Globalists Claim Mass Immigration Helps The US Economy – Here’s Why That’s A Lie

Brandon Smith via BY TYLER DURDEN I have said it many times in the past but I think it bears repeating once again: If you want to understand why world events happen the way they do, you must understand the goals and influence of globalist institutions. You must accept the fact that these people create most of the national and international disasters you and I have to deal with on a regular basis and oftentimes they create these disasters deliberately. Yes, I know, there are plenty of skeptics out there…

Joachim Hagopian, The Parasitic Hunters are Now the Hunted Pedo-Predators

Joachim Hagopian Our common enemy that wants us dead and gone, removed as the latest extinct species from our planet, is a skilled master of divide and conquer as applied through its dialectical Modus Operandi formula – “problem, reaction, solution,” intent on gaining maximum, absolute control over all humanity. Hence, the engineered culture war is spewing all kinds of hatred and conflict between every conceivable way to polarize us, vis-a-vis its hybrid 5th generational warfare between the races, religions, genders, generations, classes and various divisive political ideologues. This is how the…