Nathan Soloman, US Attack on Yemen Exposes the Lie of Supposed “Rules-Based International Order”

Norman Solomon  Antony Blinken’s lofty rhetoric about “rules” and “rights” is emptier than ever after Biden’s illegal attack on Yemen. Have you heard the one about the U.S. government wanting a “rules-based international order”? It’s a grimly laughable premise, but the nation’s major media outlets routinely take such claims seriously and credulously. Overall, the default assumption is that top officials in Washington are reluctant to go to war, and do so only as a last resort. That framing was in evidence when the New York Times published this sentence at the…

Nuclear War Could Mean Annihilation, But Biden and Congress Are Messing Around

Norman Solomon The Biden administration hasn’t just remained mum about current nuclear war dangers — it’s actively exacerbating them. President Joe Biden and top subordinates have refused to publicly acknowledge the danger of nuclear war — even though it is now higher than at any other time in at least 60 years. Their silence is insidious and powerful, and their policy of denial makes grassroots activism all the more vital for human survival. In the aftermath of the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, President John F. Kennedy was more candid. Speaking at American…