The mass shooting at in Marjory Stoneman Douglas School, Parkland, Florida, on February 14, 2018, sparked a gun control campaign that gathers momentum by the day.
Among the seventeen people whom alleged lone gunman Nikolas Cruz shot to death was Aaron Feis, 37, the school’s assistant football coach, security guard, and bus driver.
Hailed a “true hero,” Feis stepped in front of “multiple” students to shield them from the gunfire. He died from his injuries early the next day. (WFLA Channel 8)
On February 22, 2018, football players wearing Stoneman Douglas jerseys carried Feis’ casket into the the Church By The Glades in Coral Springs, FL. (Time)
There’s a GoFundMe page, “In Honor of Our Fallen Hero,” soliciting donations to help support Feis’s family, with a goal of $220,000. As of this afternoon, $215,529 have been donated.
In addition, there is also a GoFundMe campaign created by the Broward Education Foundation, with a goal of $3 million, which will be used to provide relief and financial support to the victims and families, including Feis’s family.
As of this afternoon, $2,779,740 have been donated.
Below are images of Aaron Feis I found on the web.
He has a distinctive look: bald head, red beard, thick neck, glasses, and heavy set. Imagine what he would look like from the back.
Reporting for Times of Israel, Terry Spencer poignantly describes the February 16 funeral of another Parkland victim, 18-year-old Meadow Pollack:
With more than 1,000 mourners including Gov. Rick Scott packed into Temple K’ol Tikvah, Andrew Pollack looked down at the plain pine coffin of his 18-year-old daughter, Meadow, and then told the crowd, “I am very angry and upset about what transpired.”
“You killed my kid!” he yelled, referring to Nikolas Cruz, who is accused of gunning down Meadow Pollack, 13 other Marjory Stoneman Douglas students, the athletic director, a coach and a geography teacher on Wednesday.
The Times of Israel article includes an AP photo of Meadow Pollack’s funeral (h/t NoDisInfo.com):
See that man on the left? — bald, beard, thick neck, glasses, and heavy set.
According to the people search engine TruthFinder, Aaron Louis Feis, who lives in Coral Springs, FL, about 4 miles from Parkland, has two male relatives:
- Louis S. Feis, 61 (Aaron’s father?)
- Raymond Burton Feis, 30 (Aaron’s brother?)
- Filing number: #L16000016978
- Filing date: Jan. 25, 2016
- Filing office name: State Department/Corporation Division

According to TruthFinder, Louis S. Feis, 61, who lives in Coral Springs, FL, is probably the father of Aaron Feis, 37, and Raymond Burton Feis, 30. Louis Feis had an emergency medical technician license from New York, which expired in 1986. He declared bankruptcy in 2006, and does not seem to have a Facebook page or other social media accounts.
TruthFinder says Raymond Burton Feis, 30, who also lives in Coral Springs, FL, started working for Yard Guy Lawn Care on April 24, 2017, the last day of Aaron Feis’ employment at Yard Guy Lawn Care. Raymond Feis posted these pics of himself to Facebook in March 2017:
Below is a composite I made of Aaron Feis, Raymond Feis, Louis Feis (?), and the mystery man at Meadow Pollack’s funeral.
While there is a family resemblance between Aaron Feis and his brother Raymond and father Louis — they are all bald, bearded and wear glasses — neither Raymond nor Louis is heavy set like Aaron.
What do you think?
See also:
- The curious case of Parkland school shooting victim Kyle Laman
- Parkland teacher: ‘Shooter was in full metal garb, helmet, face mask, bulletproof armor, shooting a rifle I’ve never seen before’
- Florida school shooting shills are out in full force
- Who is David Hogg, Florida Parkland School shooting survivor?
- The crisis actors of Florida Parkland School shooting
- Florida Valentine’s Day school shooting: anomalies and confessed shooter
Is every conspiracy theorist a fucking annoying pedant? Can anyone answer a simple fucking question?
"Well, technically a conspiracy means…"
PLEASE go fuck yourself. PLEASE.
You know what the fuck I mean by conspiracy. Which one was not a false flag dipshit?
Face it: you CANNOT answer this. None of you can. You have to say that they are all false flags, and that real mass shootings never happen (which is absurd)
You have to lose your cred by saying one wasn't, and then your comrades will say you're a sheep.
