Edward Ring, The Algorithm of Erasure

Edward Bing   The broad definition of the word algorithm is “a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end.” This term is a perfect metaphor for the process unfolding around the world wherein, step by step, national identity and individual competence are being erased in a process that is implacable and relentless. In some cases, this algorithmic erasure is literal, expressed in every microtargeted image that hits our ubiquitous screens. But whether it’s literal or a metaphor to describe the culture being imposed upon us, our erasure…

Andrew Anglin, Columbia University to Provide Special Police to Escort Every Jew Student Around Campus

ANDREW ANGLIN  Jews are are the richest and most powerful people on earth by a virtually unbelievable margin. However, we can’t let that distract us from the fact that they are also somehow the most oppressed people on earth.In a shocking and confounding twist, the degree to which they are oppressed is equal to the degree of their overwhelming wealth and influence. We need to give them all kinds of special rights to prevent them from being oppressed even further. For example, we all have to chip in and pay…