A Reliable Voting Bloc for Decades, Minorities Now Look for Alternatives to Democrats

By Lawrence Wilson Democrats, at first reluctant to see the problem, are seeking solutions. Their efforts could be too little, too late. Democrats gathered at the state fairgrounds in Columbia, South Carolina, to await the results of their party’s primary election. President Joe Biden, the only candidate to campaign in the state, won handily, as expected. From the podium, Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.), 83, took a call from the chief executive, who thanked South Carolinians for their support. Applause followed, with congratulations all around. As the modest crowd dispersed, Mr. Clyburn…

Gingrich: Biden Committing Greatest-Ever ‘Act of Aggression by an American President Against His Own People’

Newt Gingrich (CNSNews.com) – As President Joe Biden excoriates millions of Americans as “MAGA Republicans” “extremists,” “semi-fascists” and threats to democracy — something he’s likely to do again tonight in his so-called “soul of the nation” speech — former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says Biden’s sneering insults stem from “terror.” Gingrich, speaking to Fox News Wednesday night, noted that more than 70 million Americans voted for Donald Trump in the last election. “To have a president of the United States characterize half of his country in the way that Joe…