You people are literally the worst. Literally.
Where Did Their Credibility Go?
Richard Gage and other Liars for 9/11 Truth
Could James Gourley (a patent attorney for the petroleum industry) be disbarred because of his lack of integrity for writing a propaganda hit piece on Dr. Judy Wood? All he did was write false information and then debunked the false information. See how easy it is to run a cover-up! The evidence Dr. Wood puts forth actually eliminates space based lasers because that is a form of kinetic energy. Now what interests would want to keep free energy covered up in exchange for endless war and oppression Mr. Gourley???
It makes one wonder whose intellectual property Mr. Gourley is protecting. Could it be Applied Research Associates, Inc.; Science Applications International Corp.; Boeing; Nustats; Computer Aided Engineering Associates, Inc.; Datasource, Inc.; Geostaats, Inc.; Gilsanz Murray Steficek Llp; Hughes Associates, Inc.; Ajmal Abbasi; Eduardo Kausel; David Parks; David Sharp; Daniele Venezano; Josef Van Dyck; Kaspar William; Rolf Jensen & Associates, Inc.; Rosenwasser/Grossman Consulting Engineers, P.C.; Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Inc.; S.K Ghosh Associates, Inc.; Skidmore, Owing & Merrill, Llp; Teng & Associates, Inc.; Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.; Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.; American Airlines; Silverstein Properties; and United Airlines?
Dr. Wood has never spoken with Mr. Gage, yet Mr. Gage promotes disinformation about Dr. Wood at nearly every interview he does – if not every interview. Dr. Fetzer also promotes disinformation about Dr. Wood in nearly every interview he does. Yet none of them have ever refuted anything Dr. Wood has presented.
It is widely known that the last time Dr. Judy Wood voluntarily spoke with Dr. James Fetzer or exchanged emails was February 2008. That is, it has been nearly 10 years since Dr. Wood HAS NOT voluntarily spoken with Dr. Fetzer or emailed him. So why is Dr. Fetzer still so obsessed with Dr. Wood???
Those who want to cover up the evidence of what happen often falsely claim that Dr. Wood is talking about a specific weapon and a specific location of it (e.g. laser beam from outer space, or "spacebeams"). This disinformation campaign was initiated by Steven Jones on 11/11/2006 in a presentation he gave at the University of California, Berkeley.
[available here at 1:53:47 https://archive.org/details/liftingthefog_2006_11_11_session2 ],
telling his audience that "Judy Woods (Dr. Wood) says it's a laser or maser from space" while showing how difficult it is to hold his hand like a beam from space. Not only does Dr. Wood NOT SAY THAT, she actually RULES THAT OUT. The mechanism of destruction of a laser beam would be from heat and produce a bright and blinding light. But we know the buildings were not cooked to death. The term Directed Energy is used because energy is directed to do something different then it normally does and it is directed to do this within a certain geographic zone. [As a mental example, think of directing the binding energy of matter to repel instead of attract. A solid object would turn to atomic-sized dust. Direct this to happen within the WTC complex and not across the street.]
Dr. Wood does not make any claims. Dr. Wood is not an Internet blogger tasked with the job of swaying public opinion like Richard Gage, Dr. James Fetzer, and their government run organization is doing. Dr. Wood is a forensic engineer and scientist. Dr. Wood conducts research and writes reports. That is what Dr. Wood does. Dr. Wood does not have a dog in this fight. If someone has not read WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO?, they have no standing to dispute it.
♥The Miracle of Directed Energy Technology on 9/11♥
" A lone gunmen opened fire at public venue X today killing Y number of people and injuring Z others. A and B sources say C D E and F. G and H are at the scene already and can tell us more…."
That is a lot to prove.
Where are the ballistics reports and DNA tests and/or verifiable samples, autopsy reports, bodies, etc, etc etc etc etc..?
Shouldn't they be offering that or access to it before making such bold claims?
Maybe they should send reporting crews with medical professionals and scientists to collect blood samples and powder residue and fingerprints and footage of cameras and basically do their own investigations to satisfy the burden of proof/claimant.
" Which of the below is NOT a conspiracy. Surely, they can't ALL be?
