Sue Reid
Twenty years on, the family of one British victim is demanding a fresh inquest in the hope of proving just that
[Editor’s note: This new article from The Daily Mail (1 April 2021) keeps 9/11 alive in the mind of the public, where the proof of US complicity turns out to be far greater than the author could conceive. As the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, I have collaborated with the best experts on this event from around the world–and have added several of my past presentations summarizing what our research has found.]
Just imagine Geoff Campbell’s last terrified moments, trapped on the 106th floor of the North Tower of New York’s World Trade Centre.
Far below him, between the 93rd and 99th floors, an American Airlines Boeing 767 hijacked by Al-Qaeda terrorists and loaded with 20,000 gallons of aviation fuel had been flown into the building.
The South Tower had already collapsed in huge clouds of concrete dust after being hit by another passenger aircraft.
As they were engulfed in lethal fumes, Geoff and scores of other men and women in the North Tower began smashing windows in a desperate attempt to gulp some fresh air, and begged for help in mobile phone calls to rescue teams and loved ones.

Geoff had kissed Caroline and said goodbye at about 8am on that fateful day as she lay in their bed. She was never to hear his voice again
Some of those trapped with the young Briton on that morning of September 11, 2001, were later photographed hurling themselves to their deaths hundreds of feet below, rather than staying where they were to be burned alive or suffocated.
And then the North Tower collapsed, taking Geoff’s life and the lives of hundreds of others with it.
We are now in the 20th anniversary year of 9/11, the worst terror atrocity the world has witnessed, the day when more than 2,600 people were killed in the Twin Towers and the surrounding area of downtown Manhattan.
Geoff, 31 years old, had already made his mark as a brilliant risk analyst who, by chance, was at the World Trade Centre that morning for a conference.
He had an American fiancee, Caroline Burbank, who loved him dearly and today lives alone in the couple’s apartment, a 20-minute stroll from where the towers once stood, which is still full of memories of their life together.
Geoff had kissed Caroline and said goodbye at about 8am on that fateful day as she lay in their bed. She was never to hear his voice again.
At first, the Campbell family and Caroline were sure he was alive, perhaps in hospital terribly injured, his identity unknown.
But one year later, fragments of a shoulder blade containing Geoff’s DNA were found amid World Trade Centre rubble.
It was then that they started to question the official account of the disaster — and they have never stopped doing so since.
Incredible though it sounds, this British family are challenging all we have been told about the Twin Towers’ collapse.
After examining the testimony of hundreds of eyewitnesses and forensically dissecting the scientific trail of the towers’ collapse, down to analysing dust on the ground at the New York site, they have compiled a lengthy dossier.

We are now in the 20th anniversary year of 9/11, the worst terror atrocity the world has witnessed, the day when more than 2,600 people were killed in the Twin Towers and the surrounding area of downtown Manhattan
It is a document which, they claim, proves that controlled demolition explosives — not aircraft — brought the buildings down.
Many will dismiss the dossier’s contents as the work of conspiracy theorists and refuse to believe a word.
But the detailed findings, say the Campbells and their team of scientific and legal advisers, are based on hard evidence and the laws of physics.
So convinced are they of their theory that later this month they will formally ask the acting Attorney General for England and Wales, Michael Ellis — who is standing in for Suella Braverman during her maternity leave — to allow them to apply to the High Court for a fresh inquest into Geoff’s death.
Six other families who lost loved ones in the Twin Towers plane attacks on 9/11 plan to send their own statements in support of the Campbells.
If Mr Ellis gives the go-ahead — as the Campbells think likely — they plan an attempt to dismantle the notion that the Twin Towers were brought down by raging fires caused by leaking jet fuel which melted their supporting metal girders.
On Hannity & Colmes with Ollie North (22 June 2006)
At any new inquest, they would call in eyewitnesses to numerous mystery explosions at the towers, and scientists who insist the plane attacks could not have toppled the two buildings.
Caroline told the Mail this week from New York that they were determined to change the official narrative: ‘Knowing what Geoff and other victims had to endure that day has encouraged us to seek the truth about the cause of his death.’
Geoff’s mother Maureen, 75, from Brighton, added: ‘Caroline was ‘the one’ for Geoff. They planned to marry, to have children, to make their lives in Britain. Their future together was destroyed on 9/11. There is a piece missing in the Twin Towers jigsaw and we hope to prove it.’
