I don’t think I am the only person that has noticed it – There has been a sudden deluge of covid vaccination propaganda and vaccine passport propaganda in the past month, more so than I think we have seen since the beginning of this year. I am speaking of the US in particular, but it is important to point out that in the US the establishment is still desperately clamoring for a much higher vaccination rate. In places like Europe, the UK and Australia vaccinations rates are higher and governments have moved on to the vaccine passport phase of their agenda.
Some people may be confused by the obvious lockstep that most nations are moving in as far as covid mandates and restrictions are concerned. How is it possible that almost all the governments on the planet are in agreement on medical totalitarianism? Well, it’s rather easy to understand when you realize the majority of them are linked together through globalist institutions like the World Economic Forum, which has repeatedly called the pandemic a “perfect opportunity” to push through their plans for a “Great Reset”.
The “Great Reset” is a long term ideological usurpation of what’s left of individual freedom and free market economies, and it’s goal is the imposition of a global socialist/communist dictatorship. Globalists wrap these objectives in pretty sounding words and humanitarian sounding aspirations, but at bottom the “Reset” is about an end to liberty as we know it. This is not an exaggeration, this is reality; this is what these people desire above all else. But how to achieve such a goal?
Well, interestingly enough the WEF and the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation described exactly how they planned to do it during a “simulation” they held in October of 2019 called “Event 201”. During the event, they imagined a massive coronavirus pandemic, spread supposedly from animals to humans, which would facilitate the need for pervasive restrictions on individual liberties, national economies as well as the internet and social media. I’m sure it’s all a coincidence, but the exact same scenario the globalists at the WEF played out during Event 201 happened in the real world only two months later.
In any case, the pandemic itself has been a boon for the globalists. We have not seen a far reaching government power and corporate power grab since the rise of the National Socialists in Europe and the spread of communism in Russia and China almost a century ago. In fact, I would say that what humanity as a whole is facing today is much worse than what those wretched empires ever could have produced.
There is no doubt; globalist institutions and their government “partners” are the greatest beneficiaries of the covid crisis. They stand to gain ultimate social and political power if their agenda to exploit the pandemic succeeds.
That said, there a few hangups in their plan, and this is why I believe we are seeing an aggressive propaganda push in recent weeks. For example, as I outlined with extensive evidence in my article ‘Biden’s Vaccine Strike Force Plan Stinks Of Desperation’, it appears that the vaccination rate, especially in the US, is nowhere near as high as the elites would like.
While the Biden Administration and the CDC claims an overall vaccination rate of 67%, numerous other stats including the Mayo Clinics state map numbers indicate that only four states in the US actually have a vaccination rate over 65% (for one dose or more), and the majority of states have rates around 50% or less. Even large population blue states like California and New York are not above the 65% mark, and frankly, those numbers are going nowhere as vaccinations are dropping off a cliff.
If someone has not submitted by now with zero wait times and ample doses everywhere, then they are unlikely to ever be vaccinated.
Contradictory stats suggest to me that Biden and the CDC are inflating their vaccination numbers to create the illusion that a larger majority of Americans support the jab. And if this is the case, it explains why Biden, Fauci and the mainstream media are force feeding the public with pro-vaccine hype that consistently contradicts the real science. They are not getting the fear and public compliance that they had hoped for.
But why do they want 100% vaccination? Why are they so desperate for every single person in the world to get the mRNA jab?
After all, the average (IFR) death rate of covid is a mere 0.26% of those infected (this is a stat that the media consistently and deliberately refuses to mention to the public). This means that 99.7% of the public is in NO danger from covid whether they are vaccinated or not.
Do the vaccines ensure better odds? Well, according to recent statistics from Massachusetts, not necessarily, as they report over 5100 infections and 80 deaths of fully vaccinated patients. The media keeps telling us that only the unvaccinated are dying, but this is a lie, like so many other lies they have been peddling when it comes to covid. So, what’s the point of taking an experimental vaccine if the death rate of the virus is so low and the jab doesn’t necessarily protect you anyway?
There is no point. The science and the stats do not support it. The vaccines can’t even be credited with the decline in infections and deaths this year; the numbers plunged in January – Only 5% of the population was vaccinated by February. The only explanation for this is that the population hit herd immunity many months ago. Remember when governments said that they needed 70% herd immunity or vaccination to stop the lockdowns and mandates? The goalposts have been moves several times and the government “science” changes monthly. Now they claim herd immunity doesn’t matter and demand 100% vaccination.
We must ask the question again – Why the relentless government push for total vaccine saturation? It’s not saving lives, and the mandates remain regardless, so why?
I can only posit theories based on the evidence at hand, but I think it’s clear to most of us that the vaccines are NOT about public health nor are they about saving lives. They are obviously about something else.
As numerous virology and vaccine experts have warned over the past year, there is a great risk of harmful health side effects when it comes to experimental mRNA technology. Even one of the creators of mRNA vaccines has suggested that there are dangers in rolling out these gene manipulation cocktails without more testing. Of note are concerns about longer term disorders such as autoimmune disorders and infertility.
The mainstream media and the globalists will argue that there is “no evidence” that the mRNA vaccines will cause deadly side effects or infertility. I would argue back that there is NO EVIDENCE THAT THEY ARE SAFE. Most vaccines are tested over the course of 10-15 years before they are released to the public for use. The covid vaccines were unleashed on the public within months. Honestly, I have no intention of acting as a guinea pig for an untested vaccine.
But what if the elites know exactly what the side effects will be? What if the vaccines are a pivotal part of their “Great Reset?”
The infertility question in particular is drawing the most fire from the establishment, and I would point out a particularly insidious narrative being implanted in the media. Whenever people question the chance of sterility caused by the vaccines, bureaucrats and media talking heads go on the attack, and then say “There’s no evidence that the vaccines cause infertility, but Covid-19 might cause it…” Just watch this recent speech by the governor of Arkansas where he and his medical flunky were almost run from the podium by an angry audience for peddling the same propaganda:
And there you have it. The stage is being set, in my view, for a mass infertility event, and covid will be blamed in place of the experimental vaccines. This is why the establishment needs a 100% vaccination rate; unvaccinated people would stand as evidence of their crime. Let me explain…
My concern is that Klaus Schwab’s reset agenda is impossible to enforce in a permanent way unless the human population is greatly reduced over a short period of time (a generation or two). Globalists are constantly talking about population control and reduction. Elites like Bill Gates are famous for it. Is it any wonder that they would devise a plan to institute it?
What if, as many experts have suggested, the vaccine side effects create this condition of a diminishing population? What if they are meant to? We will not know for certain for a couple of years at least as autoimmune disorders and infertility take time to become visible in a population. The average timeline for actually diagnosing an autoimmune disorder is 4.5 years. Infertility can take six months to a year to diagnose.
If a large population of millions of people remain unvaccinated after the next couple of years, then they will represent a sizable and undeniable control group. A control group is a group of subjects that act as a pure sample untouched by a drug or vaccine experiment. If the vaccinated group becomes ill or dies from specific conditions and the control group does not have those same conditions, then that is a pretty good sign that your vaccine or drug is poison.
The 50% of Americans and smaller percentages in other nations are a control group for the experimental vaccines. If something goes wrong with the vaccines, then we will be the proof. I suspect this is what the elites are really afraid of.
They have to force us to be vaccinated as well – ALL OF US, so that there is no control group and thus no proof os what they have done. They could simply blame mass health disorders on covid itself, or some other false culprit.
If the vaccines are a Trojan horse that causes widespread illness or infertility, and the globalists get caught because a control group exists, then it will mean outright rebellion along with ropes and lampposts for them. Their “Great Reset” will fall apart.
To be sure, this might happen anyway. Vaccine passports are the line in the sand for most people. We are even seeing extensive protests and riots in places like Italy, France, UK and Australia over the draconian passport scheme. The US, though, is where the biggest fight will take place, in my opinion. We have an armed population, millions upon millions of trained combat veterans and civilians, a military with around 70% conservatives and independents and a historical understanding of asymmetric warfare. As we have seen in places like Afghanistan, tanks, jets, missiles and drones are no guarantee if victory against a guerrilla force.
Vaccine passports are not going to happen here. We simply won’t allow it.
The globalists have set in motion an end game – It could be an end game for us, but it also could be an end game for them. They are on a strict timeline. They must get near 100% vaccination rates in the next couple of years or sooner. They must get their vaccine passports in place in the next couple of years or sooner. And, they must instill permanent lockdown conditions in the near term to stifle growing dissent. We are now in a kind of race in which the globalists must implement their agenda as fast as possible while we must hold out and hold them back until the truth becomes obvious to the masses; the truth that the lockdowns, mandates and vaccines were never about safety and were always about control – from social control to population control.
