Joachim Hagopian

This is my third year in a row I’ve been highlighting this ultimate crime of the ages – human genocide – on Jim’s annual False Flag Conference, and every year I come back reporting that it’s only growing worse and more overt each passing year. The standard legal definition of genocide ratified by 153 UN member nations as of April 2022, emerges from the 1948 Genocide Convention to mean any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
- Killing members of the group;
- Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
- Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
- Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
- Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Obviously today the most blatantly obscene case for genocide is Israel’s destruction of Gaza that since October 7th, 2023, the death toll is approaching 45,000 (as of December 10th 44,758 Palestinians and wounded 105,834), which is a grossly low conservative estimate, failing to account for the thousands of inaccessible rotting corpses that lay underneath the mountains of rubble covering the 60% of all Gaza buildings that now lay in ruin. Over 5 months ago a Lancet study placed a far more accurate estimate to be over 186,000 Palestinian deaths out of the total of 2.3 million, and near 70% of the dead are women and children. All this tragedy on a gargantuan scale means about 8% of the total Palestinian population in Gaza have been brutally murdered in the last year and two months since this willfull joint US-Israel genocide operation began. And if 8% are dead, upwards of 20% of all the Palestinians have been wounded. On top of all this loss and destruction, 87% of all schools have been hit or damaged in Gaza, 90% of all cattle, 83% of all plant life destroyed, 70% of all water wells, agricultural land and food production have been destroyed
It took all this time complete with daily graphic horror plainly visible in the thousands of online videos filmed in Gaza to finally move Amnesty International on December 5th to conclude that Israel is committing genocide. Criminal genocide accomplice, the US government, has yet to admit much less stop this unforgiveable slaughter. The perps in the Israel and US governments need to be rounded up and tried in military tribunals, and, if found guilty, punished by death for their genocidal crimes against the real Semite population in the Middle East, the Palestinians.
But then following the diktats of the City of London overlords, a massive genocidal conspiracy of governments, Big Pharma, healthcare and corporate media were behind the deadly Covid vaccination holocaust. Thus far, thousands of these murderous criminals atop the power structure that first imposed the pandemic fraud than promoted and mandated the global masses take untested, clearly dangerous non-vaccines, also remain unprosecuted for their genocidal crimes and their karmic due also awaits. It is coming, but obviously far slower than we would choose or want. But a month and a half ago, the first regional public health department in the United States will no longer provide Covid-19 vaccinations. While Texas banned its health department from promoting Covid vaccines, and the Florida surgeon general Joseph Ladapo, M.D., Ph.D. recommended against taking Covid vaccines, Idaho is the first state to block Covid vaccines altogether. Since the 6-county district in Idaho bordering Oregon has observed a huge drop in demand from 1,601 in 2021 to just 64 in 2024, its health department voted to stop using the lethal non-vaccines.
It was back in early January 2024 when the Florida Surgeon General Dr. Ladapo raised safety concerns over mRNA technology delivering DNA contaminants directly into people’s cells, calling for the “halt in the use of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.” Literally now hundreds of published scientific studies are coming out all the time that clearly warn the public of the lethal harm caused by DNA-altering mRNA vaccines manufactured by Moderna and Pfizer. In a peer reviewed study released just last week in the Science, Public Health Policy and the Law journal, Pfizer shots were found to cause cell contamination at three to four times the legal limits. Additionally, alarmingly found in the vaccines were simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA contaminants. The dire health results prompted the study’s authors into urging “an immediate halt of all RNA biologicals.”
Another study found that the onetime conspiracy theory that those that received mRNA vaccines caused shedding for those that did not accept the jab. Well, now a scientific study confirms that shedding is for real. A study called “Menstrual Abnormalities Strongly Associated with Proximity to COVID-19 Vaccinated Individuals” published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research found that “indirect exposure to COVID-19 vaccinated persons was significantly associated with the likelihood of the onset of menstrual irregularities. Women who were around vaccinated people daily (within 6 feet) experienced a 34% higher risk of heavy menstrual bleeding, 28% higher chance of their period starting over a week early and 26% higher chance of menstrual bleeding lasting more than a week, compared to those with little close contact. The conclusion is that daily exposure to a larger public group of vaccinated individuals could increase the concentration and duration of exposure to vaccine components being transmitted in the environment. Researchers in their own words conclude:
Our findings suggest possible indirect transmission of ingredients or products of the COVID-19 vaccines, presumably through shedding, from people who received one or more of the COVID-19 injections.
