AMERICAN BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION: Here’s how you know when they’re crossing the Rubicon

State of the Nation BE AWARE! These are the two primary drivers of the long-planned American Bolshevik Revolution. #1  “All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.” — George Orwell Which means that we are literally moments to midnight in light of all the naked fraud and outright criminality and brazen corruption that has been exposed throughout the U.S. Federal Government.  In point of fact , the American people have never seen so much proven government malfeasance and reckless grifting…

The Orwellian Vaccine Passport Agenda Relies On The Lie Of The “Social Contract”

BY TYLER DURDEN THURSDAY, SEP 02, 2021 – 11:20 PM Authored by Brandon Smith via, There is a fundamental question that needs to be asked when examining the vaccine passport issue, and what I find is that almost no one in the mainstream is tackling it directly. The question is this: Is it legally and morally acceptable to constrict the rights and economic access of people in order to force them to submit to an experimental “vaccine”, or any other medical procedure for that matter? Furthermore, who gets to…

Paul Craig Roberts, Why Countries Collapse

Paul Craig Roberts Dmitry Orlov and Vladimir Putin believe the US is failing, because the US government, in Putin’s words, is “making sure-footed strides directly along the path of the Soviet Union.” These strides are, in Orlov’s words: “exorbitant debt, problems in the energy sector and unreformable political systems mired in corruption, their elites delusional in their feelings of omnipotence. And now comes a truly eerie analogy: the powder keg that detonated under the USSR was ethnic nationalism and separatism; and the powder keg that is currently detonating under the…

Jack Mullen, Trumped & Dumped: The Psychological Operation Scrambles to Survive

Jack Mullen Americans love to be conned – Alex Jones Former President Trump is playing his final scene today, making ready to hand over the lead part of a government like reality show to the mentally infirm Joe Biden. Biden, with history of pathological lying and a trail of crimes and associations with other crimes had no actual chance of winning a real election, but real elections are now only part of America’s history. “You know, comrades,” says Stalin, “that I think in regard to this: I consider it completely…

NOW YOU KNOW: Abolishing Police Is a Step Toward Ending White Supremacy and Capitalism

Kristian Williams PART OF THE SERIES The Road to Abolition Something has come unstuck. The common sense about policing has abruptly changed. This shift was a long time coming: Prison abolitionists — a movement of scholars and activists, notably spearheaded by Black women such as Angela Davis and Ruth Wilson Gilmore — have spent decades organizing toward a goal of abolishing the prison system. The Black Lives Matter movement and a new generation of Black-led organizing have kindled a new moment in which a world without police feels truly possible.…

Mike Adams, Black privilege reigns supreme in the USA, but it’s the progressive Left that demeans blacks more than anyone else

Mike Adams (Natural News) The way we know that black lives matter more than white lives in America is because when a cop kills a black man, the whole world riots. But when a cop kills a white man, it doesn’t even make the evening news. In this article, I reveal how the progressive Left pushes “black privilege” in a demeaning, condescending way that is an insult to black people everywhere. I also expose the rank hypocrisy of the progressive Left and how its own thought leaders are the ones…

Henry Makow, What is Communism? (Anti-Gun Psyops in Perspective)

Henry Makow                       As society devolves into the Communist satanic cult, people become demons. [Editor’s note: While I, as a philosopher, tend to eschew the term “communism” because of its vagaries and ambiguities, I believe Henry Makow may be onto something, tying the notion of a totalitarian state with the anti-gun agenda that is being so unrelentingly pursued by those who want to transform American into a servile society. The quickest way to turn us into slaves is to take…