The Campbells’ request to the Attorney General will be made under Section 13 of the UK Coroners Act 1988, which allows an inquest to be rerun ‘in the interests of justice’ if substantial new evidence comes to light.
The Section 13 rule was used in 2016 to reopen the inquiry into the deaths of 96 fans in the 1989 Hillsborough football stadium disaster. More recently, a fresh inquest was held under the same rule when new evidence was discovered about the death of a nine-year-old girl, Ella Kissi-Debrah, whose fatal asthma attack was linked to air pollution near her London home.
At the 2013 inquest in London into Geoff’s death, it was found that he and nine other Britons whose remains had been repatriated were ‘unlawfully killed in an act of terrorism’ by Al-Qaeda flying the planes into the towers, causing their ‘total destruction’.
But the Campbell clan, backed by their London lawyers, hope to prove to a new coroner that in fact the North Tower fell because it had been laced with deliberately planted explosives and incendiary devices.
‘I believe Geoff was murdered and there has been a cover-up,’ says his older brother Matt, a Sussex-based father of three and former IT City worker.
Could he possibly be right?
The view that the Twin Towers’ girders melted because of fires caused by fuel from the two hijacked planes has been repeated in White House briefings, official inquiries into 9/11 and television documentaries in the UK and U.S.
Yet the Campbell family and a U.S. campaign organisation, Architects And Engineers For 9/11 Truth (A&E), say this makes no scientific sense: most steel does not melt until it reaches around 2,800f (1,537c), and open fires of jet fuel — such as those in the Twin Towers inferno — cannot burn hotter than 1,700f (926c).

Caroline told the Mail this week from New York that they were determined to change the official narrative: ‘Knowing what Geoff and other victims had to endure that day has encouraged us to seek the truth about the cause of his death
Nine respected scientists have also published peer-reviewed research showing that dust from the destroyed Twin Towers contained microscopic remnants of nano-thermite explosives, which can be tailored for use in controlled demolitions.
There are other puzzling inconsistencies that the Campbells’ dossier highlights for the first time about the destruction of the two towers.
The official narrative of the North Tower’s collapse is that it went ‘essentially into free fall’, the upper section of the building accelerating through the lower floors at close to the rate of gravity, completely dismembering steel frames and pulverising thick concrete to a fine powder.
But this would have been impossible, say experts at the campaign group A&E.
They cite Newton’s third law of motion, which states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
In other words, the absence of deceleration in the ‘free fall’ is apparent proof that another force — explosives — had already destroyed the lower part of the building, allowing the upper section to plunge down through it at an increasingly fast pace.

There are also those compelling personal tales of explosions at the site.
In oral histories of 9/11 provided by New York Fire Department staff, almost a quarter describe seeing flashes and hearing bangs and booms in both the Twin Towers before they fell.
One fire officer, Frank Campagna, said of the North Tower: ‘I looked back. You could see three explosions and then the whole thing coming down.’
His testimony is endorsed by hundreds of other workers and police officers at the World Trade Centre site that day who insist they saw explosions in the basement and lobby.
A policeman with the surname Middleton said in one official 9/11 report that there were explosions, too, high up the building: ‘There was a loud boom at the upper floors (of the North Tower), then a series of smaller explosions which appeared to go completely round the building at the upper floors.
‘After another loud, shattering blast, with a large fireball, blew out more debris, everyone outside began to run as the building began to crumble.’
Anthony Saltalamacchia, a maintenance supervisor in charge of 150 Twin Towers staff, was in the basement area of the North Tower, approximately 1,100 feet below the plane’s impact point.
‘The explosions I heard . . . were so many, at least ten. It was like multiple explosions. It felt like different grenades being set off inside,’ he said.
Incredibly, William Rodriguez, a janitor who was with him in the basement of the North Tower and was the last man to escape the building, says he witnessed explosions even earlier — before the first plane slammed into it.
And it seems he may be right.
Seismographic recordings, which measure sudden ground movement in earthquakes or explosions, were picked up miles from the World Trade Centre that morning.
The nearest seismograph monitoring station was in Palisades, New York, 12 miles from downtown Manhattan, which recorded crucial signals from the North Tower.
These show — according to the Campbells’ dossier — that seismic data (indicating explosions) was recorded 15 seconds earlier than the official time given for the moment the hijacked plane struck the building: 40 seconds after the clock struck 8.40 am.
A dozen reports by scientists, seismologists and engineers, provided in the dossier support the contention that explosives and incendiary devices were planted in both skyscrapers before the events of 9/11 as the world understands them ever happened.
