Joachim Hagopian, Trump’s Acting Job Fakery in Butler

Joachim Hagopian On July 13th at the Butler, Pennsylvania Trump campaign rally, events unfolded that clearly show it was not a misfit lone gunman patsy who tried shooting the former president on stage. After that worn-out lie, the majority of Americans [and world] may finally no longer be so willing to still buy into the mainstream media whores’ false narrative. So many in-our-face anomalies scream FALSE FLAG this time around, so the public is scrutinizing this one a little more carefully. After all, you can only lie through your teeth so…

Joachim Hagopian, The Trump Inside Job Is More Divide & Rule 101

Joachim Hagopian Now that more than a week has passed since the magic bullet caught on camera whizzing by Trump’s head, a near one in a million statistical mathematical possibility based on the laws of physics and near certainty based on sleight of hand computer graphics.   Perhaps the most prudent words in today’s age of mass chicanery and deception foisted upon the global masses on a daily frequency is to filter all current events by asking “cui bono” question. Whoever has both the most means and most to benefit by…

Miles Mathis, Fake Trans Shooting

by Miles Mathis [Editor’s note: Since Miles doesn’t prove it was fake, I am adding a couple of my shows that bear that burden. One of the most striking proofs is that he/she was wearing one type of sneaker (also black-and-white) coming in but another (multi-colored) when taken down. This may be the most amateurish of all the “false flag” events I have covered and represents a catastrophe for FEMA, which runs these drills and pays “big bucks” to the participants.] I am not even going to bother proving this one…


Joachim Hagopian One of the most bizarre major stories in recent weeks has been the death of popular Hollywood actress Anne Heche. Her strange car crash earlier this month had her traveling in her blue Mini Cooper at an outrageous speed of about 90 miles per hour prior to careening into a second story home in the residential LA Westside neighborhood of Mar Vista on Friday August 5th, 2022. According to the LA Fire Department report: 59 Firefighters took 65 minutes to access, confine and fully extinguish the stubborn flames within the…

Miles Mathis, Alex Jones Sells it as Real (Parts 1 and 2)

Miles Mathis [Editor’s note: Miles Mathis has published two parts about Alex Jones and staged events, including the Boulder and Buffalo “shootings”, where we completely agree these are 100% fake and nobody died. Brian Davidson has done brilliant work on the Buffalo event, where I have featured him on several of my shows and want to accent the excellence of his analysis, which reveals that the released video was actually, not the purported shooting itself, but the rehearsal. No shell casings are emitted from the weapon, bodies fall before they…

Miles Mathis, A Little Math

by Miles Mathis Here’s a little math no one is doing.  The Biden scriptwriters are telling us gasoline prices are so high because of Putin.  But wait, Russia only supplies 4% of our oil, but prices have gone up by 90% since Biden took office.  So we seem to have a little mismatch there. But it is even worse than that, because the prices went up by 90% before we cut off delivery of Russia’s oil. We haven’t yet officially cut off Russian oil yet, so we might be able to blame the next 4% rise on that after we do.…

Miles Mathis, Despinning Tucker Carlson

Miles Mathis  [Editor’s note: I am a huge fan of Tucker Carlson, but also of Miles Mathis. So I share this without implying that I agree with everything he has to say about Tucker, whom I esteem. But, agree or disagree, Miles is always worth reading.] I will start off by pointing out that I published 17 articles last month, 13 of them written by yours truly. That’s more than three a week. Some of them weren’t very long, but I believe it was a personal best. To pre-empt some…

Miles Mathis, Pittsburgh Shooting Hoax

Miles Mathis First published October 27, 2018 My readers are already intuiting this was a fake, and of course they are correct. It couldn’t be much more obvious, though I am sure it will get even more obvious as more information is released. We have seen that some in Government and the Jewish communities love nothing better than pretending to attack themselves. It has proved to be a fantastic way to generate sympathy. . . or it was in the past. I think a lot of people are starting to…