the E. Jean Carroll “fantasy” trial, where a woman who appears to be obsessed with sex has won a staggering $83.3 million verdict against Donald Trump for an alleged defamation for denying her claim that he had raped her at a Bergdorf Goodman store, where she cannot even remember the year of its occurrence. A woman who has been raped (absent roofies) will not ony remember the year but the month, the week, the…

Joachim Hagopian, Will America Survive Its Southern Border War? 

Joachim Hagopian [Editor’s note: Texas Governor Greg Abbott has declared an invasion of Texas and asserted the States’ Right to defend itself, which was supported by an extremely well-crafted statement that could serve as the basis for impeachment proceedings against Biden and which I have inserted (in 2 parts) below.] American citizens are viewed expendable according to the globalist agenda to replace us with foreign invaders. Whereas Americans are being evicted and rendered homeless at unprecedented rates, the invaders are given prioritized status and unlimited freebies galore staying in rent-free…

California Gov. Gavin Newsom Plans to Mirror Texas’ Anti-Abortion Law to Ban Assault Weapons

SIMONE CARTER California leadership could soon be thanking Texas for sharing its legislative blueprints. On Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed the Lone Star State’s abortion ban to stay in effect. (Providers can still challenge the law in court.) The decision so “outraged” California Gov. Gavin Newsom that he announced plans to use Texas’ legal mechanism for a ban on assault-style weapons. Newsom, a Democrat, said if Texas can “endanger lives” through its abortion ban, then California should be allowed to ban “deadly weapons of war and save lives.” “If…

Dr. Eowyn, Texas is Doing Something about Social Media Censorship of Conservatives

Dr. Eowyn  There is a new, unprecedented, and very toxic phenomenon in U.S. politics. Privately-owned businesses have become blatantly partisan and willing to lose customers and profits by discriminating against and outright banning conservatives. See, for example: Chase Bank denies service to conservatives & Trump supporters Chase Bank says they won’t do business with Trump supporters in Project Veritas undercover audio New York Times calls for war against President Trump using mafia Godfather tactics CBS rejected this patriotic ad for 2019 Super Bowl Among those corporations are the information tech giants — social media…