And there is something else that remains unexplained — the abrupt collapse of a third tower at the World Trade Centre of which many will never have heard.
The building, WTC7, collapsed in just seven seconds, even though no plane had hit it.
It stood 100 yards from the 110-storey Twin Towers, housed offices of the U.S. secret service and was city mayor Rudy Giuliani’s emergency command centre, fitted with secure air supplies and bullet and bomb-resistant windows.

Bystanders interviewed by U.S. television that day reported hearing ‘bang, bang, bang’ sounds before it fell, although official inquiries say there is no evidence of any controlled explosion.
Conspiracy theorists have long held that the events of 9/11 were deliberately fabricated to fool the world and provide a perfect pretext for America to hunt down Osama bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda organisation and start the so-called War On Terror.
But Matt, Geoff’s brother, says he and his family are not interested in conspiracies — they just want to find out the truth.
Matt, a theoretical physicist and now a reflexologist, explains: ‘Geoff and Caroline had just got engaged three weeks before. I mourn that he never had his own family. He has not seen my kids or our younger brother Rob’s children grow up.
‘For Caroline, his fiancee, their life together ended that day. Geoff deserves justice and so does she.’
At their New York apartment, Caroline, now 51, remembers the morning she last saw Geoff. They were a happy couple, spending holidays abroad and enjoying life.
Geoff was ‘bouncing around’ in good spirits, searching for his trousers and grabbing something to eat from the fridge before he left for the conference.
Soon afterwards, relatives and friends began to ring to ask if Geoff was OK because a plane had hit a skyscraper in New York.
‘Wasn’t he at a conference there?’ they asked.
From her apartment, with a view of the Twin Towers, Caroline then watched a second plane collide with the South Tower.
‘I sat by the phone waiting for Geoff to call,’ she remembers. ‘People were ringing from England and when I heard their accents I thought it was him.’

In the nightmarish hours that followed, Caroline tried to persuade herself Geoff was alive. Even when the South Tower disappeared from the skyline, followed by the North Tower, she kept hoping.
She took her fiance’s photograph to hospitals to search for him.
‘I looked everywhere for days on end, thinking he must have survived,’ she says. ‘I feel he will have been positive to the end. I hope he died instantly.’
Why didn’t Geoff call her before the North Tower collapsed? She surmises that his mobile may have run out or been lost in all the mayhem.
In retrospect, she says, his silence was for the best. She would not have wanted to hear him with panic in his voice as he realised the danger he was in.
At the time of the atrocity, Caroline was about to set up a U.S. wing of a British IT company. After Geoff’s death, her career changed course. She joined the military police and has just completed a master’s degree in healthcare administration.
She has rarely dated since her fiance’s death.
‘I think about Geoff every single day,’ she says of the man she met in a Manhattan bar and teased about his English accent before they got together as a couple. ‘I still wait for him to come home.’
In England, Geoff’s repatriated remains are buried in a pretty graveyard which the family visit regularly. There is a headstone bearing the words: ‘A loving caring soul of generous spirit’.
The epitaph was chosen by the Campbell clan, who refuse to abandon their quest to find out how and why a young British man with such a golden future met his end on 9/11.
Here’s a brilliant post from Jim Stone. He just may have nailed it!!
PRECURSOR: Just so people know right off the bat what this is about, the MRNA corona vaccines don’t fight corona virus, they instead command your body to start producing the prion that causes mad cow disease.
I spent a while pondering the new revelations about the corona vax and figured out a key item that cinches the topic
First of all, for those who did not see it, over Easter weekend Alex did an emergency broadcast about the corona vax being specifically formulated to cause your body to produce the prion that causes mad cow disease. If you scroll down a little bit, it is there and it is all documented. Here is the revelation I finally had –
The ONLY reason why the Corona vax is an MRNA vax (and the first one to boot) that programs your body rather than triggers an immune response – the ONLY reason for this is because if they injected the prions they probably could not put enough of them in a reasonable shot to do the trick, and because a conventional vax cannot be made to force your body to start producing it’s destruction. A conventional shot can be very destructive, but to make it bad enough it would have to be too devastating too often early on. They wanted a shot that would cause delayed devastation and death and there was no way to formulate a conventional vaccine to do that without killing too many people up front
However, if they instead made a vax that, for the first time in history caused your own body to make something, (under the ruse of being protective) – if they caused your body to do that it would not do it immediately, time would have to pass before it finally got programmed well enough to produce the destructive agents – agents that were not even in the original DNA vax to begin with – your body made them – so there’s another layer of deniability –
This is precisely why the Corona vax is an MRNA vax, lots of people wondered why with this new disease we were given a totally new tech when the old tech ought to work, and now we know.
