False Flags and Conspiracies 2021: Virtual Conference – Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Program Chair
Conspiracies are as American as apple pie. In my first scholarly article about conspiracy research, “Thinking about ‘Conspiracy Theories’: 9/11 and JFK“, I explained how the principles of scientific reasoning can be applied to conspiracy theories and illustrated with regard to the current issue of The New York Times that stories on every page dealt with conspiracies. Once authentic evidence has been separate from fabricated, these cases tend to fall into familiar patterns and become amenable to resolution.
Since my initiation into conspiracy research in 1992 on JFK,, I have specialized in collaborative research by bringing together experts on different aspects of complex and controversial events of immense political significance by taking “conspiracy theories” from “theories” in the weak sense of speculations, rumors and guesses to “theories” in the strong sense of empirically-testable explanatory hypotheses, such as Newton’s theory of gravitation, Einstein’s theory of relativity and Darwin’s theory of evolution.
This conference brings together students and experts on a wide range of “false flags” and conspiracies, where I have had the pleasure of interviewing most of them on one occasion or another, where many of the most recent may be found at jimtheconspiracyguy.com. Given the ubiquitous occurrence of conspiracies, we need to shake off the negative intimations of the phrase “conspiracy theories” and take pride in our role as conspiracy analysis (or conspiracy realists) to make history more than a pack of lies the living play upon the dead.
Research we have done on JFK, 9/11, Boston, Orlando and Dallas, Charlottesville, Parkland, and multiple “false flags” in Europe (as well as the moon landing) continues to be available at moonrockbooks.com. Six of our books have been banned by amazon.com. And I have been sued by one of the alleged Sandy Hook parents for defamation, where the case is under appeal. While I have no intention of paying the judgments, which I expect to be reversed, if anyone likes what I am doing and would like to contribute to my Legal Defense Fund, that would be terrific.
SATURDAY (11 December 2021)
9:00 AM: Nick Kollerstrom, Ph.D. / The Gunpowder Plot
10:00 AM: Holly Seeliger / Bacon’s Rebellion: The False Flag at Jamestown
11:00 AM: Next Gen / Was Pearl Harbor Really a Surprise Attack?
11:30 AM: Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. / What happened to JFK?
1:30 PM: Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. / 9/11 Special Report
3:30 PM: Nex Gen / Covid-19: Conspiracy or Act of Nature?
4:00 PM: Kelley Watt / Fake News about a “Pandemic”
4:30 PM: David Kenney, J.D., California Covid: Swindling the Public
5:30 PM: Deana Sacks, J.D., The Vaccine Wars: A Legal Perspective
6:30 PM: Susan Bradford, Ph.D. / Politics of Business: Abramoff & ENRON
7:30 PM: Sarah Westall / The Covid Conspiracy & Mind Control
8:30 PM: Dr. Katherine Horton and William (Bill) Binney
10:00 PM: MUSICAL INTERLUDE (with Ole Dammegard and Mo Anton)
SUNDAY (12 December 2021)
9:00 AM: Nick Kollerstrom, Ph.D. / Who Wrote Shakespeare’s Plays?
10:30 AM: Alison Maynard, J.D., / The Undead: Pretty Young Women
11:30 AM: Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. / A Tale of Two Cities: Kenosha & Waukesha
12:30 PM: Russ Winter et al. / High Strangeness: The Waukesha PsyOp
1:30 PM: Ron Avery / The Pozner vs. Fetzer Lawsuit
2:30 PM: Ron Avery / Fake News & Fake Law in a Police State
3:30 PM: Joe Olson, P.E. / The Fall of America
4:30 PM: Carl Herman / American Revolution 2.0
5:30 PM: Scott Bennett / The Coming War in Ukraine
6:00 PM: Henry Makow / Jacob Rothschild: “Equality” is the End Game
7:00 PM: Jack Mullen & Stephanie Sledge / Where are We Heading?
8:00 PM: Ole Dammegard / How my Last Name Became a Verb

The 2021 False flags and Conspiracies Conference is a resounding success. I follow these issues and I heard new stories and evidence from the presenters that I had not heard before. I encourage everyone to view the videos from the Conference. They are well worth your attention.
Congratulations and profound thanks to Jim and all the presenters. Huzzah!