@Will Two, etc.
>>EJ…Great idea.>>
Thanks. OK then, goodbye :-))
>>Now, before we get to “next”, how do we do “before”? How do we get what would have to be thousands or at least hundreds of groups organizing nation-wide to do what you suggest…. >>
I’ve never joined any of the social media sites. I would imagine some clever use of them (TicTok, FB, Twit, etc.) would be a start. Also, lots of alt “gurus” out there on BitChute, Rumble and the such. Salty Cracker has a huge following on Odysee, BitChute, and youtube (when they aren’t striking him.) So does the .win site, The Donald. People on the social media sites can get to others on the sites like celebs, honest warriors and the such.
People must have grandkids who are web wonders as well as warriors, engage them for $ or love but convince them of their ability to help save the world. They have been raised on all the nonsense cartoons of Thor and such so it is in their reality.
Ask Jim for my email or just to send the pdf file I finished last night. It is from over 100 hours of harvesting “Covid” info talking about Vaccinations, Masks, How it was created, RT-PCR tests, etc. It can be used to help stimulate the wake up of normies. Feel free to use it as you wish. Take out stuff that may be not right for the people you wish to address.
>>…remember, we are a fringe group. Who’s going to listen? AND, HOW are they going to listen?>>
Indeed, fringies we be but their are a lot of fence walkers who are getting scared at this point because they can sense “something” is wrong. They could use a boost over the fence into Fringeland.
>>I suggested sending some sort of viral letter and I re-thought that. How about a viral letter (read by a well known voice…maybe we could even get some celebrity like James Woods) that would include what you suggest with verified facts re the fake pandemic PROMOTED by the well-known channels like Mike Adams, Tenpenny, Kaufman Bigtree et al?>>
BINGO, we be locked in. Good ideas. Woods has a huge Twit following. That guy who played the Karate Kid is with us. Even try Candace, Crazy but popular Alex Jones. You know folks, once it seems like “something” is going on that they can benefit from celebrity wise, etc. they will join in.
>>Repetition is the key even on the alternative sites. Of course, I would also suggest 153, but looks like Jason is still down, although the pics on the site appear to show he has control.>>
Indeed. Repetition is how THEY got us here, the propaganda of the pathological.
Go for it, anyone who reads are simple comments. Use some of my songs if you want:
Jim is super busy, so I am learning any emails to him just add to his load. Can you not post the pdf here?
Would you agree the letter has to short, dramatic and filled with irrefutable easily checked facts (which we would get from your pdf) ? Somehow. it appears you have designated me as the writer.
I’ll do my best. And if that was not your intention, anyone is welcome to step up. If I am the one, I would have to designate the communication part to someone who does twitter, facecrap and all that…I do not.
>>Would you agree the letter has to short, dramatic and filled with irrefutable easily checked facts (which we would get from your pdf) ?>>
The “intent” of the letter needs to be taken into consideration…shock, truth, waking up, etc.??
My pdf is 10 pages of well vetted facts and one page of opinion at the end. A great majority of the facts have working links to the original sources.
I believe any letter of intent to wake up rather then stir sh*t up should consider this which is all in my pdf:
1. Start with the fact that to get a vaccination a virus must be establish (isolated) as a concern.
2. Show no “CV-19” virus has been isolated to date.
3. The wrong tool is being used to “diagnose” the virus. The RT-PCR test just harvests non human genetic material that can come from previous colds, etc. and is being over-tested by authorities.
4. Masks dont work. Mask pores are about 30x larger then a virus (Hula Hoop/Ping Pong Ball.)
5. Thousands of people are dying withing 3 days of being innoculated. (example numbers, but not too many should be offered)
6. Short history of the “Covid-19” event starting as early as 2010.
7. Some good quotes about the intention to reduce the population by Gates, etc.
8. A source to get more information links, perhaps a gmail account or something else not prone to being blocked.
>>Somehow. it appears you have designated me as the writer.>>
Just replying to your comment. But yes, you are articulate, smart, and resourceful. Go for it.
>>I’ll do my best. And if that was not your intention, anyone is welcome to step up. If I am the one, I would have to designate the communication part to someone who does twitter, facecrap and all that…I do not.>>
I just set up a gmail account so anyone who wants me to send them a copy of the pdf can ask:
I hold no ownership of the pdf so use it as best you can with anyone you can for any reason you want.
Excellent EJ. BUT, I don’t trust gmail. It’s very easy to set up a proton mail account which is encrypted. Would you be willing to do so?
That’s an excellent outline which I would follow to a degree. I’ll see how it progresses, but I want to keep it as short as possible so those who present it and those who read it or hear it will be more willing to do so.
Once I get the letter together, we’ll see if we can get a list of those willing to present it on their site. I’ll do my best to add drama and shock to it. If it’s acceptable, great. Maybe Fetz will edit it. If not anyone is welcome to give it a shot as long as it get out there, I have no dog in the race.
I really appreciate your response.
@Will Two >>Excellent EJ. BUT, I don’t trust gmail. It’s very easy to set up a proton mail account which is encrypted. Would you be willing to do so?>>
Naw. If you or anyone else thinks that ANYTHING is untouchable by the alphabet agencies then you are fooling yourself. Set up your own phony gmail, get the pdf, close the account. I am too old, burnt out, and unhip about so much of the digital world, and I am doing the best I can right now, sorry.
I’m dealing with cancer, and some other stuff, nothing terminal, but definitely has my focus.
>>That’s an excellent outline which I would follow to a degree. I’ll see how it progresses, but I want to keep it as short as possible so those who present it and those who read it or hear it will be more willing to do so.>>
Should be doable.
>>Once I get the letter together, we’ll see if we can get a list of those willing to present it on their site. I’ll do my best to add drama and shock to it. If it’s acceptable, great.>>
I would offer that truth and facts are more important the drama, but your letter, your call.
>>Maybe Fetz will edit it. If not anyone is welcome to give it a shot as long as it get out there, I have no dog in the race.>>
Like you said, he is busy at this time.
>>I really appreciate your response.>>
Sorry to hear that, EJ. I’ll follow through with an email account I don’t use and will then close it down. My plan is to compose the letter, distribute it locally and see what kind of response I get. Sorry to hear about your problems. I’ll send you an email from that old proton account.
Look forward to it Will.
Quick story about Everybody can’t do EVERYTHING but Everyone cand do SOMETHING…
Had a dermatology appt today. So yesterday I sent two of the nurses the pdf. One, Danicia, a Native American and the other a “Karen” named Karen 🙂
Got to the office. Karen went Zombie on me for not “wearing a mask” with no thanks for the pdf.
Danicia thanked me a few times. Said she had been sharing it with the doctors and staff who were all interested in it, except K of course. She also emailed it to her people on the res. 🙂
Went to WallyWorld and did some shopping. Met a Southern California guy, our age, on vacation. Had a long talk about stuff, another denier. He teaches handicapped vets to play ping pong to help them re-acquire motor control, etc. Sent him the pdf.
On the 50 mile ride home through the hills I came upon two cars, one with a flat tire and the other, a pick up, just parked behind them. In typical mountain folk tradition I stopped and asked if they needed help. Indeed, a jack but no tire iron.
I pulled over and provided one. While the guy worked I talked with his gal, a lovely Mexican woman and her friend from the pick up, a blond warrior. We connected on many levels, much as we do here. They are CV deniers and very upset at what is going on. Took down their email addies and just sent them the pdf.
Only one person has taken up the offer of the pdf so far. Must think that my work with NAS (National Academy of Songwriters) is linke up somehow with N S A :-))
Soo-damn-perb, EJ….I scanned through it and it’s laded with irrefutable info.Many, many thanks for all that work. Going to Lake City tomorrow, so I’ll run off as many copies as I can afford and do the same with it as you. I’ll even leave a copy at Office Max and wherever I go to do some shopping. And most definitely Paneras which was the only placed than banned me at the beginning. I know there are baristas there who will take it. When that happened, I left as they were on the verge of calling the Lake City police. Their policy has since changed (for about 5 months now), but I am not inclined to let them forget it.
A Karen named Karen….ya gotta love it.
Did you mean to say only one person has NOT taken up your pdf offer…or am I missing something.
Anyway, it’s a load of info in 15 pages, so all here should send to you for a copy….well done, amigo!
>>Soo-damn-perb, EJ….I scanned through it and it’s laded with irrefutable info.Many, many thanks for all that work.>>
The good side of OCD :-))
>>Did you mean to say only one person has NOT taken up your pdf offer…or am I missing something.
Anyway, it’s a load of info in 15 pages, so all here should send to you for a copy….well done, amigo!>>
No, it was just one person, now two who have come in on Patreon.
