Joe Cortina with Brother Nathanial, Trump Starts Endless War On Iran

Interview With Joe Cortina – Ex Green Beret By Brother Nathanael Kapner, January 5 2020 ____________________________ Brother Nathanael: Last Friday, by order of President Trump, the US military killed Iranian General, Quassem Soleimani, by a Reaper drone strike in Baghdad. Also killed was prominent Iraqi Commander of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces, Mahdi Muhandis. What’s your reaction?   Joe Cortina: US military officials did not “kill” these Generals, they murdered them. We use the word “kill” only in actual war time scenarios. This strike however was made without Congressional approval or notification, had nothing to do with “security,” and was executed in…

Jefferson Morley, After Mossad Targeted Soleimani, Trump Pulled the Trigger

Jefferson Morley Last October Yossi Cohen, head of Israel’s Mossad, spoke openly about assassinating Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, the head of the elite Quds Force in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. “He knows very well that his assassination is not impossible,” Cohen said in an interview. Soleimani had boasted that the Israel’s tried to assassinate him in 2006 and failed. “With all due respect to his bluster,” Cohen said, “he hasn’t necessarily committed the mistake yet that would place him on the prestigious list of Mossad’s assassination targets.” “Is Israel Targeting Iran’s…

Phil Giralidi, The Soleimani Assassination: The Long-Awaited Beginning of The End of America’s Imperial Ambitions

Phil Giraldi  The United States is now at war with Iran in a conflict that could easily have been avoided and it will not end well. There will be no declaration of war coming from either side, but the assassination of Iranian Quds Force Commander General Qassem Soleimani and the head of Kata’ib Hezbollah Abu Mehdi Muhandis by virtue of a Reaper drone strike in Baghdad will shift the long-simmering conflict between the two nations into high gear. Iran cannot let the killing of a senior military officer go unanswered even though it cannot directly…

State of the Nation, PELOSIgate: A Manchurian Candidate Poses Grave Danger to the American Republic

State of the Nation The PELOSI CONSPIRACY: New World Order Globalist Cabal using Deep State to execute a coup behind the coup SOTN Editor’s Note: The following exposé contains highly radioactive information and pertinent historical background that is vital to correctly understanding “The PELOSI CONSPIRACY”. COUP-IN-PROGRESS: Pelosi, the Mafia and the Black Nobility There is a treasonous plot afoot that every American must become of. At the very center of this criminal conspiracy is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Only by comprehending Pelosi’s well-concealed back story linked above can the true depth and breadth of this seditious…

Doug Bandow, Trump Must Understand a War With Iran Would Be Hell

by Doug Bandow Key point: The entire Middle East could go up in flames. Sixteen years ago, the George W. Bush administration manipulated intelligence to scare the public into backing an aggressive war against Iraq. The smoking gun mushroom clouds that National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice warned against didn’t exist, but the invasion long desired by neoconservatives and other hawks proceeded. Liberated Iraqis rejected U.S. plans to create an American puppet state on the Euphrates and the aftermath turned into a humanitarian and geopolitical catastrophe which continues to roil the Middle East. Thousands…

Sylvain LaForest, Everything You Need to Know about Trump (but Were Afraid to Admit You Wondered)

Sylvain LaForest The timing is right for everyone to understand what Donald Trump is doing, and try to decrypt the ambiguity of how he is is doing it. The controversial President has a much clearer agenda than anyone can imagine on both foreign policy and internal affairs, but since he has to stay in power or even stay alive to achieve his objectives, his strategy is so refined and subtle that next to no one can see it. His overall objective is so ambitious that he has to follow random…

Andrew Garfield, Could Bloomberg Win with Gabbard & Moderate Republicans Abandoning Trump? YES!

Andrew Garfield with Robert David Steele Andrew Garfield You asked me to answer the question, “Could Bloomberg-Gabbard beat Trump-Pence?”  The answer is a solid YES. Bloomberg needs a solid VP with left leaning credentials to turn out the Democratic Party base, win the primaries, and secure the nomination. A female VP would make the ticket even stronger and more appealing to the far left. Without a VP with the right credentials, Bloomberg risks turning off left leaning voters in the primaries. A Bloomberg Gabbard ticket would also appeal to Independents…

Margaret Kimberly, The Baghdadi Scam

By Margaret Kimberley The Democrats and corporate media don’t really oppose what Donald Trump is doing in Syria or anywhere else. “In the end it doesn’t matter if Baghdadi is dead or when or how he died.” Donald Trump says that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed by the United States military. Baghdadi was the founder of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), which is also known as ISIS and Daesh. The name is less important than the fact that ISIL carried out a reign of terror against the people of Iraq…

Dr. Eowyn, George Soros admits he’s impeded by Trump to turn U.S. socialist

Dr. Eowyn A week ago, on Oct. 26, 2019, 89-year-old billionaire George Soros, who has spent his fortune promoting open borders and leftwing politicians, media, and organizations, said he has been impeded by opponents, including President Trump, in his lifelong quest to transform the United States into socialism, which he calls “open society”. Soros said that in an interview on Michel Martin’s  All Things Considered on National Public Radio (NPR). Although NPR is funded by U.S. taxpayers, Soros’ Open Society Foundations, to which he had given more than $32 billion, is a financial supporter of NPR — as much as $1.8…

Pat Buchanan, Biden and Other Democrats go “All In” on the Race Issue

Patrick Buchanan [Editor’s note: With the collapse of The Russia Hoax and with Mueller’s testimony to Congress a disaster for Democrats, they appear to be going all out for gun control (on the basis of staged shooting events (which are going to continue unabated) and racism by alleging that Donald Trump is a racist, for which there is massive contrary evidence from those who have worked for him over decades. With Pizzagate threatening to take down many prominent Democrats, a sense of panic appears to be enveloping the party, where…