Las Vegas shooting
Orlando nightclub shooting
Virginia Tech shooting
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting
Sutherland Springs church shooting
Stoneman Douglas High School shooting
San Bernardino attack
Columbine High School massacre
Binghamton shootings
Camden shootings
Fort Hood shooting
Washington Navy Yard shooting
Aurora shooting
Geneva County massacre
Red Lake shootings
Umpqua Community College shooting
Really? No one can answer a simple question? "
That depends on how you define conspiracy. Whenever two or more people plan and execute an action is a basic definition.
So unless you can prove all of them were the sole actions of a single individual, then they were all possible and/or established conspiracies.
In order to prove anything either way, you need a lot of critical data to analyze in order to determine which are verifiable facts.
I admit not knowing, that I have not invested the necessary time to fully research it. But I don't see you offering any critical data or arguments in order to make said determinations either.
The burden of proof is on the claimant position does not prove it isn't true, or anything. It is simply an attack strategy. It's unproductive.
Consider this; Unless you were actually there to see it, you are reliant on an alternative information source. Most of which can be manipulated in some way. Unless you were there, you don't know for sure. And if you were there, it doesn't mean you know everything about it.
So when you say "prove it", you are basing your whole position on what has been presented to you by second hand sources.
Can you prove a lone gunmen did this or that crime?
You hear about it through media and understand it to be whatever you're told. Others ask questions and find anomalies and inconsistency, consider and present a hypothesis.
Instead of assisting with the analyzation and determination of truth, you criticize it in favor of what is spoon fed.
That basically makes you a sheeple. Whether or not they are correct in their hypothesis, at least they aren't sheep.
Do you hound the media the same way? The claimant has the burden. Right? Shouldn't the same standards apply?
Why don't you, as a concerned citizen with a right to know all about it, go demand from media and whoever else that they show you all the critical data you need to verify their claims?
"It's about the TOTALITY of evidence against the deep-state. It's there in plain site for all of us to see."
People are stupid. That is an example of why. Why does this not register with people just how evil the state and it's gangster friends are?
People choose to be violated and violate each other by worshiping state-god. State god sacrifices X number of people per year and the people love it. …evidently.
I think you understand what I'm doing.
Thank you very much
I ask again!!!! NO TAKERS (at least Peter said SOMETHING germane to the question):
Pussies. Choose one, or stake yourselves to the claim that they were all staged:
Las Vegas shooting
Orlando nightclub shooting
Virginia Tech shooting
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting
Sutherland Springs church shooting
Stoneman Douglas High School shooting
San Bernardino attack
Columbine High School massacre
Binghamton shootings
Camden shootings
Fort Hood shooting
Washington Navy Yard shooting
Aurora shooting
Geneva County massacre
Red Lake shootings
Umpqua Community College shooting
Curious how? Like those are false flags or they're the only ones that are not false flags?
So you're not going to answer? Pussy. I can't believe I read through that believing that at some point you were at least going to have the decency to say that they're all false flags. Instead just more JAQing off.
Most of you are failures in life, and I can see why. You can't even answer a simple fucking question.
Maybe if you learn to answer a fucking question you can start on the long winding road out of Mom's basement, you loser.
I'm curious about the one in Kentucky a couple of months ago and the one in Napa valley California just last week? I would really like to know what Jim F. thinks about these too.
Oh, interesting. For those wanting to know about the climate, please read and do your own research – don't listen to gatekeep Steve12:
A Disgrace to the Profession
Polar Bears
Polar Bear Facts & Myths
YOUTUBE – The Great Global Warming Swindle Full Movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52Mx0_8YEtg
But you still didn't supply evidence – I guess that proves you are either 1) a moron or 2) paid shill. Either way, you don't have jack. Thanks for confirming that for all of us. Best wishes to you – if you don't like it here, go bugger off and shill or be stupid on some other site.
Yep – read these following books for further help in the study of false flags and other crimes against humanity by non other than the 'lovely' Deep State:
NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO by Daniele Ganser
Extreme Prejudice by Susan Lindauer
The 9/11 Toronto Report (2011)
Classified Woman by Sibel Edmonds
The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed
DVD – Sept.11 – The New Pearl Harbor by Massimo Mazzucco
Murder in Dealey Plaza by James Fetzer
The Dirty War on Syria by Tim Anderson
It's about the TOTALITY of evidence against the deep-state. It's there in plain site for all of us to see.