It should be TEN pages, not 15. It is that f-ing adobe. I tested it with a friend and he got it…small type face, header and footer (pg #’s) and just ten pages.
I tested it on my gd mac in High Sierra (the POS OS of the century,) the Acrobat Reader does the same thing as yours…billboard sized font and stuff out of sync :-/
I made it on my mac partition on Snow Leopard, the last of the decent mac OS’s and in Acrobat 8 it looks perfect. Any suggestions? Maybe send copies of the master or something. 15 pages, etc. ruins everything, makes it a book not a quick read at 10 pages. Fk.
How about you Jim, any suggestions?
Can’t help you there, EJ..I am as low tech as they come (I use Linux, btw)…but I’ll ask a friend who may be able to do something before I start to make copies.
Jim isn’t talking to me anymore Will. Sooo, I was holding on as any good OCD guy should to the pdf I made. What I did was expand my thinking and recalled someone had given me Microsoft Office X years ago which I have never used.
I put the text into MS and came up with 11 pages, including page numbers. Since this POS High Sierra will not open Power PC programs I have 4 copies…one in MS text, one printed from it as a pdf, the original pdf and the original TextEdit text.
Now if you or someone else can open any of these and print it as you see fit they are available :-))
I was a Mac fan since 1984 but when they started creating a nanny state, industrial looking, ask permissions for every damn thing OS I stopped liking the “new” org. I use the High Sierra OS because the collusion of the corporations has been to force people to constantly upgrade their equipment and applications. :-/
I have my favorite computer, a 1999 Mac Pismo that can still slowly get on line and in the older OS, 9 I do most all of my off line work…slide shows, screenplays, music, etc.
What are you talking about, EJ? Do you mean me? Why would I not be talking to you? I don’t get it.
EJ…Check your email. Tell me if the modified pdf opens
Oh, that’s you 🙂 Just replied.
Here ya go EJ…this is the shite we are now up against
Jim, you should read this too re the Christchurch nonsense.
Dear customer.
The IP address has been blocked because of AUP violations.
To solve the issue we ask you to examine Terms of Service of the corresponding region and take the necessary action(s).
After resolving the matter we like to receive feedback from you in 24 hours which measures you have taken to resolve and prevent new reports.
Kind regards
> Dear client,
> Please find included an abuse report concerning your IP
> Please be advised that if the issue is not resolved on your side
> within the next 24 hours the IP may be blocked. We strongly suggest to
> take appropriate actions against this kind of activity and to inform
> us of the measures taken.
> The original abuse report is provided below.
> Thank you.
> >
> >
> > Dear Team,
> >
> > I am contacting you in relation to a website; 153news.net which I
> > believe you provide services to. I am an Investigator within the
> > Digital Safety, Countering Violent Extremism Team at the Department
> of
> > Internal Affairs in New Zealand. My team is dedicated to preventing
> > the spread of unlawful online content that promotes, supports or
> > encourages violent extremism.
> >
> > On 19 March 2019, a lone male attacked two Christchurch mosques,
> > killing 51 people and injuring many others. He livestreamed the
> event
> > as it took place and also released a manifesto detailing his plan
> and
> > beliefs. Following the tragic event, both the manifesto, and the
> video
> > of the attack were classified by the New Zealand Classification
> Office
> > as objectionable (banned) a criminal offence under the Films,
> Videos,
> > Publications Classifications Act
> >
> https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1993/0094/55.0/DLM312895.html.
> >
> >
> > As well as this, various Heads of State, Government and Leaders
> from
> > the tech sector around the world committed to the Christchurch Call
> > https://www.christchurchcall.com/ . The Call states that a free,
> > open and secure internet offers extraordinary benefits to society
> and
> > that respect for freedom of expression is fundamental, however no
> one
> > has the right to create and share terrorist and violent extremism
> > content online.
> >
> > Recently it was reported to us that ‘www.153news.net’ is hosting
> > various forms of the 2019 Christchurch Mosque attack video. Here
> are
> > the links within the site that members of our communities have
> > reported to us, along with a short description of what they are: –
> >
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=WO4NOH7OD8Y2
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=WO4NOH7OD8Y2
> >
> > This video is the full version of the Christchurch mosque attack.
> It
> > was created by Brenton Tarrant. In New Zealand, this video is
> > ‘objectionable’ i.e. banned and it is an offence here for a person
> to
> > possess and/or distribute it.
> >
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=2RYNOXO43G65
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=2RYNOXO43G65
> >
> > Content from the above video has been combined with parts of a
> video
> > game. The creator of this version of objectionable video appears to
> > believe the attacks were a hoax.
> >
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=6O3HM2M76UDW
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=6O3HM2M76UDW
> >
> > A video showing and examining still images taken from the above
> > objectionable video. The creator is pointing out parts that they
> feel
> > show that the attacks were a hoax. The deceased bodies of victims
> are
> > clearly seen.
> >
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=MA22HSND7DDB&play_list=205
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=MA22HSND7DDB&play_list=205
> >
> > Parts of the above objectionable video are shown within this
> > publication. The creator again appears to dispute that the attack
> > happened. In their analysis, they show victims that are laid slain
> on
> > the ground.
> >
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=G63BHU8BOD83&play_list=205
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=G63BHU8BOD83&play_list=205
> >
> > Part of the objectionable video is shown within this publication.
> It
> > shows one of the female victims lying by a kerb as she is shot in
> the
> > head. The creator disputes that it is real, instead suggesting that
> a
> > blood bag has been used.
> >
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=5HA64BK6R337&play_list=205
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=5HA64BK6R337&play_list=205
> >
> > Part of the objectionable video is shown within this publication.
> It
> > shows one of the female victims lying by a kerb as she is shot in
> the
> > head. The creator disputes that it is real.
> >
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=13B543YXMBOK
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=13B543YXMBOK
> >
> > This shows the full objectionable video of the livestream attack.
> It
> > has been edited audibly to make TARRANT’s voice easier to hear. At
> the
> > start of the video there are logos and effects by
> ‘Enchantedlifepath’,
> > another website that appears to be responsible for the creation of
> > this publication.
> >
> > I have read through your terms of service and I believe that the
> above
> > videos may be in breach of them, in regard to their legality within
> NZ
> > legislation. I have reached out to 153news.net via different online
> > means but to date have had no response.
> >
> > Please may I request that you advise me of whether you can assist
> with
> > having this content removed from the internet, perhaps through your
> > relationship with 153news.net?
> >
> > We would greatly appreciate the assistance you can provide in
> reducing
> > the harm to the public, the victims and their families. I hope you
> are
> > willing to assist us and look forward to hearing from you in due
> > course.
> >
> > Best regards
> >
> > Hannah
> >
> > HANNAH C | Senior Investigator, Countering Violent Extremism,
> Digital
> > Safety
> >
> > Toi Hiranga | Policy, Regulation and Communities
> >
> > http://www.dia.govt.nz http://www.dia.govt.nz/
I got news for everyone unless you rise up and stop this it’s not going away. They’re slowly rolling out the mandates. Soon you won’t be able to go to Walmart without a passport. This needs to stop now. What right do they even have to impose a still experimental “vaccine” on people when the death rate is .02%? Where does their authority begin? 100 deaths a week out of 325 MILLION? Would that do it? Australia is even worse. They’ve locked down millions for a handful of cases and deaths. People of the world it is time to UNITE! Time to get nasty. Time to get loud. Otherwise kiss it all goodbye. Commenting online isn’t enough.
I could not agree more. As it turns out, even DeSantis with all his bluster is selling out Floridians. Apparently, Palm Beach county is initiating a mask mandate (from todays “Event” on Jim’s BitChute channel) in spite of DeSantis suppose proclamation of NO MANDATES. Walmart in Florida has now issued a mask mandate for all employees….vaxxed or not. The walls are closing in. We are at the point where NO ONE is to be trusted. If it’s a politician, they are liars and against We the People.
It may already be too late, but WHAT’S YOUR SUGGESTION? For that matter does anyone here have a viable way to go forward?
To start, we might look at massive civil disobedience re the masks, tests and the vax. It may sound pie-in-the-sky, but we could compose a convincing letter and use the best venue to send it viral. Set a date and follow through. We have to start somewhere. The journey of a thousand miles and all that. Need more suggestions.
DeSantis is quite possibly running for POTUS in ’24. As such, he’s prime material for a nice case of blackmail by the Deep Staters. Trump was obviously severely blackmailed before and during his term as POTUS. As a result, he was throttled effectively. It appears the chief offensive weapon so far employed by Deep State has been first, a severe propaganda attack. Then the involved parties are given an offer they can’t refuse….voila! the deed is done.