A new peer-reviewed study is calling for a moratorium on mRNA COVID-19 vaccines as part of a growing chorus demanding that public health officials stop administering Covid shots until definitive safety studies are performed. Also last month the Science, Public Health Policy and The Law journal published a peer-reviewed study that Lancet has tried to censor entitled, “A Systematic Review Of Autopsy Findings In Deaths After Covid-19 Vaccination.” It confirms the “high likelihood of a causal Link between COVID-19 vaccines and death.” The July 2024 Rancourt study published in Journal of Research and Applied Medicine estimates that 17 million COVID-19 vaccine deaths have occurred worldwide. From the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), COVID-19 vaccine death reported number 37,966. However, with the under-reporting factor of 31, it’s actually closer to 1,176,946 COVID-19 vaccine deaths among countries that use VAERS. Last month another bombshell study revealed that 1.7 million children that received the Pfizer mRNA shot now suffer from irreversible, severe heart defects. The hardcore scientific evidence piling up on the damage to the heart, the increase in blood clots, strokes and turbo cancer among even young people and children is overwhelming now. The momentum of all this lowdown truth and its criminality of perpetrated by the makers of the pandemic and vaccines is undergoing a major public sea change now that eventually will lead to criminal indictments of those responsible for millions of injuries and deaths worldwide. It is coming though way too slow. And this death and destruction is just from the COVID debacle. Also make no mistake, humanity’s common enemy has an unlimited arsenal of other viral pathogens from Fort Detrick, Maryland test tubes and biolabs around the globe that could be unleashed at any time with far worse kill rates than anything we’ve ever seen.
Back over a decade ago when I began writing as an independent journalist about the elites’ depopulation agenda, always using their bogus fallacy of Thomas Malthus’ claim from the late 1700s that the earth cannot possibly sustain current human population growth rates. That along with the global warming/climate change hoax and zero carbon green energy mandates are the Trojan horses the elites religiously use to justify their antihuman death policies designed to drastically decrease the human population, i.e., murder us members of the human species currently caught in their genocidal crosshairs. Note that I used the word “religiously” in describing the fervor of their lies used to justify our mass murder because their religion is Satanism and the non-god they worship is Satan.
Almost a decade ago, I wrote a Global Research article entitled “The Globalists’ New World Order: Soft and Hard Kill Methods.” In it I point out fluoride’s irrefutable lethality as part of the genocidal slow-kill method as a brazenly insane, murderous national policy allowed to continue for years, clearly intended to deliberately harm the American population. An excerpt:
Other soft kill methods range from toxic levels of fluoride diabolically mixed in to our municipal water supply as well as a standard ingredient in most toothpaste products. It’s illegal to dump fluoride into lakes and rivers but apparently okay to dump it in most municipal water treatment systems in America.
This is just one among countless examples of calculated slow kill method of murdering the American population. My May 2015 GR exposé also singled out a multitude of slow kill methods including poison products churned out by the notorious GMO poison manufacturer Monsanto and soon delivered Big Pharma vaccine plague:
Numerous vaccines have been shown to actually cause the very illness it’s supposed to prevent. Others for instance, the measles vaccine actually kills more people than does measles itself. Indisputable evidence is mounting to prove that tainted vaccines with mercury and other known impurities are driving rates of brain damage and autism through the roof. Due to the evil powers of Big Pharma, not unlike Monsanto, many people, especially children are allowed to continue at grave risk of permanent harm and even death from toxic vaccines. Moreover, the proliferation of draconian NWO laws are at work throughout the Western world that are beginning to mandate that these highly damaging vaccines be given to all adults even against their will.