Jim Fetzer, before I heard of you I knew bin laden I had signed the ae911truth petition etc.(which you call a limited hangout, but that was a learning curve for me)
I wrote “…tricked. So they “killed Bill”. He was right about Alex Jones being a drama queen and bin Laden going to do something that turned out to be 911.” In case you don’t know but should, Cooper was RIGHT about Bin Laden going to something that turned out to be 911, Cooper said Bin Laden would be BLAMED for some soon coming event, but that Bin Laden would NOT have done it. You do not know what YOU are talking about, in this case.
Bill, I was responding to what you WROTE, not what you may have been THINKING. Thanks for the clarification. Do you get my point about JFK’s brains in relation to Greer?
I did write it correctly you misread the meaning. He said “whatever is going to happen, they are going to blame it on Osama Bin Laden”. Cooper predicted an unknown near future event (later it was known as 911 or you like 9/11) would happen, but he didn’t know the details.
Actually now I can see the gun, Bill Cooper is right, the driver shot Kennedy, he is the second shooter. https://youtu.be/e0sYaqzRVYE So what is going on Jim Fetzer, why don’t you say this too, are you a shill?
Because it’s absurd! You have no idea what you are talking about. From the rear, the driver was to JFK’s front-left. Had he shot him, his brains would have been blown out to the right-rear. Instead, they were blown out to the left-rear. I explained this in the video. I really dislike pointless and silly complaints. Watch it again: https://www.bitchute.com/video/UYVevPKtX1Kj/
Either you or Cooper are wrong, I prefer Cooper, but he was tricked before that UFOs were aliens. Then said manmade UFOs when he found out he was tricked. So they “killed Bill”. He was right about Alex Jones being a drama queen and bin Laden going to do something that turned out to be 911.
You cannot possibly have watched my JFK SPECIAL and have any doubt about it. I am stunned that you are displaying such resistance when I am telling you the score, how we know you are wrong, and directing you to the proof. UNBELIEVABLE!
Osama had nothing to do with 9/11, Bill. He was a patsy! Didn’t you watch my 9/11 SPECIAL, either? This kind of nonsense drives me up the wall. You are supposed to know better. Check it out. How disappointing! “9/11 SPECIAL”, https://www.bitchute.com/video/RCzxvLd1elQT/ Not another word until you have watched them both.
I meant Bill Cooper was right about Bin Laden being BLAMED for 911, of course he didn’t do it. Some dufus? jerk-off reporter interview bin laden in a cave and the CIA could not find him etc.
https://www.richplanet.net/richp_genre.php?ref=291&part=1&gen=3 Jim Fetzer I have had both your shows like Brian Ruhe and the similar earlier Dennis Camino one (spelling may be out a bit on both) about 911 etc have even posted them sometimes on my website. May I say, as you know, Richard D Hall now says the gap between the radar flight paths (on the “no plane” hitting the second tower) is a “constant” error, that the flight paths of the 26 videos match, and that the “NBC ball image” viewed from the helicopter matches, too. I suggest your theory about the projection from a drone (or similar) is wrong, because the “no-plane” images all vary, especially the “NBC ball” one.
Bill, There are no collision effects. Flight 175 passes its entire length into the building in the same number of frames it passes its entire length through air. That makes no sense physically unless a massive 500,000 ton building poses no more resistance to the trajectory of an aircraft in flight than air. I don’t get why you want to be provocative, but no real planes hit either of the towers, proof for which may be found in my “9/11 SPECIAL REPORT” in honor of Robert David Steele, https://www.bitchute.com/video/RCzxvLd1elQT/
There were NO planes involved on 9/11 in attacking anything. The whole event was a goofy fiction written by amateur out-of-work writers. Any videos you see of planes hitting the Towers is CGI created in TV News backrooms with the added signs ” LIVE”. They were not ”LIVE”” …what you saw on evening TV was mass hypnosis.
My File photo shows internal explosions placed inside the Towers by Mossad Munitions Experts to simulate a plane hitting the Tower. The US government was complicit. Why do people believe the lies? 99% of Americans are rather deficient in the upstairs department….in other words, stupid.
Richard D Hall says the plane images were different from different angles, one even a “ball”, a projected image would be the same flat image from all angles, because it is two dimensional ie flat like if you look at the camera , the photo always shows you looking at the camera. Hall says the impossible speed of over 500 mph and the building penetration could be matched by a “missile, with some sort of electronic cloaking.
“Could have been” but was not. They used holograms, which explain the impossible speed, the impossible entry, the witness reports, and the absence of debris beneath the facades of both Twin Towers. I explain all of this in detail, right?