"Why would a lawn care business be filed with the State Department?"
That depends on the circumstances and nature of the contract or filing and the relationship of the people involved.
But it is curious. Could it be something simply overlooked by the clean-up people?
"While there is a family resemblance between Aaron Feis and his brother Raymond and father Louis — they are all bald, bearded and wear glasses — neither Raymond nor Louis is heavy set like Aaron."
You have to get a whole series of pictures of each person in question as closely together on a time line as possible between pics, with lots of details and such, and in addition to their whereabouts or activities as a cross reference.
You have to be able to account for a lot of possibilities like simple weight fluctuations or simple coincidences like someone forgot their contact lenses and wore their glasses that day. It could be a cousin or whoever. You have to be able to distinctly identify them by some definitive standard or biometrics …like if he had a distinctive tattoo or a weird growth on his ear or something. That would be more convincing.
Otherwise it is speculation. And even then, considering the tricky nature of the situation, you have to rule out possibility of foul play, meaning that it could be an intentional look alike as to trick you into screwing up.
A lot has to fit together in order to say that it is him.
What percentage of that list being a false flag operation is tolerable?
If only half of them are false flags, what does that half say?
Two of them? One?
If your government and hired gangs or agents perform one false flag every ten years whereby people get killed or you are lied to through various media sources, is it no big deal?
…or is it a major problem because that should NEVER happen?
How often did school shootings and public massacres happen a hundred years ago?
What about before then?
What has changed so dramatically in your great society that it is now somehow 'fashionable' to shoot up crowds of innocent people?
What was the gun control agenda 100 years ago? Where was the ultra left in all of that?
How come that stuff didn't happen as often or in such convenient fashion until there were facilities with the resources and documented studies and activities?
Either your society is so sick that it produces frequent angry crazy people, which says a lot, ..or you have an added element influencing things.
I posit the latter.
How convenient is it that they always act like the perfect perp for a political argument?
Have you ever researched into all the wicked programs your and other governments do? Have you ever researched into secret societies and gangs and how they function and operation in conjunction? Are you even remotely aware of just how evil it is?
To presume otherwise, to presume it is not a false flag, to dismiss it as an impossibility or something not worth questioning, to me, seems naive.
Evil does things like exploit customs and social norms to hide. It knows it's not tasteful to bother victims, and it has no inhibition to exploit that for gain.
Why wouldn't it?
I will.
I don't necessarily agree or disagree with any of the people or materials here. The real value of it to me is that they are presenting questions, not being sheep. I give them much credit for it. There is a certain wisdom in the value of truth and having scruples, questioning things.
You live in an advancing police state with a long well documented history of some of the most effective and unconventional asymmetrical dirty tricks your tax dollars can buy that is taking advantage of youthful ignorance, exploiting your children and hypnotizing you with media as to further enslave you.
If they use actors and bullshit, then those are the terms and worth questioning. Perhaps you should be thanking them for keeping a watchful eye.
You cannot deny a lot of things these types of conspiracy researchers find. Even if only a small percentage of what they find is actually confirmed, it says something. It says enough to justify paying attention and acting on it.
Your president told you the right answer; arm the people. That is the best most rightful efficient and traditional means of resolving the issue. Put armed guards in the schools, allow teachers to pack weapons if they choose.
That's evil – Wrong, and promotes victimization of the innocent.
Stop bashing them, please.
And still no one.
Come on Fetzer! Be fucking man for once in your pathetic life and say it – are they all False Flags or what? Take a fucking stand. Be counted.
Your cowardice makes me sick….
Still no answers….
I gues literally EVERY shooting is a false flag, right? EVERY one. Country of 330 million, no one ever snaps and shoots a bunch of people.
Your silence points out just how much of a joke you guys are.
This AE911TRUTH graph demonstrates the steady rise in revenue from 2007 to 2016, with one +$300K spike in 2013, which was a single large donation for the ReThink911 campaign. Truth doesn't need a club, only domestic psyops do…
Richard Gage could easily have earned more by staying as an architect, but people expect results when they pay architects..