So they openly stated it’s a vax that causes your body to produce a spike protein, and if analyzed I guess there are ways to prove the different variants of that vax would indeed produce a spike protein, and the false advertised that it was a spike protein that would give immunity to the corona virus – quality checks could prove the spike protein would be consistent across different vaccine brands, but it would not be so easy to realize that it was the prion that causes mad cow.
Alex got a hold of the elite documents that lay it all out. The corona vax does not fight a virus, it instead programs your body to produce prions so on a delayed timetable people start going zombie or start having seizures or whatever (depending on what part of the brain the prions build up in first) – and we end up with, a year down the road, a modified version of the walking dead where the zombies don’t necessarily bite you (but plenty of scary stuff is visible) and they also don’t live very long.
Me….Think all those ridiculous Zombie movies we have watched for the last 10 or 15 years were just for fun…just came out of no where? Consider they may well have been predictive programming.
This is getting nutz!
This is how every priest, pastor, minster et al could be handling this tyranny. THIS is courage!
911 is destined to be the JFK of the 21st century. You think in 2061 people will still be theorizing what happened? I am now firmly with the no Boeings crashed that day crowd. Cruise missile for the Pentagon. Nothing happened in PA with the flight 93 Let’s roll bullshit. That the twin towers were “kitchen sinked” with nukes, thermate and may have been built with other explosive devices there the whole time.
I went to a bar last night to listen to some friends play some music. I ran into an old friend and his pal and we started discussing the Kung Flu overblown hoax. The old friend scoffed at everything I had and would turn around everything I told him as only coming from Alex Jones. It was so pathetic. However his pal was wide awake and knew exactly everything I had just laid out. That was as encouraging as my old friend was incredibly disappointing. My old friend said Anthony Fauci was a genius and he “believes in the science”. I said really? did you see your hero throw out the first pitch at the Washington Nationals opening day?… that was pure genius too as the pitch went no where near home plate and he resembled an eight year old girl with a broken arm pitching.
Todd Beamer said … “Let’s Roll” = 113 = “Not Factual” = 113 = “Bullshit” = 113 = “Zero Facts” = 113 …
dK…Jim has done incredible and outstanding work on 9/11. So has Dmitri Khalezov. Most do not care to read his 1096 page tome, 9/11 Thology…The Third Truth. But, it’s worth reading and just going through the table of contents to find out if it intrigues you. Early on, after he was thrown in a Bangkok prison on trumped up arms charges, we wrote to each other. He was finally released through bribery with the money supplied through the generosity of a patron.
Since his release several years ago, he does YT reports every month or so to let those interested know he’s still alive and well. I treasure the letters I have from that Bangkok prison. He was reaching out to followers to help him release information they were holding about the King of Thailand being a doppleganger as leverage against the authorities that had imprisoned him. That did not pan out and that’s when someone came along and bribed the prison officials to have him released. I was in touch with that woman, but it may be best not to release her name. There really is a movie here if anyone has the gonads. Change the names and circumstances, but it could still be one helluva “spy” novel. I used to be a regular contributor to ICH, but when I started speaking of Dmitri, they finally succeeded through various shills et al and got me thrown off….same with Common Dreams.
>>Far below him, between the 93rd and 99th floors, an American Airlines Boeing 767 hijacked by Al-Qaeda terrorists and loaded with 20,000 gallons of aviation fuel had been flown into the building.>>
Jim, after all your years of intensive research and proof there were no planes, how could you put this up there??
You talk about the coroner in Shanksville saying something like after a few mins there he had no work to do. Just a hole in the ground, no bodies, no debris.
Are we slipping into some Mandela Effect or time warp where there is now proof “planes” were involved?
What happened to the 4 years post 9/11 planes still flying?
The lie about Al CIA Dah and truth of the Mossad, and our government co-operation?
The missing gold?
The “Dancing Israelis” who later talked about waiting for the attack on an Israeli radio show?
The improbability of 110 stories of the massive structures falling in 10 seconds or so?
The impossibility of a monster sized airplane fitting in a 17 foot hole in the Pentagon, with no bodies or debris as well?
The “aviation fuel” is just kerosene and can’t burn hot enough to melt the huge, steel infrastructure, especially 80 floors below the so-called “hit.”