Have you’ll checked out the weather war damage in Kentucky? If anyone thinks tornados in mid December is created by “climate change” like the FEMA Director claims, I have some swampland in the Everglades for sale at a low low price, an airboat and a dozen alligators are included with every lot. Hurry they won’t last !
When it comes to ultra-destructive weather anomalies, have you ever wondered why all the trendies are blind to any explanation other than incidental man made caused climate change? Because if it’s intentional and purposeful, it destroys the whole “we must go back to the stone age to save Earth” diatribe jive.
Weather gets discussed on ski lifts all the time. I always try to plant the seed that organic weather has been tampered with since 1891 when the first US patent was issued. Now that patents have been digitized and are now searchable on the web, I recommend looking up the last 60 years of weather patents. They will boggle the mind just glancing at the list.
Most of this crew knows about geo-engineering with chemtrails and has heard of HAARP. Not as many know about the many high volume water vapor generating stations all over creation. You can watch the effect of these during major destructive storms, fueling them to maximize the flooding. The average slack jawed schlep asks why would they do this? Just look at the Agenda 21 map for your explanation. How would they re-wild large swaths of development ? Just look what they did to Kentucky with the push button tornados and the California SMART fires. The damage is not repairable, civilization is wiped from the map. Exactly what the map shows is happening.
I think Jim Fetzer is right, Biden is not Biden,the ears etc are different. They are saying Biden had a facelift that altered his ears!
My understanding of the situation is that Joe the Jerk Biden has blue eyes and his doppelgangbang has brown eyes. Anybody concur?
Jim Fetzer says tha eyes differ,the skull differs and the ear differ, and the signature differ. So it must be a fake Biden.
If the current ”Biden” is a fake, he’s the greatest actor in over 5,000 years of history.
Here’s a pictorial summary of the physical evidence that the Biden presented is two persons.
Thanks, Toni. But there’s much more. Check this out: https://beforeitsnews.com/new-world-order/2021/10/fake-president-joe-biden-clone-clones-doubles-actors-transvestites-hiding-in-plain-sight-holographic-or-cgi-video-10438.html
Thanks, Jim. That link doesn’t work though. Did they take down that page?
Jim, could this be the same article?
I don’t see all the images. But I intended to publish it here on this blog, so I have a copy and will do that later today. Thanks!
It’s not at AMG-NEWS.com either.
Joe Biden Clone | Clones, Doubles, Actors, Transvestites Hiding in Plain Sight, Holographic or CGI (video)
AMG-NEWS.com / Medeea Greere
Thanks, Jim. Glad you have it!
Toni, Too unwieldy to post (could not get it to copy) but put parts in Need to Know (15 December 2021) yesterday with Giuseppe and Scorpio. Check it out: https://www.bitchute.com/video/rjpWJazMRqJq/
This one has not been molesting children, so it must be a fake Joe Biden.
Just a small note, appropos of nothing. In my 69 years of life on this earth and in this country, I have never met or read or seen a greater patriot and humanitarian than James Fetzer. My great gratitude goes to you, a man who clearly values sharing the truth to help America and humanity more than the safety of his own life. We are in the room with a great hero, chilluns. Take off your hats!
Nobody better at his trade than Marcus Tullius Fetzer…..
I guess most of us know that radiation is epidemic during airflights nowadays, from inside and outside. No wonder pilots are dying. I don’t fly. Frankly even the bus is dangerous, with wifi piped in. It’s a sad genocidal world. One can only hope through our efforts to constantly wake people up, one day they may actually wake up. Meanwhile, protect yourself. Stay away from the purveyors of death and madness. And tell the truth wherever and whenever to whomever you can.
I wanted to correct myself on the dead pilots list. I thought it was 75 or so for 2021 so far. Looks like it’s 112 dead airline pilots and that’s just through September of 2021 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Jim and Friends of Fetz: I heard an airline pilot recently dropped dead during a flight. That was just a speck on the tip of the ice berg. Michael Jaco has the airline pilot industry magazine for october/november. The list of dead pilots is Earth shattering. Because it shows that one pilot died in all of 2019. Then there was six for 2020. In the year 2021 and not quite over yet, 75 or so pilots died of all causes, since they weren’t listed. You don’t need to be a math wiz to understand the staggering implications of this news. When you couple it with the flight attendant’s shocking announcement during pre-flight instructions to the passengers that this was her last flight since she was furloughed along with 5800 other American Airlines Flight Attendants, where does that leave this nation’s transportation and tourism sectors? Crippled is the only word I have for this startling revelation. Check out Michael’s latest.