Pussies. Choose one, or stake yourselves to the claim that they were all staged:
Las Vegas shooting
Orlando nightclub shooting
Virginia Tech shooting
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting
Sutherland Springs church shooting
Stoneman Douglas High School shooting
San Bernardino attack
Columbine High School massacre
Binghamton shootings
Camden shootings
Fort Hood shooting
Washington Navy Yard shooting
Aurora shooting
Geneva County massacre
Red Lake shootings
Umpqua Community College shooting
So no one will respond to my simple question? I should assume ALL of these shootings are false flags? Really?
Fetzer? You here? Hello!
What kind of nutcases are you people?
Bot programmed to ask for evidence.
I don't know NLP….
Hey Latest Anonymous:
Which of the below is NOT a conspiracy. Surely, they can't ALL be?
Las Vegas shooting
Orlando nightclub shooting
Virginia Tech shooting
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting
Sutherland Springs church shooting
Stoneman Douglas High School shooting
San Bernardino attack
Columbine High School massacre
Binghamton shootings
Camden shootings
Fort Hood shooting
Washington Navy Yard shooting
Aurora shooting
Geneva County massacre
Red Lake shootings
Umpqua Community College shooting
Really? No one can answer a simple question?
Ohhhh – you're a bot. If I ask "you" which is not a conspiracy, and you say "Evidence please?" you can't be a person. I don't need evidence to ask a question – no one's dumb enough for that non-sequitur. so I assume bot here…
Even your bots can't answer a simple Q. Which one is NOT a conspiracy?
Did you read the link dummy? You need proof – I don't, Jesus F Christ you people are thick….
Looping – yet again. Evidence please?
Any evidence yet Stevo? We are all waiting. Try working on your NLP a bit better.
Again, you provide no proof. If the event occured, you should be providing ample evidence the event happened as alleged by MSM, but you provide none. As others have mentioned – your dribble is circular with no details. Try again shill. All you provide is ad-hominems…
No evidence Steve12 – anyone reading your posts know you are dodging the details. Study your NLP a bit better. I expected a better effort on your part. Your rants are getting old and boring.
Hey Latest Anonymous:
Which of the below is NOT a conspiracy. Surely, they can't ALL be?
Las Vegas shooting
Orlando nightclub shooting
Virginia Tech shooting
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting
Sutherland Springs church shooting
Stoneman Douglas High School shooting
San Bernardino attack
Columbine High School massacre
Binghamton shootings
Camden shootings
Fort Hood shooting
Washington Navy Yard shooting
Aurora shooting
Geneva County massacre
Red Lake shootings
Umpqua Community College shooting
Here's a shitload of evidence, all with sites:
THis is your whole world, and you don't know how any of it works. You can't prove a negative, so the burden's on you.
I'm merely pointing out that a lack of transparency on the part of the police in their investigation right after a crime has been committed and before trial is not noteworthy, and is evidence of nothing out of the ordinary. THis is invariably the case.
Feel free to try again though dum dum!
"Boy, is Steve12 the biggest shill here yet- trying to fill up the comments section with no evidence. "
Oh, dummy. The burden is on the claimant. You guys are making extraordinary claim and need concomitantly extraordinary evidence (hint: you have none). It's not my job to prove there's not a conspiracy, it's yours to prove there is
Yes, I know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody. That's pretty old dude – blah blah blah. Provide real evidence it happened as mainstream and the corrupt government alledges. If you don't keep looping and provide something tangible, we all hear will take a look, but you won't do that. Go back to your hole shill.
Your looping. You keep avoiding providing evidence to the contrary. Your NLP isn't working here – please do better next time shill.
Boy, is Steve12 the biggest shill here yet- trying to fill up the comments section with no evidence. For the serious researchers, you're obvious a fraud. For the newbies, do your homework and follow the evidence. Steve12 provides absolutely nothing to refute Fetzer's and others' work.
Stevo12: You have zero evidence. Your just a shill – it's obvious. If you disagree with what is stated, provide evidence. If you don't provide it, then you have no foundation to stand on. Simple as that.
So this is you, ha? Good.
So you accept the shoddy evidence that 9/11 was nukes, but reject the solid science of climate change. All morons / all the time.
What part is wrong? The mechanism of trapping heat? The temp recording themselves? The convergent evidence in the carbon-warming cycle? The ruling out of extra-anthro carbon? The ruling out of the Sun getting stronger?