I just wish somebody came up with a nonpareil idea to stop the DS in its tracks. Things are getting totally out of hand. Blood on both walls, I can’t see it any differently.
Bahmi…I could not agree more. And as someone said earlier, it’s going to take more than keyboard strokes to bring this criminality to an end. I offered a suggestion, received no response….so this is what we are dealing with. Folks are waiting for a hero and not willing to act. Basically, we are royally screwed.
No politician will save what is left of the US (if anything). It’s up to us (WE THE PEOPLE) and always has been.
Do whatever you can…I just got this TEE
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@DonaldD & Will Two
Their authority comes from our consent by lack of denial. Like well trained lab rats from decades of a very high level of propaganda and mind control.
Their weapon of mass deception is the media so that is their weak spot as well, their vulnerability to being taken down.
I would imagine that local affiliates and stations would be the easiest for most to get to by the hundreds or thousands bringing attention to everything. They would have to cover it and by not law breaking the people would have the right to assemble and use the 1st A to its best power. A good first step. Giving the normies a wake up call. After that??
EJ…Great idea. Now, before we get to “next”, how do we do “before”? How do we get what would have to be thousands or at least hundreds of groups organizing nation-wide to do what you suggest…. remember, we are a fringe group. Who’s going to listen? AND, HOW are they going to listen? I suggested sending some sort of viral letter and I re-thought that. How about a viral letter (read by a well known voice…maybe we could even get some celebrity like James Woods) that would include what you suggest with verified facts re the fake pandemic PROMOTED by the well-known channels like Mike Adams, Tenpenny, Kaufman Bigtree et al? Repetition is the key even on the alternative sites. Of course, I would also suggest 153, but looks like Jason is still down, although the pics on the site appear to show he has control.
Anyone here know who said this:
The pinnacle of perfect manipulation is to give the slave the illusion that he is free, healthy that he is sick, and the fool that he is wise.
The media – both news and entertainment – have now politicized nearly everything in our society as an extremely powerful mechanism of control.
Most humans emotionally connect their personal belief system to the belief system of their political party, and so then any attack on their party – legitimate or otherwise – is interpreted by their brain as an attack on themselves. Reason and logic then jump out the nearest window as raw emotion takes the helm.
This is an extremely damaging and regrettable exploit of human nature. Worse, this exploit is as easy to execute as flipping a light switch for the majority of the population.
The largest PSYOP in history is unfolding right before our eyes, armed with incalculable amounts of human behavior data collected from internet and smart phone usage geared toward manipulating us to walk in lock-step into the incinerator of our own destruction.
We’re dealing with a captured media and the transparently obvious military grade psychological operations they are relentlessly employing, the millions of sheep that believe their every obvious lie and preach it as gospel, and their near total obliviousness to the self-evident fact that this plandemic is a blatant takeover of the world by a handful of psychopaths.
Here are two essential articles detailing how politicians hack our brains with fear as a means of political control:
If you found this information useful, please share it with this link:
A Doctor from the old days said he never found a case of cancer in the unvaccinated, that really stuck in my mind. This crowd probably already caught Jim Willie, the Phd statistics geek and his videos. Wild claims are nothing new here. I was riveted by this one
I have not finished this as yet…it’s all audio, so don’t let the length scare you…listen in the background. I already have a page of notes and am only 1/3 in. For you Trump lovers, this is a must…but it’s not just that. For instance, did you know the Rothschilds financed the Rockerfellers when they were expanding their oil empire. Trump is likely Jewish (Dr. Lorainne Day spoke of this), but he’s reclaiming stolen gold for the US. This is absolutely loaded with info that is both encouraging and discouraging….but still not to be missed.
Thank you Dave for coming up with this interview. The contrast between Willie and the interviewer is very interesting. Willie is super hyper (almost difficult to hear) and the interviewer is very passive. …maybe that adds to the drama.
And here is one more fact that I hope peeks your interest in that interview. Disney World (I have always despised that place and discouraged my family from taking their children there) is chartered by the CIA. It is not a part of these United States. No great surprise to me, but it may be to others. The place is pure evil. I lived in Florida when they were covertly buying up property in the Orlando area to build that pedo paradise.
One more point because I find the info on this video beyond blockbusting and many will not be inclined to watch for two hours. Just go to the last THREE minutes and listen to what happened to doctors in Florida who were going to a conference in Switzerland to discuss WHAT’S REALLY IN ALL VACCINES.
Hey Will, strange thing. Haven’t been able to connect with https://153news.net/ on my Frontier cable service for a few days now. Same for you??
Same here, EJ…he gets attacked all the time.
Here ya go EJ…this is the shite we are now up against
Jim, you should read this too re the Christchurch nonsense.
Dear customer.
The IP address has been blocked because of AUP violations.
To solve the issue we ask you to examine Terms of Service of the corresponding region and take the necessary action(s).
After resolving the matter we like to receive feedback from you in 24 hours which measures you have taken to resolve and prevent new reports.
Kind regards
> Dear client,
> Please find included an abuse report concerning your IP
> Please be advised that if the issue is not resolved on your side
> within the next 24 hours the IP may be blocked. We strongly suggest to
> take appropriate actions against this kind of activity and to inform
> us of the measures taken.
> The original abuse report is provided below.
> Thank you.
> >
> >
> > Dear Team,
> >
> > I am contacting you in relation to a website; 153news.net which I
> > believe you provide services to. I am an Investigator within the
> > Digital Safety, Countering Violent Extremism Team at the Department
> of
> > Internal Affairs in New Zealand. My team is dedicated to preventing
> > the spread of unlawful online content that promotes, supports or
> > encourages violent extremism.
> >
> > On 19 March 2019, a lone male attacked two Christchurch mosques,
> > killing 51 people and injuring many others. He livestreamed the
> event
> > as it took place and also released a manifesto detailing his plan
> and
> > beliefs. Following the tragic event, both the manifesto, and the
> video
> > of the attack were classified by the New Zealand Classification
> Office
> > as objectionable (banned) a criminal offence under the Films,
> Videos,
> > Publications Classifications Act
> >
> https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1993/0094/55.0/DLM312895.html.
> >
> >
> > As well as this, various Heads of State, Government and Leaders
> from
> > the tech sector around the world committed to the Christchurch Call
> > https://www.christchurchcall.com/ . The Call states that a free,
> > open and secure internet offers extraordinary benefits to society
> and
> > that respect for freedom of expression is fundamental, however no
> one
> > has the right to create and share terrorist and violent extremism
> > content online.
> >
> > Recently it was reported to us that ‘www.153news.net’ is hosting
> > various forms of the 2019 Christchurch Mosque attack video. Here
> are
> > the links within the site that members of our communities have
> > reported to us, along with a short description of what they are: –
> >
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=WO4NOH7OD8Y2
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=WO4NOH7OD8Y2
> >
> > This video is the full version of the Christchurch mosque attack.
> It
> > was created by Brenton Tarrant. In New Zealand, this video is
> > ‘objectionable’ i.e. banned and it is an offence here for a person
> to
> > possess and/or distribute it.
> >
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=2RYNOXO43G65
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=2RYNOXO43G65
> >
> > Content from the above video has been combined with parts of a
> video
> > game. The creator of this version of objectionable video appears to
> > believe the attacks were a hoax.
> >
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=6O3HM2M76UDW
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=6O3HM2M76UDW
> >
> > A video showing and examining still images taken from the above
> > objectionable video. The creator is pointing out parts that they
> feel
> > show that the attacks were a hoax. The deceased bodies of victims
> are
> > clearly seen.
> >
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=MA22HSND7DDB&play_list=205
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=MA22HSND7DDB&play_list=205
> >
> > Parts of the above objectionable video are shown within this
> > publication. The creator again appears to dispute that the attack
> > happened. In their analysis, they show victims that are laid slain
> on
> > the ground.
> >
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=G63BHU8BOD83&play_list=205
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=G63BHU8BOD83&play_list=205
> >
> > Part of the objectionable video is shown within this publication.
> It
> > shows one of the female victims lying by a kerb as she is shot in
> the
> > head. The creator disputes that it is real, instead suggesting that
> a
> > blood bag has been used.
> >
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=5HA64BK6R337&play_list=205
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=5HA64BK6R337&play_list=205
> >
> > Part of the objectionable video is shown within this publication.
> It
> > shows one of the female victims lying by a kerb as she is shot in
> the
> > head. The creator disputes that it is real.
> >
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=13B543YXMBOK
> > https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=13B543YXMBOK
> >
> > This shows the full objectionable video of the livestream attack.
> It
> > has been edited audibly to make TARRANT’s voice easier to hear. At
> the
> > start of the video there are logos and effects by
> ‘Enchantedlifepath’,
> > another website that appears to be responsible for the creation of
> > this publication.