If the government can do hoaxes, now the common man on the street says hey WE can do them too…!!!!
The US is one of the phoniest nations on the planet. People still say the US is a great nation….great at what….hoaxes????
Correct me if I’m wrong, Jim, but the ULTIMATE Conspiracy [ALIEN AGENDA] received NO coverage during the just-ended Conspiracies Virtual Hoax-Fest! Is it possible that Jim just doesn’t see the ALIEN ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM? – or WHO is blinding [Mind Control] him? :O Fess up, Fetz!
GodSend, I suppose you know that Bill Copper said he and probably others, were tricked into thinking UFOs were flown by aliens, he saw at least one UFO, and that they were flown by humans.
GodSend , Bill Cooper thought they may do “alien hoax” false flag.
William Pawelec was not tricked when he and his companion saw an AVC [Alien Visitation Craft] with their own eyes. He later met several HHAs [Hybrid Humanoid Aliens] and described them as COLD [emotionless and calculating]. The current Alien [ET] visitors landed on Earth many years ago and are now holed up in DUMBs [Deep Underground Military Bases]. Their genetically engineered Race of HHAs now INFESTS and CONTROLS the entire planet! THEY were instrumental in plotting MASSIVE 2020 Election FRAUD and preventing investigations of that CRIME by anyone, using MIND CONTROL and threats of violence. Cooper is a shill. Watch the Pawelec Disclosure Project interview and you will become convinced of the ALIEN presence! THEY [HHAs] are “WALKING AMONG US” [book] by the THOUSANDS!
An “Alien Invasion” will be a HOAX because THEY are already here and the ALIEN AGENDA [REPLACE the Human Race] is far advanced!
It always cracks me up when dummies (and they always are) use the term “conspiracy theory” in a derogatory manner. Like they assume those with wealth and power would not conspire together to protect their wealth and power? They would just trust to chance? They would let the chips fall as they may? That’s how they got to be wealthy and powerful? Trusting to chance? Thus, are the wealthy and powerful as dumb as the dummies who use the term “conspiracy theory”? I think not. I love it when idiots accuse me of being a conspiracy theorist, just so I can make this point. IT ALWAYS SHUTS THEM UP AND REVEALS WHAT IDIOTS THEY ACTUALLY ARE INSTANTANEOUSLY!
What a line-up! Looking forward to it, Jim. I’ll be getting my ticket later today.
I wanted to mention that there is another conference, the Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium, taking place today that might be of interest to readers here. It’s advertised on 21st Century Wire, and starts at 10am Pacific, and the speakers include many of our favorites:
“LIVE: Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium, Dec 10 2021”
“Today the UK Column will be livestreaming the latest online symposium by Doctors for Covid Ethics, Gold Standard: Covid Science in Practice, with a presentations and discussion panels covering all of the latest developments regarding Covid vaccine safety, the economic and lockdowns, as well as regulatory and legal challenges.
Livestream begins on 10th December 2021 – 18.00 – 21.00 (GMT) / 19.00-22.00 (CET)
Session I with Prof. Michael Palmer MD: End of gene-based COVID-19 “vaccines”
Latest updates vaccine findings and immunology with Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, Prof. Arne Burkhardt MD, and Carsten Stümke MD.
Session II with Catherine Austin Fitts: Global Coup D’état
Overview of the science, corporate and political crises with Dr Mike Yeadon, Dr Piers Robinson, Catherine Austin Fitts, and Robert F.Kennedy, Jr.
Session III with Patrick Henningsen: Is the Temple of Justitice still standing?
Overview of the legal landscape with Mary Holland, Renate Holzeisen, Meryl Nass MD, Astrid Stuckleberger and Philipp Kruse”
I’ll be tuning in for this, sounds great!
Good news today on the Jussie Smollett staged hoax. A self made hoax with crisis actors got exposed for public consumption. Nice to see a fake news event brought to trial and the liars were exposed and held accountable.
The sandy hook hoax has yet to go through a whole court case in front of a jury, I wonder why? Sometimes the smaller ones may need to come out first and the Smollett case certainly did. Good news for all Americans.
Hopefully this will lead to another.
All eyes on the Maxwell Pedo sex cult.
Keep the Faith and march on.
The Sandy Hook Hoax was done by the State of CT and Obama. They both are totally corrupt and protected by their Courts and Judges. That’s why.
CT is one of the crime capitols of the US.