This is just one among countless microcosmic samples of how poisons have been calculatingly used to injure and kill American citizens for nearly a century ensuring this known fluoride toxin remains to his day in our national water supply system. Despite scientific evidence proving that fluoride has been intentionally dumbing down the IQ of Americans for multiple decades, succumbing to the puppet masters’ slow death policy against the American population, this poison has been protected and allowed to continue killing Americans in part to bolster the healthcare industry profits by systematically profiting from treating long-term illness in addition to this again, not-so-hidden premeditated depopulation agenda. Over a century ago, the Rockefeller bloodline owned and controlled US healthcare system replaced natural cures with Big Pharma poisons that at best smother symptoms but are designed not to cure.
A cursory look at another willfully created healthcare crisis involves another infamous poison glyphosate found in the Monsanto weed killer Roundup. After the largest court settlement in late January 2024 topping $2.25 billion awarded to a cancer-stricken landscaper in Pennsylvania for Monsanto’s Roundup health liability a half dozen years after the Bayer Corporation’s 2018 buyout, the powerful chemical industry quickly used its bribery/lobbying power to buy off Congress, shielding Monsanto from any further payout liability tucked away in the 2024 Farm Bill. And lo and behold, less than two months ago in August, the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia struck down that January settlement based on Monsanto failing to post a cancer warning on its Roundup label. Thus, the deadly chemical industry that includes the chemtrail poison contaminating our air, soil and water are granted the legal greenlight go-ahead to continue its human genocide unencumbered by legal restraints. The same lethal greenlight has been given to the 5G towers going up everywhere on earth to a neighborhood near you for the same premeditated reason.
Make no mistake, this latest legal move is also meant to ward off potential future lawsuits against Pfizer and Moderna, for its mRNA human DNA-altering nanoparticles busily maiming and murdering millions more unsuspecting humans trusting COVID shots to be “safe and effective,” failing to realize they too are the controllers’ WMD premeditated bioweapon beta test, used to wage yet more genocide against the human race.
Though a decade ago I saw the writing on the wall, in contrast to then, today I see desperate death cult controllers working and lurking overtime on steroids to fiendishly shift from slow-kill to “fast-kill” methodology in their human extermination agenda. Now the powerbrokers are ready to kinetically activate World War III along with a series of catastrophic false flags, perhaps next deploying a fake meteor earth collision to camouflage the next Direct Energy Weapon assault on us as another mass killer from their unlimited antihuman WMD arsenal, able to rapidly obliterate millions, even billions of us from our only planet home. The stakes have never been higher for humans to wake up and mobilize as a unifying force for good, preserving our God created planet.
This year’s broad stroke assault against humanity comes couched in deceptive sustainability language as September’s UN Pact for the Future. It’s the US genocidal “end-around” flanked by fellow vetoing Western allies atop the UN Security Council, “convincing” and coercing other UN member governments just ahead of this year’s General Assembly behind closed doors to secretly conspire to enact a dystopian playbook agenda for committing genocide against the human race. Order-following vassal governments obeying their Synagogue of Satan moneychanging masters are knowingly carrying out a diabolical plot to kill off the earth’s human population by 90-95%, per the Georgia Guidestones decree displayed for years for all the word to plainly see the “ideal” world population of only a half billion people.
This drastic depopulation agenda has been in the works for centuries with numerous elite players warning us that overpopulation is our single biggest problem, falsely insisting that the earth’s resources cannot possibly sustain a global population of 8 billion people and must be radically reduced for long-term sustainability. And as a result, Satanic antihuman death cult powers currently have 14 out of 15 of us living and breathing on earth today squarely in their genocidal crosshairs, ready to be violently taken out “for the greater good.” After all, UN Agenda 21/2030/Pact for the Future are all about sustainability amidst today’s mega-crises of the death cult’s making.