The miracle “terrorists” ID that survived the “hit” when a 110 story building couldn’t?
The hundreds of “melted” vehicles blocks away that never get talked about?
I haven’t had my coffee this AM and I am treated to this :-/ Geeez!
I’ll guess that Jim likes to stimulate conversation….since he did post that no planes vid after that statement (see my comment). It’s not unusual for Fetz to put up information that opposes the common feelings on this blog. Hell, he does not stop GS from touting the vax, eh?
U B wise my friend. Must be that Florida Freedom you are breathing :-))
I think that the quote can be attributed to the author of the article – Sue Reid – NOT Jim Fetzer. If you click on the link that goes to the original web page of the article, you can see that the quote is material that was written by Ms. Reid.
The idea that planes hit the Towers sounds all devious and James Bondish. People strangely admire that scenario.
Lifetime pilot John Lear has stated that its preposterous that Arab ”pilots”, trained only in small single engine planes, hit bulls eye the Twin Towers. John Lear is considered so controversial that Wiki will not include his accomplishments and bio in their pages, even though he is the son of Bill Lear the creator of the Lear Jet.
file photo is John Lear.
The hoaxing and fraud surrounding 911 is well known to anyone who has seriously studied that event.
The fraudulent election of Creepy Joe is a much larger and more devastating crime than the 9/11 inside job. Both probably involved many of the same actors. 9/11 destroyed a New York City block, some unprofitable buildings, and took the lives of several thousand NYC residents. Creepy Joe’s illegitimate ascendancy to the presidency is destroying an entire nation.
Unless and until there is a complete voting system overhaul, this voting fraud will continue for the next 200+ years.
The voting security of the US is a total joke. The voting security of a 3rd Grade class president is more secure.
You haven’t enjoyed the past 30 Years? … Rigged Voting is the American Way, makes us all more ‘Exceptional.’ I thank Dominion Voting Systems the most. I really enjoyed the Obama years! He made me realize that feeling guilty, is best for everyone, and it’s Fun! … It was Fun-ployment! … Without this guilt, we would have only increased our wealth and knowledge as a Human Civilization. You don’t want that to happen do you?
When one doesn’t know what the “puzzle” or end game is the pieces found all fit one way or another IMO to an eventual picture.
JFK, Viet Nam, Paul Wellstone, James Traficant, lots of witnesses and whistle blower deaths, 9/11, Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon, Columbine, a non-existent “deadly” and “highly contagious” virus with “flu like symptoms” that shows up mid flu season, the theft of the election, and on an on…ALL pieces of the puzzle that is creating a take over of our civilization GRB.
The metaphorical death of a thousand cuts., combined with sold out media, judiciary, congress, churches, banks, etc. Just how can any one event be worse then the other?? They all contribute to the assault.
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“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. They feed them on falsehoods till wrong looks like right in their eyes.”
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“From her apartment, with a view of the Twin Towers, Caroline then watched a second plane collide with the South Tower.”
A very interesting article, the best parts of which are Jim’s various remarks and interviews.
BUT, that above quote gives me great pause…as I am sure it does Dr, Fetzer since the video right after that remark is about “no planes”…. with which, of course, I totally concur. As with Shankesville, planes do not just disappear…and yet, on that fateful day, THREE planes virtually vanished. Give me a damn break.
The former US, INC. will never admit what happened. No way, no how. When William Pepper proved the “mob” shot MLK, did the US, INC. come forth and admit they were wrong? Hell no. Who has the balls to expose the CIA? NO ONE!
“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.”
– J. Edgar Hoover
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“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered…History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless present in which the party is always right”
— George Orwell
Hey EJ…remember when life was so simple. We knew so little, but it did not matter…we were pretty happy….SO MANY years ago….Reminds me of this song from my mothers (rest her sweet soul) god child…Harry Nilsson….
There was a time when Congress was all worried about ”organized crime”. Today in 2021, Congress has become organized crime.
My my, how times have changed.
Thanks. Loved his work…Lime in the Coconut, The Moonbeam Song, etc.
Another great Brooklyn writer. Died in 1994 when I was in the biz in Hollywood. Lot of sad folks.
My mother grew up with his during the depression. She did whatever she had to to get Harry (nickname ‘Skeeter’) to CA because he knew he was talented. What a musician. I love that song but it never got much air time. Kind of like Dylan’s Brownsville Girl that got lost in the shuffle.