> >
> > I have read through your terms of service and I believe that the
> above
> > videos may be in breach of them, in regard to their legality within
> NZ
> > legislation. I have reached out to 153news.net via different online
> > means but to date have had no response.
> >
> > Please may I request that you advise me of whether you can assist
> with
> > having this content removed from the internet, perhaps through your
> > relationship with 153news.net?
> >
> > We would greatly appreciate the assistance you can provide in
> reducing
> > the harm to the public, the victims and their families. I hope you
> are
> > willing to assist us and look forward to hearing from you in due
> > course.
> >
> > Best regards
> >
> > Hannah
> >
> > HANNAH C | Senior Investigator, Countering Violent Extremism,
> Digital
> > Safety
> >
> > Toi Hiranga | Policy, Regulation and Communities
> >
> > http://www.dia.govt.nz http://www.dia.govt.nz/
And you can bet that’s only the beginning.
How about Stew Peters great work ? He has a report here with the smoking gun that Daily Mail leader ordered his troop of lying fork tongued snake bellied reporters to shut down the nutter anti-vexers. There are scenes in here of the total marshal law imposed on the people of Sydney, with the military forcing death jabs on the general population. People held to the ground! I think he has a great point, if it can happen in Australia, it could happen anywhere
More absurdities are to come.
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Ever wonder exactly WHO is behind the Universal COVID-19 vaccination Agenda? Now you can stop wondering!
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THEY came a long way to get here! [approx. 1,344 light years]
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GS: would you please go on vacation and give it a rest as you promised us?
I second that motion, Don! And make it a permanent vacation. Our country is now in the greatest crisis (IF we even have a nation left) it has ever faced and we have to read posts about little green and gray men. Give us a break and deal with adult topics, PLEASE!
ALIENS use an advanced version of Google to search our Galaxy [Milky Way] for inhabitable planets, like our Earth. Such planets are EXTREMELY RARE. THEY came here to escape from a dying planet, probably vaporized by now. THEY entered a wormhole to speed up their journey. Now, there is NO GOING BACK for THEM and Earth will become their new HOME! 🙁
What would it take for you to go home?
You know, with all the worries and issues in the world today, taking up space on a site that has perhaps 15-20 regulars trying to dialog and make sense of things your constant repetition of an Alien Invasion has been heard far too many times for most of us, I am sure.
I realize your OCD-like perseveration on this subject may be all you have in life but PLEASE, understand WE GOT IT, WE HEAR YOU, stop being an Alien Cicada buzzing us forever.
I will hammer this blog with the inconvenient [ALIEN] truth until the cows come home – OR the ALIEN TRUTH becomes SELF-EVIDENT [SOON!] 🙂 Meanwhile, here’s a book everyone should read!
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You are overdoing it, GodSend. We get it! We know you are the ALIEN REPRESENTATIVE ON EARTH! Enough already.
What happened to my brilliant Schopenhauer comment, Jim?
You have overdone it, GodSend. Take a break.
Why do I feel like Galileo??? But OK – bye for now.
FINAL Message: The [ALIEN] Truth will SCARE YOU TO DEATH!
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Hey, Jim
Do you have any thoughts on Oliver Stone’s “JFK Revisited”? He took it to Cannes to get distribution and it was immediately picked up for release around the world, except, unsurprisingly, here in the US.
It is based on James DiEugenio’s “Destiny Betrayed.” I know you have had disagreements with both the book and the author in the past, and wonder if you’d like to lay out your arguments once more before I screen the doc (even if I have to use less than legal means to do so.)
DiEugenio years ago published an absurd attack on all aspects of my research (including on Sandy Hook, the Holocaust and more) about which he knew nothing and got everything wrong (by intent, I suspect), where I produced a 7-part (7-hour) rebuttal (refutation, actually), but where I now suspect that it was meant to discourage Oliver Stone from inviting me to serve as a consultant in this new endeavor, which has not satisfied anyone: reviews say “Oliver Stone still doesn’t know who killed JFK!” So even though it had no evidential foundation, I think it served its purpose. I recently did a 3-part (2.5 hour) series with Scott Bennett on his Great Awakenings show on americanmediaperiscope.com, which is also archived on my BitChute channel: Part 1, https://www.bitchute.com/video/1Cuazq7MRgjJ/; Part 2, https://www.bitchute.com/video/H5BrnGGeADpK/; Part 3, https://www.bitchute.com/video/pwVs41jwJFLh/ Check it out and let me know what questions remain. Thanks for asking.
Thanks, Jim. I’m glad you made this series with Scott Bennet. It’s distilled and incisive – a clear narrative. I remember the JFK segments in your False Flags and Conspiracies Conference with Cinque, Mantik and Rivera.
They are some of my favorites. Amazing stuff. The way you are able to marshal their information and more shows how valuable you would be as a consultant on a project like Stone’s. I think your intuition is right. DiEugenio’s job was less to discredit you than to make you ‘untouchable’ to the director. That’s part of creating a limited hangout, I suppose.
Stone has to know he’s operating under such a construct. That’s why his doc “still doesn’t know who killed JFK!” It’s sad. I know a production guy who was alone with him on a set one time and asked him straight out, “When are you going to make the real 9/11 movie?” Stone just threw up his hands. You have to figure people are truth-telling him like this to his face every day. He has to walk a line only he can see.
And another one from Rappaport with which I could not agree more. There is no damn virus. It’s an illusion…..a good illusion, but still FAKE!
“If there is no virus, why are all these people dying?”
by Jon Rappoport
Some people reply: “So why are all these people dying?” “What is the cause?”
I’ve answered those questions at length. I’m going to answer them again.
First of all, if someone says, “I know a family where three people died, so what else could it be, besides the virus,” the answer is:
I have no idea why these three people died. I’m not doing remote viewing. The person who asked the question has no idea, either.
But because we have no idea, that doesn’t mean it must be the virus. Think it through. It could be exposure to an environmental toxin. It could be the effects of a vaccine. It could be several different reasons acting in concert.
But that person says, “It wasn’t a toxin or a vaccine. They were all healthy until last month.” How does he know it wasn’t a toxin? And again, just because we don’t know, there is no reason to skip from there to: “It must have been the virus.”
Does “we don’t know” equal “the virus”? No.
Does “we don’t know” equal “let’s accept the official propaganda about the virus”? No.
Does “we don’t know” equal “let’s accept the preponderance of opinion”? No.
All right. Moving on—the most important thing to know about so-called COVID is: THERE IS NO SINGLE CAUSE OF ALL THESE PEOPLE DYING.
It isn’t one cause.
I’ve been explaining this basic principle to people since 1988 (the example then was AIDS), and it’s the hardest piece of truth to deliver with success, because…
People are always looking for THE ONE.
They want THE ONE THING.
They’re predisposed (hypnotized, conditioned) to demand THE ONE CAUSE.
“If it isn’t the virus, what is it?”
There is no “it.”
The basic con involves stitching together a quilt of people dying for different reasons, and inventing a story that makes it seem they are all dying for one reason. That’s the game. That’s the trick. That’s the sleight-of-hand.
Now I’m going to list the main reasons “all these people are dying.” I’ve covered each reason, in detail, in previous articles. Here I’m just giving the summary version.
ONE: The relabeling of flu-like illness as COVID. (Estimate—there are 1 billion flu cases a year, 300,000-500,000 flu deaths per year, worldwide)
TWO: The relabeling of pneumonia as COVID. (Estimate—there are 1.7 million adult pneumonia deaths per year, worldwide)
THREE: Relabeling lung infections. (Estimate—there are 3 million chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) deaths per year, worldwide)
Note: Air pollution is a significant cause of death in the above three categories.
FOUR: Writing “COVID” as the cause of death on patient files, when it’s clear the patient died for some other reason.
FIVE: Terrifying (with a COVID diagnosis) and isolating old people who are already ill and frail with a variety of long-term conditions. These people then fold up and die. This is murder.
SIX: Killing old people with devastating and toxic treatments—ventilators plus sedation, and remdesivir.
SEVEN: Prior toxic vaccine campaigns.
EIGHT: The COVID vaccines.
NINE: Note—wherever a person has symptoms that resemble the list of so-called COVID symptoms (cough, chills, fever, lung congestion, pneumonia), a positive PCR test seals the deal for a diagnosis of COVID-19. The PCR test is meaningless, for many reasons, and therefore spits out false-positives like water from a fire house. Since the SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn’t exist, the test has zero validity from the get-go.
In different areas, in different pockets and clusters of people, there may be other reasons why people labeled “COVID” are getting sick and dying. None of these deaths has anything to with a fake virus called SARS-Cov-2.
COVID is a complete fraud. It was a fraud from the beginning.
