Kurt Nimmo
Following the murder of fifty Muslims at a mosque in Christchurch New Zealand, the corporate media went into overdrive, describing the alleged shooter as a white supremacist Trump supporter.
This is clearly not the case. If we read a “manifesto” attributed to the accused shooter, Brenton Tarrant, we discover he followed the writing of Candace Owens, a “conservative” black woman, and predicts he will be set free like Nelson Mandela.
Tarrant—if he is indeed the author of this professed manifesto—also criticized the leadership of President Trump and described himself as an “eco-fascist,” a socialist, a libertarian, an anarchist, and at the same time a follower of the Norwegian psychopath Anders Breivik, a self-described white nationalist.
Despite these glaring incongruities, the agenda-driven corporate media has uniformly characterized the suspect as a white supremacist supporter of Donald Trump while either downplaying or ignoring the ideological contradictions and outright absurdity of Tarrant’s so-called manifesto.
I believe this event is yet another psychological operation designed to 1) push anti-gun legislation (New Zealand wasted little time after the attack to call for confiscating the firearms of largely law-abiding individuals), 2) stoke and fan the flames of political division and portray “conservatives” as racist, misogynist, and fascist, and 3) conflate Trump (“Hitler”), the “Alt-Right,” and “conservatives” with “white nationalists” who are portrayed by an ideologically-driven media as the dangerous fellow travelers of psychotic murderers.

The Southern Poverty Law Center set the tone while ignoring the massive contradictions that riddle the document, titled “The Great Replacement,” a title borrowed from the French writer Renaud Camus (“Le grand remplacement”). The book argues the French people and western civilization in Europe are being replaced by immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa. According to the left-leaning controlled information site Wikipedia, Camus is a conspiracy theorist.
“The type of racist rhetoric found in the manifesto is promoted heavily by Americans with large platforms like Rep. Steve King of Iowa and Tucker Carlson of Fox News,” writes Michael Edison Hayden on the SPLC “Hatewatch” web page.
It should come as no surprise the SPLC would use the attack and a screed supposedly connected to Tarrant as ammunition to unfairly characterize Carlson and King as white supremacists and therefore legitimize (in the minds of progressives) the attacks on them, in particular the Antifa attack on Carlson’s family.
I believe the shooting and others in the recent past are part of a psychological campaign first to identify and demonize critics of the establishment and then exclude them from political participation and possibly impose more draconian measures.
In addition, this will give the state an excuse to place further restrictions on free speech and access to social media. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc., have initiated (at the behest of the state) a purge of their platforms based on a “progressive” political litmus test.
Democrat Beto O’Rourke, a former member of the hacker group Cult of the Dead Cow, and who recently declared his intention to run for president, admitted there is no practical way to confiscate firearms owned by Americans, that number now totaling around 500,000,000 individual rifles and handguns. Instead, O’Rourke wants to circumvent the Bill of Rights and outlaw the sale of firearms, thus going the route New Zealand is now following.

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way,” quipped the master socialist politician, Franklin D. Roosevelt.
I believe many of these mass shootings, especially those committed by supposed white supremacists and nationalists (many are controlled assets; e.g. Hal Turner), are part of a psychological operation designed to destabilize both America and Europe on a number of fronts.
From borders and mass migration to economic austerity and the slow-motion erosion of the middle class and the export of industry and wealth by international banks and transnational corporations, we are witnessing a massive plan to usher in a unified global economy with its requirement for totalitarian governance.
For global elites working behind the scenes the ultimate goal is total, unquestioned control, consolidation of wealth, and the impoverishment of humanity resulting ultimately in a serious reduction in world population.
Before this can occur, however, the political and intellectual playing field must be cleansed of all dissent. The only dissent tolerated will be that of token groups and individuals keeping alive the illusion that we live in a democracy.
I think what matters most ; what is most CRITICAL here, is that the Foundational Document of this event, used to establish the official narrative, been classified and is not to be viewed on pain of imprisonment. And has been relegated to the memory hole where NZ’s Royal Commission into the attack has been directed not to investigate.
And the second most important moment of this ‘red-team’ operation; the ‘Lucky-Larry’ insertion of the anomalous dataset; live-streamed into the recently compromised social media network/platforms – UNSOLICITED,
is also Not within scope of the inquiry. [13.2]
This begs every single question it is possible to raise .
As a ‘civil society, surrounded by war imagery both real and imagined, the notion that our capabilities would be unable to cope, or by viewing this pivotal central dataset [GoPro] and HAVE OPINIONS would be insulting toward the Martyred Dead, is sinister and conspiratorial. In their name, we should be investigating every part of this atrocity in determined effort to bring those responsible to Justice.
