Adam Serwer/The Atlantic 20 november 21 [Editor’s note: When I ran across this on RSN (Reader Supported News, a familiar left-wing website), I thought it was poorly reasoned and seriously distorted with regard to the facts of the case, the applicable law, and the criteria for self-defense. So I thought I would engage. Not warmly received. Still going on.] It is one thing to argue that the jury reached a reasonable verdict based on the law, and another entirely to celebrate Rittenhouse’s actions. The United States is a nation awash…
Tag: Anthony Huber
Andrew Branca, Suspect a Rogue Juror, #54, Foreperson, is Holding Back Acquittal
Andrew Branca Hello, Today completed the third day of jury deliberations in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, with no verdict being achieved before the jury was sent home for the day. There wasn’t much real action today, with the exception of a couple of notable events, and my own increasing belief that we’re dealing with a single hold-out juror for guilt, and that this juror is #54, the foreperson. RITTENHOUSE TRIAL COVERAGE BY ANDREW BRANCA: WHAT TO EXPECT AS TRIAL STARTS TODAY Posted on 11/1/2021 Posted By: Justin Collett The opinions…
The Kyle Rittenhouse Prosecutor’s Case Comes Down to Rioting Good, Self-Defense Bad
By Eddie Scarry The bulk of Thomas Binger’s questioning of Rittenhouse on Wednesday assumed that unless a person has physically touched you, there is no reason to protect yourself with force that may prove deadly. [Editor’s note: I liked Scarry’s theme so much that I adapted it for a Letter to the Editor of the Wisconsin State Journal, which published a piece, “Guilty or Innocent, Rittenhouse was wrong“, the title of which they have changed in the on-line version, as follows (knowing full well that this left-leaning paper was unlikely to…