Jack Mullen, Day 150 : Caretaker War Continues

Jack Mullen 

“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”
 Eric Hoffer

Frontline Report

We are now 150 days past the day the world changed apparently forever. A large portion of humanity is now suffering under the delusion of a worldwide pandemic. This mass delusion is maintained outside of reality in the vacuum of a digitally fabricated world – a reality broadcast and streamed by the mainstream media and its cyberspace counterparts. That fabricated reality is a political reality :

Without having clear sources of real knowledge regarding the meaning of perceptions, life itself becomes in jeopardy.  Conceptions of reality are embedded in our language and elaborated in our Institutions and is implied by Customs and immortalized in books of knowledge stored in libraries.  If the language is bent, and our institutions are lies and books just a history of lies and deception, then men and women are floating in a political reality with no anchor – no direction, no means of discerning what benefits and what harms life: Reality is Lost. 

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” – Sun Tzu

Be Aware

Consciousness requires awareness and critical analysis of your physical life. Noticing your body and its signals, giving respect and deference to the thousands of generations of men and women upon whose genetic shoulders you now stand; being in the moment and aware is the way to consciousness.

We all contend not only with the reality inside our head, perhaps the voice of our soul, but also our physical vessel, the ‘temple’ in which we live, our host – the earthly body in this world. The body is alive and consistent with the billions of cells it contains, including the antenna strands of DNA; we are anchored and hardwired to live in this physical reality. This body is aware and is independent of the immortal soul which it supports; the body was created to survive here and survive it can when the mind is aware of its faculties.

Weaponized language imprisons the mind – regroup in your body and take advice from your senses.

The Caretakers

The deceivers now preparing to end the lives of most of the physical human bodies on earth have confused the “digital-reality” with reality – the reality experienced by your body and its awareness of this physical world. The “political-reality” contains the virtual world of pandemics, political systems, central banking, contact tracing, social credits and a concerned, all powerful caretaker to provide guidelines, procedures and protocols for remaining safe in the scary political-reality.

The “political-reality” is fake – and the caretakers are dangerously insane thieves, child molesters, rapists, sadists, ritual killers and all manner of deceivers; they have no concern for your physical reality at all. To wake up it is necessary to get in touch with your body and its senses and hear the messages sent. Look at the world today – nothing is happy, nothing is getting better, no instrument of the caretakers is life supporting or giving. This is not a positive environment for the body or life.

Look around. No one is actually dying of a pandemic-level killer – it’s an illusion created in the digital-reality. Where are the people dropping in the streets? Where are the examples of entire families dying from the “virus”? Why are those said to be dying from this deadly disease the same people that would normally be dying from conditions of old age, accidents, and common health problems like pneumonia and flu?

Look at the numbers of people said to have died of CV19 in Melbourne, Australia – less than 200 – most above the age of 70 in a city of 5 million people. The caretakers are asking you to live in the digital-reality, absorb intellectually the transmitted fear and clever transposition of new cases of coronavirus for new deaths from coronavirus.

It’s here where the grifters substituted fabricated reality for actual in-the-moment reality. Since they created the “test” for a virus they invented, they control the outcome of the test. The “test” results in 50-80% false positives when testing for a genetic material that exists in most people anyway.

The video below explains how the “authorities” decide if death was caused by coronavirus.

Video Player

Do Your Own Research and Make Your Own Decisions

A recent article published in Forbes decries your authority to do your own research. The article You Must Not ‘Do Your Own Research’ When It Comes To Science is clearly attempting to maintain the control-system hold on your mind and control of your fears and thoughts.

Your Sense Can Be Common

Be in your body – and ask does this make sense?

How long would a reality-based people live without working for a living, without sunshine, exercise or optimum levels of oxygen (deprived with a mask)?

Is it reality based, body sensitive and in support of life to:

  • Lock people down while their businesses, jobs and economy are destroyed and assets nationalized?
  • Physically force farms to close
  • Physically close meat processing plants and farms
  • Prevent people from socializing and gathering in groups
  • Close schools and public events
  • Hype inflated death numbers and manufactured new case statistics
  • Force people out of their homes because they cannot pay rent or mortgage because their businesses or jobs were closed for some new flu?