Since the UN’s World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty that usurps every nation’s sovereignty has repeatedly failed, September 2024’s UN Pact for the Future is the controllers’ next best try to universally mandate the biometric digital ID for every so-called global citizen. The UN explicitly declares dissenters refusing to comply with this UN Pact are propagators of misinformation and disinformation and should be punished with blocked access to bank accounts. WEF founder Klaus Schwab and UK King Charles III as the “Great Reset” architects let it be known that they will not waste the Covid-19 pandemic crisis as an opportunity to forge a new United Nations’ protocol to meet the challenge of a safer world amidst both climate change and surging contagious pandemics. Their efforts to push another of their Trojan horse monstrosities is mandating digital IDs, CBDCs and social credit scores as their mega-crises intensify. So far the public in countries where it’s been introduced have rejected and resisted them.
The elites’ key Trojan horse in all this subterfuge subversion has been climate change as the conjured excuse to generate mandated green energy laws. Today’s demonic application of weather warfare brought to the masses in real time as the latest ravages of climate change are increasing super storms as the new normal when in fact it is actually mass murder by not-so-hidden means. Passing off mass death by natural acts of God is like causing heart attacks, strokes and cancer by malevolent murderous means. Weather warfare is used more and more. In late September early October in Appalachia when the geoengineers created the Category 4 Hurricane Helene charting its path to landfall at the Big Bend Florida Panhandle [again], ripping northward through Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia as the deadliest manmade storm since the other manmade generated Katrina Hurricane in 2005 hit the Gulf Coast. After geoengineering the worst regional floods in western North Carolina history, cutting off all roads to the city of Ashville and the many surrounding mountainous towns, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) actually began arresting private citizen voluntary first responders in helicopters attempting to deliver lifesaving relief to the thousands of Americans trapped and isolated in highwater floods, left without any food, water or shelter, having lost everything they own including their own family’s lives. Literally thousands of residents in the South were missing and presumed dead. Yet under emergency mandates, the US federal government literally stole both human lives and their family property and land, dastardly for their lithium and quartz deposits buried in their mountains. Meanwhile, traitors Braindead Biden and FEMA lied through their teeth falsely claiming no funds were available for rescue and assistance operations for these abandoned US citizens suffering through treasonous horror caused by coldblooded mass murderers deploying weather warfare. This is one of their deadly WMDs used to target hapless US landowners that previously refuse to sell their land having been in their family for centuries.
This year’s evil in Appalachia is just the latest episode of genocide identical to the egregious fate of American families last year in Lahaina, Maui in Hawaii after the US Government deployed a Directed Energy Weapon falsely blamed on wildfire and this year’s land grabbing mass murder event eliminating more Americans living in the lithium-rich North Carolina mountains.
Working through the likes of the World Economic Forum and eugenicist Bill Gates, in collusion with the UN and the Mockingbird media, the owners of the wealthiest asset management company in the world BlackRock are busily gobbling up trillions in consolidated global assets, from the millions of dirt cheap foreclosure properties to the buyout of small and midsize banks going under, the centralized power and wealth into fewer and fewer overlord hands. This is how the Synagogue of Satan’s City of London central banking cabal command center runs this devil’s dominion world. The US government, and virtually every other major national government, as compromised and captured order-following puppets, all exclusively serve their masters’ vested interests, which of course are the planetary moneychangers and certainly not the lowly best interests of the people of this world they betray every day. In the same way that Donald Trump is Israel first and America last, politicians are selected gatekeeping whores that increasingly prove that our interests come last amidst the elites’ executing their genocidal plot to remove the human race from the face of this earth. People year in and year out are paying taxes to feed the parasitic coffers belonging to the Khazarian mafia shareholders that keep their order following puppets on a tight, short bribery-blackmail leash. In order for these spineless, lowlife gatekeepers in government to remain in power, they must treasonously turn against the life and death interests of their own citizenry targeted for massive depopulation. In other words, taxpaying citizens today are busily paying for their turn to enter the democidal, genocidal slaughterhouse as their short-term future.
To gain a clearer perspective on what’s going on today, history’s last century – the 20th century, had governments in our world killing more of their own citizens than all of their combined bloodiest wars last century. Let that sink in for a moment. And now in the 21st century with close to 8 billion earth inhabitants today, this maniacal trend that is the power elites’ demonic agenda is to cull the human herd down to a far manageable half up to one billion people from the near total of 8 billion. Again, it’s 14 out of 15 of us humans alive on our planet today that our enemy demons cold-bloodedly want dead.
