VT Editors
VT has learned that the US, on direct orders from the White House, has begun deploying secret chemical warfare stockpiles from its facility in Richmond, Kentucky to forward areas in Poland.
The plan is to deploy them in Kiev or Odessa and blame Russia, which will assuredly cascade into a full nuclear war. No…this is not a drill…not a hoax…sourced from highest level intelligence.
As the Russian Ministry of Defense revealed new information about the elusive US-funded biolabs it had discovered in eastern Ukraine amid its special operation in the nation, “bombshell” quality to the news was lent by the fact that a company linked to the high-risk biological research was founded by Hunter Biden, son of the US President Joe Biden.
A $2.1 billion-dollar operation exploring some of the deadliest viruses in at least 30 laboratories – under the patronage of the Pentagon and three private companies: this is the US’s illusive bio labs program.
Operating in 25 states, it employs civilians who have no accountability before Congress and can bypass the law due to the lack of direct oversight.
The program whose existence has been confirmed by none other than Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland at a Senate Committee hearing on March 8th has been dismissed by the majority of American mainstream media as “conspiracy” in a desperate effort to sweep under the rug one of America’s best kept secrets inside Ukraine.
Covert Work on Deadly Viruses
There are three such companies operating in Ukraine – Metabiota Inc., Southern Research Institute and Black&Veatch, with key posts held by former, and in some cases, current high-ranking military and intelligence officers.
1. Ternopol Regional Laboratory Center, Ternopil, Fedkovicha st. 13
2. Kherson diagnostic laboratory (Kherson regional laboratory center), Kherson, st. Uvarova, 3
3. Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
4. Vinnitsa diagnostic laboratory (Vinnitsa regional laboratory center), Vinnitsa, st. Malinovsky, 11
5. Transcarpathian diagnostic laboratory (Transcarpathian regional laboratory center), Uzhhorod, st. Sobranetskaya, 96
6. Dnepropetrovsk diagnostic laboratory (Dnepropetrovsk regional laboratory center), Dnepropetrovsk, Schmidt st., 26 / st. Philosophical, 39A
7.Dnepropetrovsk State Regional Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine, Dnepropetrovsk, Kirov Ave., 48
8. Lvov Research Institute of Epidemiology and Hygiene Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Lvov, st. Green, 12
9. Lvov State Regional Laboratory of Veterinary medicine, Lviv, Promyslova st., 7
10. Lvov diagnostic laboratory (Lviv regional laboratory center), Lviv, st. Krupyarska, 27
In accordance with an agreement between the US Department of Defense and Ukraine’s Ministry of Health, dated 2005, the Kiev government is prohibited from disclosing any “sensitive” information about the American program. In the meantime Ukraine is under obligation to transfer dangerous pathogens from the labs on its territory to the Pentagon for further biological research, in return the US military is granted access to Ukraine’s state secrets related to the ongoing projects.
However, a certain US-funded organization, “The Science and Technology Center in Ukraine” (STCU), was set up the country even before the agreement in question. With its employees endowed with diplomatic status, the center officially supports the projects of scientists who previously worked on Soviet programs to create weapons of mass destruction.
Over the past 20 years, STCU has funneled $285 million in funding and managed an estimated 1850 projects worldwide, The work is officially carried out in line with the 1991-launched programme to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction. The stated goal is to ensure safe storage and destruction of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as well as their means of delivery, in the countries of the former Soviet Union.
Since Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan destroyed their arsenal of nuclear warheads, on paper the program ended in 2013. However, in 2021, a bill was introduced in the US Congress to renew the programme ostensibly to the “reemerged threat of the proliferation of weapons of mass annihilation”. However, according to the Federal Public Procurement website, the programme never actually stopped its operation.
In 2013, one of the DTRA contractors for the programme’s execution in Ukraine was Raytheon Technical Services Company LLC, with the contract worth $ 43.9 million.
In 2016, the STCU itself won a five-year DTRA contract to provide scientific and technical services to a tune of $10 million. Currently, there is no clarity regarding the scope of the STCU’s ongoing activity in Ukraine.

Deadly Outbreaks in Ukraine: The Worrysome Coincidence
Dangerous Parallels

Black & Veatch
Southern Research
Metabiota Inc.

Kiev Regime Sought to Scrub Evidence of Pentagon-backed Biowarfare Programme, Russian MoD Reveals
I started the new week off today with a screaming session on the Ukraine situation with a guy who credits himself knowing everything about that conflict.Trouble is, he worships the MSM propagandists and treats them as if they were the Holy Redeemer. He gives himself immense credit, hey, 60Minutes would never lie….. and, tragically, he’s dead set sure he’s 110
% correct. He has lots of company, I’d bet 90+% of Americans embrace slime like Obama just like he does. By the way, anybody know how Reiner Fuellmich is doing with his grand jury tribunal?
My photo shows two of the most corrupt people on earth. One is the US president and the other is his coke-head son.
They’re both mobsters from Delaware and their goal is the total destruction of the US. Like Obama, they’re armed with knives to stab America and keep stabbing.
Will the people of America do something? Very doubtful because everywhere We the People encounter ugly corruption.
Like the war in Vietnam, as my NSA-Army brother showed me, that war was nothing but a blood sacrifice of 57,000 US troops to China, the proxy enemy. The Secret goal of Vietnam was to make sure that as many as possible US troops were killed. Today the entire country is communist as was planned.
I might explain Vietnam a bit more. My brother, now deceased, was in Vietnam in the early 1960s. He told me that the US camps were virtually on top of the old French garrisons from the 1950s. The combat troops were taxied out to the villages each morning to take ground. This was so that the NVietnam could be chased out and also get a good shot at US soldiers. That is exactly how my brother-in-law was killed. Then the US troops would be taken back to their bases and the NVietnam would retake all the villages. This happened hundreds of times, resulting in 57,000 US troops dead. The Pentagon had no intention of controlling the entire country, which they could have done with ease. It was all a sham for many reasons. Today Vietnam is entirely communist, as was the original intent. Another case of US lies but at a very heavy price. Remember the Gulf of Tonkin excuse…more lies. Walter Cronkite, CBS 19yrs, went to VN to report the fact that the US was not winning…..[BECAUSE they did not want to win].
File: my brother in front of our home in Calif., LA County, 1963, home on leave from Asia. Army Intelligence, NSA
Here it is. We have seen this before. And we have heard the same message over and over. Yet, time after time after time, we have made the choice not to do a thing. We continue to gather and spread more and more information as if the more we accumulate, the better things will get. Someone will listen and it will stop. Someone other than us will save us. It will not happen. It never has happened. It cannot happen until we demand it happen.
Good luck.