We have the History of disassembly all about us. IIO, P2OG. Intelligence Black operations. MKULTRA. NEWSGUARD. The PHOENIX program..The practicalities of ‘Strategy of Tension’ attack//False Flags abound as central to the ‘construct’ of our TIME(Karl ROVE “We are Empire now. We create new realities…”). We live in the DUST of the greatest of them- the 911 demolitions yet are still held like children to the view of a senior NZ policeman telling us we are not to view the carnage in ‘Honour and respect of those killed’ is bullshit., it is because we may not like, or trust, what we see there. And that is the truth. Because anyone with any military/ ballistic/ driving/ policing/ real politik knowledge is going to walk from that viewing KNOWING something is seriously fcking wrong with this picture.
AND, Unless and until that ‘foundational document’ is given due diligence in a court of law, its anomalies dissected and contested before a judge and jury of my peers by experts in all the fields of life and crime and videography/ballistics/drill methodology/digital insert interoperability..unless and until that central dataset is verified authentic or not, THIS IS PSYOP. This is what PSYOP is. A created situation, splashing the population in Blood and horror, pivoting the entire collective conscious on a very sharp edge,
and then insisting by DICTAT it stays there !
Its’ Investigative process and rule-of-Law made an Ass.
I think what matters most ; what is most CRITICAL here, is that the Foundational Document of this event, used to establish the official narrative, been classified and is not to be viewed upon pain of imprisonment. Has been relegated to the memory hole where NZ’s Royal Commission into the attack has been directed not to investigate.
And the second most important moment of this ‘red-team’ operation; the ‘Lucky-Larry’ insertion of the anomalous dataset; live-streamed into the recently compromised social media network/platforms – UNSOLICITED,
is also Not within scope of the inquiry. [13.2]
This begs every single question it is possible to raise .
As a ‘civil society, surrounded by war imagery both real and imagined, the notion that our capabilities would be unable to cope or by viewing this pivotal central dataset [GoPro] and HAVE OPINIONS would be insulting toward the Martyred Dead, is sinister and conspiratorial. In their name, we should be investigating every part of this atrocity in determined effort to bring those responsible to Justice.
We have the History of disassembly all about us. IIO, P2OG. Intelligence Black operations. MKULTRA. NEWSGUARD. The PHOENIX program..The practicalities of ‘Strategy of Tension’ attack//False Flags abound as central to the ‘construct’ of our TIME(Karl ROVE “We are Empire now. We create new realities…”). We live in the DUST of the greatest of them- the 911 demolitions yet are still held like children to the view of a senior NZ policeman telling us we are not to view the carnage in ‘Honour and respect of those killed’ is bullshit., it is because we may not like, or trust, what we see there. And that is the truth. Because anyone with any military/ ballistic/ driving/ policing/ real politik knowledge is going to walk from that viewing KNOWING something is seriously fcking wrong with this picture.
AND, Unless and until that ‘foundational document’ is given due diligence in a court of law, its anomalies dissected and contested before a judge and jury of my peers by experts in all the fields of life and crime and videography/ballistics/drill methodology/digital insert interoperability..unless and until that central dataset is verified authentic or not, THIS IS PSYOP. This is what PSYOP is. A created situation, splashing the population in Blood and horror, pivoting the entire collective conscious on a very sharp edge,
and then insisting by DICTAT it stays there !
Its’ Investigative process and rule-of-Law made an Ass.
Blast from the past. Good to hear from Kurt Nimmo. I started reading his articles before he went on Infowars staff and do not know here he is now.
“Following the murder of fifty Muslims at a mosque in Christchurch New Zealand, ”
An article that starts with that phrase forces us to assume and accept the main part of the event’s official narrative as fact, but I think getting a better idea of the facts regarding injuries and deaths is the only way to come to a better overall understanding of the nature of the event. But, of course, we cannot do that. We are not allowed to hear from a real New Zealand resident close to the event to tell us honest sounding observations regarding injuries and deaths.
It can be a psyop for gun control regardless of whether there were no deaths, a very small number of deaths, or a large round number of deaths like 50 or 3000. We have been unable, in most of these “shootings”, to positively verify real deaths of real people. We can’t find the facts and we don’t even seem to want to anymore.
You are correct. I found out. https://plottoassassinateobama.blogspot.com/2019/04/banned-by-facebook-just-now.html
All the mass shooting have planted a default reaction in me… until proven otherwise, it’s likely gov’t sponsored to further the political agenda of disarmament. Is it synthetic terror or a simulation? Mass shootings being organic events perpetrated by a deranged fringe lunatic is way down the list of probabilities. It’s like the Boy that cried Wolf parable. The claim was bogus so many times, we don’t believe it anymore. When the New Zealand deal happened, I automatically figured it was staged to demonize private gun ownership the world over, not just on a remote island on the other side of Earth. Once I saw the video with slogans painted on a toy gun, I knew I was right. But then I heard the video was a simulation but the shootings were real and three killers were involved. And there’s real videos of the actual killings that no one got to see. I almost think it does not matter anymore. Whatever happens, they cue the record for “reasonable” gun control. You don’t want to be considered “unreasonable” do you?