If you don’t believe me, the military industrial complex arms trade website, for years collecting data from high-end think tanks and intelligence sources, made annual predictions of all the nations’ populations for the year 2025. And in the year 2014, a half dozen years prior to drawing so much unwanted internet attention that it abruptly dropped this feature, the US is predicted to only have 65 million people living in America by 2025, out of a current population of roughly 330 million. That means at some point between the next couple weeks and end of next year, 4 out of 5 people currently living in the US will not be by next year’s end. This prognostication by globalist insiders provides a telling glimpse of what the planetary controllers have in store for us in the coming months of 2025, now just two weeks away. That kind of enormous loss in population, similarly shared by virtually all major Western nations from Germany to UK to Japan, portends a colossal apocalyptic cataclysm that could result from a kinetic, nonhybrid World War III that we’re already in, where the diabolical powers-that-should-never-be have us plunging off the cliff to zero countdown on an irreversible extinction-level trajectory, all detonating violently in the coming year 2025.
With this week’s news reporting yet another half dozen US ATACMS longer-range missiles hit targets deep inside Russia, despite Moscow’s repeated red line warnings, and then the US theft of another $20 billion belonging to Russia, un-frozen this week in Western accounts and sent to Ukraine to prolong that genocidal war, these over-the-top belligerent US transgressions on steroids have only one purpose, to force Russia into a military counterattack against the United States, or set up a false flag to blame Russia or Iran. We Americans are being systematically and literally sacrificed for the demonic sins of our puppet leaders doing unforgiveable Darkside bidding of their cannibalistic, Satan-worshipping masters.
Meanwhile, Americans tend to be oblivious that their very lives are precariously hanging in the balance. Yes, they feel the pain at grocery store checkout, or when paying monthly utility bills or even making rent this month, but awareness that their lives are in the deadly depopulation crosshairs of our common enemy, only a relatively small percentage are conscious of this life-ending threat. Skyrocketing cost of living increases in rent, housing, food, gasoline, electricity, all the basic survival costs, are beyond what a growing number of Americans and the world citizens can afford. Billions on this planet are totally unprepared for the unthinkable catastrophes like World War, nuclear or scalar, with its potential genocidal reach unprecedented. Just trying to keep food on the family dinner table and a roof overhead are now tragically out of reach for growing millions today. With the US the supposed wealthiest nation on earth, our near future will sadly surpass the impoverishment and destitution brought on by the so-called Great Depression of the early 1930s.
Increasingly, people are choosing countless modes of escapism, desperately immersing themselves deeper into unhealthy, highly alluring array of electronic entertainment addictions, or food, substance abuse or sex addiction, the list grows longer. Meanwhile, homelessness, violent crime, increasing breakdown of civil society and widespread mental illness spreading to unprecedented off the chart heights like never before in our former nation of plenty. Our lifestyle and house of cards economy have been treacherously orchestrated to collapse all at once just as the controllers plunge the world into World War III.
Moreover, the powerbrokers have made death an easily available option for almost anyone. The most lethal cause of death for our northern neighbors in Canada is death by planned suicide, with it now up to 1 in 20 deaths in Canada are by assisted suicide. An entire cottage industry has grown overnight servicing those who are opting to leave this world. Before professionals took oaths to do everything in their collective power to keep us alive but now the healthcare field is ready to send out their death agents to have you sign on the dotted line to be the next euthanasia suicide. And of course, this fast-expanding service has overnight been boosted by the millions who took the “safe and effective” death jab, and are now suffering from permanent disability.
Albeit on a miniscule scale compared to the Covid vaccine death toll is the shady, a despicable racket apparently on the rise where incompetent or worse, unscrupulous doctors and medical practitioners by choice declare injured individuals “braindead,” then convince and exploit vulnerable families in mourning to charitably “gift” their loved ones’ human organs to a needy recipient able to pay the ever-high price tag potentially on the human organ trafficking black market. Increasingly, it’s become another medical industry scam sending victims prematurely to earlier graves that are clearly not yet braindead. A growing number of incidents are being reported of patients about to have their vital organs surgically removed on the operating table when they suddenly wake up moments ahead of their certain death.