The phantasm of the covid 19 word salad has transformed the USA into a hell never seen before on earth in the past 5000 years of recorded history.
The Sandy Hook hoax made covid 19 possible. They are both deeply related and there will be many more.
These frauds will continue for hundreds of years unless there is an awakening which seems not likely today.
File:…….Disneyland in Anaheim is more real that the entire state of California plus all the other states and nations combined.
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Don, find time to watch that interview DK posted on which I commented. You might re-evaluate your stand on Disneyland and Disney World.
Who is DK and what might be the link?
dave Kraft says:
August 3, 2021 at 11:57 pm
A Doctor from the old days said he never found a case of cancer in the unvaccinated, that really stuck in my mind. This crowd probably already caught Jim Willie, the Phd statistics geek and his videos. Wild claims are nothing new here. I was riveted by this one
Reply moderated
To save you time, Don….go to about 52 minutes on that interview.
Thanks Will. I don’t know anything about the underground of Disney World in FL. Maybe I’ll research it.
I was talking about Disneyland in CA. I don’t know if there is child trafficking’s happening there….might be but my reply was not on that topic. I do not have a ”stand” on either location.
Sandy Hook and Covid 19 are linked directly. Less than .01% know the truth about SH. The USA is the most dumbed down and corrupt nation in world history.
Don, I did not link it just because of the Disney world expose’. There’s a load of info in that over one hour and a half interview. You might follow my comments to get an idea.
YES Will….the relabeling of old death causes is at the heart of the covid 19 fraud.
I also notice this month that most old celebrity people are now dying of anything BUT covid 19….hmmmmmmm.
Don, Are you watching the same link that dave Kraft posted. . There seems to be some confusion here.
OK, Don…I see what happened. You hit the reply button on your own comment instead of the reply button on the Rappaport article.
I hit the reply button on my own comment because I was replying to you.
Don, this thread has 76 comments. It’s hard enough to follow as it is because of this comment system. If you follow the comments under your Disney picture post for someone who is just dropping in or even for myself, it’s out of context and makes no sense unless it’s pinned to the Rappoport post.
Rappaport’s usual genius:
The Vaccine War: who really has the upper hand?
by Jon Rappoport
In every war, spies and other hired hands try to demoralize the enemy. This is standard operating procedure. Inflating key numbers is one strategy.
In this vaccine war, the ace in the hole is obvious: if enough people say NO to the shot, it’s over. A tidal wave will engulf the governments and their corporate allies.
If people believed, say, that only 30% of Americans have taken the shot, and that number is holding steady, despite all the new mandates, morale would shoot up to a new high.
It always feels better to be on a winning side.
If most Americans knew that massive anti-vaxx protests are taking place in France and Germany and other countries, their attitude would shift. If most Americans knew that in Australia, the most fascist pro-vaxx government in the world is sweating bullets, because despite horrendous lockdowns and vaccine mandates, despite cops and soldiers on the streets, Aussies are still going to the beach…that knowledge would bolster spirits.
If people opposed to the vaccine and/or the mandates could get an accurate count on how many posts and how many videos and how many accounts have been censored by social media, worldwide, because those posts express opposition to the vaxx…people would see how large the resistance really is.
Here’s a report from statista[dot]com: “As of August 1, 2021, China had administered about 1.67 billion doses of coronavirus COVID-19 vaccine, whereas about 4.18 billion doses of the vaccine had been applied worldwide.”
I don’t believe it. I don’t think the global organization and the logistics are that good. People who’ve traveled extensively know how diverse and spread-out the global landscape is. They know how inefficient many, many governments are.
The world isn’t one huge well-lit modern pharmacy with people lined up and techs administering the jabs.
As several people have pointed out, the unvaccinated are a control group in this vast COVID vaccine experiment. If a year from now, millions and millions of us who didn’t take the shot are obviously still healthy, that’s not going to sit well with the vaccinators-in-charge or the pro-vaccine crowd. They don’t want a vibrant control group. They want compliant robots.
Then there is this, from Stat News, July 21: “Millions of unused Covid-19 vaccines are set to go to waste as demand dwindles across the United States and doses likely expire this summer, according to public health officials…”
“Currently, states have administered 52.36 million fewer doses than have been distributed to them, according to federal data.”
“A significant tranche of Pfizer doses is expected to expire in August… Given waning domestic vaccine demand, those doses are unlikely to be fully used before they must be tossed.”
“’We’re seeing demand [for the vaccine] falling off across all the states,’ said Marcus Plescia, chief medical officer at the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.”
So which sets of statistics should we believe? Those that pump up the numbers of people who’ve taken the shots, or those that show millions of vials going to waste? I think the latter stats are the true indicators. Officials are less likely to confess to them, unless they’re accurate.
Out in front, the movie called COVID VACCINE is being hailed as a brilliant blockbuster, but at the back end, ticket sales are dropping off a cliff.
There are reasons for that. One is: People are having very serious and severe injuries from the shot; they’re dying; and their families and friends know about it.
Here are the latest CDC figures I have, as compiled by Children’s Health Defense. The statistics are taken from VAERS, the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. “VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.”
Keep in mind there is vast underreporting of injuries, because most Americans don’t know what VAERS is or are hesitant to make a report.
Some analysts have suggested that, to get a reasonably accurate count, you should multiply reported numbers by 10.
The well-known 2010 Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. study of VAERS bluntly stated: “Adverse events from vaccines are common but underreported, with less than one percent reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Low reporting rates preclude or delay the identification of ‘problem’ vaccines, potentially endangering the health of the public.”
Following the finding of that study, you would multiply the number of reported vaccine injuries by 100 to arrive at a proper figure.
The numbers of vaccine injuries and deaths are huge. In any situation other than the current fake pandemic, the vaccination program would have been stopped. Cancelled.
No matter what governments and news parrots say about the vaccine (“safe and effective”), vast numbers of injured people, their families, and the families of those who’ve died from the shot are messengers for the truth.
The truth spreads.
In a war, when combatants and civilians end up in hospitals, and when many of them lie in coffins lowered into the ground, and when the people can no longer hold a coherent story in their minds about why the war is being fought, the whole mood of a country changes.
This is no time for surrendering or joining those who claim doom is the only outcome.
Thanks for you posts and thanks for the https://153news.net/ link. Some really amazing vids there. Just saw one with a lovely young Russian mother https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=H4BO176MKWNW whose foot has turned blue and is in great pain and fear of dying.
The young are so used to non human contact outside of their immediate “digital friends” and no conflict encounters beyond their computer “reality” games, that I feel when the actual reality hits ,that others are losing their lives over this false flag, they may not be able to handle it at all. No going to level six and getting your magic lasso.
3rd try didn’t go into pending mode???
Can you just put the pdf copy of it I sent you up?
Let me see if I can upload it. I appreciate your complaint and agree with you about them.
For EJ Doyle:
>>But why do they want 100% vaccination? Why are they so desperate for every single person in the world to get the mRNA jab?>> I’ll give you my opinion on what is going on… ————–
We are in the end stages of a centuries long, incremental take over of humanity, a war for survival of the species as we know it.. They cleverly took away autonomous behavior (spiritual expression, governance, health care, education, etc.) to be replaced with dependence on the government teat. Much like the mythical Faustian trade…your freedom for convenience.
The point is we DON’T know the EXACT plan but…we have been warned about this for a very long time.
*Brzezinski’s “Between Two Ages” WRITTEN OVER 50 YEARS AGO.
“We have a large public that is very ignorant about public affairs and very susceptible to simplistic slogans by candidates who appear out of nowhere, have no track record, but mouth appealing slogans” (Trump??)
“People, governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and corporations.” (The great reset??)
“Speaking of a future at most only decades away, an experimenter in intelligence control asserted, “I foresee a time when we shall have the means and therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the behavior and intellectual functioning of all the people through environmental and biochemical manipulation of the brain.” (Chemtrails, High Fructose Corn Syrup, vaccinations, PCR (Pineal Gland damaging test, etc.??)
A few of the 45 Communist Goals put into the Congressional Record 1/10/63 by Hon A.S Herlong, Jr; Florida House of Reps
11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind.
15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks..
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy- making positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”
30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man
Who’s doing this:
*The UN Agenda 21&2030; UN Wildlife Project; The Georgia Guide Stones; The New World Order Agenda; etc.
ALL of them part of their stated planned REDUCTION of the population to be put under 24/7 track, trace, and data basing living in 5G SMART cities, no private vehicles, no access to the country side, most living on the Government dole and forced to comply to any laws or regulations put out by the Government to maintain the dole.
