Ella Cruz, Who is Rod Rosenstein?

Ella Cruz [Editor’s note: For anyone who does not know Rod Rosenstein and why he matters, check out this transcript of the interview with a (major) whistleblower, which was released to the public by L. Lin Wood and places Rosenstein at the center of a series of horrific events in recent American history. This is not for the faint of heart. Brace yourself!] Hello Patriot, A few days ago a picture accidentally captured my attention. The resemblance between two people just made me stop and stare at the picture. Rod…

Lee Smith, New Documents Suggest the Steele Dossier was a Deliberate Setup for Trump

After nearly two years since the Steele dossier was published, it remains the cornerstone of the case for collusion. The dossier model has also given rise to similar operations. Lee Smith A trove of recently released documents sheds further light on the scope and logistics of the information operation designed to sabotage an American election. Players include the press, political operatives from both parties, and law enforcement and intelligence officials. Their instrument was the Steele dossier, first introduced to the American public two years ago. A collection of reports compiled…