Nearly a decade ago, I wrote an article titled “Israel is the organ harvesting and human trafficking global ringleader, with complicit help from US and Turkey.” The illegal human organ harvesting and trafficking is increasingly a huge, high profiteering organized crime enterprise as life in our world becomes ever cheaper and death ever more profitable.
But the fastest growing organized crime industry is child and human trafficking, which I fully expose in a five-volume book series called Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy and the Deep State. All chapters can be found online at as well as Amazon bestsellers in the human rights and child advocacy categories. To further illustrate the current scourge covered in the Pedophilia & Empire books, as recently as Thursday December 12th, after a sobering meeting with incoming border czar Tom Homan, Democrat New York City Mayor Eric Adams in a press conference unloaded this bombshell:
We have 500,000 children who have sponsors in this country that we can’t find. We can’t find them. We don’t know if they’re doing child labor. We don’t know if they’re doing sex crimes. We don’t know if they’ve been exploited. 500,000 children.
With our US border intentionally left wide open for four straight years, ungodly numbers of unaccompanied migrant children shamefully have been deliberately trafficked into our nation, making the US the world’s largest child sex trafficker. This disgrace must change. And you can better believe that the same bloodline elites that run this world as warlords, are also the biggest drug lords, pedophilia overlords, medical holocaust profiteers and owners of all the most lethal Weapons of Mass Destruction in today’s genocidal arsenal, currently being thrown at us like hand grenades as if there’s no tomorrow.
This antihuman, anti-life, Satan worshipping death cult is desperately racing to Armageddon as its chief means of gaining absolute 24-7 surveillant control, with Digital IDs and Central Bank Digital Currencies, having meticulously and deliberately created ungodly dire conditions through their manufactured tsunami of mega-crises bombarding us daily today. Two of this death cult’s front men – King Charles III and WEF founder Klaus Schwab, affectionately refer to their upcoming “Great Reset” which is our “end times,” when nobody will own anything because they stole it and as feudal slaves we’re far from happy.
The plight befalling Gaza Palestinians, unprotected from Israel’s relentless daily massacres, on a far less graphic and extreme scale, we humans also largely go unprotected from the genocidal plight our own Homo sapiens species is fighting now for our very survival. In the same way that not one powerful force has come to the effective aid to intervene and stop the daily Palestinian slaughter of the real Middle Eastern Semites amidst the last 14 straight months, no one but us members of our human race are coming to save us either. The genocidal pariahs US and Israel controlled by demonic City of London psychopaths that own the world’s largest investment firms BlackRock and Vanguard are predatory vultures responsible for both the Palestinian and the human genocide we’re all facing together, and unless we as a species finally wake up and mobilize immediately to collectively oppose these purely evil forces determined to kill us, they will win and the human race will be no more. So, for the sake of keeping our own species alive, we must preserve the greenness and the beauty of our Creator’s natural carbon-based world where survival of all planetary life forms depends on the sacred symbiosis between our animal and plant kingdoms. Death and destruction are our common enemy’s #1 zero carbon Trojan horse, along with green energy and climate change, which have been designed to replace us with a sterile, silicon-based AI-robotics-cyborg controlled transhumanist world.
We have the Darkside players clearly on the run, escalating their death and destruction against humans fearing that their deceptive crimes of the ages are no longer hidden from the masses and more of us are waking up armed with the truth every day determined to seek justice against the genocide perpetrators. That’s why they’re now throwing every WMD at us, fearing our pitchforks and vigilante justice, which I understand but do not recommend. I will now talk about ways that we can collectively fight back to eliminate our world-be murderers before they eliminate us.
We outnumber our common enemy a million to one, and our weapon is simple noncompliance while practicing civil disobedience. We all can collectively fight back and eliminate our would-be murderers before they eliminate us. Spreading the truth to those open enough to take in and share our critical situation we now face should be all of our priority and obviously is for all of us here at this conference. Getting the word out is critical and being part of the truth movement determined to put our lives on the line like our brave warrior Scott Bennett is our inspiration for a better future. It will take courage and strength armed with the truth to demand full accountability and justice. If our species is to survive, we must do it. We are now in a war between good versus evil, between God versus Satan. And at this late stage when we know we are all Palestinians and West North Carolinians; we have little left to lose.
