Donald Jeffries [Editor’s note: Pat Shannon at INI World Report observes, “You and I and a few million others have thought it, but nobody has said it better that Donald Jeffries. Any tracker of true history will quickly grasp his message. Therefore, we make him our guest editorialist for the month of December.” I am delighted that he will be among my featured speakers at my 3rd annual False Flags & Conspiracies Virtual Conference 2022 this coming weekend.] I know of several anarchists who read and enjoy my work. There…
Tag: Hitler
Thomas Dalton, Denying Holocaust Denial
Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. On April 8, it was announced that Canada would soon be joining an illustrious club: the enlightened nations of the world that have elected to ban so-called Holocaust denial. Depending on how one interprets the law, there are currently 18 nations that either explicitly ban “Holocaust denial” (including Germany, Austria, France, Israel, Italy, Poland, Hungary, and Russia) or generically ban “denial of genocide” (Switzerland and Lichtenstein). Canada would then be the nineteenth nation in this honor roll of obsequiousness. Canada’s action comes not long after the UN General Assembly…
Joachim Hagopian, Cabal’s Trojan Horse: LGBT Agenda Normalizing Bestiality and Pedophilia
Joachim Hagopian As the West grows more frantic over the Deep State crimes and false flags being exposed daily by Russia’s cleanup operation in Ukraine, the rapidly shifting global power has the decadent, morally decaying, hubris-filled Western civilization crumbling in real time. Yet the crime cabal’s controlled demolition of the United States has in fact been a long time coming. During the past several decades, under the guise of inclusionary human rights politics, the Luciferian elite has pushed its Political Correctness bandwagon to the hilt to effectively inhibit, suppress and even outlaw free speech. Social acceptance of…
Ella Cruz, Who is Rod Rosenstein?
Ella Cruz [Editor’s note: For anyone who does not know Rod Rosenstein and why he matters, check out this transcript of the interview with a (major) whistleblower, which was released to the public by L. Lin Wood and places Rosenstein at the center of a series of horrific events in recent American history. This is not for the faint of heart. Brace yourself!] Hello Patriot, A few days ago a picture accidentally captured my attention. The resemblance between two people just made me stop and stare at the picture. Rod…