Oh, that's right. I can sum up ALL of your evidence: CONSPIRACY!!!!!!
Dummies, dummies, dummies.
This comment has been removed by the author.
And John – which of the shootings above is not a conspiracy? Still no takers? Still changing the subject JUST LIKE A PREDICTED below. You guys change the subject because any drilling down shows that it's all nonsense.
Only problem is, the evidence for the proposition is shit, and he counts on dummies like you to turn off your brain. Dummy…
I'm excited and relieved that Aaron Feis is NOT dead! How could I be belittling his death when I'm celebrating his LIFE? Steve with the 12IQ, have you re-upped for this year's shilling license yet? 25 dollar fine if you don't do it on time, let's get a goin' on it, Steve. See, Steve, shills have a particular odor about them and their unique ways to show us that they are really shills and not concerned people. Dr Fetzer gave you lots of opportunities to show off your shilling abilities and you did…..you didn't let us down, Steve. Thanking you in advance,
"Unequivocal 9/11 Nukes" interview with Dr James Fetzer….
More dead in one deep state attack than all shootings combined.
Know what it is that you know that you know.
Dr. Judy Wood- Left Handed Mug 11oz
Perfect for coffee, tea and hot chocolate, this classic shape white, durable ceramic mug in the most popular size. High quality sublimation printing makes it an appreciated gift to every true hot beverage lover.
Dr. Judy Wood- Women’s Racerback Tank Top
High quality print of this slim fit tank-top will turn heads. And bystanders won’t be disappointed – the racerback cut looks good one any woman’s shoulders.
.: Slim fit
.: 60% Soft cotton; 40% Polyester
.: Extra light fabric (3.9 oz/yd² (132 g/m²))
.: Tear away label
.: Runs smaller than usual
Dr. Judy Wood- Know What You Know Women’s T-Shirt
This lightweight shirt has a fitted and narrow cut that will highlight feminine curves. Durable print allows one to stand out in every occasion.
.: Junior fit
.: 100% Soft cotton (Sport Grey and Antiques contain 10% Polyester; Heathers: 65% Polyester)
.: Light fabric (4.5 oz/yd² (153 g/m²))
.: Tear away label
.: Runs true to size
Dr. Judy Wood- Know What You Know Men’s T-Shirt
Comfortable and light, this premium fitted short sleeve is a classic choice. High quality print adds a statement to one’s workout or everyday routine.
.: Premium fit
.: 100% Soft cotton
.: Light fabric (4.3 oz/yd² (146 g/m²))
.: Tear away label
.: Runs bigger than usual
No takers on this one, ha? So I guess in a country of 300+ million people that's filled with guns, no one EVER loses his shit and goes on a shooting spree? All "False Flags", ha?
Fucking dummies. Worthy of little beyond contempt…
"overly personally. "
I'm from CT. I grew up not far from Sandy Hook. I have close friends who lost people. I know first hand that there's no conspiracy.
You guys fuck with victims. Not OK. So yeah – it's personal. I'm also a scientist, and how you guys handle evidence – that leads you to fuck with victims – is so poor it defies description. E.g., see the subject of this whole thread, or you your dumb "point" (I guess it counts as a point) that you made below.
"Have you seen the Broward County Sheriff's Report? Are you able to point out the numerous items that are … odd? "
This is what passes for evidence? "It seems ODD!". Why so coy? You people NEVER stake yourselves to anything too concrete – because it's falsifiable! I have NO IDEA what looks odd. You tell me precisely what's wrong and make a hypothesis as to why and what that would means. BE specific. Make a statement, support with evidence, and let's go. Stop being a pussy.
Interesting. Someone (or thing) appears to be taking things overly personally.
Have you seen the Broward County Sheriff's Report? Are you able to point out the numerous items that are … odd?
Please tell us about the other 31 "victims" and their solid history. Thank You.
And just one more way that you're full of shit…. you wanna know why those details haven't been made public? Because IT'S AN ONGOING CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION you FUCKING DIPSHIT!
Now it's evidence of a conspiracy that the cops are following their procedures? What isn't evidence of a fucking conspiracy at this point? What isn't a conspiracy?
Do any of you think for ONE FUCKING SECOND EVER??? It sure doesn't seem like you do, because every time you type, stupid comes out.
