Phithx, Why The AshkeNAZIs Hate The Russians

By Phithx As originally Published by the Gibraltar Messenger on October 9, 2024 The Ashkenazi Khazarians are a brutal warlike nation who lived in Khazaria, and between the 8th and 9th centuries AD the entire nation converted to Talmudic Judaism, under orders from their king Bulan. They were so troublesome to the surrounding nations, and particularly to the Christian Russian people, that the Russians finally had enough of them, and drove them out of their homeland Khazaria, which included the territory now called Ukraine. Thus began the Ashkenazi hatred of the Russians and their determination to…

Robert David Steele, Is President Donald Trump’s Re-Election at Risk? YES!

Robert David Steele Note: The invented criminal apartheid genocidal state of Israel is not to be confused with Judiasm. The first is evil, the second is not. It is the Zionist parasite we seek to expel from the US economy, government, and society, not the assimilated Jews, most of whom despise Zionism as much as we do. Robert David STEELE Vivas The President was upset with Fox for its recent poll as reported in New York Magazine, If This Fox News Poll Is Right, Trump Is a Goner. I asked my top…

Dave Martin, Zionism Contradicts Judiasm

Dave Martin New York historian, journalist, and lecturer, Alfred M. Lilienthal, was the leading 20th century American Jewish spokesman against the Zionist project of creating a Jewish state in Palestine. His views gained a wide audience in the United States when his essay, “Israel’s Flag Is Not My Flag,” was published in the September 1949 Reader’s Digest. The following is an excerpt from that article, which was written in the form of a letter to his mother: The plain fact is that we Jews are not a race and we should not…