In 1970, Henry Kissinger said:
“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.” ————-
DAYS OF DARKNESS https://www.bitchute.com/video/gF7LeqZdncCQ/
EJ….Thank you for that post. Everything is all lined up. It’s getting close. “It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there”. All that’s left is guerrilla warfare. As long as they control it all, it’s going to take civil disobedience, some unique strategy (git em where they sleep, eh?) and some darn good snipers (volunteers, please!).
Love that song…I’m telling you, you’re RZ, butcha need that nasality…. : – ))
@Will Two
>>I know it looks like I’m movin’ but I’m standin’ still>>
Thanks, never heard that one before from Mr. Zimmerman.
>>Thank you for that post.>>
Didn’t take for 3 times. Jim had to put it from a pdf I sent. Not as slick looking as I like but it works.
>>Everything is all lined up. It’s getting close. “It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there”.>>
Hmm. Wrote that 7/16/11 and it sure seemed dusky for sure.
>>All that’s left is guerrilla warfare.>>
I don’t know what is left for sure friend cuz I don’t know what the bigger plan is beyond what I’ve written. If they are patient enough, within 2 1/2 to 3 years those 70% of the younger population and the 90% of seniors who have taken the toxic injection will be dead and dying, not leaving much of a resistance.
>>As long as they control it all, it’s going to take civil disobedience, some unique strategy (git em where they sleep, eh?) and some darn good snipers (volunteers, please!).>>
I recall pre-computer/web days folks would talk about the various resources, books then, that listed the CEO’s and others of “importance” addresses, etc. and where to go to greet them. One man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter as they say.
A CEO of a corp that puts out deadly GMO’s, pesticides, Chemtrials, etc., Terrorist or..
>>Love that song…I’m telling you, you’re RZ, butcha need that nasality…. : – )) >>
Thanks. I’ve written 80 since my first up here on 7/4/16. That old thing about Bobby…just think how far he could have gone if he knew how to sing :-))
Austrailia is going nutso. Been tuning into Max and it is far crazy…but they took away the Aussies guns too now didn’t they?? :-/
Sometimes I have these California flashbacks to living in SF, going into Jazz clubs, hanging at the Art Institue in North Beach, or riding my bicycle around Hollywood at night after a long day, the Jasmine filled night air so rich it could make you light headed, or even riding my motorcylce down the coast from SF to LA. It is gut wretching to think those opportunities are gone for others, perhaps never to return.
Then again, it might be my Matrix program is in a glitch and I am not a healthy old man with great memories but just a copper top feeding the AI.
((>>I know it looks like I’m movin’ but I’m standin’ still>>
Thanks, never heard that one before from Mr. Zimmerman.))
EJ…One of SO many great lines in that song. It’s dire, but “not dark yet, but it’s getting there” shows some “hope”.
((Thanks. I’ve written 80 since my first up here on 7/4/16. That old thing about Bobby…just think how far he could have gone if he knew how to sing :-))….
Yeah…love that “thing”….80 years old and still doing concerts (pre the effin’vid) and only worth about 200M….that’lll teach him to get a voice coach, eh?
((Then again, it might be my Matrix program is in a glitch and I am not a healthy old man with great memories but just a copper top feeding the AI.))
Yeah…something at linin’ up somewhere…My friend Matt from Quantum of Conscience
would call it a reality glitch. Dylan would say, “It don’t make no sense to me no more, senor'”.
@Will Two
>>EJ…One of SO many great lines in that song. It’s dire, but “not dark yet, but it’s getting there” shows some “hope”.>>
Indeed it does.
We seem to have a real “simpatico” thing here Will. You find songs and sites that resonate with my inner truths. This line summed up things from my post quite well:
>>He said, Son, this ain’t a dream no more it’s the real thing.>>
If you notice in the comments below the song a guy named Michael Devlin made an almost Dylan-like comment and unknowingly zeroed in our conversation too.
>>Michael Devlin
I’m beside myself that I can finally hear this absolute gem.
This takes me back to my teens and reminds me of the girls I used to play Bob to.
Those were much simpler times than today.
I didn’t know it back then but they were the best year’s of my life.>>
So I linked him here and to my song:
And round and round we go, the harmony of the copper tops of planet Earth :-)))
EJ…wonderful song. Were those days so much better because we were young or were things better and purer? A bit of both. I cannot tell you how many women I played those albums for….nor how many I left behind with that vinyl AND my own poetry I could never replace.
First time I saw Bob was doing a concert for CORE at Syracuse U in 1962. The stage was set with a wooden stool, an harmonica holder and a glass of water. He came out to roaring applause, but when he sang, you could hear a pin drop. When a song was over, the applause was even more tumultuous. When he was done singin’, flower after flower was thrown on stage. That was Bob in ’62. Contrast that to when I saw him at a concert on the Rolling Thunder tour at the Sportatorium in west Lauderdale in ’76, they had to weld bars on the side of the stage that was already protected by guard dogs. In Orlando in 2018, he played piano and sang….couldn’t hold the guitar any longer…back trouble i was told. I had a glass of Heaven’s Door bourbon in the lobby, eager to tell anyone who would listen that the first time i had seen him live was 56 years ago.
“Those were the days my friend…we thought they’d never end.”
You’re damn right I miss the good old days.
@Will Two
>>EJ…wonderful song.>>
Thanks, The photo is me, fresh out of the Army in a little cottage I was renting going to college on the GI bill.
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>>Were those days so much better because we were young or were things better and purer? A bit of both.>>
The youth part of it is only about having a body that was far more physically capable. Things were far more better…good food, water, air. That cottage was $50@month, driving one of my many VW’s, lots honey’s who cared less about money and more about quality of character.
It was 1968, 26 years old in the Bay Area, what could be better then that?? 🙂
Open and concealed carry without a permit, no helmet laws, cops were still “Peace Officers” not LAW ENFORCEMENT, low population, very few illegal problems, things were fairly priced, no F-ing cell phones, etc.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
>>I cannot tell you how many women I played those albums for….nor how many I left behind with that vinyl AND my own poetry I could never replace.>>
Free love was a bad take on that experience for me. It was much more like generous love.
Truly a great time for young, American humans :-)) My LP collection was mostly Blues, Jazz, Classical…Lead Belly, Butterfield Blues Band, Dan Hicks and his Hot Licks, Boz Skaggs, Coletrane, etc., and a few pop stuff like Paul Simon, Young Rascals, Moody Blues, even had some nice Japanese Koto music.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
>>First time I saw Bob was doing a concert for CORE at Syracuse U in 1962. The stage was set with a wooden stool, an harmonica holder and a glass of water. He came out to roaring applause, but when he sang, you could hear a pin drop. When a song was over, the applause was even more tumultuous.
When he was done singin’, flower after flower was thrown on stage. That was Bob in ’62. Contrast that to when I saw him at a concert on the Rolling Thunder tour at the Sportatorium in west Lauderdale in ’76, they had to weld bars on the side of the stage that was already protected by guard dogs. In Orlando in 2018, he played piano and sang….couldn’t hold the guitar any longer…back trouble i was told. I had a glass of Heaven’s Door bourbon in the lobby, eager to tell anyone who would listen that the first time i had seen him live was 56 years ago.>>
Like we said recently. When we get old, all we have left are some great stories. I doubt the past few generations will have much in the quality of what we experienced, a cultural awakening beyond anything before… music, philosophy, spirituality, coffee house conversations, long stoned walks in the Red Woods, the Beach, open fields, etc., reading lots of great books, discovering the world through their eyes.
“Those were the days my friend…we thought they’d never end.”
>>You’re damn right I miss the good old days.>>
((spirituality, coffee house conversations, long stoned walks in the Red Woods, the Beach, open fields, etc., reading lots of great books, discovering the world through their eyes.))
In ’79, I opened up the first gourmet coffeehouse in Charlottesville, Va….The Roasted Bean…coincidentally on the same street where all that nonsense went on a few years ago.
Don’t ask me how a New Yawker wound up there..(something about running away with my barmaid from a restaurant I had in Hobe Sound, Fl…but that’s yet another story, eh?). I did it simply because I wanted a place for folks to go where they could TALK and enjoy themselves without being ushered out to “free the table”. And they did….even lined up to get in. I even had an in house artist. Life was rich. It had depth. Even though my sense of smell is long gone, in my mind, can still smell the bins of java, loose tea and the beeswax I had used to finish the counter top.
((Free love was a bad take on that experience for me. It was much more like generous love.))
Hey, I loved everyone I was with. But I think I know different now. …or maybe not.
WE better end this thread before we get thrown outta this joint!
