Joachim Hagopian, West’s Longer-Range Missiles Setting Final Stage for City of London’s World War III Blastoff

Joachim Hagopian With the precedent already set this week, a number of close allied leaders are aggressively pushing the greenlight for Ukraine to use their Western delivered long-range weapons to target sites deep inside Russia, including Moscow. It seems that we are now just hours away from all the Western puppet powers, including the big cheese paper tiger US, granting Kiev its greenlit license to doomsday. Five days ago, Dutch Defense Minister Ruben Brekelmans boldly asserted: The right to self-defense does not end 100 kilometers from the border. We have not placed…

Philip Giraldi, How Jewish Is the War Against Russia? Let’s be honest about who is promoting it

PHILIP GIRALDI  (JULY 12, 2022) Five years ago, I wrote an article entitled “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s wars.” It turned out to be the most popular piece that I have ever written and I was rewarded for it by immediately being fired by the so-called American Conservative magazine, where I had been a regular and highly popular contributor for fourteen years. I opened the article with a brief description of an encounter with a supporter whom I had met shortly before at an antiwar conference. The elderly gentleman asked “Why doesn’t anyone ever speak honestly about the…

Joachim Hagopian, The Niger Crisis – Africa’s Next ‘Ukraine’ or Africa’s Rejection of Western Neocolonialism

Joachim Hagopian Major changes within the last month are sweeping through the geopolitical landscape worldwide. Even the West is now braced for Ukraine’s defeat against Russia. Western national economies are all failing, undergoing a perilous backslide into emerging economic depression, ultimate collapse of Western civilization and crumbling of the centralized banking infrastructure. Meanwhile, amidst this political and economic shakedown, the rising challenge of the multipolar world is destined to crush US unipolar dominance and hegemony as the international power dynamics radically shifts from West to East. Within the context of…


Joachim Hagopian On March 17th, the International Criminal Court in Hague issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin based on his so-called “war crimes.” This is the same criminal court that ignored Reiner Fuellmich’s open and shut case presenting all the evidence against the elites’ global conspiracy to commit a fake COVID pandemic to sinisterly induce panic in the world population in order to premeditatedly inject billions with bioweapon poisons proven to kill millions across the planet. Pretending to be blind to hardcore criminal evidence and then a year later falsely accuse…

Seymour Hersh, How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline

Seymour Hersh “Biden’s decision to sabotage the pipelines came after more than nine months of highly secret back and forth debate inside Washington’s national security community . . .” NORD STREAM The U.S. Navy’s Diving and Salvage Center can be found in a location as obscure as its name—down what was once a country lane in rural Panama City, a now-booming resort city in the southwestern panhandle of Florida, 70 miles south of the Alabama border. The center’s complex is as nondescript as its location—a drab concrete post-World War II…

Philip Geraldi, How Jewish Is the War Against Russia?

PHILIP GIRALDI (JULY 12, 2022) Let’s be honest about who is promoting it Five years ago, I wrote an article entitled “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s wars.” It turned out to be the most popular piece that I have ever written and I was rewarded for it by immediately being fired by the so-called American Conservative magazine, where I had been a regular and highly popular contributor for fourteen years. I opened the article with a brief description of an encounter with a supporter whom I had met shortly before at an antiwar conference. The elderly gentleman asked…

NATO boss lets the cat out of the bag: US-led bloc has ‘been preparing since 2014’ to use Ukraine for proxy conflict with Russia

Robert Bridges  Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s words strengthen the case for Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg listens to questions during a media conference at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Wednesday, June 15, 2022. ©  AP Photo/Olivier Matthys NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg may have said the quiet part out loud on Wednesday when he revealed to reporters that NATO’s push into Eastern Europe since 2014 was done specifically with Russia in mind. “The reality is also that we have been preparing for this since 2014,” he said. “That is the…

Breaking: US Deploying Chemical Weapons to Poland for False Flag Ukraine Attack, Full Background(Confirmed by VT)

VT Editors Sourced from Russian State Controlled Media and Independently verified “on the ground” as totally factual   VT has learned that the US, on direct orders from the White House, has begun deploying secret chemical warfare stockpiles from its facility in Richmond, Kentucky to forward areas in Poland. The plan is to deploy them in Kiev or Odessa and blame Russia, which will assuredly cascade into a full nuclear war.  No…this is not a drill…not a hoax…sourced from highest level intelligence. Sarin….chlorine…VX As the Russian Ministry of Defense revealed…

KanekoaTheGreat, How Obama And Biden Installed Neo-Nazis In Ukraine

KanekoaTheGreat Today’s war cannot be understood without first understanding the U.S. government’s role in Ukraine’s Maidan Coup. Disclaimer: I did not support the U.S. government’s 2014 coup overthrowing the democratically-elected government of Ukraine, nor did I support Ukraine’s shelling of Donbas for the last 8-years, nor do I support Russia’s current invasion of Ukraine. The neo-Nazi factions represent a small percentage of Ukraine, but a significant percentage that played a major role in the 2014 coup, the War in Donbas, and the ongoing war with Russia. This isn’t a story of good…

Ron Unz, Ukraine and Biowarfare Conspiracy Theories

by Ron Unz Several days ago a mainstream policy analyst dropped me a note mentioning that the Russians were claiming to have discovered the existence of a network of biowarfare labs in Ukraine, funded by the American Pentagon and allegedly working with anthrax and plague. Given that much of my focus over the last two years had been on America’s biowarfare program and its possible deployment, he wondered what I thought about the matter. I’d seen some of the same Russian accusations swirling around the Internet, and hadn’t paid much attention. On…