Bougiecrats are headed for a fall-of-communism-style collapse

Toby Rogers Sensing defeat they are lashing out in all sorts of weird ways Background and context As far back as 2001, Democratic stalwarts John Judis and Ruy Teixeira began making the case, to anyone who would listen, that demographic trends in the U.S. (e.g. immigration and higher birthrates in the Latino population) would lead to a semi-permanent Democratic majority in government. Their book, The Emerging Democratic Majority created a cottage industry of pollsters and political scientists who showed, with fancy charts and graphs, how Democrats, particularly Progressive Democrats, were about to be in…

David Icke, 16 Glaring Parallels Between the 9/11 and COVID Ops

David Icke There are numerous 9/11 COVID similarities to be seen and understood as the world goes ever deeper into Operation Coronavirus. Many nations around the world, including Canada and Australia, are making moves to roll out the next phase of the operation, which involves digital identities, biometrics and digital vaccine certificates (or immunity passports), just as Bill Gates foretold all those months ago. It is imperative that we all understand that this is a far-reaching operation or live exercise designed to fundamentally transform society in alignment with the goals of the New World…