Another huge factor and perhaps the most important work any of us can do, is make the effort to get right with God, with whatever Higher Power or Source you that feels most resonant within your belief system. I can only speak for myself, but my own personal relationship with our one Creator makes all the difference in the world to me in how well or not so well I’m able to cope with whatever major change, stress, loss or adversity I encounter in this life. Prayer is very real and incorporating prayer into your daily life to me is extremely important. Scientifically we know now that collective prayer where huge numbers of people, regardless of location in this world, when centering their prayers on a singular focus, praying for others we care about, or for world peace or universal love, documented miracles have resulted. The power of prayer can and does work wonders. Humans innately are spiritual beings endowed with souls that never leave us whether in this temporary material realm or not. We have a distinct important advantage over our common enemy out to destroy us and our way of life. Possessing hearts and souls, we have the capacity to feel empathy, compassion and love while our death cult enemy literally has no heart or soul. The last thing I want to say here is never, ever give up on your faith in our God Almighty as our best hope, our best coping skill and our best support for being able to transcend whatever difficulties comes our way, granting us the collective strength and will to defeat the evil that we are clearly now up against. Thank you all for listening.
From Jim Stone yesterday:
Dec 20 2024
I do not believe for a minute that Muslims rammed a christmas market in Magdeberg Germany
FACT: Muslims accept Jesus as the second greatest prophet after Mohammed. Muslims even accept the immaculate conception, the three kings, the whole ball of wax. What Muslims DO NOT accept is that Jesus was God. That’s it.
Jews, who openly proclaim Jesus was a bastard, Mary was a whore, and Jesus was a charlatain THAT TRIBE is facing the heat for destroying large sections of Syria, ALL of Gaza, plus the woke agenda, the immigrant agenda globally, the slave trade globally – THAT TRIBE, which hates Jesus and laughs at ethics is the one that did the attack on the christmas market, there’s no way in hell Muslims did that.
But with total information dominance, “Muslims” are the only story you will hear when really it was a black op. A black op to make people a lot less sympathetic towards Muslims while Israel wipes them out.
I saw the video of the car going through the market. It had to have been something like a Tesla Model S with 1,000 horsepower and traction control because a normal car does not have enough power to ram that many thousands of pounds of people and keep going, the car used simply cut through an extremely dense crowd for about 100 yards without even slowing down. No normal car can do that.
The car used, and the way it was driven, that alone means the attack was a well planned psy op, and anyone caught is going to be whatever patsies were pre selected, they will NEVER get the real drivers.
Israeli Mossad all the way baby, FINAL ANSWER.
Even if an Islamic group takes credit, Israel is the master of that and the frame up. And remember, Muslims were imported into Germany en masse totally against the will of the German people BY JEWS. Any way you cut it, this event is 100 percent certified and stamped JEWISH.
They are still tallying the number of dead and injured, which is unbelievably high, yet a paltry sum for a tribe that without any compunctions just killed, at a minimum, 250,000 in Gaza.
Following through with something I just came across
This Story Over the Terrorist Attack Guy?
Well….yeah, it’s a bit stretched-out.
This guy was accepted into Germany in 2006, and lead a odd life. Mental-health doctor…employed….no criminal behavior. He was anti-Islam, and a general supporter of the AfD Party.
So, he had this passionate hobby….he helped other disgruntled Saudis leave, and enter Germany….especially females.
This got noticed by the Saudi government and they eventually wrote charges.
The Saudis pressed on getting him brought back to Saudi Arabia….with the Germans mostly declining this, and eventually saying it was a human rights things.
In the past year…the Saudis went up a notch….saying he was a ‘threat’ (meaning he’d gotten into radical Islam in some way). This warning to Germany? Taken but not reacted upon.
None of this attack making sense? I suspect the police will be shaking their heads because nothing over the 18 years suggests him being a threat.