The above things will only harm the physical body and are objectively anti-life (reality). These actions will kill millions and millions of people over the coming 3 to 5 years just from the economic collapse alone. Is killing millions later worth trying to prevent some natural and normally occurring deaths now?

Humans have lived on the earth for hundreds of thousands of years facing real threats to their existence from hunger, poor health, animals, tribal warfare, droughts, natural disasters and gangster/tyrannical control systems. None of the above situations are equivalent to what mankind faces today. With the use of advanced technology, psychological warfare techniques and chemical manipulation of the body, mankind is facing its greatest enemy – himself.

Only through recognizing the weaknesses being exploited and forcing ourselves to remain in physical reality and the moment will it be possible to use our body’s defenses for what they were designed to do – interpret reality, process input for analysis and provide intuitive information that’s necessary to discern what’s best for physical survival and to take immediate action to save ourselves and one another.

Activism is required

Talk to friends and family, and share articles like this with those not already convinced. Please find flyers that can be used to refute face masks and vaccines here. Print them and share them via email and other social media.

Below is a video done by Australian Max Igan that I believe summarizes, in 10 minutes, the very grave civilization crisis that now confronts most of mankind. Please share this article and this video.

Video Player

The video below shows the incredible low level to which European people have fallen. The Australian state of Victoria forces the entire city of Melbourne into house arrest. This is embarrassing for all Europeans – forced into house arrest, at the cost of livelihood, freedom of travel and way of life for a virus that has never been shown to exist.


Tyranny rises unopposed in NYC: New York City to set up COVID checkpoints at bridges and tunnels.  This unlawful and tyrannical act has lovingly been done by the caretakers “to protect the city from those traveling from high-risk states.” Right — the loving words of maniacal terrorist.

Come back to your senses, your mind has been controlled but your body still knows.



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22 thoughts on “Jack Mullen, Day 150 : Caretaker War Continues”

  1. Money talks…it’s that simple…from David icke’s site:

    On Radio 96.1 FM Mikey & Emma just now 9am Friday 7 August.

    Anyone can call in for “what’s on your mind?”. A guy came on, based in metro Melbourne, says he’s totally respecting all the lockdowns rules.

    However he has a friend who’s dad just died at 79 years old. A Greek guy, it’s been in the news. The dad was in hospital for 2 weeks for late stage terminal cancer. After that he was placed back into the nursing home.

    Now to be placed back in the nursing home, all aged care returning need to be tested negative for covid.

    He was allowed back into the nursing home. So he definitely did not test positive for covid otherwise he would not be allowed back in. He died the next day in the nursing home. His death was labeled as covid.

    The family were upset & asked why did they put that on the death certificate when that wasn’t true? The nursing home turned around & said don’t you want a payout for the death? The Australian govt is handing out $25,000 to all nursing homes who label covid as the main cause of deaths on death certificates.

    Another friend verifies this story. She’s got a friend who’s father in law in Melbourne just died in a nursing home.

    The nursing home offered the family of the deceased $9000 if they could put covid on the death certificate.
    The nursing home told them if they do, it would help the nursing home as they will get $25,000 -$30,000 for every patient they label as covid on the death certificate.

    The Australian people do serve to know, who is paying off these nursing homes? Where’s the money coming from?

    Who is funding this? And if these family’s get paid off are they gagged & unable to speak out?


  2. Talk about DELUSION! Once again, Zero Hedge, a formerly trustworthy site (from which I have been banned from commenting, btw) put up a 2016 video from ABC supposedly as the WH shooting that took place on Monday afternoon, 8/10/2020.

    Here’s the article and the original vid from 2016 follows.



  3. James Tracy’s memory hole blog has been back for a while. His latest post on the Global Economic Reset is worth checking out. The Davos World Economic Forum is certainly no theory; they want the us to know what they are up… George Soros said that Trump was a threat to the World was going to disappear in 2020. It’s amazing how out in the open the Globalists have become with their plans to impose the Technocratic Dictatorship on the whole of humanity. I guess they see no point is concealing the now so obvious plan to take away freedom at every level. Check out what WEF presenters are telling us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sb9jRqgDOJ8&feature=emb_logo

  4. https://www.cfact.org/2014/09/25/rfk-jr-s-climate-rant-is-short-on-facts/
    Robert Kennedy Jr wants people jailed for not believing that CO2 causes global warming.

    Trump visits fake shooting victims and does not expose their lies.

