Marc Thiessen, Opinion: Biden is making the Trump presidency seem like a golden age of unity

Marc Thiessen President Biden promised to usher in a golden age of bipartisan cooperation, but instead he is showing a reverse Midas touch — taking issues that once united Republicans and Democrats and making them partisan and divisive. Until Biden came along, every single covid-19 relief bill was approved with overwhelming bipartisan support in both houses. Congress passed three covid relief packages in March 2020 with margins of 96-1, 90-8, and 96-0 in the Senate, and with overwhelming bipartisan support in the House. This was followed in April by the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act, which…

Open Letter to Donald Trump: Covert Invasion Disguised as Migration Relocation?

Jim Fetzer As a former Marine Corps officer, who believes in the Constitution and continues to respect the Oath I took to preserve, protect and defend it from all enemies, foreign and domestic, I write to you as the only national leader in whom I–and most of the American people–continue to have confidence. A new report about the Biden Administration bussing “thousands” of illegals to Red States has caused me and my colleagues alarm. As my research colleague and California attorney, David Kenney, replied, “They look like unarmed military!”   When…

Stephen Lendman, Charade of a Biden Presser

by Stephen Lendman While the real Joe Biden was out to lunch or napping, his double held a charade of a presser. The real Biden is too cognitively impaired to carry out duties of the office he was selected, not elected, to hold. The real Biden lost touch with reality, affairs of state handled by others in his name — including contacts with foreign leaders by unelected president-in-waiting Kamala Harris. Biden’s double needed cheat sheet notes to answer questions —including names and images of reporters to know who asked questions.…

SUEZ CANAL PSYOP:HUGE Series of Black Ops CarriedOut by the NWO Globalist Cabal—Why?

State of the Nation First and Foremost, this Global Psyop is Designed to Force the World into Biden’s Green New Deal There is an epochal war being waged between the most powerful and wealthy Illuminati families who presently run the world. Just like the rest of humankind, there are those who reside at the peak of the pinnacle of the world power pyramid who are on opposite sides of the fence. For example, some of those centuries-old crime families are hopelessly addicted to their petroleum revenues, while others are hardcore greenies…

PIZZAGATE – 24 Of The Nastiest Characters & Locations Made Up Of Nightmares

BEFOREITSNEWS  [Editor’s note: On 5 July 2020, I published “Pizzagate: Reality or Illusion? The American Francise of Pedogate”, which you can access here. Would that Pizzagate were an illusion, but the evidence suggests that it’s all too real, where many children appear to have been sexually abused and murdered by fiends such as those recorded below.]   Kudos to the person that created these incredible graphics in card formats of 24 of the nastiest characters and locations involved in Pizzagate all connected to D.C. enjoy!   Related: List of Indictments, Arrests…

“Where The Hell Are We?” – Biden’s CNN Townhall Disaster Ignored By Mainstream Media

BY TYLER DURDEN In his first such public appearance since the campaign, President Biden joined CNN’s Anderson Cooper on stage last night in Milwaukee in a town-hall-style discussion. It did not go well… but you’d never know that if you only read the mainstream media. The president faced no pushback from Mr.Cooper for failing to denounce China’s Uyghur genocide calling it a “cultural norm”, or claims that black or brown ‘folks’ don’t know how to use the internet, that military is fueling the “growth of white supremacy, or the fact that he…

Bought-And-Paid-For: Biden’s Long History Pandering to the Israeli Lobby

By Editors While Democrats accused Donald Trump of being a Russian agent, they don’t seem to care that Biden is a bought-and-paid-for agent of the Israeli lobby. In the late 1980s, Rannie Amiri, an independent commentator on political affairs, challenged then-Senator Joe Biden on his stance toward the Israel-Palestine conflict following a campus speech that Biden gave, asking him: Rather than succumb to the influence of various lobbying groups in Washington, such as AIPAC [American Israel Public Affairs Committee—which promotes the views of Israel’s right-wing Likud Party], and the untold amount of…

Edward Hendrie, TIME prints Orwellian Newspeak Confession to Election Rigging Conspiracy

Edward Hendrie On February 4, 2021, Time Magazine published an article by Molly Ball titled The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. The article is a window into a conspiracy to rig the election. The article is full of spin, but that spin requires a starting point, and that starting point is the revelation of a conspiracy to rig the election to ensure a win for Joe Biden. The most fascinating thing about the article is that the writer calls those who say that there was a…

Biden Uses Climate Change to Distract Public From Probes, Vote Fraud Claims, Ex-US Army Analyst Says

SPUTNIK NEWS New US President Joe Biden confirmed his promise to tackle climate change as he announced the US would be returning to the Paris Accord. Former US Army Psychological Warfare Analyst Scott Bennett explained, how Biden’s policies will affect the US economy, warning that the new administration will exaggerate the climate issues to rule the country. Sputnik: President Biden has claimed that the US “can’t wait any longer” and “desperately needs a unified national response to the climate crisis”. So how imminent is the threat? Scott Bennett: No, absolutely not,…

ZeroHedge, 6 Warning Signs From Biden’s First Week In Office

BY TYLER DURDEN Authored by Kit Knightly via, The “progressive” candidate praised as a “woke bloke” seems to be carrying on where all his authoritarian Imperialist predecessors left off…   It’s been a busy first week for the 46th President of the United States, there are the 20,000 troops occupying the capital city to organise, as well as the totally unprecedented show-trial of his immediate predecessor. You know, usual democracy type stuff. On top of that, Biden has now signed at least 37 executive orders in his first week. The record for any President, and…