Michael Snyder, They Are Creating The Biggest Witch Hunt In American History

By Michael Snyder   Prior to this pandemic, if you wanted to weed out all of the “troublemakers”, “independent thinkers” and “non-conformists” from our society, how would you have done it?  I suppose that sending everyone a questionnaire asking them what they believe would be one way to do it, but of course a lot of people would give false answers and many others would simply ignore the questionnaire.  Social media profiles contain a wealth of information, but many “non-conformists” are not even on social media and digging through all…

Michael Snyder, A Nation Divided Shall Surely Fall

by Michael Snyder Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.  –John Adams   It is often said that a house divided will surely fall, and the same thing can now be said for the United States as a whole.  If there is anything that this election has made clear, it is the fact that there is little hope of healing the very deep divisions that exist in our country.  Most of those on the political left…

“Lockdown 2.0”: This New Wave Of Lockdowns Will Ensure The U.S. Remains In An Economic Depression Through The 2020 Election

PatriotRising Another wave of lockdowns has begun, and that is really bad news for the U.S. economy.  The first wave of lockdowns resulted in the permanent closing of more than 100,000 U.S. businesses, colossal lines at food banks around the nation, and the loss of tens of millions of jobs.  Needless to say, this new wave of lockdowns will make things even worse, and some are speculating that this is precisely what Democrats want.  If the U.S. economy continues to fall apart as we approach the election in November, the thinking…

Michael Snyder, Now They Are Trying To Tell Us That COVID-19 Is “10 Times More Infectious” Than It Was At The Beginning Of The Pandemic

Michael Snyder If the elite really do intend to use COVID-19 to fundamentally transform our society, they are going to need to continue to find ways to make it sound a lot more scary than it really is.  Over the past couple of weeks, we have been endlessly barraged with news stories that boldly declare that “the second wave” is here, and now we are being told that this coronavirus is “10 times more infectious” than it was when it first started spreading in China. And we are also being…

Michael Snyder, A Lot More Rioting, Looting and Civil Unrest as the U.S. Economy Continues to Crumble

Michael Snyder What we have been witnessing on the streets of Minneapolis is just the beginning.  Our nation is so deeply divided, and a large portion of the population is losing faith in the basic institutions that govern our society.  Personally, I don’t know how anyone can watch the video of what happened to George Floyd without having an emotional reaction.  Police brutality has been a massive problem in the United States for many years, and it has gotten to the point where most of the country no longer has…

Michael Snyder, The Facts That Prove That Almost Everyone Is Wrong About This Coronavirus Pandemic

Michael Snyder [Editor’s note: While agreeing with Michael Snyder that the lockdowns are worthless and even counterproductive, he has it wrong about the vastly greater numbers of persons who have been infected, which establishes that the death rate is minuscule compared to what we have been told. For a nice discussion of this key point, see Del Bigtree Highwire (23 April 2020).] When it comes to COVID-19, most Americans seem to be gravitating toward one of two extremes.  Some are treating this pandemic like it is the end of the…

Snyder, By Impeaching Trump, Dems are Destroying Our Political System and Their Chances In 2020

by Michael Snyder The Democrats probably never imagined that this effort to remove Donald Trump from office would backfire so spectacularly. Yes, it was always a foregone conclusion that they would be able to impeach Trump in the House, but they were expecting that a majority of the American people would rally around them and that simply has not happened. In fact, we just got some brand new numbers that are incredibly good news for President Trump. As you will see below, public support for impeachment continues to fade, and a brand…

Michael Snyder: If Donald Trump Is Impeached, All Hell Will Break Loose In America

Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog Most Americans don’t realize it yet, but in just a few weeks we will witness one of the most critical moments in American history.  Right now the Democrats in the House of Representatives are drafting articles of impeachment, and it is expected that there will be a vote by the end of this year.  If President Trump is impeached by the House, that will set off a chain of events that nobody is going to be able to control, and if the…

Michael Snyder: Now That America Has Given The Crazies Control Of The House, They Plan To Hit Trump With A Wave Of Subpoenas

Michael Snyder This is a very dark moment in American history.  On November 6th, the American people gave the keys to the U.S. House of Representatives to the Democrats, and that means that the crazies will soon be unleashed on Capitol Hill.  They won’t be able to get much legislation pushed through because Republicans still control the Senate and Donald Trump is still in the White House, but they will be able to cause all sorts of chaos with their investigative powers.  If you thought that things were bad the…