They got it right: “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook”, Fort Fairfield Journal (3 January 2015)

by Jim Fetzer William Shanley, a film producer, director, and resident of Connecticut, has refiled a lawsuit against the mainstream media for deceiving the American public about Sandy Hook. He has been severely punished for his intransigence in standing up to the lies and propaganda disseminated by the government and the subservient news media.[UPDATE: William has just written to me to say it has already been dismissed (again) and that he has not decided whether to appeal because of the consequences for him. When you read the experiences he had had to…

The Chronicle of Higher Education buckles to the “official account” of Sandy Hook

by Jim Fetzer  It’s bad enough when The New York Times and The Washington Post publish propaganda and disinformation about Sandy Hook. But now The Chronicle of Higher Eduction has published one of the most disgraceful and contemptible articles I have encountered in my entire life. Authored by one Kevin Carey, it has no redeeming merit: even in relation to issues of academic freedom, it reflects a completely corrupt and grossly unethical conception. Here are some extracts and my reply, where you can find the text in full on-line. As…

Proof that The New York Times publishes Sandy Hook disinformation and propaganda

by Jim Fetzer In an astonishing example of the duplicity of the American media, The New York Times–which is our nation’s newspaper of record–which means that it records the “official history” of the United States–has published a transparent demonstration of its duplicity and mendacity by publishing an article about the firing of Florida Atlantic University professor James Tracy, which excludes what he himself has said about his case and why the firing was legally unjustifiable and morally wrong. The article, “Florida Professor Who Cast Doubt on Mass Shootings is Fired”,…


Nobody Died at Sandy Hook (2015) It was a FEMA Drill to Promote Gun Control Edited by Jim Fetzer, PhD. Book Review by Brian R. Wright  … and on 11/19/2015 Mr. Fetzer’s book was banned from the Amazon catalog, one month after initial acceptance and posting there. “Faking a school shooting to instill fear into a population for political purposes is an act of terrorism, where it has become clear that this instance was brought to us by officials at every level of Connecticut government from the teachers and reporters…

Sandy Hook Massacre: Three Years of Subterfuge and Fraud

By Dr. James F. Tracy Fraud. An intentional perversion of truth for the purpose of inducing another in reliance upon it to part with some valuable thing belonging to him or to surrender a legal right; Anything calculated to deceive, whether by a single act or combination, or by suppression of truth, or suggestion of what is false, whether it be by direct falsehood or innuendo, by speech or silence, word of mouth, or look or gesture.-Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Edition Three years ago the public learned of the most significant mass…

Parents of alleged Sandy Hook victim want Professor James Tracy to lose his job

by Dr. Eowyn Noah Pozner is a very special boy because he has the distinction of dying twice — first at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, on December 14, 2012; then thousands of miles across the world at the Peshawar Army School shooting in Pakistan 2 years later on December 16, 2014. Now, on the 3rd anniversary of Noah’s first death, his parents Leonard (Lenny) and Veronique have penned an article attacking not just all Sandy Hook skeptics, but James Tracy in particular. Tracy is a tenured Associate Professor of… has not banned 19 other books on Sandy Hook

by Jim Fetzer with Dr. Eowyn Among the striking new developments in relation to the book ban of NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015) by, Mike Palecek, Series Editor, and I, the book’s editor, have found an alternative printer/distributor,, which also carries AND I SUPPOSE WE DIDN’T GO TO THE MOON, EITHER? (2015) and will be carrying other Moon Rock Books. Check it out and let others know. The pdf will remain available to the public for free: This is the most important development by making the book again…

Removed article on SANDY HOOK BOOK BAN has been found

by Jim Fetzer While it’s one thing for to ban NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK (2015), which proves that the events in Newtown, CT, on 14 December 2012 were an elaborate hoax–for which there was a rehearsal the day before–it is another for, Alex Jones’ website (based on the premises that we are engaged in an information war for your mind) to pull an article that reports on a stellar instance of precisely that taking place. The hypocrisy of disappearing such an obvious example that proves the case…

Nationwide Media Blackout on Amazon’s Suppression of NOBODY DIED AT SANDY HOOK

by James Tracy  November 27, 2015 On November 21 a press release reproduced below announcing Amazon’s censorship of Nobody Died at Sandy Hook was sent to almost 23,000 news media outlets by Sherwood Ross Associates, a Miami Florida-based public relations firm. Thus far almost without exception the press release has been ignored, representing a wall-to-wall media blackout of the internet powerhouse’s incredible act of suppression. Further, journalists at those very media now have an opportunity to download the book for free and judge the validity of the research. Here is…