    We hear endless Titanic stories, but the truth it is it was murder.

    You think about the haulocost is accurately portrayed in the mass media something. They jail you for in Germany if you do not agree with you, that is a fact I have seen. How is Israel treating the Palestinians?

    All people have good and bad within, it isn’t intent to good, not bad.

    1. BillAU…Did you read the first comment beneath the article?

      zn September 26, 2014 at 9:07 AM

      You should pay more attention to statements you include under quotation marks. The comment you cite from Robert Kennedy Jr clearly mentions “man-made climate change”. RFK. Jr is clearly referring to the vast amounts of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels, not simply just ‘exhaling’ as you deceptively imply.

      Secondly, associating renewable energy with ‘millions of deaths’ is completely ludicrous. Where is your evidence that renewables kill anyone, let along ‘millions of people’? Renewable energy already provides power to tens of millions of people worldwide, yet there is no evidence whatsoever of civilization collapsing or any other kind of stupid doomsday prophecy occurring.

      You know, the more I re-read this article, the more I realise there is actually nothing of factual worth in it at all. It’s all just bullshit. Really poorly argued bullshit. Good luck with your writing career, Paul Driessen. I hope CFACT pays well.

      Me…There is nothing in the article that proves this is what RFK Jr. said.

      1. Robert Kenedy Jr wants people locked up in jail if they do not agree with his view that CO2 causes climate change. I do not agree with that theory, so he would put me in jail. Just like in Germany they jail people who do not agree with the holocaust.

  5. Jack, if the Aussies and the Brits had not become unarmed, do you think it would have gone this far?
    I do not. That is why we still have a minor level of sanity here in the states.
    In my weekly mask confrontation in Lake City Fl, I defied every sign and not a word was said….that would include, Lowes, Home Depot, Harvey’s Market and the Tractor Supply store. ALL had very visible signs and strangely enough, Tractor Supply had the largest…Two 4’X4′ signs right in front of the entrance. Panera’s inside dining was closed…unlike the last time I was there when it was open, but with the most strict mask policy I have seen which I could not crack. I had the intention of testing them today with a Guy Fawkes mask, but to no avail. I just used thee drive thru. My guess is they are re-tooling to meet new guidelines set by the God of Corona.
    It is so true that we are now victims of our own digital addiction where flesh and blood has taken second place to X’s and O’s. I satisfy my soul by not having or using a cell and not having or using a TEE VEE. My computer is hard wired and I disconnect totally when I go to bed.

      1. Not as yet, BillAu….but we still have the option if the time comes. Sorry to say, you do not.

      2. Nearly 19 years and still nothing. Evidently Australians have more guns now than when they did Port Arthur,

        Patriot Act
        DescriptionThe USA PATRIOT Act is an Act of the United States Congress that was signed into law by U.S. President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001. USA PATRIOT is an acronym that stands for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism. Wikipedia

      3. Not to be contentious, but were we not speaking of the present covid topic?
        My point is that in the US, we have yet to get to the degree of control you have reached in Australia and the UK….and I see that due to the fact that we still LEGALLY possess our firearms. Since your weapons have been made illegal, you have no way to fight back and your masters KNOW THAT WELL.
        9/11 was obviously a false flag and not an intrinsically offensive action against We the People in America. Yes, we have mask mandates in the US in certain areas, but from my personal experience AND confrontation, they are not upheld to the extent they are in Australia and the UK. AND, I do not believe they will go to that degree here in the states.

  6. Like Alex Jones says (he might be a shill, I don’t know) this is an info war. People like Fetzer and Jones give us something closer to the truth than the fake news, this type of alternative media is what is needed to win the info ear.

  7. I remember Max Igan being dodgy in the past, according to Fetzer, probably the fake mosque stiff in NZ. He had a video basically telling us to rise up against the government about water rights, that seemed wierd.

  8. The Internet has been used as a form of warfare against the entire world. The article above is spot on correct.
    In an instant some control freak person with the letters ”Dr.” in front of their name can tell the entire world to stay indoors and wear a mask. TOTAL madness has descended on this entire planet.

    First it was wearing the yellow Star ….then closing all Jewish businesses…. herded into ghettos …..next the trains to the Camps…..finally there was a shower, which was a death shower of Zyklon pesticide gas.


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