Joachim Hagopian After Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu intentionally sabotaged the recent ceasefire agreement in order to resume his long plotted Rafah campaign last week, Biden halted one shipment of US bombs headed for Israel. The only reason “the pause” on the US weapons latest bomb delivery occurred, was simply to provide an illusion that the Biden regime “cares” about the ongoing Gaza carnage during an election year to stop the bleeding of his political base – young pro-Palestinian protesting voters and the Midwest’s swing state Arab population. Bibi’s response to Biden’s…

Joachim Hagopian, US-Israeli Genocide: Psychopathy on Full Geopolitics Display

Joachim Hagopian Another major news development this week involves Bibi the Butcher’s “chief political foe” (according to CNN), Israel’s former Defense Minister and retired General Benny Gantz as a current member in Netanyahu’s war cabinet. Totally against Bibi’s wishes, Benny at Biden’s behest traveled to Washington to meet on Monday and Tuesday with Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Security Council Advisor Jake Sullivan. All these puppets implored Benny to go back to Israel and convince Bibi his position as head of state will not continue to be…

Joachim Hagopian, Israel’s Rafah Ground Invasion – Zionist War Against Islam Is about to Explode

Joachim Hagopian The deadliest ever Israeli bombardment by land, sea and air on Rafah, Gaza Strip’s southernmost border city, took place while America was sidetracked with Superbowl Sunday festivities. On Sunday Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went on ABC News “This Week” to announce: Victory is within reach. We’re going to do it. We’re going to get the remaining Hamas terrorist battalions in Rafah, which is the last bastion, but we’re going to do it. Then overnight on Monday February 12th, anywhere from over 100 to 164 Palestinians were reportedly murdered by Israeli attacks. International alarm and condemnation of…

Nathan Soloman, US Attack on Yemen Exposes the Lie of Supposed “Rules-Based International Order”

Norman Solomon  Antony Blinken’s lofty rhetoric about “rules” and “rights” is emptier than ever after Biden’s illegal attack on Yemen. Have you heard the one about the U.S. government wanting a “rules-based international order”? It’s a grimly laughable premise, but the nation’s major media outlets routinely take such claims seriously and credulously. Overall, the default assumption is that top officials in Washington are reluctant to go to war, and do so only as a last resort. That framing was in evidence when the New York Times published this sentence at the…


Joachim Hagopian [Editor’s note: Russians Claim: Austin Dead In Ukraine. Report] US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s hospitalization on January 1st resulting from a post-surgery complication from an elective medical procedure was kept quiet to even senior Biden administration leaders, top Pentagon officials and members of Congress. Not even Austin’s boss President Biden knew he was in the hospital. On Friday January 5th, Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Gen. Pat Ryder was forced to admit that the Pentagon was unaware its chief has been a patient all week long at Walter Reed National Military Center. Though unsure of…

Joachim Hagopian, Anglo-American-Zionist Genocidal Agenda Fully Exposed 

Joachim Hagopian [Editor’s note: Plus we now have evidence of the use of nuclear and neutron bombs in Gaza. Recently a far-right Minister declared that nuking Gaza was an option. As Natural News has now reported, shocking new evidence provides scientific proof that that is already happening. See the report by Christopher Busby here for confirmation: Evidence for the use by Israel of a neutron uranium warhead in Palestine and Lebanon by Christopher Busby, What a ghastly development!]   Clearly the US and Israel waging their genocidal war against the…

Joachim Hagopian, Per Puppet Master Plan, US Warship Attacked & Pentagon Boss Austin Slides Us Closer to WW III 

Joachim Hagopian For a look at what the Mainstream Media is reporting, my convenient go-to source is typically Yahoo News that never fails to showcase all the biggest fake news outlets’ latest scripted lies. I ran across the eye-opening click bait headline “Pentagon head rips those advocating ‘American retreat from responsibility,’” featuring a photo of my old West Point squad mate I supervised 51 years ago, the current US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin III. I clicked to draw a closer look at the Sunday December 3rd Associated Press headline declaring “Defense head calls out…

Philip Geraldi, The Damage Israel Does

PHILIP GIRALDI  Constitutional rights and genuine national interests are ignored as governments surrender to Jewish power There are numerous one-liners like “wag-the-dog” that constitute a long running joke about how Israel exploits Jewish power in the United States to limit and control Washington’s options in foreign policy as well as in many other aspects of international interaction. This has been accomplished by a cleverly executed neoconservative takeover of the foreign policy instruments of both major parties based on a series of nonexistent “threats” coupled with media control and billions of…


By Joachim Hagopian Profiting from the wickedness of human enslavement has literally been ongoing for well over four centuries. The English crown, the Rothschild banking cabal and its City of London cartel headquarters have been guilty of money laundered profiteering from both the long booming trades of trafficking both illegal drugs and human slaves. Since Queen Elizabeth I signed the East India Company charter in 1600, for near half a millennium now, the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire’s organized crime monopoly has been allowed to bountifully flourish virtually unblemished, shielded and protected to this very day,…