The average time to generate auto-immune diseases is not specifically precise as used in a current comment. Remember that if graphene oxide were a major constituent of a “vaccine”, it’s been estimated that the kill time would be 2-3 years and less IF boosters were used periodically. In some estimates for the Pfizer “vaccine”, it is estimated by some scientists that 3 boosters would be needed in the average year. This would considerably reduce kill time due to the topping-off effect of the GO. Current test “vaccines” are quite variable in composition. The fabricators of such “vaccines” are trying to work out a functional stoichiometry for their murderous compositions.
Why do some writers insist they “don’t know what the elites are up to”? They certainly aren’t practicing for a tiddly-winks competition, that’s for sure.
Wow, Brian, tell the man what he has won :-)) Had to look that up. Guess “calculation” wasn’t on your finger tips.
Considering this “pandemic” by all the facts I have harvested the past 18 months has been planned for anywhere from 3 to a dozen years before with “Covid-19” masks on the world market in 2017, it would be a fools mission to try and guess the overall contents and intention of the injections and the end goal beyond the obvious reduction of humans on the Earth.
My take on this is the brilliant psycopaths running things are great at adaptation, having those Plan B’s and C’s, etc. and have used all the DARPA and egg head inventions to re-direct their evil…the web, SMART technology, etc. Makes me wonder if all the dead microbiologists over the past decade were part of that??
In the As Above, So Below reality, will we see more dead Scientists, etc. once the plan is generating the desired outcome as seen in so many movies?
The last part of this article says it best that the ‘Great Reset’ won’t happen unless we Americans do something about it.
I’m still on my road tour of the USA, and I just left New Jersey seeing the In-Laws and happens to pass thru Chesapeake City Md, a small quaint little town on the river and went and had breakfast in a local restaurant not a soul was wearing a mask and no stupid scamdemic signs on the door. I remember Maryland a year ago with Larry ‘Cancerboy’ Hogan been Andrew Cumo twin and locking down the state. It’s funny to see how a year has change the attitude and behavior of individuals. Americans are done with the bullocks and most are now growing a pair and a spine.
I’ve done two combat tours in Afghanistan and asymmetric warfare was what my Marines had to adapt very quickly. Hunting a deer, bear or a Razorback ain’t like hunting a human that shoots back or will blow you up with a child decoy. We are an very armed nation and the Globalist are afraid of losing their stranglehold of the political class in this country. Prepare for a coming fight this Fall plus the latent adverse reaction to the jab for those who took it.
I had a long conversation with recently retired Police officer and he said that policemen are leaving and retiring in droves across the country, it’s gonna suck for those that live near a big city in the coming months.
The following is a truly remarkable video covering a wealth of info in a very short time. What is going on in China is more than scary. I cannot begin to imagine living there. Regardless, this guy has it right. It’s way past time for all to make a stand and refuse to accept this tyranny. This was on 153news.net, but it was also on Bitchute. I went there to test if I am still banned from commenting. Turns out I am….I sure pissed of whomever is running that venue.
Jim…Is this your correct email?
Go to responses and watch this video:https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?singlepost=3682364
Will get your attention!
The “vaccines” are placebos. The vaccinations are a CONTROL mechanism, used to ID every individual of the Human Herd. Surveillance [watch the William Pawelec interview] is accomplished with cellphones – ON or OFF. WHO is OBSESSED with this? Governments are under ALIEN CONTROL! Globalists are [brainwashed] ALIEN AGENTS! Both are promoting the ALIEN AGENDA. HHAs [Hybrid Humanoid ALIENS] were genetically-engineered by ALIENS in their original form [holed up in DUMBs [Deep Underground Military Bases] HHAs are designed to REPLACE the Human Race! Thousands of HHAs are already “WALKING AMONG US”, many of THEM occupying high positions in governments, Big Tech, the Military, the MIC, Academia and the MSM, among others.
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((The “vaccines” are placebos. The vaccinations are a CONTROL mechanism,……))
By definition, something cannot be a placebo and a control mechanism at the same time. That is a contradictory statement.
Definition of placebo
1a: a usually pharmacologically inert preparation prescribed more for the mental relief of the patient than for its actual effect on a disorder
b: an inert or innocuous substance used especially in controlled experiments testing the efficacy of another substance (such as a drug)
2: something tending to soothe
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The COERCION [coming] to vaccinate is to ID the entire Human Herd. Anyone not vaxxed can’t be catalogued in the ALIEN CENSUS! Vaccinations have no medical/biological objective. The content of the vials is IRRELEVANT.
So, you question the meaning of placebo?
Well, that pretty much sums up your purpose here….
Best of luck.
Extra-terrestrials have a different metabolism. If they are from Mars, but live on Earth, medications work differently in their fluid stream. I’m not sure if they have blood as we know it. Their blood may be green or gray in color. Their circulatory systems are similar to lizards. I’ve heard their their breath smells like a Monitor Lizard or Obama’s. Their skin is quite wrinkled and scaly like Hillary’s. It peals off in sheets.
If we ignore them, will they go away…and take Obama with them?
HHAs are physically like people – BUT they are emotionless [they mimic emotional reactions] and they have some form of physical or personality defect. On the other hand, the DUMB-dwelling original ALIENS [watch Phil Schneider’s videos] are either of reptilian or insectoid origin [and nature] and neither are from Mars. Our current Space Invaders are from Orion [Belt] and THEY are a super-intelligent and technologically highly advanced species. THEY are EXPERTS at MIND CONTROL and genetic engineering! Think of GENIUS PRAYING MANTIS. THEY can shape-shift and THEY dine on Human NSE [Negative Spiritual Energy], which THEY cleverly INDUCE by various diabolical means.
Unless there is DIVINE INTERVENTION, THEY will eventually REPLACE the entire Human Race with HHAs! In the meantime, THEY will have us for breakfast, lunch and dinner – and an occasional midnight snack! :O
NOTE that there have been several interactions between Humans and ALIENS throughout Human History, all of them involved fixation on the OCCULT! The 3 primary countries linked to ALIENS and the OCCULT are America, Hitler’s Germany [the Bell, etc.] and Zionist Israel! SATAN and the OCCULT are heavily associated with those countries.
Occasionally, the ALIENS stage huge banquets [Feeding Frenzies] for THEMselves: WW I, WW II, Korea, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Rwanda, Russian Revolution, French Revolution, American Civil War, Pandemics [1917/8, 2020, etc. THEY just eat it [NSE] up!
And here’s where the ALIENS frequently “pig out”, [look for places with many columns – like the American Capitol, the Acropolis, Vatican, Brandenburg Gate, Federal Reserve, etc. Think of the columns as teeth.
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Why do the ALIENS like to “hang out” in places like these [with many columns]? NSE, generated by IDOL WORSHIP, is very likely to be generated here! The ALIENS love to suck it [NSE] up – and get high – no kidding!
NO information, REGARDLESS OF ANY CLAIMED “OFFICIAL” SOURCE, can be trusted to be the truth! The 1st Protocol of the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” [COMPLETE CONTROL OF THE MSM] has been achieved!
This is from a private meeting of Brazil’s Bolsanaro in April of 2020.
Brazilian president: Covid is being used to implant tyranny, I want ALL Brazilians armed
He went on an extended and detailed rant, saying tyranny was everywhere in Brazil just waiting to pounce and that to avoid that happening under the cover of the corona ruse, the Brazilian people needed to buy guns IMMEDIATELY.
Don’t miss the blurb at the start of the vid. It was released to compromise Bolsonaro because of his anger and language. I say, SO effin what. Where are our leaders standing up for us? Where are our leaders telling us to get armed to protect ourselves from this tyranny? The present admin is telling us quite the opposite. No one, not one damn politician has the balls to tell it like it is….and that includes Trump and of course the commie, demented Gropin’ Joe.
You have to go to the site for the vid:
The best conjecture is that the non-vaxed do represent a control and as long as they are out there, they can be compared to the vaxed population which might be suffering all kinds of side effects from the experimental emergency use only gene therapy. I play tennis with an elderly lady who I’m sure was vaccinated. She has had some sort of “female problem” which she doesn’t discuss with me, but she said it something that hadn’t experienced before. I think I overheard her talking to another female and it sounded as if she is going to have a hysterectomy. It has been reported that the vax causes older women’s menstrual cycles to reactivate. It actually is important to have a large portion of the population unvaccinated so we can figure out what is actually going on and what works, and what doesn’t. We already know the vaccinated are shedding as much or more virus than the unvaxed. Logically one could assume that if the vaxed are walking around shedding lots of virus but not sick, they represent more of a threat to the general population than an unvaxed person who is home sick, and not mixing with the public at large.
Given the All for Profit Medical Industrial Complex, if an older woman comes in with vaginal bleeding, they are just going to do a hysterectomy without looking deeply into the cause. Even if they suspect it’s caused by the “vaccine” they are not going to acknowledge it. I’m concerned she may develop a fatal blood clot as a result of the surgery.