Patrick J. McShay, Is The Government Being Weaponized Against Us?

Patrick J. McShay “Get your preps ready, learn how to defend yourself and your family, and don’t forget to pray” — Marcus Allen – FBI Whistleblower testifying to Congress last week “This will be the last real election if Trump doesn’t win. Once Democrats control America there will be no escape” — Elon Musk Americans must be asking themselves, just who is running the country? I don’t think anyone believes that Joe Biden or Kamala Harris are making any bigger decisions than what they’ll have for dinner tonight. I’ve always thought…


Joachim Hagopian Within hours after last Saturday’s alleged attempted assassination against Donald Trump at the Butler, Pennsylvania campaign rally, the number of unanswered questions surrounding this event multiply exponentially. This apparent failed assassination story just keeps growing more bizarre and questionable every day since July 13th. Though within hours I wrote an article entitled “America’s Lawless Mafia to Take Out Trump – Another Inside Job?” based on the initial anomalies that made little sense. But hourly more evidence is emerging that only raise more questions of disbelief unless this was another planned,…

William de Berg, Assassination Talk Is in the Air

William de Berg “The protective shield that all democracies and social orders rely on – legitimacy of the governing body, some level of elite responsibility, the willingness of citizens to view their neighbors in a civic way – is in an advanced stage of decline or collapse.  … It’s quite possible that the powder keg that America’s sitting on will explode over the course of 2024.” –  Dr. Larry Jacobs, University of Minnesota [1] 2024 is already starting out as the most volatile in modern presidential history.   The rhetoric—and violence—has…

Patrick J. McShay, Joe Biden: America’s Puppet Dictator

Patrick J. McShay “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech” — Benjamin Franklin – Founding Father, Statesman, Author, and Diplomat “Take away the highfalutin talk about countering hate and reducing harm and anti-disinformation is just a bluntly elitist gatekeeping exercise” — Matt Taibbi – Best Selling Author and Investigative Journalist “Liberty as we all know cannot flourish in a country that is permanently on a war footing, or even a near war footing. Permanent crisis justifies permanent control over everybody and…

Joachim Hagopian, Are Courts Overturning Biden Regime Violating 1st, 2nd and Potential 14th Amendments?

Joachim Hagopian A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.                                                                                                                          …

Paul Craig Roberts, The Disappearance of Integrity from the Western World

Paul Craig Roberts The Disappearance of Integrity from the Western World Comments on the accelerating collapse of the United States. By 2030 or thereabouts, the United States will have the most tyrannical government and society that has ever existed on Earth.  No one who represents the people and their morality is tolerated by the Satanic Evil that has America by the throat.  If you think this is hyperbole, Ask yourself, why not allow the American people in place of a tiny biased Democrat jury, to decide Trump’s innocence or guilt…

Victor David Hanson, Save the Rule of Law by Destroying It?

Victor Davis Hanson Some truths are so staggering in their ramifications that Americans simply shrug and tune them out as if strangers in a strange land. Is their current bewilderment because modernist America is unrecognizable —a nonexistent border, downtown homeless juxtaposed to hipster professional elites, DEI racial essentialism, cities reverting to pre  civilizational wastelands, millions exiting blue states to red, an FBI and DOJ gone rogue, the normalization of violent theft and assault, biologically born men sandbagging women’s sports and their locker room privacy? We are reaching the point where…

Sundance, Bill Barr Refuses to Say if He Assisted the Jack Smith Targeting of Donald Trump

Sundance  Bill Barr enjoys talking about the weaponized DOJ as if the DOJ was not weaponized.  Bill Barr is a very dangerous figure in the government weaponization process, and he had a lot of people fooled for a long time.  Fortunately, he didn’t fool me and many of you remember exactly why. Additionally, during my 2020 trip to DC, it was specific suspicions about Bill Barr that necessitated going directly into the system.  Through research and eventually a stroke of luck, I was able to trace the people Attorney General Barr…

Roger Kimball, Poetic Justice for the Biden ‘Ministry of Truth’

By Roger Kimball At some point in this column, I have probably had occasion to quote these famous lines from Walter Scott’s poem “Marmion”: “Oh, what a tangled web we weave When first we practice to deceive.”  In another, better world, I like to think, the Bidens and their protectors and puppet masters would ruefully be contemplating Scott’s admonitory observation. In this world, however, I suspect that—until quite recently, anyway—they had smugly sided with J.R. Pope’s sly amendment to Scott’s moralizing couplet: “But when we’ve practiced for a while  How vastly we…

Sundance, The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection

Sundance The Ring of Truth – “I am too well accustomed to the taking of evidence not to detect the ring of truth.” 1908, Edith Wharton Much has been made of the events of January 6, 2021, and with the latest broadcast of CCTV video from inside the Capitol Hill complex, more questions have been raised. Within the questions: the FBI and government apparatus had advanced knowledge of the scale of the J6 mall assembly yet doing nothing?  Why were the Capitol Hill police never informed of the FBI concerns?  Why didn’t…