5 reasons to believe the global population is already one billion people less than it was in January 2020

TheCOVIDBlog.com The general consensus was that there were 7.84 billion people on Earth in January 2020. The United Nations reported that the global population eclipsed the 8 billion mark in November 2022. As of publishing, Worldometer has the current global population at 8.028 billion. There have been 40 million births and 20 million deaths, for a net population growth of 20 million thus far in 2023, according to the same source. The only people who believe any of the foregoing also believe that men are really women, and vaccines are safe and effective.…

Kevin Barrett, Sen. Ron Johnson Takes Aim at the Biggest COVID Scandals

Kevin Barrett As soon as I finished the live broadcast of this week’s False Flag Weekly News (watch it above) my wife and I drove to a park in Verona, Wisconsin, where a dozen or so Republican candidates were speaking at a picnic organized by my friend and former campaign manager Rolf Lindgren. The headliner, Senator Ron Johnson, drew a standing ovation when he vowed to investigate the biggest COVID scandals. Johnson said he chose to run for re-election rather than retire for one overriding reason: to investigate COVID issues. If the…

Destroying the Narrative: 40 Reasons Why a COVID-19 Pandemic Never Existed, Part 1

Jesse Smith This is the crisis of my lifetime. Even before the pandemic hit, I realized that we were in a revolutionary moment where what would be impossible or even inconceivable in normal times had become not only possible, but probably absolutely necessary…We will not go back to where we were when the pandemic started. That is pretty certain…” – George Soros  The whole world is under the power of an evil spell. The specters of the past are rapidly converging across the globe and hurling us towards a true prison…