And that Jabba the Fatass Fetzer is the worst among you because somewhere under all that fat is a brain…which makes me wonder if he's even serious.
This comment has been removed by the author.
And you never even touched the specifics of this post that I challenged. Why? Because you fucking people are all the same: you make it seem like you're interested in the details, but chase down any given detail and you guys change the subject to some other piece of shit evidence. This way you can make it seem like you have a lot of evidence, when in reality if you review any individual piece of evidence, it's horseshit. Just like this dumb post saying that Feis isn't really a person because there was a fat blad guy at his funeral. I mean, the odds of that must be like… 50%!
You lose someone Winfield? Wife? PArents? Maybe someone needs to go to the funeral and ask some of these same Qs. Good point. Hopefully someone descends on you during your roughest time and says that you and your family are piece of shit Mossad plants – not really people at all.
Which of the below is NOT a conspiracy. Surely, they can't ALL be?
Las Vegas shooting
Orlando nightclub shooting
Virginia Tech shooting
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting
Sutherland Springs church shooting
Stoneman Douglas High School shooting
San Bernardino attack
Columbine High School massacre
Binghamton shootings
Camden shootings
Fort Hood shooting
Washington Navy Yard shooting
Aurora shooting
Geneva County massacre
Red Lake shootings
Umpqua Community College shooting
You haven’t mention Bay of Tonkin , 9/11 or weapons of mass destruction . the owned media wouldn’t tell les .
Has any official information from crime scene investigators been released yet? How about pictures, bullet holes, blood, autopsy reports, numbers of kinds of bullets used, number of shooters. Who was the medical examiner (full name and address and qualifications)? Who were the forensic examiners full names, qualifications, addresses and so on. Basically zero official information has been released just like most of the other false flag events to promote gun control. Why not express some indignation about this gross failure? All you know is what has been reported in the lying newspapers which is totally meaningless. You should thank Professor Fetzer for being so tolerant of your meaningless comments. Anyone has every right to speculate especially when the full military armed force of government is being used to hide and cover up and delay release of vital information.
Winfield J, Abbe, Ph.D., Physics
If you think this is "research", you're an idiot
And secondary to your fucking inhumanity is your stupidity. How many people attended those funerals and services? That you have a picture of a fat bald guy constitutes some sort of doubt about whether Feis is really dead?
"Coincidences" and "anomalies" are not dispositive evidence of anything. Half of Florida is obese, and half of men are fucking bald, you dolt.
I'm also alerting Feis' family. THIS IS SLANDER. If you guys get sued you can cry about the First Amendment all you like – I don't give a fuck!
Enough is enough.
"Disclaimer: This post means no disrespect to Aaron Feis or his family. "
Ummmm – you're belittling their tragedy by saying their loved one didn't really die. How the fuck can you be more disrespectful than that.
I hope people fight back against you people. And I have an idea how. When YOU lose your loved ones, people should "just ask questions" about whether they exist – or ever existed. Whether your pain is real, etc.
Time to share some pain. And do some research.
The usual proof of death is a PUBLIC Certificate of Death issued by a Coroner, Can you please provide a reference to the Certificates of Death for the 17 SUPPOSED dead. There is no disrespect here in fact this should be joyous, those 17 supposed dead are in all probability ALIVE..
Also, there is significant resemblance between Hannah Carbocci of the Parkland event and Carlee Soto of Sandy Hook. I have not seen this mentioned anywhere yet.
Excellent research – thanks.
Columbine High School ('99) hoax also had a "hero coach" named William David Sanders, who fake-died. All pictures of Sanders are crudely Photoshopped, because he was a fake character.
Please Note, that on February 14, 2018, the day of the Event, it was quickly determined that 17 people were killed and 14 injured. Injured sent to area hospitals and deceased, 14 students and 3 teachers or adults.
Important to note is, as in Las Vegas, none of the 'wounded', sent to area hospitals, regardless of the seriousness of their injuries, no one else was reported to 'no make it'.
We are faced with this here – 14 were wounded/ injured, and there have not been anymore reports of anyone dying. The total, to date, is the same as announced on Feb 14 – 17 dead – 14 injured. That said, how is it Aaron Feis died the following morning, without the Official dead/ wounded total changing?
Just Askin'.