Joachim Hagopian, Today’s Unprecedented Surge of Violence Against Politicians: What Does It Mean?

Joachim Hagopian   As madness grips Western puppet leaders aggressively provoking Putin into a Third World War, in a directly related parallel process, violence in recent weeks targeting politicians on both sides of the left vs. right spectrum, has spiked exponentially in both Europe and beyond during this historical year holding the most national elections ever. This presentation chronicles both politicians’ violent assaults and assassinations and explores underlying dynamics plausibly giving rise for their surging recurrence.   With so much geopolitical volatility unfolding daily on two regional warfronts in Europe’s Ukraine and Middle…

Joachim Hagopian, West Point’s ‘Army Values’: Build Back Better ‘Woke’ Replaces ‘Duty, Honor, Country’

Joachim Hagopian On Monday March 11th the US Military Academy at West Point announced that its Mission Statement was changed, excluding the words “Duty, Honor, Country.” It didn’t take long for the adverse reaction. By the end of the Friday work week, Associated Press and many mainstream outlets ran the headline: Duty, Honor, Outrage: Change to West Point’s Mission Statement Sparks Controversy The famous words “Duty, Honor, Country” remain West Point’s motto, but its overt deletion in the Mission Statement drew shockwaves of disapproval and protest from both military veterans and American citizens. Those…

Joachim Hagopian, Is the Emerging Multipolar World Same as the Old Unipolar Boss?  

Joachim Hagopian In desperation to entice NATO into the larger war against Russia, Volodymyr Zelensky is stepping up indiscriminate shelling of residential civilian targets inside Russia, along with sending terrorist saboteur incursions into the Belgorod border region of Russia. Last week for the second time within a month, Ukraine apparently unleashed more unmanned aerial drones flying over Moscow. With Kiev’s back against the wall, facing insufficient number of troops, weapons and ammo, knowing defeat is just weeks or at most, months away, the Kiev regime is growing frantic to instigate overreaction by Moscow that the Western propaganda machine can utilize…

Joachim Hagopian, All Roads Are Now Leading to Imminent World War III

Joachim Hagopian An ominous Ukraine war development this week was Putin’s Tuesday announcement that Russia launched a drone strike recently hitting the head of the snake, Ukraine’s intelligence command center headquarters: We’ve been talking about the possibility of striking the ‘decision-making centers.’ Naturally, Ukraine’s military intelligence headquarters falls into such a category, and it was hit two or three days ago. While visiting the African nation of Burundi on Tuesday May 30th, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated: The Western claim that the weapons shipped [to Kiev] must not be used on Russian territory…

State of the Nation, The Well-Hidden Truths About The Khazarian-Engineered Ukraine War

State of the Nation And The Coming Death Of The US Dollar As World Reserve Currency By Biblicism Institute “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.” – Winston Churchill The current conflict between the US and Russia is due to one simple reason: the Ashkenazim, also known as Ashkenazi Jews. They have many scores to settle with Russia. REVENGE 1 Allow us to forward a bit of chronological tables as we delve into the nitty-gritty behind the conflict.…

The Saker, What would a Russian defeat mean for the people of the West?

The Saker   Regular readers of the blog know that I separate our poor and long-suffering planet into two basic parts: Zone A, aka the AngloZionist Empire, aka the World Hegemony aka the “Axis of Kindness” and what I call Zone B, or the Free World.  Very approximately, we need to separate the ruling elites and the people they rule over separately.  Here is, very roughly, what we get: Zone A Zone B Ruling elites Hate Russia/Putin Some fear the Hegemony, but others don’t People mostly indifferent or hostile mostly…

Joachim Hagopian, Epic Crossroads: Pathway to Armageddon or Defeating the Deep State Cabal in Ukraine

Joachim Hagopian The ruling elites manipulated the war in Ukraine to help achieve the current abysmally tragic endgame, conveniently blaming the demonized, potentially controlled opposition figure that the West loves to hate – Vladimir Putin. As soon as the elites realized that the vaccine holocaust was not killing enough of the global population fast enough to their sick liking, the wag-the-dog, sleight of hand misdirection Black Magic conspicuously kicked in, and right on cue to monopolize all public focus and attention exclusively on Ukraine, with Western media propaganda in overdrive to paint…

Joachim Hagopian, Putin’s Valdai Speech Deconstructed: A Rational Mind Amidst an Insane, Irrational World

Joachim Hagopian On Thursday October 27th, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the annual Valdai Discussion Club. With an RT headline reading “’No one can sit out the coming storm’: Putin’s milestone Valdai speech,” the article lists the important takeaways followed by the key Putin quotes in italics. This presentation offers my commentary after each of the seven takeaway points. During these harrowing moments when nuclear Armageddon appears closer today than any previous time in history, including the October Missile Crisis of 1962. Then when Premier Nikita Khrushchev was confronted by American President…

Paul Craig Roberts, Armageddon Is Closer Than You Think

by Paul Craig Roberts The world is facing catastrophe, and there is no awareness.  For years I and Stephen Cohen, while he was still alive,  advised that Washington’s provocations of Russia, including those of its NATO puppet states, were misguided and counter-productive.  Even prior to the fall of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev was open for the Soviet Union to become a cooperating member of the West.  The Russian population had a favorable attitude toward the West and looked forward to Russia’s incorporation into the Western world. The Reagan administration and…

The CIA Thought Putin Would Quickly Conquer Ukraine. Why Did They Get It So Wrong?

James Risen and Ken Klippenstein High-tech surveillance may have blinded the U.S. to how corruption has weakened the Russian military. [Editor’s note: Ukraine, the US, the UK and NATO, have been planning for a Russian incursion since 2014, when the “color revolution” financed with $5b US taxpayer dollars was used to drive out the Russian-friendly president and install a Western stooge, of which Zelensky is only the latest (and most monstrous) iteration. Those included Javelin anti-tank missiles and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, of the kind Osama bin Laden assisted in arming…